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College Philosophy

and VMGO
Love of God, self-fulfilment and
service to others for a progressive,
peaceful and humane society.

Our Philosophy
A center of educational excellence
whose graduates are global, imbued
with high moral values, socially
responsible and service-oriented

Our Vision
Golden Gate Colleges, as a private non-
sectarian institution, offers learners and
scholars excellent multidisciplinary
programs through relevant instruction,
research, scientific training and community
development within the perspective of
Christian ideals and values to improve
Filipino quality of life

Our Mission
• Spirituality
• Moral Integrity
• National Identity
• Cultural Refinement
• Unity and Teamwork
• Professionalism
• Responsibility and Accountability
• Leadership

Core Values
Course Orientation
Part 1 - Course Information
Course Title: Methods of Research Code: RES 321
Department: CET Credit Unit: 1u lec/2u lab
Course Category: Research Prerequisite: None

Part 2 – Faculty Profile

Name: PATRICK R. SANCHEZ Degree: MAEd Science
Mobile Number: 0995-2933897 Consultation Period:
Email: /
Part 3 – Course Description
Rationale: The course intends to equip students with
necessary knowledge skills and understanding of the
concepts, principles and methods of quantitative/qualitative
or mixed methods of research as it can create solution to
existing issues and problems in the industry
Focus: The course focuses on developing research culture
among engineering students and equip them with skills and
competencies in writing their own project study/feasibility
study/experimental research/prototype development and/or
power-plant design
• Regular quizzes
• Written paper outputs
• Individual presentation
• Reaction paper
• Capstone Projects

Course Requirements
It is the responsibility of the students to be present as scheduled
and on time during online discussions. Attendance in the LMS
will be monitored, checked and recorded regularly.
Major Exam/Quizzes
Students are encouraged to pay their monthly dues and secure
test permit from the accounting office prior to the major
Make up exam and quiz would only be given to students with
VALID reasons like illness (with medical certificate) and/or
death of a family member

Course Policies
Academic Integrity

Students are expected to maintain academic integrity at all times.

Avoid cheating during quizzes and assignments. Plagiarism
would not be tolerated as well. In the academic paper that would
be submitted, proper citations/references should be included.

Submission of Requirements

Students are expected to submit their outputs/requirements on or

before the stipulated date set by the teacher. Late submission of
requirements would no longer be accepted by the subject teacher.

Course Policies (cont…)

20 % - Quizzes (short and long quizzes)
40 % - Major Exams (Prelim, Midterm, Semifinal
and Final Exams)
40 % - Course Requirements (Attendance,
Recitation, Class Standing and Participation,
at least 2 major requirements, Attendance)

Evaluative Criteria
During Asynchronous Mode (self-paced instruction)
• Download the handout/learning material which is
uploaded every week.
• Study the said material prior to the synchronous
• Prepare and submit the requirement specified for the
learning material via the LMS platfor on or before the
specified date of submission

Online Class Policies

During Synchronous Mode
• Click the link posted in the LMS platform to join the
online synchronous discussion
• Camera of your device should be opened only when
called upon to participate. Mute your ‘microphone’ while
classes are ongoing so as not to disrupt and distract
• If you want to say something, you may raise your
hand/leave a message at the chat box to call the attention
of the host teacher.
• Wear presentable clothes while attending synchronous
online classes.

Online Class Policies (cont…)

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