Eng 6-Summative Test-Q3

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Third Quarter

No. of Item
Learning Competencies Percentage
Items Placement
1. Clarify meaning of words using dictionaries and
10 1-10 40%
2. Inferring meaning of borrowed words using
15 11-25 60%
Total Number of Items 25 20 100%

Key to Correction

1. D 14. Disagree
2. A 15. Unattentive
3. E 16. Tele (television)
4. B 17. Un (uninteresting)
5. c 18. Tele (telegram)
6. fänt 19. Mis (mistakes)
7. noun (n.) 20. Un (unhappy)
8. Yes 21. dis (disappeared)
9. B 22. un (uncertain)
10. A 23. tele (telescope)
11. Disable 24. re (repacked)
12. Impossible 25. Re (return)
13. Undecided
Third Quarter
A. Read the statements below. Using a thesaurus, find the synonym of the underlined
word. Choose your answer inside the box and write the letter of the correct answer.

a. clear; open; unclogged d. shrink; compress

b. firm; tight e. assort; break down
c. tide

______ 1. Many substances expand when heated and contract when cooled.
______ 2. The ship ran free in the ocean.
______ 3. The landscaper came to grade the yard.
______ 4. Self-discipline requires that we hold fast to the rules
______ 5. The ocean’s current ran swiftly.

B. Read the dictionary entry inside the word box and answer the questions. Write your
answer on the blank.

font / fänt/ n. 1. A receptacle for holy water; 2. Source or fountain

font / fänt/ n. an assortment or set of type all of one size and style

26. Write the way the word should be pronounced. _______________________________

27. What is its part of speech?
28. Does it have one or more than one meaning? _________________________________

C. Write the letter that gives the same meaning conveyed in each sentence.

help / help / v.
a. To get assistance or support to
b. To serve with food or drinks especially at a meal

______ 9. The hosts tells his guests to help themselves.

______ 10. My mother helps me with my homework.

D. Use the prefixes dis-, im-, un- to complete the thought of the second sentence by
supplying the correct word with the correct prefix. The italicized, bold expressions
are the clues.
11. The princess was not able to satisfy the second witch. The second witch was
12. The curse was quite not possible to solve. It seemed _________________________.
13. The prince couldn’t decide to marry. He’s still _______________________________.
14. The queen did not seem to agree with her son’s plan. She wanted to
_______________________ but could not stop him.
15. The princess was not attentive to the prince. The princess was _____________________.

E. Read the story. Use the prefixes in the word box to write the missing prefixes.

un- tele- dis- re- mis-

As usual, the Little Prince of Mars sat in front of his big-screen 16. _____vision.
“This life is very 17._______interesting,” he thought. Just then, he heard a knock at the
door, a messenger handed him a 18._______gram. “There must be some
19.______takes,” said the Little Prince. But when he opened the envelope, he was
surprised. The 20. ______happy frown on his face 21.______appeared. He was going on
a trip to the stars! The Little Prince was 22.________certain what to pack. He dashed for
his 23.______scope and magic crystal kit. He packed and 24.______packed his star travel
bag until everything fit. Someday, he would 25._____turn to his own planet, but until
then, he was ready for an adventure in the stars.

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