Adrian Tirado - Assignment 3 Essay Information What Does Money Mean To You

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What Does Money Mean To Me

What money means to me is a currency that goes around the world is different types
currency like rupes, euros, th canadian dollar, bitcoin. Money is a form of currency that can go a
long way between people and companies
Money to me means that I can buy a lot of things, for instance you can buy food, clothes
, games , haircuts etc . Money is an important factor to have in life because you're always going
to have to have money for the things you want or need. Like if you need some money to buy
some medicine or something important that you really need and you don't have the money for it.
Thats the worst feeling you really need something and you cant buy it.
Money is important to be paying bills because they could add up every month to over a
thousand dollars for instance, you’ll have to pay for your car bil, insurance, phone bill, rent
payment and all of that can add up to a costly price. Money is very important to save because
lets say if the pay period for all of the bills add up at the end of the month and you don't have
enough money to pay they'll might cancel what you have like for the phone bill if you don't pay it
you’ll have no service. And the car payment is late they can say that they can repo the car back
until you pay the payment.
Necessities are vital because let's say some necessities are food, water good health,
clothes cleaning supplies. Necessities are important because you need them no matter what
your going to need those things to survive month to month.
The conclusion is that money is a important factor for people, yourself, companies and
work because money is anything currency that goes around alot

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