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Academic year: 2020-2021

Semester:  First *** Second  Summer

1. Program: MBA
2. Track:
3. Course Code: B 716 (Part A)

4. Course Title: Management: perspective and practices

5. Course Credits: 8 credits

6. Pre-requisites: N/A

7. General Course Coordinator, GCC: Dr. Saher EL-Annan

8. Branch Course Coordinator, BCC: Dr. Saher EL-Annan

9. Instructor/ Tutor: Dr. Saher EL-Annan

Text Book (s):

Unit 1: Exploring management Unit 2: Managing people and organizations Unit 3: Managing financial resources and performance.
Unit 4 Managing Marketing. Unit 5: Managing Operations
Each of these units will have its own Study Guide which will: Signpost and tell the story of the unit , Integrate the units with each other
and with the overall course, Provide integrative activities, Encourage critical analysis of course content

1. Other Educational Resources (periodicals, software, Course webpage, etc.):

The course is presented through workbooks and CD-ROMs, guest speakers from different industries, and international
journals for case practices.

Course Description (Module Specification):

This course is Stage 1 of the Arab Open University's Master of Business Administration (MBA) postgraduate-level. Learners will be
studying different ways to think about understanding organizations and approaches to managing the people who work within them. The
theories and models in this course look at the organizational context (the ‘organization’, the ‘context’ and the ‘wider environment’ of)
and help you to begin to answer the question: How does my organization context and environment affect my management practice?

Unit 1:Exploring management welcomes you to the module and offers you key issues to consider in your studies of management. This
period includes a day-long induction workshop (or its online equivalent), which introduces you to the module. This unit:
 provides an overview of management thinking, which will be detailed in later units
 prepares you for your study of the module, introducing the themes of critical analysis and reflective practice and the roles of
organisational stakeholders, amongst other ideas
 sets the scene for considering your role as a manager, especially in light of the influences, complexities and dilemmas
surrounding issues of power and politics and organisational change.
Unit 2:Managing people and organisations shows that organisations are rich and complex entities in which many interactions,
relationships and processes are played out daily. This unit:
 helps you to understand the effect of organisational design, culture and behaviour on work performance
 introduces you to theories about relationships at work, including ideas about motivation, job roles, working in groups,
developing people and improving organisational performance
 explores the issues and implications of professional identity and diversity in management, as well as reward, training and
recruitment, and ethical managing.
Unit 3: Managing financial resources and performance covers the basics of accounting and finance. This unit:
 explains the tools that are used to analyse an organisation’s performance from the internal stakeholder point of view (cost
management and budgeting) and from the external stakeholder point of view (financial reporting and ratio analysis)
 investigates budgeting, cost management, and full and marginal costing
 explains the financial report and ratios, by exploring examples from real organisations.
EBI introduction
The EBI introduction is a two-week period of work that introduces the main components of your Evidence-based initiative, which you
will undertake toward the end of the module. These two weeks:
 help to you to explore topics of interest and importance in your work context and professional practice
 provide you with information on the initiative process and prepare you for developing key pieces of your assessment
 develop your understanding of the use of evidence in your practice.
Unit 4: Managing marketing introduces you to a range of marketing concepts and techniques, leading to an appreciation and
understanding of the role of marketing. This unit:
 encourages you to learn from the integration of theory and practice to develop your understanding of the marketing function
in organisations
 helps you to understand and critically assess the role of marketing in creating value and meaningful exchanges for a wide

range of target audiences (consumers, organisations, employees, society) in a variety of contexts.
Unit 5: Managing operations will take you on a brief journey into the world of operations by developing your understanding of the
operations function, its strategic importance for organisations in general, and the main roles and responsibilities of managers involved
in operations. This unit:
 develops your understanding of the operations function from an integrative perspective
 engages you with core operations management concepts and practices that are regularly adopted by organisations around the
 addresses the main managerial approaches to improving the performance of operations as well as some contemporary issues
challenging organisations in our globalised world.
EBI period
The EBI period is time set aside for you to undertake your Evidence-based initiative. You will also attend the residential or online
school at the start of this period. The module materials:
 provide further guidance on how to undertake your EBI
 provide opportunities to discuss your EBI with your fellow tutor group colleagues
 prepare you to report on your learning from the EBI for assessment.
Exam revision period
The exam revision period is time set aside for you to prepare for taking your final examination for the module. You will be provided
with further guidance, as well as group and individual activities to enhance your revision techniques and preparation for the exam. This
period includes a day-long workshop (or its online equivalent) dedicated to exam preparation.
2. Course Aims / Objectives:

Key learning outcomes from the course:

 Develop your understanding of the core and current frameworks, theories and tools and to assess their relevance to the
issues of twenty-first century leading and managing
 Increase your awareness of different perspectives on, and approaches to, managing and leading in different organizational
and cultural contexts
 Develop your ability to engage critically with management frameworks, theories and tools helping you to select and adapt
techniques and approaches appropriate to own management context, in order to shape your own management practice
 Develop your awareness of the wider global context in which business and management takes place, and increase your
ability to work confidently across sectorial and national boundaries .

3. Course Assessment:
Assessment Type Number Weight

TMA 1 30%
TMA 1 30%
Final 1 40%

Total 3 100%

Tutorial plans Weekly tutorials are planned based on the weekly reading list/Course Calendar, which follows an integrated
approach (units for covering the course material. There are five units in B 716-I-

Wee Date Topics Covered CILOs Teaching Assessment

k Method

1 Tutor must cover the following LO of each Weekly Inform students about B
session: scheduled face- 716-A- grade distribution
to-face tuition And Home preparation,
The five units of which the course is composed Harvard Referencing Guide,
Tutorial, Tutor-
of , intends to integrate cases and activities that and Expecting Performance
bring together the themes introduced in the marked
units. Students will be required to discuss and assignments
(TMAs) and A range of multimedia
reflect on these case studies and activities either
during the tutorial sessions or in the TMAs. feedback from material, including CDs and
Discussion in class will allow students to tutors on these DVDs.Weekly scheduled
exchange their own views with their classmates written face-to-face tuition (tutorial
and tutors. sessions). Tutor-marked
The TMAs are developed in a manner that assignments (TMAs) and
encourages students to search for information Final
Examinations. feedback from tutors on
and develop thinking skills (holistic, integrative
Video, Invited these written assignments.
and critical) and show deeper understanding of
some technically detailed topics and use guest, Group Final Examinations. As the
qualitative and quantitative information for activities, course progresses, the
problem solving and decision making. Some of &Round table cognitive skills are sign-

these TMAs use case studies from the real discussion posted and students are
world of business, and students are required to offered an opportunity to
analyze these case studies to arrive at practical practice them in association
recommendations for strategic actions. with the Perspectives and
The weekly scheduled face-to-face tutorial
sessions will offer a student the opportunity to TMAs. The sessions of Unit
work as a member of a group during the 1 and 2 of the course are
discussions of in-class activities. Most of the linked by Perspectives books
TMAs assigned in this course will require that challenge the presented
students to work independently, but some theories and concepts and
TMAs are designed to be a group project. Guest encourage students to
speakers from regionally successful businesses
engage in critical analysis.
will be invited to address students about their
experiences with project management and Throughout the study
change implementation. sessions of the course,
Field visits to local successful businesses will theories and concepts are
be organized periodically for students to learn supported by real-life
from the senior managers of these businesses examples, and students are
about performance improvement and the encouraged to apply these
implementation and management of change.
theories and concepts to
Intended learning outcomes Identifying learning
needs and design development plans to address their current work in the
them. form of class activities and
The ability to communicate effectively as a to reflect on these theories
manager with staff and colleagues at all levels and concepts. These
and areas of an organization activities will be carried out
Work effectively with others with openness and during the tutorial sessions
sensitivity to diversity
to develop students’ abilities
Plan and manage your work and study time
Develop an awareness of the impact of your to think analytically and to
own thinking and behavior and a use this as the work in small groups. The
basis for developing your professional and attendance of these tutorials
personal competences during B716 I is mandatory for all enrolled
Knowledge and understanding students in the course.
To achieve this knowledge and understanding,
you will need to develop key cognitive skills at
Masters level:
At the end of the course, students are expected
to: The skills of students to
A1. To acquire knowledge and understanding work independently and
of the major theories and approaches of communicate effectively
organizations. will be developed through
A2. To understand the critiques of and key small group activities during
debates within the study of business and face-to-face tutorial sessions
management mentioned above and in the
A3. To Know the complex and interrelated TMAs.
nature of organisations and management
practice; the critiques of and key debates within The TMAs in this course are
the study of business, marketing, organisational developed in a manner that
behaviour, accounting and finance, operations, requires students to apply
and management; and the global context in the knowledge they gained
which business and management is practised from the course to the
Cognitive skills organizations in which they
In order to be able to apply the cognitive skills, work. This component of the
you will need to develop your capacity to learn course assessments is
in and from familiar and unfamiliar situations. intended to help students to
B1. Analysing and synthesising key concepts carry out empirical
and frameworks with clarity and critical investigations and integrate
reflection differing management
B2. Drawing appropriately as a manager on approaches and concepts.
both academic and practitioner knowledge Students will benefit from
B3. Evaluate and compare possible courses of the feedback from their
action and make appropriate decisions in the tutors on their written work.
light of the context in which you are managing To support the development
Practical and professional skills of students’ skills with the
These are closely linked to the main functional use of information
topics of the course identified in the knowledge technology, students will be
outcomes above and will involve you in: required to use the course
C1. Identifying learning needs and design online forum and the AOU
development plans to address them. Learning Management
C2. The ability to communicate effectively as a System (LMS). The use of
manager with staff and colleagues at all levels these two mediums will
and areas of an organisation provide students with a
C3. Develop an awareness of the impact of your virtual environment which
own thinking and behaviour. allows them to improve their

Key transferable skills involve: computer skills and share
D1 Confidence in applying business and knowledge and discuss
management numeracy skills and quantitative course-related problems with
analysis their tutors as well as with
D2  Skills of finding, recording and using other students.
information, data and evidence effectively –
drawing competently on relevant professional
and academic literatures
D3 Skills of  independent inquiry, investigation
and on-going reflection on your own learning in
D4 Using a variety of communication media The overall grade assigned
effectively to this course consists of 100
 the ability to work both independently and marks.. These marks are
as a member of a team divided between tutor-
D5 Work independently, reflecting on own marked assignments 2
actions and thoughts, and making effective use (TMAs) (60 marks) and
of constructive feedback, and the usage of key final, end-of-course
skills for the use of information technology. examination (40 marks).
Students must at least earn
Learning Outcomes of unit I: At the end of the letter grade C+ to pass
this unit you should be able to: the course.

 Navigate your way around themodule website

and know where key resources are located
 Identify some key areas you would like to
focus on in your studies of the module
 Identify how reflective practice applies to your
managing role and the activities you perform
 Develop an understanding of the academic
skill of critical analysis
 Identify and map important stakeholders
within an organisational context, including
your own
 Understanding how a political framework can
be used to analyse complex issues – for
example, the way power is exercised in
organisations – and apply this to your own
organisational context
Unit I:
 Apply different change management
Raelin’s reflective skills”
approaches to analyse change management
practices, including those in your own
Unit I:
Chapter1-  Demonstrate an appreciation that even if
Perspectives and change is presented as ‘the right thing to do’,
practice those who oppose it may have equally valid
Feb. Session 1.1: perspectives, and that there are many ways to
Traditional theories bring about change in oganizations.
2021 of management
Session 1.2: Unit I: Activity: 1.1, Getting started with
Management as a B716
science versus Get acquainted with the website and its
management as an art resources Read the Module Guide
Introduce yourself to your tutor and fellow
students in the Tutor Group Forum (TGF)
Consider what you want to learn in this module
Session 1.4:
(includes self-assessment)
Recognizing your
role as a manager

2 March Chapter 2: The Activity: 1.1, Task B TMA 0I

6, 2021 manager’s The purpose of this task is to let students and Discuss (case Study) and
environment tutor know a little bit about you, your work Receiving TMA 01
Session 2.1: context, and your hopes and your hopes and And Feedback
Stakeholder analysis ambitions for your study. You should therefore
and management outline your current role and previous
session 2.2: experience and to give some interesting facts
Identifying and about yourself, e.g., interests and hobbies that
mapping an you wish to share say something about why you
organization’s have decided to embark on an MBA, what your
stakeholders career aspirations are and what you are
Session 2.3: expecting from this first module. You might
Analyzing an also want to share some of the feelings you have
organization’s about embarking on B716 – hopes, fears,

stakeholders ambitions, etc
Activity 1.2
•Learn about critical thinking and expectations
for studying B716.
Activity 1.3
Session 2.5: Power •Read Chapter 1 of Book 1.
and Politics at Work. Session 2 Activity 2.2
•Map stakeholders in your work context.
•Critique the models.
Activity 2.3
•Learn about two tools for analysing an
organisation’s environment:◦SWOT (Strengths,
Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats
◦PESTLE (Political, Economic, Sociological,
Technological, Legal, Environmental. .
•Learn more about and analyse the environment
of a common information resource

3 March Chapter 3: Change Session 3.1 Activity: 1.2 on critical Thinking

13, at work
2021 Session 3.1 Learn about critical thinking and expectations
Positioning change– for studying B716
fantasy or reality?
Change at work
Session 3.2
Attempting to
understand change
4 March Session 3.3
20, Modelling change

5 March Unit II: Introduction Unit II: Students should listen to an audio
27, to managing people welcome from the B716 co-chairs, Dr Kristen
2021 and organization Reid and Dr Caroline Clarke. This unit is
Chapter I: concerned specifically with managing people
Understanding and organisations; topics that encompass a
organizations number of areas of study, which we hope you
Session 1.1: will find both interesting and illuminating:
Organizational 'Understanding’ organisations (structure and
context different forms of control), culture, motivation
Session 1.2: and identities, groups and teams, human
Organizational resources and diversity, reward and new ways
of working
Activity: 1.2 Perspectives and Practices
6 April 3, Chapter 2: Working Activity: 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 students motivations Cutoff Date TMA 01
2021 with people
Session 2.1: Read an article on motivation by Tony Watson
Motivation and from chapter 2 book 2, and Consider how these
issues relate to your own practice and work
Chapter 3:
Managing people context and your views as a student
Session 3.1 The
development of
7 April Read from Chapter 1 of Book 3: Managing TMA 02 (case Study)
10, Unit III: financial resources and performance
2021 Introduction to Session 3 Activity: 1.2, 1.2, 1.3, and 1.5
Managing Financial •Learn about the budgeting process and how it
Resources and
Performance is used in organisations.•Review some
Managing financial challenges associated with the budgeting
resources and process. Learn about tools organisations use to
performance analyse costs, including full costing and
Chapter I: Budgets marginal costing.
and Management
costing tools
Session 1.1: Budget:
a planning and
control tool

8 April Session 1.2: Little quiz on •budgets •cost management Returning TMA 01
17, Budgetary methods •marginal costing and break-even analysis to students
Session 1.3: Costing


9 April In each chapter you will find examples to help

22, Session 2.4: The illustrate the concepts being explained. There
2021 Cash Flow Statement are worked examples of fictitious organizations
and their finances. These examples are cued in
the text by the use of a vertical line in
the left-hand margin. There are also extracts
from the real financial reports of one for-profit
organization (HeidelbergCement) and one not-
for-profit organisation (International Committee
of the Red Cross – the ICRC). You
will find these extracts in shaded boxes in the
main text.

10 April1 Unit IV: The sessions in Unit 4 cover well-established

29, Introduction to frameworks by which marketing professionals
2019 Managing and managers seek to achieve the marketing
objectives and success of their organizations.
Chapter I:
Understanding You will learn about the stages by which
customers products (defined here as goods and services)
Session 1.1: The are developed and about the approaches
nature of value and organizations use to continue successful
exchange, market relationships with their customers
segmentation and
targeting Unit IV Session 4.1: Understanding your
Session 1.2: customers Activity 1.1 •Read Chapter 1 of
Understanding Book 4.•Note how the concepts apply to your
consumer buying own organizational context. Activity 1.
behavior and market •Investigate the marketing approaches of a well-
research known company.
•Apply the notion of market segments to B2B
contexts. Activity 1.1
Session 1.4: The •Read Chapter 1 of Book 4.
crucial Role of •Note how the concepts apply to your own
Customer organisational context.
Satisfaction and Activity 1.2
Emotion •Investigate the marketing approaches of a well-
known company.
•Apply the notion of market segments to B2B
•Apply the notion and frameworks of customer
behaviour to B2B contexts.
•Add examples to the B716 Resources wiki.

11 May 5, Chapter 2:The Activity 2.2 •Analyse the case study ‘Cola TMA 02
2021 organisation – Wars’. Cut-off
marketing strategy,
planning and •Activity 2.6 Learn about how marketing
roles concepts are applied in SME contexts.
Session 2.1: •Develop an understanding of marketing in non-
Marketing strategy – profit organisations.
markets, products •Develop an understanding of social marketing
and competitors approaches.
Session 2.2: Market
positioning and

12 May Unit V Introduction Unit V, you will learn about:

12, 021 to Managing •the purpose of the operations function and the
Operations role of managers involved with operations
Chapter 1: activities in your organisation
Understanding •how you can make use of key operations tools
operations and techniques in your work practice
session 1.1: •how your organisation can use its operations
Understanding and supply chain function to reduce costs and
operations add value for your organisation’s customers.
management and the
operations function Activity 1.1 •Do some preliminary thinking
about the types of activities that are part of the
Operations function. •Read a chapter from Book
5. •Listen to audio of an operation’s manager

describing his role. •Consider how your role
applies to the Operations function.

13 May Session 1.2: Strategic Activity 1.2 •Read two sections of Book 5. Returning TMA 02
19, dimension and •Analyse the ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ technologies – to students and feedback
2021 objectives of and their potential benefits and weaknesses - The overall grade assigned
operations used in an innovative restaurant. to this course consists of 100
marks. These marks are
divided between tutor-
marked assignments 2
(TMAs) (60 marks) and
final, end-of-course
examination (40 marks).
Students must at least earn
the letter grade C+ to pass
the course.
14 May Chapter 2: Activity 1.4 •Analyse the performance of an
26, Managing organisation in a short case study.•Critique the
2021 Operations model based on academic evidence
session 2.1:
Operations design
Activity 3.3
•Develop criteria for measuring the performance
of your organisation in terms of the value
customers place on its products.
•Assess aspects of your organisation’s
performance against its competitors.
•Use a performance-importance matrix to assess
your organisation’s performance
15 June Final Exam

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