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Career title: Acting

Being an actor is going to auditions. Going to call back auditions if selected. Then acting
on the scripts, given. You and sometimes an agent have to look for auditions. Sometimes you
can be in a place half of the day, or maybe almost all day helping to act on stage or on film. The
environment can be like being on a stage, being in a room, or being in trailers for shooting a film
for acting.

The skills and abilities needed for this career is memorization, having the tactics needed
to act on lines. Being prepared to act on monologues of your choice. Making sure how long you
are acting for auditions, in order to make sure you're not taking too long. Being able to act on
different genres of monologues.

Almost any college and university here in California offer this sort of training. Someone
can attain necessary training for this career by attending a drama course at a college, and
preparing for them to look for and do auditions. For example, Miracosta College offers drama
classes, which are found on their course catalogs. ("Miracosta College Catalog"). The average
salary someone can get is $55,000, which states on the Miracosta website. ("Welcome to
Career Coach"). The benefits are if living in California there are plenty of auditions here to look
for. For example in an article, "A multitude of fabulous entertainment projects are going on in
cities throughout the Golden State everyday and that means, many outstanding casting chances
for performers of all ages in film, television, modeling, theater, commercials and reality tv."
("California casting calls in 2021").

Some similar careers are different types of acting, such as stage acting, where you can
act on stage. There is film acting, where you can act in movies and TV shows. The outlook for
stage acting is that people can see you on a stage in a building. Film acting is where people can
look at your work on screen in the movies or at home.

In this particular career I am able to be successful because I am really interested in

acting, and I know I can be good at it in the future. I know I can achieve good experiences with
acting. I can be well known and have financial success in life, when I know I can be really good
at it.
Works Cited

● "California Casting Calls in 2021." 2011-2018. Web.

● "Miracosta College Catalog." 2020-2021. Web.

● "Welcome to Career Coach." 2021. Web.

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