Burger King Advertisement

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Burger King Advertisement

a. why you think the ad is unethical;

In the year 2009, Burger King launched an ad for their newest burger called "Super Seven Incher. At the
time, a Burger King manager declined to disclose the name of the advertising agency that produced the
controversial advertisement, but stated that it was a local agency in Singapore where it was advertised
for a short time..

It is unethical because of their sexual connotations with relation to oral sex, this commercial has been
labeled as highly controversial. For example, with girl eye-catching bright red lips wide open, it shows a
young, blonde female ready to take a bite out of the "seven incher" sub and the meanings are anything
but subtle. Another thing to consider is the slogan "It'll blow your mind away," written in big, bold, white
letters, specifically the word "blow," referring to the common slang term for the referenced act, as well
as the words in the top right corner, "It just tastes better." This mixture of words and pictures suggests
that the same amount of gratification one would derive from consuming the burger as they would from
receiving the sexual act to which they refer.
Along with this, the name of the sub as the "Burger King Super Seven Incher" creates further
controversy as well as the words in the bottom right corner telling customers to "fulfill your wishes" for
"long" and "juicy" something, promising that after you eat some you will "yearn for more. This is due to
the fact that this was not viewed by many as relating to the burger but to male sex organs.

Another thing in this ad's is that women may be considered insulting and degrading. This is because the
commercial is specifically aimed at male viewers, demonstrating that a young woman is about to eat the
sub, which is boldly close to the act of performing oral sex on a MALE. The wide-eyed look of the woman
and open mouth have also triggered many to state that she resembles a blow-up doll. This serves only to
further the perception that the ad presents women as objects that are only there to serve men. It would
also relate to the male audience, as it connects both food and sex, whereas women consider it

b. how it could possibly be received by certain groups, and

Through the use of poster advertising, it is a print advertisement method used for small companies. A
poster requires a graphic template, a copy, photographs and colors. It offers a message aimed at
promoting brand recognition or drawing attention to a company event. Also social networking is now
very common in terms of advertisement to make it easy to attract and entertain consumers. Through of
this consumer received this unethical advertisement and it can be banned from other countries because
it was extremely vulgar and offensive to human. In this case, unethical advertising often tries to
misrepresent the product or distort the message that is conveyed to suit some agenda. It will also search
for secret and subversive ways of convincing and exploiting the consumer to agree and purchase the
goods with the customer.

b. what could be a better way of presenting the ad.

Ads are more exaggerated nowadays, and a lot of puffing is used. It seems that advertisers lack
understanding of ethical norms and values. They just don't understand what is right and what is wrong.
According to the Institute for Advertising Ethics (IAE), there are principles of advertising ethics. First, in
representing the public, the advertising industry should uphold strong ethical standards and share the
goal of truth. Second, when producing and disseminating information to individuals, high personal ethics
should be used. Third, to avoid misleading the public, the advertising industry should clearly distinguish
editorial and news content from paid advertisements. Forth, all advertising should clearly demonstrate
whether any payment from the brand has been earned by the researcher. Fifth, marketers should
protect the discretion of consumers in marketing communications and be clear about information
collection for customers. Sixth, marketers can comply with the standards of the advertising industry and
comply with local, federal and state laws regulating advertising. Lastly, advertisers should have private
conversations on ethical issues and their proposals should be openly shared by all participating

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