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Part 1 Small Chat For 23 Mins

Hey John, how’s your week going?

Where are you calling from today?

Alright, well we can dive right in and get started with this call if you want?

Part 2 State The Agenda & Take The Lead

OK well how this call will go is I want to get perfect clarity on exactly where you are so I know exactly
how to get you to your destination faster. I'll just start of by asking you some questions about your
business but this time, I want to take notes.

Then if it sounds like I can help and if it sounds like we’re a good fit I’ll explain what I have to offer
and how that works and everything.

Then at the end you can make a decision whether you want to be a part of it or not.

(Wait for the ok awesome then move forward).

Part 3 Figure Out Why They Are Here

 Have you tried anything in the past to fix your marketing issue and get more high quality
clients that have insurance?
 For how long have you been dealing with this in your business?

Part 4 Understand Their Current Situation

Again, lets start from the top concerning who exactly you’re looking for, so we can get very detailed
about who that is…

What would you say is your sales process from stranger to paying client with you?

Previously, what products and services is making up most of the sales volume?
Part 5 Gather Essential Data & Cause Self Inflicted
So, let’s start from the top again brother. Just so we are on same page and I know exactly how to
really help you.

 How did you say you were getting customers in your previous location?
 Did you know how much it’s cost you then, to acquire a new customer?
 Did you have a process in place to get you customers at will?
 Are you comfortable relying on that previous style of operating your business?
 How much money were you making per month with in your previous location?
 What do you think was wrong with your previous method of marketing your practice?

You must get a specific dollar figure per month before moving forward. This is essential to making
the sale close and the prospect associating you and your service to their income.

Figure out what they want

 OK John, where do you want to grow this business to in the next 12 months in this new
 You must get an answer to this question, hear them out and then get a specific dollar figure
per month before moving forward.
 OK and what is your motivation for getting to $XX ? You said you want to retire right?
 So How how exactly will things be different for your business if you got to $XX ?
 Would getting to $XX have an impact on other areas of your life? Tell me about that…

Part 7 Releasing Control & Self Admission

Ok so, you were making XX and you want to get to $50,000 per month. Tell me
what’s stopping you from achieving that on your own right now?
Listen for those 3 magic statements before moving forward: Inability to do it on their own, wanting
to do it faster or wanting to follow a proven system and have guidance by somebody who has
actually done it.

Part 8 Gaining Commitment & Wrapping In Emotion

 OK John, so you’re currently making $10,000 /month why not just stay where you are? Like
what’s really driving you decision to increase what you take home?
 OK and is not having this level of income really affecting any other areas of your life?

 OK and you mentioned earlier that you are wanting to fix this in this new location right?
 OK and I know that you are wanting to fix this now but how committed are you to make this

Part 9 Acknowledge The Gap & Permission To

 OK John, well we can definitely help with that.

Part 10 State What You Are An Expert At

Well my area of expertise now as I tried to tell you earlier is helping local business owners to create
and deploy razor targeted Customer Acquisition Systems to bring in Leads and Sales with

Yes, I may be new to all this, but I’ve received thorough training and I am working with a team of
experts right now with a ton of experience. They’re supporting me to get results for my first few
clients before I go in all on my own. .

I typically want to work with local business owners and my goal is to help them to get more clients in
a month than some of their competitors do all year.

Part 11 State Your Offer And How It Works

The next step when you do this correctly is that your prospect will ask you how they can work with
you or what you have to offer when they ask you need to present what you have in a clear way that
does NOT SOLVE their issues.

Basically we will create a Leads Feeder System, that will supply leads to your practice while at same
time giving you the ability to select the prospects that are a right fit for you. So, you basically pick
who you work with, based on certain criteria. And eliminate the kind of clients you don’t want.

Secondly we’ll work on your messaging and your follow-up system to enable you maximize the leads
you are bringing in.
And lastly we’ll help you create your client onboarding experience, to enable you build rapport with
your clients to maintain engagement, generate testimonials and referrals.

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