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How does this change what we are doing now?

Nothing has to
change if you don’t want it to. We can and will leave you on the
Ft. Leonard Wood mailing list so you receive the information
about events in Missouri. You can continue to work with your
current SOS if you want to. Or you can use the SOS nearest to
you and they will be happy to assist you. We can add you to as
many mailing lists as you want so you have a huge choice of
events and offerings to choose from.

We are all here for you. You have control over who you work
with, what events you attend, and what services you want. You
can call or email Ray, Regina, Rob, Mark, Wendy, Stacy or me
and we will be happy to help you figure out who the SOS closest
to you is so you can get in touch at your convenience.
Spring 2011
Vehicle Decal
Welcome to our first ever Missouri Survivor’s Outreach Services The SOS in coordination with the US Army has developed and is
(SOS) Newsletter!!!! This is for you. You are the only ones who implementing a Vehicle Identification Decal which is provided to
know what helps, what doesn’t and what you need. So make this you with the utmost gratitude for your sacrifice and that of your
your voice and submit articles, photos, suggestions for loved one who died in the service of our Nation. If you do not
improvements, artwork, share your memories or just read it and have a Department of Defense identification card, use of this
hopefully you will have a smile when you put it down after decal should make it much easier to gain entrance to Army
learning something useful. Your input is encouraged and installations by eliminating the requirement to obtain a
welcome. visitor/temporary vehicle pass whenever you come on post. For
more information on this initiative, call Jody Carmack or Wendy
SOS News
2011 Annual Project, “Recipes for Remembering”
More SOS to go around. Our Missouri Survivor’s Memory Quilt from 2010 is an amazing,
SOS now has over 350 staff members to assist and support beautiful and resonating symbol of the love you have for your
Surviving Families worldwide, what an amazing team. What this Service members. It was an honor and a privilege to share your
means for Missouri Families is we have more SOS so you may memories and see their lives through your eyes. With your
not have to travel as far to receive the services you want or need. permission and cooperation, let’s learn a little more about these
Let me introduce the whole team: wonderful people who were taken from you too soon. Who does
not have a memory that relates to food? We are looking for
Ray Wadley is a Support Coordinator with the National Guard in photos, memories, stories, Family Traditions, recipes, whatever
Jefferson City. (573) 638-9500 ext. 7784 you want to share with us that pertains to your life with your Service member and food. One Survivor told me that no matter
where they were stationed, or how small the balcony or yard was,
Regina Turner is a Support Coordinator with the National Guard her father always found a way to fire up his grill because it was
in Springfield. (417) 496-7940 his passion and reminded him of home. This is an example of what we are looking for. We want to put all of your memories in
one original book (scrap book format) which we will keep here at
Robert Sheahan is a Support Coordinator with the National Ft. Leonard Wood with the quilt and future projects for
Guard in East St. Louis. (618) 558-4196 exhibition. We will print a copy for each participating Family to have and cherish. This book will not be for sale, no money will
ever be generated with one of our SOS projects. Be thinking of
Mark Dunlop is a Financial Counselor with the active duty on Ft. your memories, recipes and photos and sorting through which
Leonard Wood. (573) 596-0212 ones you want to share with other Survivors and SOS. I am asking for all submissions to be in my office no later than March
30. These can be by postal service, email or in person. If you
Jody Carmack is a Support Coordinator with the active duty at have any questions or need any clarification, please contact Jody.
486 Replacement Avenue, Ft. Leonard Wood, MO 65473.
(573)596-0212 The 2010 Annual Project, Missouri Survivor’s
Memory Quilt Exhibition Schedule:
Wendy Davis is a Support Coordinator with the active duty on
Ft. Leavenworth. (913) 684-2821 * 12 February to 25 March at Hoge Hall, FLW * 26 March to 3 April at Lincoln Hall, FLW
* 4 April to 16 April at Riverside Regional Library, Jackson, Mo
Stacy Gilbert is the Financial Counselor with the active duty on * 17 April to 6 May at Lincoln Hall, FLW
Ft. Leavenworth. (913) 684-2820 * 7 May to 1 July at Mahaffey Museum, FLW
Saturday June 18, 2011
At 11:00am “A day in the life of a Soldier”. SOS Survivors
will experience some of the training that the Soldiers of today’s
Army go through. Our day begins with a tour of Terry-CBRN
Training Facility which is a mock up of several different types of
sites where the Soldiers learn about the chemical and biological
threats that are out there while learning to safely assess and
disarm the threat. Lunch (at your expense) will be at Tony’s
Dining Facility where our Soldiers eat their meals. After lunch
we are off to tour Stem Village which is a mock up of a typical
military shopping area where the Military Police Soldiers learn to
patrol, assess and disarm volatile situations. Our tour will wrap
up with a stop at the Engagement Skills Training Center where
all of our Soldiers learn about and gain skills with the weapons
they will be using. Yes, it is a simulator, and yes you will be
able to have a turn. Families will have the choice to head home
Missouri Survivor’s Memory Quilt now or get dinner at their choice of locations on or off post at
their expense. At 8:30pm, the Family & MWR will host a Movie
At Thurman Hall on Ft. Leonard Wood in the Park which is free and open to the public. SOS Survivors
will have reserved seating, but bring your blanket or lawn chair
Survivors Helping Survivors and bug spray. Please RSVP to Jody by June 10.
We are hoping to start a peer support program in an effort to
expand our assistance to more Survivors. Some of you need to Tuesday July 4, 2011
help and nurture others while some of you need to be on the At 1:00 pm we will have our Annual Project “Recipes for
receiving end of this love. Peer helpers will be Survivors who Remembering” Presentation. We will meet at Gammon field
are more than a year past the loss of their Service member who on Ft. Leonard Wood for a Survivor Social and Presentation
are willing to mentor a recent Survivor. Be a helper who knows Ceremony. This will be followed by the huge 4th of July
what they are going through. The training and coordination will community celebration. Lots of food vendors, games, a play area
be through Ft. Leonard Wood SOS, but the program will be for for the kids, dunking booths and fun for all. There are many,
all of our Survivors. The peer helper position will be a volunteer many Soldiers getting a break from Basic Training, permanent
position and a minimum of 1 hour per month (but you set the party Soldiers with their Families and people from all over the
amount of time you want) time commitment once you are state will fill the field enjoying the fun at a typical military
assigned to another Survivor. The type of contact will be up to celebration. Survivors will be encouraged to participate in all
you the mentor and your Survivor. Rules of confidentiality that activities offered but any food will be at the Survivors own
the SOS program abides by will apply to this program. For more expense since this is a major fund raiser for many of the non-
information on this please contact Jody. profit Family Readiness and military organizations on post.
Survivors will be invited to attend the official opening
“Book of the Fallen” ceremonies in VIP seating or they can stay in the SOS area. This
The Commanding General of IMCOM, LTG Lynch, has is followed by the Army Soldier Show, again VIP seating is
requested that each Army unit begin their own Book of the Fallen available and concluding the evening is the largest Fireworks
to honor and remember the duty and sacrifices of their Soldiers. display in the state. Please RSVP to Jody by June 24.
Each book will be passed from commander to commander along
with the unit flag. We are asking all Survivors to help us to make Ft. Leavenworth, KS SOS Events
sure we don’t miss anyone. If you would please let Jody know Saturday, March 5 - Parents of Patriots (Potluck)
what military installation and what unit your Soldier was in when Friday, March 18 - Surviving Spouse Social
they died, she will be able to contact them and make sure that Saturday, March 26 - SOS Road Show
unit has good contact information for you so they can get the Saturday, April 9 - SOS Child Recognition/Children’s Festival
photo and background information they need. Friday, May 20 - Surviving Spouse Social/Military Spouse
Upcoming Events for Survivors Saturday, June 18 - Parents of Patriots/Father’s Day Recognition

Saturday May 21, 2011 For more information and to RSVP for the events at Ft.
At 4:00pm is a Survivor Family Pot Luck Picnic followed by a Leavenworth, please contact Wendy Davis.
Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation (F&MWR) concert
featuring Darryl Worley, the Country music star. This event is in In Memory Of . . .
recognition of Armed Forces Day. SOS Survivors will meet at
Memorial Grove Park for an old fashioned Pot Luck Picnic Grant's Garden
complete with family games, mosquitoes and fun. Then we will
have VIP seating at the concert that F&MWR is hosting. It is By Kim Townsend, Proud Mother-In-Law of SPC Grant Yohnka.
free and open to the public. Please RSVP to Jody by May 13.
The death of an active duty Service member presents a unique set
of circumstances, often not realized, even by the Survivors.
When my daughter's husband passed away, he was stationed at Financial News
Fort Leonard Wood, MO; in fact, he did his Basic Training and
AIT at Ft. Wood, as well as it being his first, and only duty
assignment. His wishes, understandably, were to be buried in his Identity Theft Resources
hometown in Illinois.
Personally Viewing Your Credit Report: Every 12 months
For the first few years we made the fourteen hour round-trip to
you can order a report from each credit reporting agency
visit the gravesite, but family circumstances and financial
for free. Most consumer experts suggest staggering your
burdens made the trips less frequent, leaving a guilt and a
reports (every four months). Use the free, official site only:
emptiness that presented a whole new aspect of the grieving
process. NOT
The idea to create our own memorial came to me after seeing a
local business display customized sandstone rocks, mostly Fraud Alert: This is a ‘flag’ you can place on your credit report
engraved to advertise businesses, schools, and other after being victimized. This alerts potential creditors that you are
organizations. a potential fraud victim. Unfortunately, creditors aren’t required
to abide by (or even check) the alert.
It started with the sandstone monument, and every year we add
something new. The first year it was a flag-pole, and a concrete
soldier we found at the Post Thrift Shop. This was followed by a Opting Out - Phone, Mail, & Credit Offers
weeping willow tree, a lilac bush, morning glories that climb up The National Do Not Call Registry allows you to
two antique iron wagon wheels, and the latest addition was the register both land lines and cell phones online at
ornamental grass. or over the phone (888-
"Grant's Garden," is our living memorial to an incredible man 382-1222) - calling from the number you are
who left us much too soon. registering. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
and the state of Missouri each operate a No Call
registry. In order to achieve maximum protection from
unwanted calls, it is best to sign up with both. To sign
up for Missouri No Call:
Registration won't stop all telemarketer calls. Banks, phone
companies, airlines, insurance companies, nonprofit charitable
organizations, and politicians are not under the jurisdiction of the
FTC, and won't be impacted by the list. The National Do Not
Call Registry list only applies to calls across State lines. Sales
calls within a State will still be permitted unless you also opt out
of solicitations through your state. Here are two good ways to
stop [or at least slow] offers for credit: (1) Go to (or call 888-5-optout). These are the
credit reporting agencies opt in/opt out resources to stop the
agencies from selling your information to direct marketers. You
can opt out for a five-year period or permanently (you can
always opt back in if you decide you miss the mail!). If you use
the website provided, you can fill out a very brief, simple form to
opt out. It will then provide a screen with the information you
provided that you will need to print out, sign, and mail to the
address provided in order to permanently opt out. If you don’t do
that last step (print and mail), it will opt you out for a 5-year
period instead. (2) Direct Marketing Association (DMA) Do Not
Mail file This site also shares
information for getting off commercial e-mail lists

Tax Issues
If you have a military ID card, you can visit or call any military
installation and receive free tax assistance. If you don’t have a
military ID card, you can call your SOS with specific questions
and we can help you find the resources to answer your questions.
Publications of interest to military: Pub 3, Armed Forces Tax
Grant's Garden Guide; Pub 559, Survivors, Executors and Administrators; Pub
In Memory of SPC Grant A. Yohnka 590, Individual Retirement Arrangements.
January 15, 1981 - July 3, 2002
Financial Questions
If you have any financial related questions ranging from in this issue. Without her spearheading our newsletter and
budgeting to investing, from insurance to estate planning, from working with the layout, format, and editing, we would not have
health care expenses to savings accounts, please feel free to been able to get this off the ground. Again, thank you Kim!
contact your SOS or Stacy and Mark who are our region’s
Financial Counselors.
TriCare News The Mayonnaise Jar - Author Unknown
Retired Reserve
New TRICARE Coverage for Retired Reserve. Members of the When things in your life seem, almost too much to handle, When
Retired Reserve who are not yet age 60, the so-called "gray area" 24 hours in a day is not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar
retirees, can purchase TRICARE health coverage for themselves and 2 cups of coffee.
and their eligible family members with the recent launch of the
TRICARE Retired Reserve (TRR). Retired reservists may A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some
qualify to purchase TRR coverage if they are under the age of 60 items in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly, he
and are not eligible for, or enrolled in, the Federal Employees picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded
Health Benefits program. They also must be members of the to fill it with golf balls.
Retired Reserve of a Reserve component and qualified for non- He then asked the students, if the jar was full. They agreed that it
regular retirement. For instructions on how to qualify for and was.
purchase TRR, visit the TRICARE Retired Reserve webpage.
The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the
open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students
Survivor Coverage again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.
If you have TRR coverage when your sponsor passes away, you The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the
may purchase or continue TRR until the day your sponsor would jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once
have turned age 60. more if the jar was full. The students responded with a
If you have TRR member-and-family coverage at the time of unanimous 'yes.'
your sponsor's death, DEERS will automatically convert it to The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the
TRR Survivor coverage. To opt out of TRR Survivor coverage, table and poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively filling
a written letter or a Reserve Component Health Coverage the empty space between the sand. The students laughed.
Request Form (DD Form 2896-1) must be postmarked or
received no later than 60 days after the date of your sponsor's 'Now,' said the professor, as the laughter subsided, 'I want you to
death. Premiums will be refunded if there have been no claims recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the
for health care submitted during this 60-day period. important things - family, children, health, friends, and favorite
passions, things that if everything else was lost and only they
If your sponsor had TRR member-only coverage at the time of remained, your life would still be full..
his/her death, you may qualify to purchase TRR Survivor
coverage. Your application must be postmarked or received The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, house,
within 60 days of your sponsor's death, and TRR Survivor and car.
coverage will be effective on the date your sponsor died.
The sand is everything else --The small stuff.
TriCare Young Adult
Now, qualified dependents who age out of TRICARE at age 21, 'If you put the sand into the jar first,' he continued, 'there is no
(age 23 if a college/university student and dependent on sponsor room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life.
for more than 50% of financial support and is not eligible for If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, You will
employer-sponsored health care coverage) and are under age 26, never have room for the things that are important to you.
can purchase TRICARE Young Adult coverage based on the
sponsor’s eligibility and enrollment status. Premiums under the So...
TriCare Young Adult option are “in the process of being Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play
approved by DoD leadership,” said Austin Camacho, a with your children. Take time to get medical checkups. Take
spokesman for the TriCare Management Activity headquartered your partner out to dinner.
in Falls Church, Va. “In general, the full-cost premiums will be
based on the historical cost of TriCare claims for a similarly There will always be time to clean the house and fix the disposal.
aged” person.
'Take care of the golf balls first -- the things that really matter.
For more information, please check out the TriCare website Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.'
listed above or call your SOS.
One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee
The professor smiled.. 'I'm glad you asked'.
From time to time we all need a good, uplifting story to give us a ‘It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may
little boost or make us say, “Hmmm”. The following story was seem, there's always room for a couple of cups of coffee with a
submitted by one of our Survivors, saying it is one of her friend.'
favorites. Thank you Kim Townsend for this story and the input
You prepared for the “I miss the way he looked on Christmas
“Memories are the most beautiful pictures our minds can paint, morning” and the “She loved to be the first to light the menorah
cherish and share them.” on Hanukah”. You followed the advice of the professionals and
tried to socialize but not over do it. You accepted the fact that
the Holidays would be very difficult. You tried to lower your
Resources anticipation and expectations so you would not be too
disappointed. You had hard moments and tears, yet you
There are a number of organizations who are out there to assist experienced some new smiles along the way. In other words,
Survivor Families with a myriad of issues. Each newsletter we you survived the Holidays.
will try to list a few that may be of interest to you. If you have Now, with 2011 upon us, what are you going to do? Another
found one that was particularly helpful to you, please let me year begins without your loved one and you are looking for new
know and we will be happy to include it in a future issue. things to keep you going during your excruciating journey
through grief. You hear people say “Time to move on” or “Time has education scholarship info for the to start living your new normal”. But the reality is, your grief is
children of Fallen Soldiers. what it is. It takes as long as it takes. It is driving your bus and
you are hanging on as tightly as you can from stop to stop.
www. is a non-profit
organization SOS uses quite frequently for miscellaneous What you can do is keep your eyes open for interesting thoughts
resources when we can’t find any traditional ones to help. and things along the way that may provide a nice detour. When
you see an article in a newspaper about a new restaurant, make a is a grief support group in your area special effort to go and check it out. You drive by a museum or
that has agreed to waive fees for SOS Survivors. shop you have never visited before, park and go in. Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors, A friend invites you to go to coffee all the time but you always
is for all military Survivors. It has 24/7 hotline manned by decline saying you have this or that you need to do, this time
trained Survivors as well as a magazine with articles and events, don’t think about it, just go. You pass the same people in the hall
plus info on camps and gatherings for children and adults. or on the street everyday without a word, now say Hi to some of
them or just hold a door open. Take one tiny step at a time to
Family & MWR Appreciates You ease yourself back into your surroundings and life.
You do not miss your loved one any less. You are taking a few
Fort Leonard Wood Special Events would like to say thanks to moments to do something you haven’t done in a while or
all Survivors of Service Members and their Families.  We would normally do. Think of it as rewarding yourself for having the
like to extend a special invite to any and all special events held courage to get up and walk through another day. You allow your
on the installation and encourage you to share these events with heart to be lighter if only for a little while. This may help the
everyone you know.  We look forward to seeing you out at our nice memories to come more freely. It is okay to allow yourself
next event! to enjoy them when they do.
12 March Boxing Match
26 March Dueling Pianos A goal for 2011 could be to attempt to experience the warm
5 April BUNCO PJ Party memories with an inner smile for the wonderful time you shared.
16 April Bunny Egg Hunt (Family Friendly) Keeping your loved one in your heart and their memory alive is a
22 April Donkey Baseball (Family Friendly) reward all in its self.
3 May BUNCO De Mayo
7 May Movie in the Park (Family Friendly) We Need Your Help
4 June Texas Hold'em
11 June Cardboard Regatta This newsletter is for you.
Your suggestions and submissions are enthusiastically
To see what we have to offer anytime please visit us at: encouraged and welcomed. Share your stories, artwork, poems, photos, tips, and resources with us, so we can share them with
other Survivors. Survivors have told us that knowing they are
Or you can follow us on Facebook at: not alone in their grief is one of the keys to healing. So please send any submissions you would like printed to Jody Carmack.
Our goal as your Survivor Outreach Services Program is to keep
I Survived The Holidays, Now What? you connected with the Military for as long as you wish. We will
always try to find ways to improve our understanding of what
By Jody Carmack you are experiencing as well as help you find ways to heal some
The Holidays are eagerly anticipated by some, just another day of the pain while keeping the wonderful memories alive. We
for some and almost dreaded by some. We tend to think of them will listen to you so we can find or create events you will benefit
as a time for Family, celebration, and warm fuzzy feelings. But from and enjoy, provide the services you need and want, and
this is not true for everyone. always treat you with the dignity and respect you deserve.

Your comments are welcome anytime.

In closing, we would like to save trees so if you have an email
account and would agree to receiving this and other
correspondence electronically, please email me and I will switch
you from snail mail to email. Also, if you wish to be taken off of
the mailing lists in general, please let us know, you will always
be welcome to contact any of us whether or not we send things to
you. We are here to connect you to the military for as long as
you desire any way we can.

Survivor Outreach Services (SOS) works long term

with the Families of Service members who are no
longer with them. We provide support, information,
referrals, Survivor fellowship events and advocacy to
Moms, Dads, Spouses, Children, Siblings, and
Grandparents. As time allows, extended Family and
Friends can also be part of the SOS Family. We are
your connection to the Military for as long as you

Fellow Survivors out there.

If you know of fellow Survivors that have not been
contacted by SOS, please let us know. They may be
in your neighborhood or in another country. They
may be your friend or a Family member. Call or
email us and we can help them to get connected! We
do not want to leave anyone out; everyone needs a
little extra support or care from time to time. You can
call the Ft. Leonard Wood SOS at (573) 596-0212 for
help finding the SOS program nearest to them.

Army Community Service (SOS)
486 Replacement Avenue
Fort Leonard Wood, Mo 65473

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