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llA b Complete \Viril adverbs [[om rh ese adjectives.

a Adjecrive o r adverh? @ the COf rect form o bad careful easy fa st good
hard f ashionable perfect quiet
People drive rea lly dallgerolls I angerollsl
He wrote clow n rhe phone number carefl/L/ careflllly. The buses and trains in Malmó eun peifectly when ir snows.
2 My neighbor's ch ildren aren'( very polite I politely. 1 Ca n yo u ralk ,please? I'm rrying ro sleep.
3 My niece plays rhe piano beautiflllj beautifidly. 2 Don'r drive when ir 's rainin g.
4 Fa st fo a d is incredibly lmhealthy fUllhealthily. 3 I don'r like rhe ocean because I can'r sw im very _ _ __
5 Old people ofren walk very slow I slowly. 4 She picked up rhe baby and pur him in
6 1 boughr a reall really cheap hag at rhe sale. the bathtu b.
7 My friend sings very Bood I well . S We're working because we have an exa m.
8 My sister spea ks Spanish perfect I perfectly. 6 I always dress when 1go ro a parry.
9 We \Vear casual! casually cloches ro \York . 7 \Ve played in the semifinal game and we losr 5- 1.
10 T he view from rhe tap is illcredible I ilLcredib ly beautiful. 8 She was the besr at hlete so she won the race ____

-c: p.85

118 b G rh e correct formo

a Complete rh esentences with the infinitive for m of a verb from rhe lisr. 1 hate fly e o 1usually travd by train.
\Vould you like have! to llave dinner w irh
be buy caU climb drive ge t married me ronighr?
go leave pass see stay 2 My grandmorher learned to drive! drivillB
when she was 62 .
Sam laves Africa. He wants to climb Mounr Kilimanjaro.
3 I'd li ke to travel! traveliltB arollnd Asia.
1 Ilearned a car when I was 17. I passed my test the first time!
4 llike relax! relaxinB on weekends.
2 Our refrigeraror is broken. \Ve need a new one.
5 D o you wanr to play! playiltB soccer?
3 I wouldn't like famous.l'm happy the way I am now.
6 He's hopi ng to have! haviuB more rime when
4 He promised his girlfr iend after work.
he rerires.
5 T he wearher was rerrible. \Ve decided ar horneo
7 Most people hate to BO f BoinB to the dentist.
6 My friend wou ld Like Radiohead live. She Laves them.
8 I lave to read! readillB derective srories.
7 T hey're planning . T heir wedd in g is on July 12th.
9 Lt 's cold. You need tvea r f to tvear a coat.
8 1 studied hard last week.l hope the exam.
10 My mom does n't like to cookf cookillB'
9 D o you like animal s? Would you like on a safari?
10 She's enj oy in g the party. She doesn't wal1t _ _ __ -c: p.86
11C b Complete with the, a f an, or - .

a G the correct word or phrase. ª

I'm go ing to buy new laprop next week.
1 \\lhar time do you finish __ work?
How much t ime do you spend on Internet tite Interne
2 \Ve usually go ro rhe mov ies once __ momh.
1 My brother is at col/eBe! at the colleBe studyin g math.
3 __ children behaved very badly yesterday.
2 I'd li ke Clip 01 tea f a ClIp 01 tea, please.
4 Lorena doesn't like __ dogs.
3 We're goin g ro visir my aunt Oll tveekend I on the tveekend.
5 [ wal1t ro be __ engineerw hen [finish studying.
4 We have English classes t\Vice a tveekl t\Vice tveek.
6 __ sun carne out so we went for a wa lk.
5 Ilove read ing novels I tite nove/s.
7 Ca n you pass __ sa lt , please?
6 Yolanda is best I tite best stud ent in our class.
8 My mom chose __ most expe nsive dessert.
7 My mom 's la\Vyer I a la\Vyer.
9 Lasr year, \Ve went on vacari on by __ rrain.
8 He's the /Han f a mall that 1 rold you about yesterd ay.
10 Thi s is Joa nne . She's __ very good friendo
9 Can you open a door I thedoor for me, please?
10 He had breakfastf the breakfast late thi s mornin g. -c: p.89
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