Comparison of Different PV Power Simulation Softwares Case Study On Performance Analysis of 1 MW Grid-Connected PV Solar Power Plant

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International Journal of Engineering Science Invention (IJESI)

ISSN (Online): 2319 – 6734, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 6726 ||Volume 7 Issue 7 Ver II || July 2018 || PP 11-24

Comparison of different PV power simulation softwares: case

study on performance analysis of 1 MW grid-connected PV solar
power plant
Najibhamisu Umar1*, Birinchi Bora2, Chandan Banerjee2, B. S. Panwar1
Sharda University,Greater Noida (NCR, Delhi) - 201306, INDIA
National Institute of Solar Energy, Gurugram, India
Corresponding auther: Najibhamisu Umar

Abstract:Several simulation softwares have been developed to simulate and optimize photovoltaic system.
Engineers and Researchers used these simulation tools for sizing of PV power plant, pre-feasibility analysis,
and optimization, technical and economic analysis in order to avoid system over-size, poor reliability, and high
installation cost. In this paper, 10 simulation softwares with their main features and developers of these tools
are discussed, the softwares studied are SAM, PVsyst, HOMER, PV*SOL, RETScreen, Solarius PV, HelioScope,
Solar Pro, SOLARGIS, and PV F-Chart. The main objectives of this paper are to highlight researchers to
identify the suitable software for research analysis and to perform degradation and performance analysis of PV
power plant. A case study on performance analysis of I MW grid-connected PV solar power plant has been
carried out using these simulation tools. Simulation results are then compared with actual data of the power
plant to identify the suitable and most effective softwares for research and development. The annual average
Performance Ratio (PR) and Capacity Utilization Factor (CUF) were found to be 0.7737 and 14.57%
respectively.The PR was then used to determine the annual degradation rate of the PV plant which is found to
be 0.98%/year. The defects in the power plant were analyzed to identify various degradation modes of PV
modules. Encapsulant discoloration, glass shattering and deposited dust have been seen in few modules. The
current status, abilities, limitations, and availability of all the software have also been presented. Homer, SAM,
RETScreen and PVsyst are found to be the best and suitable software for performance analysis. There is a need
for some improvements on these softwares like allowing the user to modify or change some techniques and
incorporation of extensive meteorological and PV system components database. This study is useful for further
study on degradation and performance analysis of PV power plant and a comparison of various PV simulation
tools in order to identify the most suitable software.
Keywords:photovoltaic system, simulation tools, performance ratio, degradation
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Date of Submission: 20-06-2018 Date of acceptance: 06-07-2018
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I. Introduction
In the recent years, Renewable energy play vital role in the production of several energies used in the
world, and become one of the most significant sources of energy used for electricity generation without using
fossil fuel, like gas, oil, and coal. This reduces environmental pollution and prevents global warming. Solar
Photovoltaic technology is one of the most important recourses of renewable energy; hence, there is a need to
develop software tools which is able to determine the potential energy output characteristics and operating
performance of PV systems. This will help in comparing the performance and energy production cost of
different system configurations.
Software tools related to photovoltaic hybrid systems can be classified into four categories: pre-
feasibility, sizing, simulation and open architecture research tools, depends upon the purpose of the software [1].
Energy produced by a PV module depends greatly on PV materials and solar insolation. Over time, the electrical
energy output will decrease, commonly due to humidity, thermal cycling, ultra-violet radiation and moisture
ingress, these leads to some permanent degradation, namely corrosion, discoloration, delamination and breakage
and cracking cells. Besides the internal factors, one environmental factor that significantly reduces the energy
produced by a PV module temporarily is dust, though PV performance could be recovered to its maximum
capacity by cleaning activities [2].EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate) often degrades during long-term field
operation upon exposure to UV rays present in sunlight causes discoloration, module changed color to yellow or
brown, this leads to low transmissivity of light and therefore the power generated by the module is reduced.
Shattering or breaking of the top glass surface can occur due to vandalism, thermal stress, handling, wind or
during installation, maintenance, and transportation of modules to their installation sites [3 and 4]. Deposited
dust on a PV module diminishes the illumination by absorbing and scattering sun light received by solar cells 11 | Page
Comparison of different PV power simulation softwares: case study on performance analysis of 1 MW

there by reducing performance of PV modules [5].The main objective of this paper is to compare various PV
simulation softwares and to carry out performance analysis of 1 MW grid-connected PV power plant and to
compare actual data and estimated data found from different softwares. This will provide a basic insight to a
researcher to identify and utilize suitable simulation software efficiently and effectively.
A number of different simulation software has been developed to assess the performance and
economical potential of photovoltaic system to simplify design process and maximize the use of the renewable
energy resources. In this study 10 photovoltaic simulation softwares namely SAM, PVsyst, HOMER, PV*SOL,
RETScreen, Solarius PV, HelioScope, Solar Pro, SOLARGIS, and PV F-Chart are discussed. Comparative
analyses of these softwares along with their limitations, advantages, type of analysis, and availability have also
been identified.
In this paper, a performance evaluation of 1 MW grid-connected PV systems installed in the north
India is presented. Evaluation parameters are based on data collected between January to December 2017 and
typical meteorological year (TMY) data downloaded from National Solar Radiation Data Base (NSRDB)
produced by National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) which is funded and monitored by the U.S.
Department of Energy. Performance Ratio (PR) was calculated in order to know the efficiency and reliability of
the plant.
The 1 MW grid-connected solar PV power plant in both same location and system specification was
simulated using these simulation softwares, performance ratio (PR) was calculated for each software. A
comparative analysis of Measured PR and Estimated PR was carried out to assess system efficiency and to know
the extent to which the system deviates using these different simulation softwares.

II. Software tools for photovoltaic system

In this section, the main features of 10 simulation softwares developed for photovoltaic system design
are discussed along with a comparative analysis. The study results will be then used as parts of the decision
making process for the investment [6].
2.1 System Advisor Model (SAM)
The System Advisor Model (SAM) is a performance and financial model designed to facilitate decision
making for people involved in the renewable energy industry, it is freely available software developed by the
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in collaboration with Sandia National Laboratories, USA [7].
The first public version was released in August 2007; subsequently, two new versions have been released each
year, adding new technologies and financial models. Since the first public release, over 35,000 people have
downloaded the software. SAM runs on both Windows and OS X with a visual C++ programming language.
SAM uses weather from NREL's National Solar Radiation Database (NSRDB), SAM uses inputs like module
type, inverter specifications, system design, losses, lifetime etc. to simulate system configuration and makes
performance predictions and cost of energy estimates for grid-connected power projects based on installation
and operating costs and system design parameters that you specify as inputs to the model. The graph and table
of the SAM simulation can be exported to excel or text files. The main limitations of SAM are as follows:
 3D shade modeling for PV systems is not supported
 No available weather data for all thelocations of the world

2.2 PhotoVoltaic systems (PVsyst)

PVsyst is a software package for the study, sizing and data analysis of complete PV systems. It deals
with grid-connected, stand-alone, pumping and DC-grid PV systems, and includes extensivemeteorological and
PV systems components databases, as well as general solar energy tools. This software is geared to the needs of
architects, engineers, and researchers. It is also very helpful for educational training. PVsystis developed by
Swiss physicist Andre Mermoud and electrical engineer Michel Villoz [8]. This software is considered a
standard for PV system design and simulation worldwide, the latest version is V6 and it has 30-days evaluation
mode for DEMO, unlimited version is around USD 1,021.PVsyst V6 runs under any Windows operating system
and Import irradiation data from PVGIS and NASA databases. PVsyst has four (4) main features which include
Preliminary Design, Project Design, Databases, and Tools. It uses inputs like plane orientation (with the
possibility of tracking planes or shed mounting), system components, PV array (number of PV modules in series
and parallel), inverter model, battery pack etc. to perform the simulation. Results will be generated which
include several dozens of simulation variables, which may be in monthly, daily or hourly values. A report may
be printed for each simulation run, including all parameters used for the simulation, and the main results. A
detailed economic evaluation can be performed using real component prices, any additional costs, and
investment conditions. PVsyst has some limitation as follows:
 Program screen cannot be maximized therefore can be tedious to see all parameters if using a small
 Inability to handle detailed shadow analysis 12 | Page
Comparison of different PV power simulation softwares: case study on performance analysis of 1 MW

 No single line diagram

2.3 Hybrid Optimization Model for Electric Renewables (HOMER)
Homer is micro-grid optimization software developed by NREL (National Renewable Energy
Laboratory), USA [9] and later enhanced and distributed by Homer Energy that comes with Simulation,
Optimization, and Sensitivity Analysis tools. It is the global standard for optimization of micro-grid design in all
sectors, from village power and island utilities to grid-connected campuses and military bases. HOMER uses
inputs like location, resources, loads, system components, components cost etc. to run the simulation. This
software application is used to design and evaluate technically and financially the options for off-grid and on-
grid power systems for remote, stand-alone and distributed generation applications. It allows the user to consider
a large number of technology options to account for energy resource availability and other variables. HOMER
simulates the operation of a system by making energy balance calculations in each time step (interval) of the
year and compares the electric and thermal demand in that time step to the energy that the system can supply in
that time step, and calculates the flow of energy to and from each component of the system. For systems that
include batteries or fuel-powered generators, HOMER also decides on each time step how to operate the
generators and whether to charge or discharge the batteries. This tool can perform energy balance calculations
for each system configuration. It then determines whether a configuration is feasible, (i.e., whether it can meet
the electric demand under the specified conditions), and estimates the cost of installing and operating the system
over the lifetime of the project. The new HOMER Optimizer uses a proprietary derivative-free algorithm to
search for the least-costly system and then displays a list of configurations, sorted by net present cost
(sometimes called life-cycle cost), that user can use to compare system design options. HOMER also displays
simulation results in a wide variety of tables and graphs that help user compare configurations and evaluate
them on their economic and technical merits. Tables and graphs can be exported for reports and presentations.
HOMER Pro runs on all Windows Operating Systems that are currently supported by Microsoft. The latest
version of Homer Pro is Version 3.11.5 and was released on March 23, 2018; with a purchase option of around
160 USD per month depends upon the type of package. The 21-day free trial version is available. The
limitations of HOMER are as follows:
 Inability to guest missing values or sizes
 Sophisticated and time-consuming
 Detailed input data is needed

2.4 PV*SOL premium

PV*SOL premium is German software developed by Valentine Software [10] for dynamic simulation
program with 3D visualization and detailed shading analysis of photovoltaic systems. PV system designers,
engineers, consultants, and installers can use the software to professionally design PV systems. PV*SOL make
accurate predictions easy, give customers the best return on their investment by visualizing systems and creating
professional reports. PV*SOL runs under Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10 with
Monitor Resolution of at least 1024 x 768 pixel. This software has 3D Design for3D visualization of buildings
and shading objects, rotate land area with objects, Drag-and-drop shading objects, animated sun-path, Shade
frequency distribution, detailed shade analysis for each individual module. The user can also select Number of
covered areas, Number of PV-Module, Number of inverters, PV Generator output, Orientation, Azimuth,
Inclination, and Installation Type. The model can perform economic and performance analysis with a
comprehensive report which can be exported to excel. The latest version is PV*SOL Premium 2018 was
released on 23rd March 2018, and password is needed to install the trial version. The limitations are as follows:
 Sensitivity analysis is not included
 Error in the presentation of a circuit diagram
 An advanced calculation is not supported

2.5 Renewable Energy Technologies Screen (RETScreen)

RETScreen Expert is a comprehensive Clean Energy Management Software platform which enables
professionals and decision-makers to identify and assess the viability of potential energy efficiency, renewable
energy, and cogeneration projects; and to measure and verify the actual and ongoing energy performance of
buildings, factories and power plants around the world. The software is developed by the Government of
Canada in collaboration with notable international partners [11] and is used by over 525,000 people in every
country and territory of the world. RETScreen is also used as a teaching and research tool by well-over 900
universities and colleges worldwide and is frequently cited in the academic literature.The first version of
RETScreen was released on April 30, 1998. This model integrates a number of databases to assist the user,
including a global database of climatic conditions obtained from 6,700 ground-based stations and NASA
satellite data; it can also integrate benchmark database, cost database, project database, hydrology database and
product database. 13 | Page
Comparison of different PV power simulation softwares: case study on performance analysis of 1 MW

RETScreen Expert has analysis capabilities covering an entire project life cycle which allows the user to
establish reference climate conditions at a facility site for any location on earth and compare the energy
performance of various types of reference (benchmark) facilities with the estimated (modeled) or measured
(actual) annual energy consumption of a facility. This software can perform feasibility and
performance analysis including energy analysis, cost analysis, emission analysis, financial analysis, and
sensitivity/risk analysis [12].
RETScreen Expert latest version wasreleased to the public on September 19, 2016, and is available for
download completely free-of-charge in Viewer mode. The full functionality of RETScreen Expert (including the
ability to save, print and export files) is available in Professional mode by purchasing a renewable 12-month
subscription, currently priced at CAD 869 per subscribing. The older version of the software, RETScreen Suite,
is made available free-of-charge upon request. Some of the limitations are as follows:
 Inability to save, print and export files when using free view mode version.
 Data sharing problem.
 No option for time series data files Import
 Does not support more advanced calculations.

2.6 Solarius PV
Solarius PV is the professional Solar PV calculator software developed by Italian company ACCA
software [13] for designing photovoltaic systems with great ease to achieve the best economic and technical
solution. This model uses input like weather data, modules, inverters, batteries etc. to get technical and financial
analysis for system configuration. Solarius PV can calculate the PV system’s overall performance (total annual
production with an hourly production rate schedule) and assess the profitability and amortization period of the
entire photovoltaic system. This software allows checking the effects of shading projected onto the PV modules
by nearby obstacles such as antennas and chimneys and graphically view shadow interferences. Solarius PV
runs under Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 with minimum 512 MB of memory. The
latest version is Solaris PV v.14.00c and was on released 13th July 2016, a password is needed to install one-
month free trial version. Some of the limitations of this software are as follows:
 It is less user-friendly compared to other software.
 Advanced feasibility analysis is not supported.
 Internet connection is required for installation.

2.7 HelioScope
HelioScope is a new program introduced by Folsom Lab USA [14] for designing photovoltaic system;
it has some features of PVSyst and adds the design functionality of AutoCAD, allowing designers to do a
complete design with one package. Location's address, array configuration, PV module and inverter
specification are the main inputs required by HelioScope. This software allows the user to estimate energy
production that accounts for losses due to weather and climate. Shading, wiring, component efficiencies, panel
mismatches, and aging can also be analyzed in order to provide recommendations for equipment and array
layout. This tools displayed annual production, weather data set, performance ratio and other system parameters
for simulation results. HelioScope is a web-based tool, so there’s no software to download and you can use it
from any connected computer. Instead of buying the program, you can pay a monthly or annual fee. You need to
register with a helioScope account for 30-day trial version. HelioScope has limitations as follows:
 Does not support financial analysis
 Does not support feasibility analysis
 advance scientific calculation is not supported

2.8 Solar Pro

Solar Pro is robust PV design and energy simulation software developed by Japanese company Laplace
Systems [15] along with integrated 3D-CAD, advanced 3D shading analysis & animations, and accurate solar
electricity generation calculations. This software is used to create 3D models of residential, commercial flat-
roof, ground-mounted, and single and dual-axis tracker PV systems. It allows users to visualize shading and
configure module coverage easily and accurately. Solar pro predicts hourly electricity generation using
scientific, industry-standard mathematical models. IV Curve calculations are performed at the module level and
take into account irradiation and temperature data, shading, and other detailed loss factors. Customized reports
can be generated to show detailed losses, IV-curve graph, power generation graph, color-coded array stringing
configuration, and shading effects. The CAD model can be printed in any view, and dimensioned layouts can
also be generated and exported. The first version of Solar Pro is released in 1997, the latest version of Solar Pro
is 4.5, a password is required to install 30-day trial version. Solar pro has limitations as follows:
 It is sophisticated software as compared to others. 14 | Page
Comparison of different PV power simulation softwares: case study on performance analysis of 1 MW

 It does not support an advanced feasibility study.

2.9 SOLARGIS pvPlanner

In 2010 solargis developed PV system simulation software named pvPlanner [16]. SOLARGIS
pvPlanner is a map-supported online simulation tool for planning and optimization of photovoltaic systems
using high-performance algorithms and climate and geographic data at high temporal and spatial resolution.
This application is designed for site prospection and comparing energy yield from various PV technology
options and mounting systems through simple and quick simulations. In solargis screen [17], the user can search
the desired location, select PV system configuration which includes system capacity, module type, inverter
specifications, mounting system, azimuth and inclination angle etc. to run the simulations. These models read
the input data from 19 geostationary satellites at five principal positions, and from atmospheric and
meteorological models operated by ECMWF and NOAA meteorological data centers. The main outputs of
simulation process are long-term monthly and yearly values PV Electricity yield (PVOUT), Performance Ratio
(PR) values, Global Horizontal Irradiation (GHI), Global in-plane or tilted irradiation (GTI), Diffuse Horizontal
Irradiation (DIF), Reflected Irradiation (RI) and Temperature (TEMP). Reports and data in PDF, CSV or XLS
format are downloadable. The application can be accessed at only need to create
an account by providing an email address and set a password. The latest version of this application is solargis
model v2.1.18 and was released on 26 Feb 2018. This PV planner has limitations as follows:
 Not suitable for financial analysis
 Less technical parameters, as such feasibility analysis is not possible
 The Internet is needed to run the simulation.

2.10 PV F-Chart
PV F-chartis a comprehensive photovoltaic system analysis and design program developed University
of Wisconsin, USA [18]. The program provides monthly-average performance estimates for each hour of the
day of utility interface systems, stand-alone photovoltaic systems, battery storage systems and system with no
interface or battery storage. This tool requires weather data, load, inverter and module configuration and
financial details of the whole system. PV F-chart displays energy production and saving, system performance,
and financial viability. This software runs on all version Windows. The latest version of PV F-chart is version
3.56W and it cost 400USD and 600USD for student and academic respectively, DEMO version is available free
of charge. PV F-chart has limitations as follows:
 Graphs and tables can be generated but cannot be exported
 Not suitable for shading analysis
 An advanced calculation is not supported

Table 1: Main features of various software tools for photovoltaic systems

Softwa Develope Type of Advantages Disadvantages Latest Availabilit
re d by Analysis Version y
SAM National Performan user friendly; 3D shade SAM Free at
Renewabl ce easy to understand; modeling is not version https://sam.
e Energy analysis; graphical supported; 2017
Laborator Economic representation of No available
y analysis results; weather data for
(NREL), Manually add custom other locations of
USA. modules and the world
2007 inverters
PVsyst Institute Performan Extensive Program screen PVsyst priced, 30-
of ce meteorological and cannot be version day trial
Environm analysis; PV systems maximized to 6.70 version is
ental Financial components enable user to see released free at
Sciences estimation databases; all parameters if on 29th http://www.
(ISE), used for Has ability to identify using a small March,
University both grid- the weaknesses of the monitor; 2018 en/
of connected system design Inability to
Geneva, , stand- through Loss handle shadow
Switzerla alone, Diagram; analysis;
nd pumping Results include No single line
and DC- several dozens of diagram
grid PV simulation variables
systems, 15 | Page
Comparison of different PV power simulation softwares: case study on performance analysis of 1 MW
HOME National Optimizat Determines the Inability to guest Version priced, 21-
R Renewabl ion and possible missing values or 3.11.5 day free
e Energy Sensitivit combinations of a list size; released trial is
Laborator y analysis; of different Sophisticated and on March available at
y Technical technologies and its time consuming; 23, 2018 https://ww
(NREL), analysis; size; Detailed input w.homeren
USA Financial Very detailed results data is needed
analysis for analysis and
Has optimization
algorithms used for
feasibility and
economic analysis
PV*SO Valentine Shading Vast meteorological Sensitivity PV*SOL priced, 30-
L Energy analysis database with over analysis is not Premium day trial
Software, and 3D 8000 climatic supported; 2018 version is
Germany visualizati location worldwide; Complexity in released free at
on; Strong module and building and site 23rd https://ww
Performan inverter database modeling; march, w.valentin-
ce with over 13000 Error in the 2018
analysis; modules and 3100 presentation of m/en/produ
Economic inverters; circuit diagram; cts/photovo
analysis Manually add custom Advanced ltaics/57/pv
modules and scientific sol-
inverters calculation is not premium
RETSc Natural Benchmar Strong Inability to save, RETScree priced,
reen Resources k analysis; meteorological and print and export n Expert Viewer
Canada Feasibility product database; files when using released mode is
analysis; Contains extensive free view mode on available
Performan integrated training version; Septembe free-of-
ce material; Data sharing r 19, charge at
analysis; High strength in problem; 2016. http://www.
Portfolio financial analysis No option for
analysis time series data energy/soft
files Import; ware-
Does not support tools/7465
Solariu ACCA Technical Extensive Less user- Solaris priced, 30-
s PV software, analysis; meteorological friendly as PV day free
Italy Economic database; compared to v.14.00c trial version
analysis; Numerical and other softwares released is available
Shading graphical results can Advanced on 13rd at
analysis be easily exported; feasibility July, 2016 http://www.
Has photographic analysis is not accasoftwar
simulation feature supported;
Internet lar-pv-
connection is system-
required for design-
installation software/
HelioS Folsom Technical User-friendly; Does not support updated in 30-day trial
cope Lab, San analysis; Is a web-based tool, financial 2017 version is
Francisco, shading so there is no analysis; available at
USA analysis software to Does not support https://ww
download; feasibility w.helioscop
Provides a detailed analysis;
wiring diagram; Does not support
Has 3D model design advance
Solar Laplace Technical Strong Sophisticated Solar Pro Priced, 30-
Pro Systems analysis; meteorological software as 4.5 day trial is
Company, shading database; compared to available
Japan analysis; Advanced 3D other softwares; https://ww
Economic shading analyses; Advanced
analysis; Provides system feasibility study .jp/english/
Performan layouts; is not supported products/w
ce Provides detailed and here_to_bu
modeling customized reports y/index.htm
which can be l
exported 16 | Page
Comparison of different PV power simulation softwares: case study on performance analysis of 1 MW
SOLA Solargis, Technical User-friendly; Not suitable for Solargis 30-day trial
RGIS Slovakia. analysis; is a web-based tool, financial model version is
2010 Planning so there is no analysis; v2.1.18 available at
and software to Less technical released https://solar
optimizati download; parameters; on 26 Feb
on Provides a detailed Feasibility 2018 lanner
output with graphs analysis is not
and tables supported;
Internet is
needed to run the
PV F- University Technical User-friendly; Not suitable for PV F- DEMO
Chart of analysis; Provide detailed shading analysis; chart is version is
Wisconsin Financial graphical and Advanced version available
, USA analysis numerical output; calculation is not 3.56W free of
Weather data can be supported; charge at
added manually Graphical and http://www.
numerical output;
Graphs and pvfchart/
tables can be
generated but
cannot be

III. Setup and Description of the Grid-Connected PV system

A grid-connected PV system consists of solar panels, inverters, a power conditioning unit and grid
connection equipment. It has effective utilization of power that is generated from solar energy as there are no
energy storage losses. When conditions are right, the grid-connected PV system supplies the excess power,
beyond consumption by the connected load to the utility grid. But, in standalone systems batteries are used to
store energy or else energy has to be directly connected to load [19].
3.1 Geographical location of the site
The I MW solar power plant installed at Sharda University, Uttar Pradesh, India is located at latitude
28.4744° N and longitude 77.5040° E of 202m height, the meteorological data were collected from NSRDB.
The Plant as it located at good geographical location where it can absorb more solar radiation in order to
generate power effectively.
3.2 Plant layout
The 1 MWp PV solar system has 3228 solar modules with a total area of 6197.6 m 2. 18 modules are
connected in series to make 178 strings. The plant area is divided into 12 different blocks; each individual block
has the generating capacity of about 100 kW thus total of 12 blocks combined to form a 1 MW generation
capacity (see Fig. 1). The modules SS320P (each of 310 Wp capacity) having 72 solar cells made up of
polycrystalline silicon having 16.15% efficiency are used in the entire PV system. The modules are free from
any of shading effect and are fixed with tilt angle of 28° (equal to the latitude of the corresponding location to
get maximum solar radiation) facing south at an azimuth angle of 0°. The PV systems are mounted on metal
frames by concrete pillars. The modules were cleaned with water at an interval of 15 days in order to reduce the
soiling loss [20]. A 3-phase 50KW inverter was used to convert DC to AC which was then fed directly into the
state grid. 21 inverters were used for the entire system. The inverter has a rated efficiency of 98.3%. The PV
module and inverter specifications are given in Table 2.

Table 2: PV module and inverter specifications

PV module Specification Inverter specification
Module type Polycrystalline Inverter capacity 50kW
Operating voltage 1000V Input side (DC) 1000V
Imp 8.52A Maximum voltage 610Vdc
Vmp 36.40V Rated voltage 51200W
Pmax 310W Rated power 480-800Vdc
Isc 8.92A Voltage range 110A
Voc 44.71V Maximum current
β -0.34% Output side (AC) 3-phase
α 0.05% Rated AC power 50000W
γ -0.43% AC voltage range 320-480V
NOCT -450C to +850C Output current 77A
Module area 1.92m2 Output frequency 50Hz / 60Hz
Module weight 22.1kg Efficiency 98.30%
Efficiency 16.15% Weight 95kg 17 | Page
Comparison of different PV power simulation softwares: case study on performance analysis of 1 MW

Fig. 1: View of 1 MWp rooftop grid-connected solar PV system.

IV. Methodology for performance analysis of the PV system

In this paper, performance of grid-connected PV solar power plant is categorized into three stages.
1. Tilted radiation was calculated manually using typical metrological year (TMY) data, and then Performance
ratio was calculated.
2. Performance ratio of PV solar power plant was calculated using all 10 simulation softwares studied in this
3. Performance ratio of measured data was compared with the entire 10 softwares simulated performance

4.1 Tilted Radiation

The amount of insolation acquired by the module during a certain time interval is one of the main
preconditions for designing a PV system. It can be estimated by calculating the position of the Sun in the sky as
well as the Air Mass value. Although this type of calculations gives a feeling of how much irradiation is
available for a particular location and module orientation and how it is varying throughout the year, its output
can't be used for the real system design because it doesn't include local weather variation which can dramatically
change the radiation intensity. Another way of doing this is to use empirical radiation data collected by meteo
station located at the place of interest. In TMY file one can find both beam and diffuse components of radiation.
Beam irradiance implies that it is received by the surface perpendicular to the Sun's rays. The beam component
is actually calculated from diffuse and global horizontal irradiances, which are directly measured. For the
systems with 2-axis trackers, adjusting themselves to face the sun in the same fashion as sunflowers do, the
beam component comes directly from TMY (where it is called Direct Normal Irradiance, DNI). Unfortunately,
the vast majority of PV systems are fixed in place and don't rotate. So they receive only a portion of direct
sunlight which can be calculated having in mind the system location, module tilt and orientation [21].
The total amount of radiation received by the PV module, G, is composed of direct (beam), B, and diffuse, D,
𝐺 =𝐵+𝐷 (1)
Beam component is given by:
𝐵 = 𝐷𝑁𝐼 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝛿 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜑 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝛽 − 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝛿 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜑 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝛽 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜓 + 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝛿 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜑 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝛽 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝐻𝑅𝐴 +
𝑐𝑜𝑠𝛿𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜑𝑠𝑖𝑛𝛽𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜓𝑐𝑜𝑠𝐻𝑅𝐴+𝑐𝑜𝑠𝛿𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜓𝑠𝑖𝑛𝐻𝑅𝐴𝑠𝑖𝑛𝛽 (2)
Diffuse component is given by:
180 −𝛽
𝐷 = 𝐷𝐻𝐼 (3)
DNI is Direct Normal Irradiance
DHI is Diffuse Horizontal Irradiation
δ is the Declination Angle,
φ is the latitude of the location,
β is module tilt,
ψ is module azimuth (orientation measured from South to West),
and HRA is hour angle

Declination angle
The declination angle, denoted by δ, varies seasonally due to the tilt of the Earth on its axis of rotation
and the rotation of the Earth around the sun. If the Earth were not tilted on its axis of rotation, the declination
would always be 0°. However, the Earth is tilted by 23.45° and the declination angle varies plus or minus this 18 | Page
Comparison of different PV power simulation softwares: case study on performance analysis of 1 MW

amount. Only at the spring and fall equinoxes is the declination angle equal to 0°. In this paper the declination
angle was taken as 00.

𝛿 = −23.450 × 𝑐𝑜𝑠 × 𝑑 + 10 (4)
d is the day of the year with Jan 1 as d = 1

Hour Angle (HRA)

The Hour Angle converts the local solar time (LST) into the number of degrees which the sun moves
across the sky. By definition, the Hour Angle is 0° at solar noon. Since the Earth rotates 15° per hour, each hour
away from solar noon corresponds to an angular motion of the sun in the sky of 15°. In the morning the hour
angle is negative, in the afternoon the hour angle is positive. In this paper Indian local time was used, which is

𝐻𝑅𝐴 = 150 𝐿𝑆𝑇 − 12 (5)

𝐿𝑆𝑇 = 𝐿𝑇 +

𝑇𝐶 = 4 𝐿𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑖𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑒 − 𝐿𝑆𝑇𝑀 + 𝐸0 𝑇


𝐸0 𝑇 = 9.87 𝑠𝑖𝑛 2𝐵 − 7.53 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝐵 − 1.5𝑠𝑖𝑛⁡


𝐵= 𝑑 − 81

LST is local solar time
LT is local time
TC is time correction factor
LSTM is local standard time meridian
EoT is equation of time
ΔTGMT is the difference of the local time (LT) from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) in hours. 15°= 360°/24
B in degrees and d is the number of days since the start of the year

Performance parameters are developed by International Energy Agency (IEA) [22] for analyzing the
performance of solar PV system. In this paper, some of the performance parameters are discussed

Array Yield
The array yield is defined as the ratio of energy output from a PV array over a particular period (day, month or
year) to its rated power and is given by
𝑌𝑎 =
𝑃𝑃𝑉 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑

Final Yield
The final yield is defined as the ratio of net daily, monthly or annual AC energy output of the entire PV system
which was supplied by the array to the rated power of the installed PV array.
The daily final yield is given by
𝑌𝑓𝑑 =
𝑃𝑃𝑉 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑

Reference Yield
The reference yield Yr is defined as the total daily in plane solar irradiation Ht (kWh/m2) divided by the
reference irradiation Gi-ref (1 kW/m2). It is given by 19 | Page
Comparison of different PV power simulation softwares: case study on performance analysis of 1 MW
𝑌𝑟 =
𝐺𝑖. 𝑟𝑒𝑓

Capacity Utilization Factor

The capacity utilization factor (CUF) is defined as the ratio of actual annual energy generated by the PV system
(EAC.a) to the amount of energy the PV system would generate if it is operated at full rated power for 24 h per
day for a year.
𝐶𝑈𝐹 = × 100
𝑃𝑃𝑉 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 × 24 × 365

PV module efficiency
PV module efficiency is given by

𝜂𝑃𝑉 = × 100
𝐺𝑡 × 𝐴𝑚
Gt is Total in-plane solar irradiance, W/m2
Am is PV module area, m2

Inverter efficiency
The instantaneous inverter efficiency is given by
𝜂𝑖𝑛𝑣 =

System efficiency
The instantaneous PV system efficiency is given by
𝜂𝑠𝑦𝑠 = 𝜂𝑃𝑉 × 𝜂𝑖𝑛𝑣

Performance Ratio
The performance ratio is the ratio of the actual and theoretically possible energy outputs. It is largely
independent of the orientation of a PV plant and the incident solar irradiation on the PV plant; it is also defined
as the ratio of the PV system efficiency to its efficiency at STC and is given by
PR =

The final yield of the system (Yf) is defined as the ratio of the final or actual energy output of the system to its
nominal D.C power. The Yf normalizes the energy produced with respect to the system size [22].
final energy output (kWh)
Yf =
norminal DC power (kW)

The reference yield (Yr) is the ratio between total in-plane irradiance to that of the PV’s reference irradiance.
The PV reference irradiance at STC condition is equal to 1000W/m2. The reference yield is also called the Peak
Sunshine Hours [23].
total inplane irradiance (kWh/m2 )
Yr =
PV reference irradiance (kW/m2 )

Degradation Rate (RD)

Degradation is the gradual deterioration of the characteristics of a component or of a system which may affect
its ability to operate within the limits of acceptability criteria and which is caused by the operating conditions
[24]. Degradation Rate (RD) can be calculated as:
initial PR − final PR
RD =
initial PR
Visual Degradation observed in field
All the 3228 modules underwent visual inspection using NREL visual inspection Checklist [25]. Photographs
were taken for the various modules defects found in the plant. The effects of dust accumulation on a PV
module’s surface were also analyzed.
4.2 Simulation using different softwares 20 | Page
Comparison of different PV power simulation softwares: case study on performance analysis of 1 MW

The 1 MW grid-connected solar PV power plant was simulated using these softwares; SAM, PVsyst, HOMER,
PV*SOL, RETScreen, Solarius PV, HelioScope, Solar Pro, SOLARGIS, and PV F-Chart. Performance ratio
was calculated for different softwares for comparative analysis in selecting suitable softwares.

V. Results and Discussion

5.1 PV Energy Generation
The monthly average solar radiation on the tilted PV array indicates that the solar radiation is minimum
during December (88.3459 kW/m2/d) and maximum in May (157.8408 kW/m2/d), this is due to temperature
variation of the location. The monthly PV power generated is illustrated in the figure 2. As the temperature
increases the power output decreases up to some extent even if there is good amount of radiation. Also, with
increase in temperature, the power generation decreases slightly even when there is constant solar irradiance.

Fig. 2: annual energy yield

5.2 Performance Ratio (PR)

The performance of the PV system was analyzed through Performance Ratio (PR). According to SMA
[26], performance ratio shows the proportion of the energy that is actually available for export to the grid after
deduction of energy loss (e.g. due to thermal losses and conduction losses) and energy consumption for
operation. In winter season, the highest PR of 82.31% was observed during December 2017. The average PR
during winter season was found to be 76.18%. The PR varies from 0.73 to 0.82 during winter and the lowest PR
of 0.73 obtained during November due to lowest final yield. In summer season, the average PR was found to be
75.73% which is lower than that of winter. The higher PR during summer is mainly due to the higher final yield.
In Rainy season, the average PR during this season was found to be 80.13%. Comparatively, higher PR during
this season may be due to module and inverter efficiency during this season. The higher PR of 87.53% observed
during June 2017 and this may be due to higher final yield of 118380 kWh/d during this month. The
performance ratio is illustrated in the figure 3.

Figure 3: Average performance ratio for various months.

5.3 capacity Utilization factor (CUF)

The annual monthly average CUF of the PV system was found to be 14.75 and is within the range of
some of the previous studies conducted in India. The CUF varies from 12.85% to 16.85%. However, the highest 21 | Page
Comparison of different PV power simulation softwares: case study on performance analysis of 1 MW

CUF (16.85%) is observed in both month of March and April due to highest energy production while the lowest
CUF (12.85% and 12.88) is observed in December and July respectively due to lowest energy generation. The
variation in the CUF is due to change in climatic conditions. CUF is illustrated in Fig. 4.

Figure 4: capacity Utilization factor for various months.

5.4 Degradation Analysis and Defects of the plant

Analysis of module degradation shows that modules discoloration and glass shattering are form of
degradation found in the field (see Fig. 5 and Fig. 6). Beside these defects, dust accumulations have been seen in
most of the modules (see Fig. 7). Module discoloration is due to present of ultra-violet radiation at high
temperature, it has found in 14 modules. Glass shattering occurred due to improper handling during
transportation, installation and maintenance, and is found in 5 modules only. However, dust accumulation is due
to environmental factor (composite climate), though performance can be recovered by regular cleaning of the
modules. The annual degradation rate was found to be 0.98%/year.

Fig. 5:Module with broken glass Fig. 6:Module with a discoloration

Fig. 7:Module with accumulation of dust

5.5 Simulation using different softwares and performance comparison

Performance ratio was calculated from the simulated data obtained from different softwares. The
annual average performance ratio obtained from actual measured data was found to be 0.7737. The results
obtained from the measured data is compared with SAM, PVsyst, HOMER, PV*SOL, RETScreen, Solarius PV,
HelioScope, Solar Pro, SOLARGIS, and PV F-Chart. The results are presented in Table 3. The actual
performance closely matches with the simulated performance of different softwares over the entireyear. Homer,
Solarius PV, SOLARGIS, SAM and PV F-Chart has annual performance ratio of 0.7897, 0.7798, 0.7602,
0.7576 and 0.7854 respectively and is almost similar with the actual performance ratio of the solar power plant.
From PVsyst, PV*SOL, and RETScreen, Solar Pro results, the performance ratio obtained has less difference 22 | Page
Comparison of different PV power simulation softwares: case study on performance analysis of 1 MW

with the actual performance ratio. Only HelioScope has completely deviated from actual performance ratio of
the solar power plant with performance ratio of 0.6517. (see Fig. 8 and Fig. 9).

Table 3: annual average performance ratio for all 10 softwares

S/N softwares Avg. PR
1 SAM 0.7576
2 PVsyst 0.7990
3 Homer 0.7897
4 PV*SOL 0.8053
5 RETScreen 0.8236
6 Solarius PV 0.7798
7 HelioScope 0.6517
8 Solar Pro 0.7097
9 SOLARGIS 0.7602
10 PV F-Chart 0.7854

Fig. 8: monthly average performance ratio for all 10 softwares.

Fig. 9: Performance ratio deviation from actual performance ratio

VI. Conclusion
A review of 10 simulation softwares used for photovoltaic systemalong with comparison study are
presented in this paper.Degradation and performance analysis of I MW grid-connected PV solar power plant
was carried. These simulation tools were used to ascertain performance of the plant, the simulation results are
then compared with the actual performance of the PV plant. The conclusions are as follows:
 The main modes of module degradation found in the plant arediscoloration and glass shattering,
discoloration is due to present of ultra-violet radiation at high temperature while glass shattering occurred
due to improper handling during transportation, installation and maintenance. However, beside these
defects, dust accumulations have been seen in most of the modules, and are due to environmental factor,
though it can be overcome by regular cleaning of the modules.
 Annual average performance ratio and capacity utilization factor are found to be 0.7737 and 14.57%
respectively, which is within the range of studies conducted in other countries. Annual degradation rate is
determine based on performance ratio of the plant and is found to be 0.98%/year. 23 | Page
Comparison of different PV power simulation softwares: case study on performance analysis of 1 MW

 Out of the 10 simulation softwares, Homer, SAM and PVsyst are found to be the most widely used and
most effective tools because of their ability to carry out multiple analyses which makes it easier and faster
to evaluate different system configurations.
 Approximately all these simulation softwares has complete general modeling, user-friendly interface and
have undergone a reasonable experimental validation. The present status of all the softwares is known and
is reported in this paper. However, Homer, PVsyst, PV*SOL, SOLARGIS AND SAM are softwares
recently updated in 2018.
 All 10 softwares have various limitations for solving certain problems, with few having minor limitations.
There is need for some improvements on these softwares, like allowing user to modify or change some
techniques, more user-friendly, incorporation of more weather data for other location in the world, and
more advanced technical and economic analyses.
 Homer, Solarius PV, SOLARGIS, SAM and PV F-Chart are found to be the best and suitable software for
performance analysis in this location because of closeness of their performance ratio to that of actual
performance ratio.
 The performance analysis carried out on 1 MW solar power plant was evaluated on annual basis. The
annual performance ratio was found to be 0.7737 which is within the range of studies conducted in other
 Base on the overall performance of I MW installed roof-top solar PV power plant, it shows that solar PV
power is feasible solution for power supply and reduces large number of tones of CO 2 from atmosphere.

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Najibhamisu Umar "Comparison of different PV power simulation softwares: case study on

performance analysis of 1 MW grid-connected PV solar power plant "International Journal of
Engineering Science Invention (IJESI), vol. 07, no. 07, 2018, pp 11-24 24 | Page

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