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Fall is here

Oh yes, I’m super pumped

There is nothing truly better
My heart just kind of jumped.

School is slowing down

I’m not going to lie
I feel like I can finally breathe
I don’t always want to cry.

There’s still more to come

I know that for sure
But I’m trying to take a second
Because this moment is a cure.

I’m taking time for myself

Finally getting some sleep
Working out a little
My breaths are getting deep.

This week was a little hard though

I learned a lot of new things
It’s hard to accept
That some people are hanging by strings.

I want to be part of the change

I want to help those with no voice
Because no one deserves less
Everyone should have the choice.

Assault was a difficult topic

I tried to hold it in
But the emotions were overwhelming
Sent chills through my skin.

My heart goes to the victims

I want to help so much
I can’t even imagine
Being frightened by just a touch.

I have the ability

To help those with no hope
Make them feel loved,
Even when they can’t cope.
We can see the signs
Bring them to light
Support and let them know
They aren’t alone in their fight.

I have to understand
Not everyone will want the change
It’s hard to break away
When normalcy seems so strange.

Offering up myself
Being as kind as possible
Is absolutely needed
Regardless if change seems impossible.

Trafficking is another topic

That truly breaks my heart
I just don’t understand
How someone could even take part.

Boys and girls alike

They are both in danger
Subjected to the horrors
Being violated by a stranger.

I hope for the future

That this goes away
I can’t even begin to imagine
What would happen if this were to stay.

Elections are here

That has been rough
Friends are breaking up
It’s kind of been tough.

This country needs change though

No doubt about that
Too many people are feeling
Like they are just a doormat.

I want to hold hope

Because tomorrow will come
It might not be great
But nothing we can’t overcome.
I’m thankful for life
And how it has played out
Regardless of what happens
I won’t be consumed with doubt.

Staying happy for today

Because that’s something I can control
Putting a smile on my face
I’m being kind to my soul.

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