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Campus Lima Centro

Carrera de Ingeniería Industrial

Writing Composition Final Project

“My favorite celebrity”

Navarrete Mori, Fernando Ivan
Tello Ignacio, Walter
Zuñiga Villanueva, Samuel

Rodas Paredes, Ysabel Misela

Lima, Perú

Writing Composition Final Project
“My favorite celebrity”
Explicación de la dinámica:
Es un programa de televisión donde se va realizar el juego “qué tanto conoces a tu artista
favorito”. Donde intervendrán el conductor del programa(C), artista(A) y fan(F). Se
realizarán unas preguntas donde el fan contestará primero y el artista confirmará si la
respuesta es correcta o no.
Conductor: Good afternoon, today let´s play "how well do you know your artist?" Our first
contestant is Pepito and our guest artist is the great Will Smith
Pepito, there are ten questions; if you answer eight correctly, you could win a great prize.
Let´s go!
The first question for Pepito: Where does Will Smith reside?
Pepito: Will Smith resides in California.
Conductor: Will, is the answer correct? Do you reside in California?
Will Smith: Yes, I reside in California.
Conductor: Congratulations Pepito, is correct. The second question for Pepito: How old is
Will Smith?
Pepito: Will Smith is fifty-two years old.
Conductor: Pepito, are you sure?
Pepito: Yes, I´m sure.
Conductor: Will, is the answer correct? How old are you?
Will Smith: Yes, the answer is correct. I am fifty-two years old.
Conductor: Very Well Pepito. The third question for Pepito: When is Will Smith's birthday?

Pepito: It´s on September twenty-fifth.

Conductor: Will, is the answer correct? When is your birthday?

Will Smith: Yes, the answer is correct. It´s on September twenty-fifth.

Conductor: Very Great, Pepito. The fourth question: What is Will Smith's favorite food?

Pepito: Will Smith's favorite food is grilled meat.

Conductor: Will, is the answer correct? What is your favorite food?
Will Smith: No, the answer is not correct. My favorite food is seafood.
Conductor: This is the first answer incorrect. Alert Pepito. The next question is how many
children does Will Smith have?
Pepito: Will Smith has two children.
Conductor: Will, how many children do you have?
Will Smith: I have two children. Pepito, you are unstoppable
Conductor: All right, Pepito. Congratulations. You have answered four questions correctly.
The sixth question: What are the names of Will Smith's children?
Pepito: The names of Will Smith's children are Jaden and Wilow.
Conductor: Will, is the answer correct?
Will Smith: Yes, is correct. The names of my children are Jaden and Wilow.
Conductor: Great. The seventh question: What is Will Smith's favorite sport?
Pepito: Will Smith's favorite sport is basketball.
Conductor: Will, is the answer correct? What is your favorite sport?
Will Smith: Yes, is correct. My favorite sport is basketball.
Conductor: Pepito, you are very intelligent. The eighth question: What is Will Smith's
favorite movie?
Pepito: That question is very easy. Will Smith's favorite movie is "Men in Black".
Conductor: Will, is the answer correct?
Will Smith: Yes, is correct. My favorite movie is “Men in Black”.
Conductor I am surprised, Pepito you have seven correct questions. You are one question
away from winning the grand prize. What is the most popular phrase of Will Smith?
Pepito: the phrase he uses in all his films is "Aw, hell no"
Conductor: is that correct Will Smith?
Will Smith: Is correct, man! Pepito, you know a lot about me.
Conductor: Oh my God, It is amazing. Congratulations Pepito. You have won a full day
with Will Smith and one thousand dollars whit a score of eight points.
Now, Pepito, you can choose to answer one more question. If you answer correctly you
could win an additional prize, else you lose everything. What do you decide?
Pepito: No more questions. I am satisfied with my prizes.
Conductor: Then, game over. You leave happy with your prizes. Congratulations, Pepito.
Will, Pepito, what do you have to tell us?
Pepito: I so excited, it´s an amazing experience.
Will Smith: It´s amazing. It´s going to be a great day.
Conductor: Thank you so much for tuning in and watching "how well do you know your
artist?" until next time!

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