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Youth and mental health statistics in Canada:

- 1.2 million children are affected by mental illness

- 20% receive professional help

- By 25, 20% will develop a mental illness

- 70% of mental health problems stem from childhood

- 15-24 year olds are more prone

- 75% of children don't get help

- Waiting for counselling can take 6 months to a year

- Susicide is the second leading cause for 15-24 year olds

- Indigenous youth suside rates are 5-6 times higher

- Canada youth sudicde is the third highest

- Boys are more likely to die by suicde than girls

- Girls attempt it more than boys

- 1 in 5 people will experience mental health illness or problem

- 8% od adults will experience depression at some point

- Mental illness can be treated

- 1 in 11 receive medication

- Men have higher rates of addiction and women have higher rates of mood and anxiety


- Mental and physical health are connected

- People with mental health issues are more likely to have substance abuse

- Mental illness is leading cause of disability

- More likely to die prematurely and can cut 10-20 years

- 4,000 die by suicide per year

- 42% were conflicted if they would socialize with someone who has a mental illness

- 55% wouldn't date someone with a mental disorder

- 81% are more aware of mental health than 5 years ago

- 64 of workers would be worried about how work would affect someone with mental


- 39% wouldn't tell their employer

- Unemployment are higher for people who have severe mental health illnesses

This adds to my learning objective because I want to support youth and mental health

issues. The more I am aware about what's going on the more I can effectively support this

community. It is important to always be up to date when working in your desired field.

Camh. (n/a). “Mental Illness and Addiction: Facts and Statistics”. Retrieved from

Mental Health Commission of Canada (2013). Making the case for investing in mental
health in Canada.

Youth Mental Health Canada. (n/a). Youth mental health stats in Canada. “Youth Mental Health

Reality: The Difference We Can Make”. Retrieved from

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