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Spatial Distribution of Risk Factors for

Cryptosporidium Spp. Transport in an

Irish Catchment
S. R. Samadder1*, P. Ziegler1, T. M. Murphy2, N. M. Holden1

ABSTRACT: Cryptosporidium spp. has become a major public health Introduction

concern in many parts of the globe, including Ireland, as a result of recent Cryptosporidium parvum (C. parvum) is a microbial pathogen
reported waterborne outbreaks of Cryptosporidiosis. Continuous monitor- that is known to infect a range of animal hosts, but is important to
ing of Cryptosporidium spp. in water supplies is not feasible, so a risk-
human health because it is zoonotic and prevalent in both bovines
forecasting approach is required. This study reports a globally applicable
and humans. Cryptosporodiosis is an issue of global concern, with
approach for evaluating the spatial variation in relative risk of
contaminating surface water by Cryptosporidium spp. based on a risk the first waterborne outbreak of C. parvum reported in 1985 in
potential index (RPI) as an indicator of the potential pollution of surface Texas. Many additional outbreaks have been identified around the
water. The RPI is predicted by readily available data on land use, rainfall, globe, and many people have been infected by this parasite (Kato
soil type, slope, soil moisture deficit, and distance from water course. A et al., 2004). Dairy farms are known to serve as a source of C.
small catchment in County Meath, Ireland, was chosen to illustrate the parvum oocysts, because one infected calf alone can release
analysis of the approach. Data for the study area were digitized and billions of oocysts into the environment (Walker and Stedinger,
rectified using surveyed ground control points to capture each of the RPI 1999). C. parvum transmitted to humans from infected cattle
factors, field boundaries, and land use. The six parameters were classified causes self-limiting enteric disease (cryptosporidiosis) in immu-
and assigned a relative risk score out of 5. A Geographic Information
nocompetent humans and chronic life-threatening infections in
Systems overlay analysis then was used to calculate a cumulative relative
people with impaired immune systems (Fayer et al., 1997).
risk score for each month of the year. The analysis indicated that April and
June experienced a relatively low risk of Cryptosporidium spp. transport
Children are the most susceptible to Cryptosporidium infection,
compared with other months of the year. June had the least risk, because and those less than 5 years of age have been shown to have the
more than 98% of the catchment was estimated to be of low or moderate highest prevalence (Griffiths, 1998). Most Cryptosporidium spp.
risk (RPI ranges 5 0 to 2). December had the highest risk of oocysts are removed from water by conventional filtration, but,
Cryptosporidium spp. transport, because approximately 20% of the because they are resistant to conventional disinfectants, such as
catchment area had a moderately high to very high risk (RPI ranges 5 2 chlorination, those that are not removed are of major concern to
to 5). The study also made an attempt to reduce the risk of contaminating regulatory agencies, the water industry, and consumers. DuPont et
surface water by alternative land-use practice and relocating the field al. (1995) reported that the infectious dose to 50% of exposed
boundaries. The study demonstrated a semi-quantitative and readily individuals (ID50) for immunocompetent people is 132 oocysts,
implemented method for using spatial risk assessment for planning land
but the infection may be generated by as few as 30 oocysts. The
management to reduce the risk of surface water contamination by
Cryptosporidium spp. from agricultural sources. The approach could be
ID50 for immunocompromised individuals has not yet been
used in any catchment with similar hydrological characteristics subject to a established; however, it is thought that infection can be caused
surface water pathogen contamination risk from grazing livestock. Water by a single oocyst (Casemore et al., 1997).
Environ. Res., 82, 750 (2010). Continuous monitoring for Cryptosporidium is difficult and
expensive and can be regarded as infeasible in surface water.
KEYWORDS: Cryptosporidium, geographic information system, Ire-
land, livestock, risk, risk potential index, surface water.
Furthermore, the results of surface water testing in agricultural
watersheds may not indicate the presence of waterborne
Cryptosporidium spp. oocysts, because the oocysts recovery
efficiencies generally do not reach 50% and often are much
lower, leaving high numbers of water samples falsely negative
(Graczyk et al., 2000; Hansen and Ongerth, 1991; Nieminski et
al., 1995; Watanabe, 1996). Consequently, forecasting the relative
UCD Bioresources Research Centre/Biosystems Engineering, UCD risk of contamination of surface water by livestock has become
School of Agriculture, Food Science and Veterinary Medicine, University necessary.
College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin, Ireland.
There are many possible approaches to risk assessment, ranging
Central Veterinary Research Laboratory, Department of Agriculture, from rapidly implemented qualitative methods (e.g., The Crypto-
Fisheries and Food, Young’s Cross, Celbridge, Kildare, Ireland.
sporidium (Scottish Water) Directions of 2003 [Scottish Govern-
* UCD Bioresources Research Centre/Biosystems Engineering, UCD
ment, 2003]) to quantitative risk methods (e.g. Pouillot et al.,
School of Agriculture, Food Science and Veterinary Medicine, University
College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland; e-mail: sukha.samadder@ 2004), but there is a need for a readily implemented method that, can capture the spatial and risk component of Cryptosporidium

750 Water Environment Research, Volume 82, Number 8

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spp. transfer from animals to source waters. Foster and McDonald Kovel (2000) described the use of GIS in emergency management
(2000) identified potential pollution hazards of Cryptosporidium efforts for disaster preparedness, mitigation, and response;
by creating a risk potential index (RPI) combining the annual Kistemann et al. (2001) successfully used GIS as a tool for
effective rainfall, land slope, soil hydrology, and proximity to microbial risk assessment in catchment areas of drinking water
water course. They did not consider land-use pattern or the source reservoirs; Jordan et al. (2007) took advantage of GIS for slurry
of Cryptosporidium. Jordan et al. (2007) proposed a slurry acceptance mapping of Northern Ireland based on runoff risk
acceptance map of Northern Ireland, in which hydrology of soil assessment; and Foster and McDonald (2000) assessed pollution
types (HOST) classes were combined with slope, rockiness, flood risks to water supply intakes using GIS. The GIS tools can help in
hazard, and soil moisture deficit (SMD) classes (land-use pattern analyzing the adequacy of coordinate-based information used to
and distance to watercourse were not considered), but did not make particular decisions in a spatially sensitive manner (Parsons
interpret the result in terms of pathogen transport to surface and Frost, 2000). Risk managers demand access to decision-
waters. An approach is presented that captures risk factors support tools that allow them to manage and understand
associated with sources and transport vectors using readily complicated spatial situations (Zerger and Smith, 2003), and, for
available data that can be implemented in a range of catchment water supply management, a readily implemented spatial risk
situations. It is illustrated using a small agricultural catchment in assessment tool would be of great benefit for supply and
Ireland. catchment management.
Farming in Ireland is based mainly on the production of
livestock and livestock products from grass (Casey and Holden, Materials and Methods
2006). Approximately 130 000 farmers are engaged in farming, Study Area. The study area, located in the northeast of the
using 2.5 million ha of grass to rear and fatten the offspring of 1.2 Republic of Ireland (Figure 1) is a small catchment of 570 ha,
million dairy and 1.1 million beef cows, which produce with approximately 90% of the area dedicated to agriculture, and
approximately 2 million animals each year (Casey and Holden, the remainder allocated to residential use. There are a total of 5
2006). In Ireland, approximately 1.2 million dairy cows on working farms located within its watershed—1 dairy herd and 4
approximately 27 000 farms consume grass in the field or as beef operations. Initial contact with each farmer established herd
conserved forage when housed, with additional feed as concen- sizes and management practices, while a cross-sectional study on
trates when needed. The weather permits 190 to 240 days of 2 of the farms (1 dairy, 1 beef) established the prevalence of C.
grazing per year. All manure (slurry) produced is land-spread parvum for cattle in the catchment. This study found that 47% of
(Casey and Holden, 2005). The cows graze grass from mid-March adults (age 12 to 24 months) and 72% of calves under 2 months
to late October, and supplementation is achieved with silage and were infected with C. parvum, and 13% of the calves showed
concentrates. Wildlife also contributes to the load of Cryptospo- clinical symptoms (McDonald et al., 2009).
ridium spp. oocysts in surface waters, but oocysts concentrations Stocking density calculated from the land area used for
in surface waters affected by dairy farms are believed to be an livestock production (grazing and silage) divided by the number
order of magnitude higher than surface waters affected by wildlife of cattle yielded a stocking rate of 0.86 cattle/ha. There was
alone (Hansen and Ongerth, 1991). limited fluctuation in the cattle population during the period of the
The objective of this work was to develop a simple spatial risk study. However, farm management practices were seasonal, with
assessment tool based on the evaluation of monthly variation in cattle removed from pasture from mid-October until April.
the spatial relative risk of contamination of surface water by Manure and slurry were collected from housed animals and
livestock using an RPI estimated for a small agricultural spread twice yearly.
catchment. The runoff of water over the land surface after a Data Collection. Satellite image and topographical maps of
rainfall event may transport pollutants quickly and efficiently into the study were obtained from the Ordinance Survey of Ireland
the stream network. The example presented is not applicable to (Dublin, Ireland) (OSI). Field visits were used to confirm the land
free-draining catchments dominated by sub-surface and ground- use in each land parcel within the area under study. A soil map
water processes. It is extremely important to assess the potential and digital elevation model for Ireland were obtained from the
for runoff occurring over a given area of catchment when Environmental Protection Agency (Dublin, Ireland). Daily rainfall
considering pollution sources in the catchment (Foster and data for the years 2006 and 2007 from two synoptic observation
McDonald, 2000). Lewis and McGechan (1999) reported that, in stations near the study area (Clones Co. Monaghan, Ireland, and
high rainfall climates, the drainage and general soil physical Mullingar Co. Westmeath, Ireland) were obtained from Met
characteristics are of particular importance to the generation of Eireann, the Irish National Meteorological Service (Dublin,
surface runoff. For this study, RPI was calculated using ArcGIS Ireland). Daily SMD values (Schulte et al., 2005) for well-
(ESRI, Redlands, California) and considering land-use pattern, drained, moderately drained, and poorly drained soil for the years
rainfall, soil type, terrain slope, SMD, and distance from the water 2006 and 2007 were calculated from meteorological data.
course. Coordinates (latitude and longitude) of ground control points for
A geographic information system (GIS) is a tool for the storage, data georectification over the study area were collected by a
display, and analysis of spatial data (Bowman, 1998). Various global positioning system. A satellite image of the study area was
applications of GIS in environmental planning and management, rectified using the ground control points as a base map, with a
environmental risk assessment, and in other subjects have been pixel resolution of 10 m for further GIS analysis of the catchment.
presented in literature. Watkins et al. (1996) used the data Risk Potential Index and Geographic Information Systems
management and spatial analysis capabilities of GIS in ground- Analysis. In this study, RPI was used as an indicator of the risk
water modeling; Wong et al. (1997) developed a model to of pollution of surface water. This was selected based on a source
estimate stormwater pollutant loading using GIS; Gunes and R vector R target model (Ansell and Wharton, 1992), where (1)

August 2010 751

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Figure 1—Location of the study area in Ireland.

the direct source is infected livestock, moderated by manure and digitized as a GIS data layer and confirmed by field survey. Land
slurry management; (2) the target is surface waters; and (3) other use was classified manually in an attribute table for each field
factors indicate the risk of occurrence of a transport vector, via the vector using field survey and farmer activity records.
soil surface, between the source and target. The main factors that Soil types in the catchment were classified into the 3 potential
influence RPI are land-use pattern (a source risk that must be categories of well-drained, moderately drained, and poorly drained
assessed on a site-specific basis), soil type (vector risk, based on (defined by Schulte et al., 2005), and spatial distribution was
judgement or quantification of drainage processes), rainfall defined by the General Soil Map (Gardiner and Radford, 1980) and
(vector risk, based on observation), SMD (vector risk, reflecting field checking. By definition (Schulte et al., 2005), the water
an interaction between soil type and rainfall; other soil water content of a well-drained soil never exceeds field capacity, has a
status indicators could be used), slope (vector risk), and distance high infiltration capacity, is unlikely to receive rainfall in excess of
from surface water (vector risk). infiltration rate, and therefore offers the least risk of a surface runoff
The following four categories of land use were defined for the transport vector occurring. A moderately drained soil can have
study area and scored (L, unitless, ranging from 1 to 5, Table 1), water contents in excess of field capacity for up to 24 hours and
with respect to relative source risk: therefore both infiltration excess and saturation runoff are possible
for limited time periods. A poorly drained soil can hold water in
(1) Grazing with slurry and manure spreading; excess of field capacity for prolonged periods and therefore has a
(2) Grazing and manure spreading; greater risk of supporting surface runoff and oocyst transport. The
(3) Grazing; and relative scores (So, unitless, ranging from 1 to 5, Table 1) were
(4) Other, which included residential, marsh land, and tillage. assigned accordingly. Any appropriate soil indicator could be used
as the basis of scoring the soil attribute of the RPI, provided it
The scores reflect a judgement regarding the relative risk of a
reflects the nature of the risk processes in the catchment.
source of C. parvum being present; thus, it is greater where
The average daily rainfall for each month in 2006 and 2007
grazing, slurry spreading, and manure spreading coincide and least
(Table 2) was similar to the national daily average rainfall,
where they do not occur. The increased risk of direct
ranging from 1.32 to 4.25 mm. Average rainfall data were divided
contamination by young calves with clinical symptoms is not
into the following 3 classes:
considered, because they are never let out to graze in the field
while showing clinical symptoms that are associated with much (1) High (.4 mm), reflecting a risk of localized high rainfall
greater rates of oocyst shedding. However, field soil samples leading to infiltration excess runoff and prolonged rainfall
tested for Cryptosporidium spp. from the different land uses do leading to saturation runoff;
not justify the relative score, because the data are only available in (2) Moderate (2 to 4 mm), reflecting a lesser risk of excess surface
terms of either negative or positive. Field boundaries were hand- water; and

752 Water Environment Research, Volume 82, Number 8

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Table 1—Parameters, classes, and their relative score. The integration of soil type and rainfall through the calculation
of average daily SMD for each month for well-drained,
Relative score moderately drained, and poorly drained soil was derived for
Parameter Classes of risk (out of 5) 2006 and 2007 using synoptic data (Table 3). Monthly average
Land-use pattern Grazing + slurry + manure 5 daily SMD for the catchment varied from 28.55 mm (near
Grazing + manure 4 saturation, gravity moveable water available to cause runoff) to
Grazing 3 30.06 mm (quite dry soil, no gravity moveable water available),
Other 1 and SMD was categorized as high (.100 mm), medium (15 mm
Rainfall High (.4mm) 5 to 100 mm), and low (,15 mm), as was done by Lea (1979). A
Moderate (2mm to 4mm) 3 high relative score was assigned to low SMD, and a low relative
Low (,2mm) 1 score was assigned to high SMD (Smd, unitless, ranging from 1 to
Soil type Well-drained 1
5, Table 1), to reflect the probability of gravity moveable water,
Moderately drained 3
Poorly drained 5 and hence a transport vector, being present. While the relative risk
Terrain slope Steep (.7%) 5 of a low SMD for a well-drained and poorly drained soil is not
Moderate (3% to 7%) 3 likely to be the same, the interaction is captured by combining
Mild (,3%) 1 with a ranking for soil type and rainfall amount. Daily average
Soil moisture deficit High (.100mm) 1 SMD data for each month were entered into GIS attribute tables to
Medium (15mm to 100mm) 2 generate monthly SMD layers as a time series. Any appropriate
Low (,15mm) 5 soil water status indicator could be used as the basis of scoring the
Distance from the High (. 250m) 1
soil–water interaction attribute of the RPI.
water course Medium (50m to 250m) 2
Low (,50m) 5
The slopes in the study area were divided into steep (.7%),
moderate (3 to 7%) and shallow (,3%), as was done by Jordan et
al. (2007). Steep slope was assigned the highest score, because, if
runoff is generated, it is more likely to be maintained as a surface
(3) Low (,2 mm), reflecting conditions when rainfall will more pathway down-slope by faster-moving water (resisting infiltra-
readily infiltrate into the soil and any runoff will be of small tion). On a shallow slope, surface runoff is more likely to dry up
volume and less likely to flow continuously from source to as water infiltrates into the soil (Sl, unitless, ranging from 1 to 5,
target. Table 1). The average slope in each field was calculated using the
Spatial Analyst tool in ArcGIS (ESRI) from the Digital Terrain
As most rainfall events are associated with frontal systems and Model of Ireland (McGinnity et al., 2002) and saved as the slope
last between 4 and 7 hours in Ireland, daily rainfall provides a layer for further analysis. This ranking is consistent with that used
broad outline of the risk that may arise. A relative risk score was by Jordan et al. (2007), based on the finding of Farquharson et al.
assigned (R, unitless, ranging from 1 to 5, Table 1). No field data (1978) and Heathwaite et al. (2003), and applies in situations
were available to calibrate this relationship empirically, so where soil properties accentuate runoff (impermeable layers and
sensitivity to boundary value was evaluated (61 mm rainfall for slow permeability) and the water table is shallow. In some
each boundary). Daily average rainfall data for each month were situations, a different ranking may be required, if shallow slopes
entered into GIS attribute tables to generate monthly rainfall are at a high risk of runoff, as a result of landscape position, return
layers as a time series. flow, or surface ponding during rainfall.
The distance from each cell of each land parcel (typically a
field) from the nearest surface water drainage line was classified
Table 2—Average daily rainfall of the year 2006 and as high (.250 m), medium (50 to 250 m), and low (,50 m), and a
2007 (mm). relative score was assigned (D, unitless, ranging from 1 to 5,
Table 1). No field data were available to calibrate this relationship
Average of 2 years of daily rainfall empirically, so sensitivity to boundary value was evaluated
Stations (640 m for each boundary). The UK Codes of Good Agricultural
Average Practice (Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs,
Month Clones Mullingar grand total 2003) for the prevention of pollution of water recommends that
slurry is never spread within 10 m of a waterway or within 50 m of
January 2.45 2.52 2.48 a spring, well, or borehole (Jordan et al., 2007). Irish legislation
February 1.82 2.06 1.94 (SI 101 of 2009) requires buffers of between 3 m (next to drains)
March 3.32 2.98 3.15
and 200 m (around water supplies of .100 m3/d). Drainage lines
April 1.43 1.22 1.32
May 3.04 3.19 3.11
were extracted from the Digital Terrain Model for Ireland using
June 1.70 2.09 1.90 the Spatial Analyst tool in ArcGIS and were confirmed by field
July 3.21 3.25 3.23 survey. The distance of each cell of parcel from the nearest down-
August 3.09 2.71 2.90 slope drainage line was calculated and used as the distance layer
September 2.71 2.98 2.84 for analysis.
October 2.82 2.47 2.65 All the data layers were converted to a raster layer data rectified
November 2.60 2.45 2.52 to the satellite image base map. Each pixel on each layer then was
December 3.97 4.54 4.25 assigned its relative risk score (derived from Table 1) to create
Average grand total 2.69 2.71 2.70
monthly RPI maps of the catchment. Each factor in the RPI

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Table 3—Average daily SMD for the years 2006 and 2007 (mm).

Average of two years daily soil moisture deficit

Well-drained soil Moderately drained soil Poorly drained soil

Stations Stations Stations
Average Average Average
Month Clones Mullingar grand total Clones Mullingar grand total Clones Mullingar grand total

January 0.59 0.57 0.58 21.53 21.35 21.44 28.37 28.49 28.43
February 2.19 1.31 1.75 0.99 20.16 0.41 25.72 26.69 26.20
March 2.33 1.54 1.94 0.13 20.42 20.15 26.47 27.24 26.86
April 15.54 17.59 16.56 15.19 17.45 16.32 9.44 12.01 10.72
May 17.54 14.20 15.87 16.53 13.26 14.89 13.91 10.63 12.27
June 30.66 28.94 29.80 30.66 28.69 29.67 31.91 28.20 30.06
July 28.25 31.67 29.96 27.34 30.35 28.84 26.68 28.23 27.45
August 12.58 26.67 19.62 11.69 26.05 18.87 9.95 24.29 17.12
September 7.56 11.45 9.50 6.47 10.73 8.60 0.35 9.10 4.73
October 3.13 2.17 2.65 1.725 0.96 1.34 25.38 23.70 24.54
November 0.82 0.67 0.75 21.02 21.05 21.04 27.94 27.83 27.89
December 0.55 0.49 0.52 22.57 22.55 22.56 28.53 28.57 28.55
Average grand total 10.17 11.49 10.83 8.82 10.21 9.51 4.19 5.88 5.03

calculation was given equal weighting, with the vector factors A low RPI was predicted for large areas of the catchment (51 to
being moderated by the source factor; thus, 75%) from April to August (Figure 3), because the transport
  vector was unlikely to be present, even if there was a source in the
SozRzSmdzSlzD : L
RPI~ ð1Þ field. As the RPI was calculated from six layers of L, So, R, Smd,
5 5
Sl, and D, and only Smd and R vary for each month, the change in
The final RPI value ranged from 0–1 to 4–5, where 4–5 denotes a spatial distribution of RPI is a function of rainfall distribution
zone where the source and transport factors are most likely to throughout the year, as moderated by the weather variables
coincide, thus indicating a high risk of surface water contamina- influencing SMD (wind, temperature, relative humidity, and
tion by Cryptosporidium from agricultural sources; 0–1 denotes a incident radiation). There are areas (approximately 75%) in the
zone with least risk; and values in between reflect a progression western half of the catchment that are less prone to risk (Figure 3),
on increased risk, as a result of the coincidence of risk factors. as there is little chance of a source being present (mostly tillage
Where the source risk is deemed small, the vector risk is reduced

Results and Discussion

An area of ‘‘very high’’ risk (indicated by an RPI range of 4–5)
can occur only when there is likely to be a transport vector (high
rain, poorly drained soil, low SMD) near a surface water course
(,50 m), on a steep slope that can be subject to grazing, slurry
spreading, and manure spreading. This was predicted only for one
very small area of the catchment (0.3%) in December, and, while
the land could be used for spreading, according to legislation (SI
101 of 2009), it is prohibited in winter months, so the real
likelihood of a source of Cryptosporidium being present would be
very low. An area of ‘‘low’’ risk (indicated by an RPI range of 0–
1) can occur only when there is little chance of a source being
present, there is little chance of a transport vector (high SMD, low
rainfall), the soil can readily accept any rainfall that might occur,
and the site has little slope and is distant from any water course.
The intermediate RPI ranges 1–2, 2–3, and 3–4 were classified as
moderate, moderately high, and high risk, respectively. Figure 2
was prepared to establish the fixed risk distribution, as a result of
the interaction of slope, soil type, and distance to the water course
(fixed transport vector). The area was estimated as follows:
approximately 28% as fixed low risk; approximately 56% as fixed
moderate risk, 14% as fixed moderately high risk, approximately
2% area as fixed high risk, and a very small area (0.2%) as fixed Figure 2—Fixed risk distribution as a result of slope, soil
very high risk. type, and distance to water course.

754 Water Environment Research, Volume 82, Number 8

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Figure 3—Monthly RPI.

and grazing); there is little chance of a transport vector (high the onset of full summer, approximately 75% of the catchment
SMD, low rainfall); the soil can readily accept any rainfall that was estimated to be low risk, 24% as moderate risk, and 1% as
might occur; and the site has mild slope and is distant from any moderately high risk. The dominance of low to moderate risk was
water course. The areas having the least transport vector risk, if maintained through July and August. With the onset of autumn in
used for high source risk management (slurry and manure September, October, and November, the risk was forecast to
spreading), would lead to the least chance of contamination of increase (35% low, 55% moderate, 9% moderately high, and 1%
surface waters. The areas with the highest risk generally are steep high risk) to a maximum in December (35% low, 45% moderate,
slopes that are near surface water drainage lines. Even though 18% moderately high risk, approximately 2% high risk, and 0.3%
these should not be used directly for spreading (based on good very high risk). Monthly water sample testing for Cryptosporid-
agricultural practice), as a result of the risk of a continuous ium for the study area confirmed that December had the highest
transport vector over these sites, it would be appropriate not to (80 oocysts/50 L of water sample) concentration of oocysts
spread slurry or manure in adjacent areas, to minimize surface compared with other months of the year.
water contamination. Sensitivity to boundary values was evaluated for the months
In January, approximately 35% of the catchment was estimated December to March for distance to water course (640 m for each
to be low risk, approximately 55% as moderate risk, approxi- boundary) and rainfall (61 mm rainfall for each boundary), as no
mately 9% as moderately high risk, and approximately 1% as high field data were available to calibrate the relationship empirically
risk (Figure 3). In February, the moderate risk area increased to (Figure 4). The analysis revealed that there was no shift in the RPI
approximately 61%, the moderately high risk reduced to 4%, and range of 0–1 (35% in all case) for all 4 months analyzed. There
the high risk reduced to 0.4%. The reduction in risk in February was a small amount of shift (1 to 7%) in moderate and moderately
reflected a decrease in rainfall. In Ireland, the biggest difference high risk zones (RPI 5 1–2 and 2–3) towards positive and
between mean monthly rainfall values occurs as a decrease from negative sides, as a result of the effect of the change in boundary
January to February; thus, the transport risk was reduced. With an values. Negligible change (0 to 0.4%) in shift was observed in
increase in rainfall in March, the percentage area in each risk high and very high risk areas.
category returned to similar values, as estimated for January with To evaluate whether existing land-use practice could be
the same spatial distribution. By April, the RPI risk was reduced changed to reduce risk, a virtual change in land management
to low (69%), moderate (30%), and moderately high (1%), as a was imposed, assuming the total land area per farm remained the
result of increasing SMD and less rainfall. In May, a small same; this restricted farming activities within 50 m of water
(approximately 1%) area of high risk emerged, with approxi- courses (tillage or silage production was allowed) and moved
mately 4% of the catchment being deemed moderately high risk, slurry and manure spreading activities into fields with low fixed
44% as moderate risk, and approximately 51% as low risk, as a risk (moderate slope, greater than 50 m from a water course, and
result of a substantial increase in rainfall and reduced SMD. With soil either well-drained or moderately drained). The recalculated

August 2010 755

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Figure 4—RPI variation resulting from risk boundaries.

RPI with this alternate land-use options for the months January, January was evaluated to be 46% (increased by 11%, as a result of
February, May, July, and December (Figure 5) shows that the change in land use) as low risk, 50% (5% reduction) as
improvements can be made. These 5 months represented the moderate risk, and 4% (5% reduction) as moderately high risk. In
risk-reduction options for the whole year, except April and June, February, low risk was increased by 11%, moderate risk was
as these 2 months were at relatively low risk and were excluded reduced by 7%, and moderately high risk was reduced by 4%.
from the risk-reduction analysis. January represented the risk Moderate risk in May was reduced by 9% and moderately high
distribution of March, September, October, and November, as risk risk was increased by 1%, but high risk was reduced completely
distribution was same as that of January. Risk distribution in (1%). In July, high risk (RPI 5 3–4) was reduced completely, and

Figure 5—Reduced RPI distribution.

756 Water Environment Research, Volume 82, Number 8

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moderately high risk (RPI 5 2–3) was reduced by 0.4%, but Casey, J. W.; Holden, N. M. (2006) Quantification of GHG Emissions
moderate risk (RPI 5 1–2) was increased by 6%. In December, from Sucker-Beef Production in Ireland. Agric. Syst., 90, 79–98.
very high risk (RPI 5 4–5) and high risk (RPI 5 3–4) were Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (2003) Manure
reduced completely, and moderately high risk (RPI 5 2–3) and Management Plan: A Step by Step Guide for Farmers. Department for
Environment Food and Rural Affairs: London, United Kingdom,
moderate risk (RPI 5 1–2) were reduced by approximately 8%
and 2%, respectively. pdf (accessed July 20, 2009).
DuPont, H. L.; Chappel, C. L.; Sterling, C. R.; Okhuysen, P. C.; Rose, J.
Conclusions B.; Jakubowski, F. (1995) The Infectivity of Cryptosporidium Parvum
This study presents an approach to identify when a water course in Healthy Volunteers. N. Engl. J. Med., 332, 855–859.
is at risk of being contaminated by Cryptosporidium spp. The Farquharson, F. A. K.; Mackney, D.; Newson, M. D.; Thomasson, A. J.
approach considers RPI to cause Cryptosporidium spp. transport (1978) Estimation of Runoff Potential of River Catchments from Soil
to the water course. The RPI is influenced by land-use pattern, Surveys, Special Survey No. 11. Soil Survey of England & Wales:
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