Professional Growth Timeline: By: Elisalee Rodriguez

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Professional Growth Timeline

By: Elisalee Rodriguez

3 years from today, I

will be teaching for Ten years from
One year from my first year working today, I will be a
today, I hope to have along side, vetern vetenan teacher
an AA and have teachers who will helping new teachers
started my first year guide me to success in their own
in route to get my BA in my classroom. classroom.

Two years from Five years from At the end of my

today, I will be on my today, I hope to be career, I hope to have
senior year of college running my made an impact in all
and in route to classroom gaining of my students lives.
graduate. knowledge from
students and other

For the first two years of my timeline, I will still be in college on my way to receive my Bachelors in
Elementary education. In 3 to 10 years, I will have started my teaching career on my timeline, I will
be collaborating with teachers, students and parents to make my classroom a successful learning
environment. At the end of my career in my timeline, I hope to retire and look back on my student
success in the classroom and hope to have made an impact in their lives.

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