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Les vacances et les voyages en anglais

Semaine 3 - AnglaisBases level 2

Dans cette nouvelle leçon, nous allons voir le thème des vacances.

Texte d’introduction en anglais de Ben :

“Hello everybody, welcome back to AnglaisBases, today, we will be talking about holidays.
Everybody loves holidays.
So today, Alban and I will give you all the vocabulary and expressions that you need when
you are travelling.”


A : Hi Ben.

B : Hi, how‘s it going?

A : I’m good… I need some advice about Australia. You’ve been there, haven’t you Ben?

B : Yes, I have. But it was a long time ago. I remember it very well though. It is one of my
favourite places. What are your plans?

A : I don’t know exactly, I want to see the Sydney Opera House, Ayer’s Rock and the Great
Barrier Reef.

B : Okay, well I can highly recommend these places. Where will you fly from ?

A : I will fly from London Heathrow.

B : OK. You know it’s a very long flight. It takes nearly 24 hours, and you have to stop for fuel
in Singapore. What’s more, when I went there, I was delayed in Singapore for 13 hours. By
the time, I landed in Sydney, I was completely shattered!

A : I can imagine. So you flew to Sydney and then where did you go?

B : I visited Sydney first, and then I started my journey north by bus along the east coast of
Australia. From Sydney to Cairns.

A : Did you go straight to Cairns or did you stop off on the way ?

B : I stopped in many places on the way. I did a bungy jump in Brisbane. It was very scary!
And then, I visited the Great Barrier Reef. That was amazing! I saw many different types of
fish and even a big shark! And then, I visited the Whitsunday Islands, by boat. I had a good
suntan after all this!

A : Did you stay in hotels?

B: Only for the first night in Sydney. The rest of the time, I was camping or I stayed in youth
hostels. It was cheaper this way!

A : Yes, hotels can be very expensive! I would love to see Ayer’s Rock. You said you went
there. Did you get to meet any Aborigines ?

B : Yes, my guide around Ayer’s Rock was an Aborigine. He was very interesting, he told us
many stories about the Aboriginal people and how they survive in the desert where there is
almost nothing to eat or drink!

A : I’m so jealous! I can’t wait to go! I think I will book a ticket next week!

B : And how long will you go for? I think you need at least two months to see Australia.

A : I plan to be away for three months.

B : You will have a great trip!

A: I hope so I can’t wait.

B: I’m sure.

A: Hey Ben, one last question. I heard that the Australian accent is quite difficult to
understand. What do you think about that ?

B (With an Australian accent) : Ah no mate ! It’s not that difficult to understand. They speak
quite slowly, but it’s true they have a strange accent.

Quelques explications

Revenons maintenant sur les différentes expressions que nous avons employées dans la

Expression 1
Advice = conseil.
Exemple : I need some advice about Australia = J’ai besoin de conseils à propos de
Attention, advice est un indénombrable, il est toujours au singulier (“du conseil”). Pour parler
d’un conseil en particulier on dira “piece of advice”.

Expression 2
What are your plans ? = Quels sont tes plans ?

Expression 3
Sydney Opera House = L’Opéra de Sydney.
Ayer’s Rock = le Rocher d’Ayer. Aussi connu sous le nom Aborigène de Uluru (http://
The Great Barrier Reef = La grande Barrière de Corail.

Expression 4
I can highly recommend = Je recommande fortement.

Expression 5
By the time I landed, I was completely shattered = Quand j’ai atteri, j’étais complètement
To land = atterrir (à noter, “décoller” = “to take off”).

Expression 6
Journey = Voyage, trajet, chemin.
Along = le long de...
I started my journey north by bus along the east cost of Australia = J’ai commencé mon
voyage vers le nord en bus, le long de la côte Est de l’Australie.

Expression 7
To go straight = aller directement (ou aller tout droit selon le contexte).
To stop off = faire un arrêt, une étape.
Exemple : Did you go straight to Cairns or did you stop off on the way ? = Es-tu allé
directement à Cairns as-tu fait des étapes sur le chemin ?

Expression 8
Bungy jump = bungee jump = saut à l’élastique.

Expression 9
Amazing = merveilleux, fantastique

Expression 10
Even = même
I saw many different types of fish, even a big shark = J’ai vu de nombreux différents types de
poissons, et même un grand requin.

Expression 11
Suntan = bronzage.

Expression 12
Hostel (ou youth hostel) = auberge de jeunesse .
Backpackers hostel (ou backpackers) = auberge (comme les auberges de jeunesse).

Expression 13
Aborigine = Aborigène.

Expression 14
To book a ticket = réserver un billet (ou ticket).

Expression 15
At least = au moins.
(“Au plus” se dit “at most”).

Expression 16
I plan to be away for 3 months = Je prévois de partir pour 3 mois.
Expression 17
A trip = un voyage.
You will have a great trip = Tu feras un super voyage.

Test de compréhension

1) Today, it is very hot at the beach. I will need to buy some suncream.

What does Ben need to buy ?

--> He needs to buy some suncream.

2) Hello, can you tell me how much it costs to rent some skis please ? - Yes, it costs
17 euros for the day.

What does Ben want to rent ? (to rent = louer)

--> Ben wants to rent some skis.

How much will it cost him ?

--> It will cost him 17 euros for the day.

3) In Iceland, it is very cold. When I pack my bag, I must remember my scarf and my

What must Ben remember to pack ? (to pack = mettre dans sa valise)

--> Ben must remember to pack his scarf and his gloves.

4) The hotel is too expensive. So I will stay in the youth hostel.

Where is Ben going to stay ?

--> He is going to stay in the youth hostel.

Why ?

--> Because the hotel is too expensive.

5) My dream is to sail around the Caribbean islands.

Where does Ben dream of sailing ?

--> Ben dreams of sailing around the Caribbean islands.

6) On Saturday, I am going on holiday. I will be going to Cyprus. My flight leaves at

3:30 pm.

Where is Ben going on holiday, and what time is his flight ?

--> He is going to Cyprus, and his flight will leave at 3:30 pm (three thirty pm).
Vocabulaire utile

Holidays = vacances; vacation = vacances; bank holiday = jour férié; to visit = visiter;
tourist = touriste; tourism = tourisme; hotel = hôtel; hostel = auberge de jeunesse;
backpackers = voyageur avec un sac à dos / ou auberge; trip = voyage; journey = voyage/
trajet; tickets = tickets; to pack a bag = faire sa valise.

Summer holidays
Beach = plage; sea = mer; ocean = océan; coast = côte; sand = sable; tide = marée;
low tide = marée basse; high tide = marée haute; sand castles = châteaux de sable;
swimming = la nage/natation; surfing = faire du surf; suntan = bronzage; to tan = bronzer;
sailing = faire du bateau à voie; sail = voile; water-skiing = ski nautique; sun cream =
crème solaire; sunblock = crème solaire; towel = serviette; surfboard = planche de surf;
hire = location; rent = louer; sunglasses = lunettes de soleil; bucket = seau; spade = pelle;
swimming costume = maillot de bain.

Winter holidays
Mountain = montagne; ski resort = station de ski; slope = piste; ski lift = remonte-pente;
cable car = téléphérique; chairlift = télésiège; snow = neige; snowflake = flocon de neige;
ice = glace; to ski = skier; skiing =le ski (l’activité); to snowboard = faire du snowboard;
snowboarding = activité de faire du snowboard; to hike = randonner; to treck = faire du
trekking; sled = luge / traîneau; sledging = la luge, le traîneau (l’activité); ice-skate = pating
à glace; ice-skating = patinage sur glace; skis = les skis; board = planche; snowboard
= surf des neiges; sunblock = protection solaire (crème solaire); gloves = gants; scarf =
écharpe; boots = bottes; beanie = bonnet.

Airplane = plane = aircraft = avion; flight = vol; to fly = voler; airport = aéroport; to
land = aterrir; to take off = décoller; check-in = enregistrement; train station = gare;
underground = métro; tram = tramway; platform = quai; road = route; coach = autocar;
bus = bus; car = voiture; motorway = autoroute; traffic jam = embouteillage; toll gate =
péage (ou toll); boat = bateau; ferry = ferry; cruise = croisière; port = port; harbour = port;
cabin = cabin; deck = pont (le pont du bateau).

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