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Directions: Take notes in the boxes below to get to know your European Thinker more deeply.

Name of your thinker:

Video Notes
Use this link, VIDEO LINKS AND BACKGROUND READINGS and the space below to record at least
5 important notes / pieces of information from the videos:

Background Reading Notes

Use this link, VIDEO LINKS AND BACKGROUND READINGS and the space below to record at
least 5 important notes / pieces of information from the background reading:

Other Notes - Google your thinker (encyclopedia/wikipedia)

Use the space below to record at least 5 important notes / pieces of information

Biographical Poem...this will be your Salon introduction

Directions: Complete the sentences below about the thinker you researched.

LINE 1: I am...

LINE 2: I lived...
(when / where)

LINE 3: Three words that describe me are:

LINE 4: I was a lover of...

(list 3 things they loved (to do, to study, to be, a person, etc..)

LINE 5: I believed in…

(list 3 things they believed / valued (a person, a thing, an invention, an idea etc…)
Challenge Questions!
Directions: Choose 3 other thinkers from the OVERVIEW OF EUROPEAN THINKERS and read about them
and their beliefs. Write challenge questions that your thinker would have for them. Make the other thinkers
defend their beliefs or explain contradictions.

Name of other thinker: Name of other thinker: Name of other thinker:

Challenge Question: Challenge Question: Challenge Question:

Defense Questions!
Directions: Prepare your defense for when other thinkers direct their Challenge Questions against you. Talk
with your group and decide areas that other thinkers will attack or judge your thinker, and prepare your

Potential challenge question to receive: Potential challenge question to receive:

Defense: Defense:

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