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unit5 Natural Disasters 5.1 TSUNAMI The word ‘tsunami’ comes from a Japanese word meaning ‘harbour wave’. Tsunamis are caused by undersea earthquakes or volcanic eruptions. An earthquake of sufficient power can generate a tsunami because it displaces an incredible amount of water. Unlike regular waves, which moves in a circular manner, @ tsunami rushes in one direction only. The mass of water that a tsunami carries can easily demolish man-made structures. This Is the fundamental reason why a tsunami is such a calamity for coastal communities. Countries and cities that are prone to earthquakes and tsunamis have set up early warning systems that cue residents if they need to evacuate their homes Exercise 1 _ Match the word to its meaning, 1. sufficient A. basic 2. displaces B. disaster 3. demolish C. adequate 4, fundamental D. vacate 5. calamity E. destroy 6, cue F_ moves; supplants 7. evacuate G. prompt ‘© Casco Publications Pe te Exercise 2 _fillin the blanks using the correct form of the bolded words from the text 1 the building. If you hear the fire alarm, you have to Three metres is ________ fabric to make your dress. The wrecking ball the bungalow and then destroyed the shed. Clean water isa _________ tight for everyone, not a special privilege for the rich! I hear the children yelling. That's my to intervene. Refugees are not migrants; the former have been forcibly from their homes through no fault of their own. The city suffered a great_______in the 1956 earthquake. " Choose the correct phrase, saying, or idiom for each of the questions Exercise 3 write the letter in the blank (a) swamped with overwhelmed with excess (B) drowned his troubles destroy or numb awareness (C}_ drown out to shut out stress or negativity (D) sink or swim fail or succeed by attempting He's listening to music to his parents’ quarrelling Victor ___ at the bar, and returned home stinking of beer. Jie Xi was - work and could not attend her friend's party. The new enterprise will on the effectiveness of its new technology. Exercise 4 Read the text and answer the following questions Tomas and Chris walk along the beach in grave silence. Four years ago, their lives were transformed permanently in this location. “That's where | was,” says Tomas, pointing fo a deserted spot about a hundred metres up the beach. All that remains is a concrete shack that has crude graffiti sprayed all over. “I was enjoying a coconut drink and a lime ice cream when the tide suddenly receded, Some surfers started running past us and shouting at us to follow them. My gut feeling told me to obey their warning, so | got into my car and drove, but | got stuck when everyone else did the same. it was a massive jam.” Chris says, “I was one of those surfers. We had just come in on a great wave When the water level suddenly dropped. My friend Manu immediately ordered me to swim to shore.” He adds solemnly, “If | hadn't, I'd have been swept out to the middle of the Pacific Ocean.” “And I'd have died,” Tomas inferjects. “Chris saved my life.” The massive tsunami came upon the beachgoers before they were in the clear. Tomas can recall with perfect clarity how dark the water was. The earthquake and tsunami had churned up the seabed, and as the water surged inland, it picked up more and more detritus, People screamed and tried to cling onto anything that floated. Chris and his friends were racing to high ground when they were swamped underwater: the tsunami had caught up to them Remembering the traumatic incident, Chris shudders. He shares a story about seeing a mother with a pram swept away, and then later he noticed the pram drifting past him with the baby still safely aboard -- and the mother nowhere to be seen. Tomas then shares the anecdote of how Chris rescued him. “I was trapped,” he says. “I thought | was done for. Within a minute the seawater got to my car and it was rising really fast. | was dragged along by the current and collided with another stranded car. The impact was so great thal | fractured my forearm, but with my other arm | opened the door and crawled out of the vehicle so | wouldn't be fowed out to sea.” “Iheard someone screaming for help behind me,” says Chris. “I glanced back and saw this young man holding on to a car with only one hand.” Chris knew he had to help. He grabbed a beach chair that had been drifting past him and then Used that fo pull Tomas fewards himsel. Then he had swum with Tomas until they eached higher ground. Tomas owes Chris his life, and they have kept in close contact ever since. (© Casco Publications Pe Lid For questions 1 and 2, choose from the words in bold from the text 1. Find the synonyms (words of the same meaning) of the following words/ phrases (a) changed (0) interrupts (2 tossed (d)_ debris (e) personal story 2. Find the antonyms (words of the Opposite meaning) of the following words/ phrases: (a) decent (6) cdvanced (cheerfully (d) happy (e) pushed —__ 8. Identify @ phrase in paragraph 1 that suggests that Tomas and Chris were in @ serious mood, 4. What two-word phrase in paragraph 2 means “instinct? 5. What does the phrase “in the Clear” (paragraph 5) mean? 6. Identify a phrase in paragraph 7 that means “going to die”, tf True or false (T / F): (a) Tomas doubted the surfers’ warnings. (b) Chris told Manu to swim to shore. = (c)_ The tsunami swept inland very rapidly. (d) Tomas broke his leg while escaping. | ee (e) Tomas is grateful to Chris. —_ Unit 5 5.1 Tsunami Exercise 1 Ts Cn uae ees 4A 5° Bo 6.6 aD} Exercise 2 1. evacuate 2. sufficient 3. demolished 4. fundamental 5. cue 6. displaced 7. calamity Exercise 3 TC? 25,3 3: A D > Exercise 4 1, a. transformed b._interjects ce. churmed detritus e. anecdote a. crude b, receded c. solemnly d. traumatic e. towed 3, “in grave silence” . “gut feeling” 5. Tt means “safe"/ “not in danger” 6, “done for” Toei e b F og. (hag e T Bxercise 5 Across 2. cue 6. transform 9, recede 12, undersea 13. sink 14, clear 16, evacuate 18, calamity 19. demolish F 1. sufficient 2. chumed 3. gut 4, interject 5. harbour 7. fundamental 8. traumatic 10. crude 11. displaces 15. grave 17, anecdote ——— 5.2 Earthquakes Exercise 1 Tages 2 aR. 5 1. 8 G B av Exercise 2 increment epicentre continuously rigid segments seismic intensity Exercise 3 AD UAB? . “346 D

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