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Texas Tut

You need fullz with working history and ssn issued in Texas. That’s all. ​@larrrylarry on


1) click
(signup for a user ID).
2) put (name and mail), add
(user ID) and click on the (check availability) if available use it, if not available change
user ID.
2) 2) put (password) and set your own (security questions) and own (answers). Click
(next) when done.
3) put (ssn) , choose (YES) and click next.
4) if it comes like this then fullz already get accounts, victim use his/her details already.
get new fullz and start again.. ​@larrrylarry ​on T
​ elegram.
5) if ssn not used it’s will come like this. Click (next).

6) choose same
7) put (name), (DL*can be generated*), and (dates of works) , note the date of works down
, cos you gonna use it again.
8) click (next).
9) it shouldn’t come like this after page (8), this mean ssn fullz don’t have enough
records in Texas System for them to retrieve it UI benefits, so get new ssn details till you
pass this stage.
​ larrrylarry on telegram. T
10) if ssn is good it should come like this. @ ​ hings that make ssn
good= no-criminal records, maybe have 2 or more properties in Texas, victim is older
35-65 unwards and ssn was issued in Texas.
10) 2) Choose same.
10) 3) Choose same
11) ssn work will come, as many jobs that appears just choose one, google that
employee that you chose to get its phone number and address.
12) select the address

13) with job title, just put suitable title found in that job you googled. Example if job is
(police station) defiantly put (police officer) in job title.
13) 2) after choosing all boxes
same as mine ,put higher amount like ($100,000 a month) in the wages side and click
next. A red button will come telling you the amount the ssn fullz receive every month. Put
that one there.
13) 3) as I said , put that one in the Normal wages side.
14) next
15) chose (NO) and click (NEXT).
16) set
your own (PIN), don’t loose it.
17) if you want payment to be in (debit card) choose (yes), if you have (BANK ACCOUNT)
to receive payment choose (NO) and put in (RN and AN).
18) choose same and put in mail.
19) check if all info is correct.
19) 2) choose (NEXT) if all is
Some fullz at page (19) a small pua questions will come, choose (no) to any questions
that’s says (have you or will you received payment from Blah Blah Blah)

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