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British Culture


• What do you know about

the UK?
• Label the correct
countries of the
United Kingdom
National Identity
• People from England, Scotland, and
Wales are “British.”
• Only people from England are
• Many people don’t want to be part
of the U.K. nowadays.
Overview of Culture
• Multi-cultural country
• Traditionally Christian
• Liberal democracy
– But also monarchy
• Arts, culture, and science
• Manners are extremely important in
everyday life in the U.K.
• People aspire to be “gentlemen” or
People usually shake hands
• Regardless of gender
• Firm, but not too strong
In England, people might say, “How do you do?”
• British people like to be on time, and can’t
stand it when guests are late.
• If you will be 5 minutes late, you should
call to warn the person.
• Always apologize if you are late.
Meeting People
• British people are generally open-
• We don’t discriminate against
foreigners or people of different
• We try to try men and women
• We never stare at people because
they are different.
• What do you know about
British food?
• These days, British people enjoy
food from all over the world.
• However, we still enjoy traditional
foods sometimes.
• British people are proud to know
how to cook, and how to serve a
well-presented dinner.
Table Manners
• Table
manners in
the U.K. can
• Watch and
Table Manners
• Always wait until everyone is seated
before you eat.
• Never make loud noises!
• Maintain polite conversation
throughout dinner.
• Thank your host after dinner.
• Cover your mouth while coughing or
• Always wash your hands.
• Never spit! It’s disgusting!
• Always throw your trash away
responsibly and leave areas clean.
Small Talk
• What do you think it is acceptable
to talk about in the U.K.?
• What is unacceptable?
Small Talk
- Introductions, eg "Hello. May I introduce myself? My name is
- Travel, eg "Did you manage to find here OK?" or "Did you have
a good journey?"
- Family, eg "How is your family?" (but only if you already know
about the person's family)
- Hospitality, eg "Can I get you something to eat or drink?"
- The weather, eg "It's a lovely day today, isn't it?"
- Holidays, eg "Are you going anywhere this weekend?" or "Are
you going anywhere on holiday this year?"
- Nature, eg "The garden looks lovely, doesn't it?"
- Pets, eg "What a lovely dog. What is his name?" (British people
love dogs or cats)
- General news, eg "What do you think about the recent floods?"
(but safer to avoid gossip and politics)
- Films, eg "Have you seen the film Bridget Jones's Diary?"
- Television, eg "Did you see The X Factor last night?"
Small Talk
- Music, eg "What sort of music do you like?"
- Books, eg "Have you read any good books recently?" (but
only if you know the person likes reading)
- Sport, eg "Have you been watching Wimbledon?" (note that
many British people, especially men, enjoy talking about
- Hobbies, eg "What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?"
- Business, eg "How's your business going?" (but only ask if
you know the person has a business)
- Studies, eg "What are you studying?" (but only ask if you
know the person is a student)
- Work, eg "What sort of work do you do?"
- Food, eg "I had a lovely Chinese meal last night - do you like
Chinese food?"
- General matters about the person you are talking to, eg "Have
you lived in this area long?"
- General matters on subjects that you know that interests the
person you are talking to, eg cars, film stars etc
Don’t Discuss:
- Age, eg "How old are you?"
- Appearance or weight, eg "You seem to have put on
some weight"
- Personal gossip about somebody you know
- Jokes that might offend (especially sexist or racist
- Money, eg "How much do you earn?"
- Sex (some people have strong religious views
about this, or are embarrassed by the subject)
- Previous or current relationships, eg "Do you have
a girlfriend?"
- Politics, eg "Who did you vote for at the last
- Religion, eg "Do you believe in God?"
- Criticisms or complaints, eg "Why is British food so
• British people care very deeply
about queuing, and we get angry if
someone cuts in line
• When you visit the U.K., you must
respect the queue!

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