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Simplification of work:

Knowledge management as a solution

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B Subhead lorem ipsum, date quatueriure

4 Simplification of work: Knowledge manage-

ment as a solution

5 But first, what is knowledge?

6 Why invest in knowledge management?

7 Deloitte's view on knowledge management

8 How can Deloitte Help?

10 Conclusion

Knowlegde Management Point of view 3

Simplification of work:
knowledge management as a solution

Companies are increasingly required to do more with Recognising a need to respond to this increasingly
less resources whilst functioning in an environment with complex data driven landscape, Deloitte has invested
an overload of data and information. For individuals, it in expertise and experience to help prepare companies
can become difficult to filter out what content is relevant to effectively respond to these challenges. We have a
for a given task, and once identified, frustrating to find proven methodology, the necessary experience and an
that it is out of date or there is no single source of truth. established track-record having delivered knowledge
management outcomes for a number of companies.
Today, companies struggle with many of the same issues
associated with data, information and knowledge.
What is knowledge management?
One of the challenges we see is a tendency of silo
Knowledge management is the art of transforming
working behaviour of different business units and
information and intellectual assets into enduring value
as an outcome, the wheel is regularly reinvented.
for an organisation's clients and its people. The core
Another challenge is the difficulty of collaboration
objective of knowledge management is getting the right
across boundaries and easy access to lessons learned,
information to the right people at the right times to help
interlinked content and specialist knowledge. A further
people share experiences and insights, and to improve
challenge is the establishment of a knowledge sharing
the productivity of teams.
culture where knowledge management is part of the
business processes and where there is a clear knowledge
management governance supported by roles and
responsibilities regarding knowledge management and
knowledge sharing.

Knowledge Management misconception: Knowledge Management is:

A stand alone program or project and should not A way to improve efficiency and productivity to
be measured as such support achievement of business goals

An off the shelf product or program that can be Customised to the organisational structure,
copied products and services

KM has an impact on systems, processes and

Just about getting information and document
people. It leads to a change in employee’s
behaviour and attitudes

Identifying and sharing business critical

Overloading people with information

Creating additional workload which will not add Getting the most from the intellectual capital of
value the entire organisation

Integrating knowledge management in daily

Purely a technology solution
activities, processes and culture

But first, what is knowledge?

Knowledge is the most complete and relevant form of Explicit knowledge relates to the capture and storage
content exchanged within a company; but it is also the of physical data and information in specific formats,
most difficult to capture. Data only becomes information files and composition. Explicit knowledge needs to be
and eventually knowledge through insight and managed via effective document management systems
experience. The question remains, how do we capture that allow people to find back easily the knowledge they
all of this knowledge? are looking for.

When we talk about knowledge, we need to distinguish The management of tacit knowledge can happen
between two types of knowledge: in different ways. As there is a vast amount of critical
knowledge in the heads of people, the goal cannot be
• Explicit knowledge – the captured facts, figures, data
to capture it all in documents or systems such as wiki’s,
and information which physically exist in documents,
memo’s or learning. A way of managing this knowledge
repositories, etc.
is by creating an expert network, where people can
• Implicit / tacit knowledge – the knowledge that is easily find experts that can help them in doing their job.
acquired over time through experience and education Effective tools such as expert locator link people in a
and that only exists in the heads of the people. company to their expertise and contact details. Another
way of managing tacit knowledge is to transfer to a
broader group of people via mentoring, lunch seminars,

How we know how to take action, based on our

learning, or experience, and the goals we have set
as an organisation

Internal and external reports, documentation, etc.


with highly variable points of view



Basic building blocks. Require a high degree of

synthesis to create relevance

Knowlegde Management Point of view 5

Why invest in knowledge management?

Investing in knowledge management has proven to have • Improves policy making – due to accessibility of
numerous benefits to a company's ability to operate. information, subject matter experts and insights
For the companies we have worked with we have
• Fosters innovation – increased efficiency leads to
found that improved knowledge management has the
innovation as the capacity of staff increases and time
following impacts:
is available to consider multiple solutions to a given
• Stimulates collaboration – through knowledge task or problem
forums and platforms and a desire to share the most
• Improves reputation – consistency of advice and
up to date information
ability to respond in short timeframes improves the
• Increases efficiency – via a reduction in search times overall reputation of a company
and duplication of effort
• Increases personal satisfaction – availability of
• Prevents outflow of knowledge – as the knowledge information leads to lower levels of frustration, and
is documented and remains accessible to the entire increased job satisfaction as staff are more readily
company able to contribute and add value to existing data an
• Improves decision making – knowledge is accessible
and decision making based on available facts and up
to date data

“Knowledge management is a discipline

that promotes an integrated approach to
identifying, capturing, evaluating,
retrieving, and sharing all of an enterprise's
information assets. These assets may
include databases, documents, policies,
procedures, and previously uncaptured
expertise and experience in individual
(Duhon, 1998)

Deloitte's view on knowledge management

Deloitte has a proven track record of delivering knowledge Leadership and governance
management services for several companies. Deloitte has built A governance structure with clear roles, responsibilities and
a globally accepted knowledge management methodology top management sponsorship is essential to defining, driving,
with six components. All six components of a knowledge controlling and overseeing the implementation of knowledge
management framework must be addressed in order to create management. Effective governance translates senior leadership
a sustainable knowledge sharing culture within a company. decisions into company-wide behaviours and ensures
Improvements of knowledge management are facilitated adherence to knowledge management practices. Assigning
through a combination of processes, tools and behaviours, leadership roles and responsibilities is necessary to embed
enabling better connections and motivating people to share and support knowledge sharing, corporate learning and set
expertise, insights, learnings and best practices. knowledge management priorities, commitments and resource
People and Culture
Aligning key employee behaviours and creation of a
Strategic knowledge management culture is essential for a successful
alignment execution of the knowledge management strategy. Creating
a culture that shifts from “knowledge is power” to “we share
our knowledge because we and our company benefit from it”
is a very long journey. User adoption is created in stages and
Leadership &
Technology Governance needs a multi-angled approach.

Process and Organisation

Leading companies typically create defined methods for
Management sharing knowledge and expertise. Knowledge goes through
different lifecycle stages which need to be structured in a way
that allows for consistency and standardisation in the capture,
organisation and dissemination of knowledge.
Content & People &
Context Culture
Content and Context
There needs to be a focus on the identification, capture and
management of core knowledge “assets” in order to better
Processes & access and exploit intellectual capital. Identifying company
critical content & expertise and understanding the context
of the events or situations in which it is used is imperative
to delivering the right information to the right people at the
right time. Employees will only engage in knowledge sharing
practices if they get the information they are looking for when
Strategic Alignment they need it.
Success requires knowledge management initiatives that
contribute to the company’s strategy and goals. Success Technology
requires strategies to be part of employees’ everyday actions Tooling must be in place to facilitate the knowledge
and decisions. Establishing a clear vision and link between management process of capturing, organising, searching,
corporate strategy, business objectives and knowledge maintaining and disseminating the knowledge. Effective
management strategy and practices is imperative for creating knowledge management therefore requires appropriate tools
a shared understanding amongst leaders and staff around the and technology to support the integration and automation
decisions, actions, behaviours and messages required. of knowledge sharing into daily work activities. Technology
helps to facilitate collaboration across the company providing
the right content and expertise to the right people at the right

Knowlegde Management Point of view 7

How canConclusion
Deloitte Help?

Understanding your company and developing a The maturity scan can then be used to develop targeted
knowledge management maturity implementation initiatives aligned to the six components
Linked to the knowledge management framework of the knowledge management framework to improve
explained above, Deloitte has developed a knowledge knowledge management over time. As knowledge
management maturity scan, which is used to measure the management is an evolutionary process and as knowledge
maturity of knowledge management within the company management improves in the company, adhesion and
(both ‘As-Is’ and the desired ‘To-Be’). This maturity scan is success will come gradually. It is therefore better to plan
an excellent basis to develop the knowledge management multiple iterations and continuously make/review the
strategy and also an understanding of what areas of the business case to reach the target.
framework need to be improved and how these should
be prioritised in order to have the most disproportionate
impact on the company its ability to improve operations.
It serves as a guide for implementation efforts as well as
a baseline comparison when reflecting on achievements
over time.

Success requires knowledge management

Strategic initiatives that contribute to the business
strategy & goals

A governance structure with clear roles Strategic

Leadership & and responsibilities is essential to defining, Alignment
Governance driving, controlling and overseeing the
44 Leader
implementation of knowledge management
33 Competitor
Creation of a knowledge management culture Technology 22 Follower Leadership &
People & is essential for a successful execution of the
culture Governance
KM strategy. Stimulation of the behaviours of 11 Beginner
people in terms of knowledge sharing
Processes provide a structure that allows
Processes & for consistency and standardisation in the
Content & People &
capture, organisation, maintenance and Context Culture
dissemination of knowledge

Focus on the identification, capture and

Content & management of core knowledge „assets" in Process &
context order to better access and exploit intellectual Organisation

Tooling must be in place to facilitate

the knowledge management process of
capturing, organising, searching, maintaining
and disseminating the knowledge


Taking the next steps in improving the People and Culture

knowledge management maturity of your People & Cultural change programmes including
organisation training and communication are aimed at
Next to the maturity scan, targeted implementation building awareness in the company about
initiatives aligned to the six components of the what good knowledge management and
knowledge management framework can be used to knowledge sharing behaviours look like.
improve the knowledge management maturity over These can be designed so behaviours
time. Furthermore, this initial analysis serves as a can be tracked and monitored over time.
baseline for future comparisons. Deloitte has a long-standing experience in
building those programmes.
Typical activities around each of the six components
include: Process and Organisation
Processes & Leading organisations typically create
defined methods for sharing knowledge
Strategic Strategic alignment and expertise. Knowledge goes through
Senior leadership alignment and different lifecycle stages which need to
establishing a clear vision and link be structured in a way that allows for
between company strategy, company consistency and standardisation in the
objectives and knowledge management capture, organisation and dissemination of
strategy is imperative to creating a shared knowledge. Deloitte can assist by creating
understanding amongst leaders and staff these formalised processes and defining
around the decisions, actions, behaviours the knowledge management organisation.
and messages required. This can be
amongst others achieved through a high Content and Context
impact workshop process with key decision Content & Identifying company critical content &
makers from the company. Deloitte expertise and understanding the context
has designed and delivered this style of of the events or situations in which it is
workshops many times over the past years used is imperative to delivering the right
and proved its added value through real information to the right people at the
impact and follow-up. right time. Employees will only engage in
knowledge sharing practices if they get
Leadership & Leadership and Governance the information they need at the right
Leadership alignment programmes and time. Deloitte can help companies in
clear knowledge management governance creating a taxonomy and a knowledge
structures need to be put in place to assist assets inventory to classify and structure
in raising the awareness and understanding knowledge. This will lead to a clear
of why knowledge management practices overview of which knowledge can be
are important and should be embedded found where.
within the workplace. The Deloitte team
consists of a large team of experts in Technology
building these leadership alignment Effective knowledge management requires
programmes and setting up governance appropriate tools and technology to
models. support the integration and automation
of knowledge sharing into daily work
activities. Our Deloitte ‘Technology’
capabilities are fully in line with the
standards including Microsoft SharePoint,
Atlassian/Confluence Wiki, SAP ECC, SAP
Business Objects, Qlikview, SAS, …

Knowlegde Management Point of view 9


Deloitte is known as a trusted advisor

and implementer for knowledge
management solutions within business
units and companies. We have
worked with a number of companies
in implementing knowledge
management systems and supporting
the associated culture in order to help
realise their aspirations of improving
knowledge sharing and reducing silo
working behaviour.

Knowlegde Management Point of view 11
For more information, please contact:

Yves Van Durme Aart Joppe

Partner Human Capital Partner Information Management
+32 2 749 59 97 + 32 2 749 57 68
+32 478 65 40 53 + 32 479 79 20 34

Nathalie Vandaele Nathalie Matthijs

Director Human Capital Senior Manager Human Capital
+32 2 800 28 13 +32 2 749 53 62
+32 497 05 08 60 +32 479 57 94 32

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© May 2015 Deloitte Belgium


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