The Self and The Good Life.: For Plato, The Task of Understanding The Things in The

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GOOD LIFE Nicomachean Ethics

In Ancient Greece, long before the word "science" All human activities aim at some good. Every art and
has been coined, the need to understand the world human inquiry, and similarly every action and
and reality was bound with the need to understand pursuit, is thought to aim at some good: and for this
the self and the good life. reason the good has been rightly declared as that at
which all things aim.
For Plato, the task of understanding the things in the
world runs parallel with the job of truly getting What is meant by good ife?
into what will make the soul flourish.
- Living in comfort and luxury with few
In an attempt to understand reality and the external problems or worries
world, man must seek to understand himself, too. - Characterized by happiness from living and
doing well
• It was Aristotle who gave a definitive
- Content
distinction between the theoretical and
practical sciences. What is eudimonia?
• Among the theoretical disciplines, Aristotle - Came from the Greek word “eu” meaning
included logic, biology, physics, and “good” and “daimon” meaning spirit
metaphysics, among others. Among the - Refers to the good life marked by happiness
practical ones Aristotle counted ethics and and excellence
politics. - Flourishing life filled with meaningful
• Whereas "truth" is the aim of the theoretical endeavors that empower the human person
sciences, the "good" is the end goal of the to be the best version of himself/herself
practical ones. - Compared to his teacher and predecessor,
• Every attempt to know is connected in some Plato, Aristotle embarked on a different
way in an attempt to find the good or as said approach in figuring out reality.
in the previous lesson, the attainment of - In contrast to Plato who thought that things
human flourishing. Rightly so, one must find
in this world are not real and are only copies
the truth about what the good is before one
of the real in the world of forms, Aristotle
can even try to locate that which is good.
puts everything back to the ground in
Aristotle – ancient Greek philosopher claiming that this world is all there is to it and
that this world is the only reality we can all
- Known for his natural philosophy, logic and access.
political theory
- One of the greatest thinkers in the history of - For Plato, change is so perplexing that it can
western science and philosophy, making only make sense if there are two realities:
contribution to logic, metaphysics, the world of forms and the world of
mathematics, physics, biology, botany, matter.
ethics, politics, agriculture, medicine, dance - Consider the human person. When you try
and theatre to see yourself in front of the mirror, you
- First to classify areas of human knowledge normally say and think that you are looking
into distinct disciplines such as math, at yourself-that is, you are the person who
biology, and ethics slept last night and you are the same person
- Founder of the Lyceum, the first scientific looking at yourself now, despite the
institute, based in Athens, Greece occasional changes like a new pimple that
- One of the strongest advocates of a liberal grows on your nose.
arts education, which stresses the education
of the whole person, including one’s moral - The same is true for a seed that you threw
character, rather than merely learning a set out of the garden last month. When you
of skills. peek into the same patch of land where the
seed ingrained itself into, you may be
surprised to see a little plant showing itself - The good for humans was reason well
to you and to the sun. - The task of reason was to teach humans
how to act virtuously, and the exercise
- Plato recognized change as a process and
faculties in accordance with virtue
as a phenomenon that happens in the world,
that in fact, it is constant. However, Plato VIRTUE/S
also claims that despite the reality of
change, things remain, and they retain their - Behavior showing high moral standards
ultimate "whatness"; that you remain to be - “paragons of virtue”
you despite the pimple that now sits atop - Synonyms. Goodness, virtuousness,
your nose. righteousness, morality, ethicalness,
uprightness, upstandingness, integrity,
- Plato was convinced that reality is full of dignity, rectitude, honesty, honorableness,
these seemingly contrasting manifestations honorability, honor, decency, worthiness,
of change and permanence.
- For Plato, this can only be explained by
postulating two aspects of reality, two worlds Intellectual virtue
if you wish: the world of forms and the
- Theoretical wisdom( thinking and truth)
world of matter.
- Practical wisdom
- In the world of matter, things are changing - Understanding . Experience and time are
and impermanent. necessary requirements for the development
of intellectual virtue
- In the world of forms, the entities are only
copies of the ideal and the models, and the Moral Virtue
forms are the only real entities. Things are
red in this world because they participate in - Controlled by practical wisdom (ability to
what it means to be red in the world of make right judgment)
forms. - Owed its development to how one nurtured
it as habit
- Aristotle, for his part. disagreed with his - Can be learned
teacher's position and forwarded the idea
that there is no reality over and above can HAPPINESS TO ARISTOTLE
perceive. As such, it is only by observation -“Happiness depends on ourselves”
of the external won one can truly understand
what reality is all about. Change is a pro is - central purpose of human life and a goal in itself
inherent in things. We, along with all other
entities in the world, start as potentialities -depends on the cultivation of virtue
and move toward actualities. The
- a genuinely happy life required the fulfillment of a
movement, of course entails change.
broad range of conditions, including physical as well
- Consider a seed that eventually germinates as mental well-being
and grows into a plant. The seed that turned
to become the plant underwent change from
the potential plant that is the seed to its full
actuality, the plant - Happiness is a final end or goal that
encompasses the totality of one’s life
- It is not something that can be gained or lost
- The activity of the soul in accordance with in a few hours, like pleasurable sensations
virtue - It is more like the ultimate value of your life
- Believed that good for humans is the as lived up to this moment, measuring how
maximum realization of what was unique to well you have lived up to your full potential
humans as a human being
- Aristotle extends this analysis from the knowing that one is getting the best out of
external world into the province of the life. A kind of feeling that one has maxed out
human person and declares that even his potentials in the world, that he has
human beings are potentialities who aspire attained the crux of his humanity.
for their actuality.
- Happiness as the Goal of a Good Life
- Every human being moves according to
some end. Every action that emanates from - In the eighteenth century, John Stuart Mill
a human person is a function of the purpose declared the Greatest Happiness Principle
(telos) that the person has. by saying that an action is right as far as it
maximizes the attainment of happiness
- When a boy asks for a burger from a Filipino for the greatest number of people.
burger joint, the action that he takes is
motivated primarily by the purpose that he - At a time when people were skeptical about
has, inferably to get full or to taste the claims on the metaphysical, people could
burger that he only sees on TV. not make sense of the human flourishing
that Aristotle talked about in the days of old.
- When a girl tries to finish her degree in the
university, despite the initial failures she may - Mill said that individual happiness of each
have had, she definitely is being propelled individual should be prioritized and
by a higher purpose than to just graduate. collectively dictates the kind of action that
should be endorsed.
- She wants something more, maybe to have
a license and land a promising job in the - Consider the pronouncements against
future. Every human person, according to mining. When an action benefits the
Aristotle, aspires for an end. greatest number of people, said action is
deemed ethical.
- This end, we have learned from the previous
chapters, is happiness or human flourishing. - Does mining benefit rather than hurt the
majority? Does it offer more benefits rather
- No individual-young or old, fat or skinny, than disadvantages?
male or female-resists happiness. We all
want to be happy. Aristotle claims that - Does mining result in more people getting
happiness is the be all and end all of happy rather than sad? If the answers to the
everything that we do. We may not realize it said questions are in the affirmative, then
but the end goal of everything that we do is the said action, mining, is deemed ethical.
- If you ask one person why he is doing what - S&T is also the movement towards good life
he is doing, he may not read he may not - S&T are one of the highest expressions of
readily say that it is happiness that human faculties
motivates him.
- S&T allow us to thrive and flourish if we
- Hard-pressed to explain why he is motivated desire it
by what motivates him will reveal that - S&T may corrupt a person
happiness is the grand, motivating force in - S&T with virtue can help and individual to be
everything that he does. When Aristotle out of danger
claims that we want to be happy, he does
not necessarily mean the everyday
happiness that we obtain when we win a
competition, or we eat our favorite dish in a

- What Aristotle actually means is human

flourishing, a kind of contentment in
When Technology and Humanity Cross

• Technology

• The ever-growing society has made people see

technology as some form of necessity.

• Tracing back its origins, the word "technology"

came from the Greek words technē and logos
which mean art and word.

• Concepts like machine and tools were also

attached to the word "technology" which is the
more popular sense of the concept nowadays.

 The roles played by technology these days are
very crucial not only to a few but also to

 While there may be some who would claim that

their lives are not greatly affected by technology,
the fact cannot be denied that technology is
already an inevitable part of the society.

 It is with great effort that people were able to

achieve such great inventions. It makes life so
much easier and more convenient the ever



• Roles Played by These Technological


Television sets, mobile phones, and computers or

laptops all have different functions and roles played in
the lives of the people, although some may be a little

These roles have become so essential that people, more

specifically Filipinos, developed

a strong inclination toward technology and its products.

• Roled played by technology

1. Safety

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