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BIOSFER: Jurnal Tadris Biologi, Vol. 11 No.

1 (2020) 58 - 65

Contents lists available at BIOSFER

p-ISSN: 2086-5945 (print), e-ISSN: 2580-4960 (online), DOI 10.24042/biosfer

The Influence of Acacia Parasite Filtrate as Bioinsecticide

for Bagworms (Methane Plana)

Makmun Murod1*, Cicik Ainurrohmah2, Hayatin Nufus3

1, 2, 3 Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Surabaya State University,


Dendrophthoe pentandra is a plant parasite that can be detrimental
to the host plant and attacks various types of trees, such as acacia.
Article History
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects and
Received: April 18th, 2020 determine the concentration of acacia parasite filtrate on
Accepted: May 11th, 2020 bagworms. This research was an experimental study which used
Published: June 30th, 2020 0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100% parasite filtrate
concentrations. The study employed the Completely Randomized
Keywords: Design method with ANOVA as the method of analysis. Based on
the results of phytochemical tests, the parasite filtrate contained
Averrhoa bilimbi L.;
alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, triterpenoids, phenolics, and
Sansevieria trifasciata P.;
tannins. The ANOVA test results showed that the concentration of
Eggs of Pomacea canaliculata
acacia parasite filtrate affected the mortality of the bagworms.
Furthermore, based on Duncan's test, the most effective
concentrations to be applied were 80%, 60%, and 100%.
*Correspondence Address: Pengaruh Filtrat Benalu Akasia Sebaga
Bioinsektisida Ulat Kantong (Metisa Plana)

Abstrak: Benalu (Dendrophthoe pentandra) merupakan parasit

tanaman yang dapat merugikan bagi tanaman yang menjadi
inangnya, dan menyerang berbagai jenis pepohonan seperti akasia.
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menguji pengaruh dan menentukan
konsentrasi filtrat benalu terhadap hama ulat kantong. Penelitian
ini merupakan eksperimental yang menggunakan perlakukan
konsentrasi filtrat daun benalu yaitu 0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, dan
100%. Penelitian menggunakan metode RAL (Rancangan Acak
Lengkap) dengan analisis menggunakan ANOVA (Analisis Varian).
Berdasarkan hasil uji fitokimia daun benalu memiliki kandungan
meliputi: alkaloid, flavonoid, saponin, triterpenoid, fenolik dan
tanin.Hasil uji Anova menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi filtrat benalu
berpengaruh terhadap mortalitas ulat kantong. Berdasarkan hasil
uji Duncan menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi yang paling efektif
adalah konsentrasi 80%, 60% dan 100%.
Biosfer: Jurnal Tadris Biologi, 11 (1) (2020) 58 - 65
Makmun Murod, Cicik Ainurrohmah, Hayatin Nufus

INTRODUCTION (Susanto dkk., 2010; Wahyuni &

Sinaga, 2017b).
Biodiversity of tropical forests is
The bagworm (Metisa plana) is
beneficial for the environmental,
one of the pests that are damaging the
social, and economic life of the
plants by eating the leaf. The
community (Kurniawan dkk., 2020;
bagworms are found mainly on acacia
Nahdi, 2008; Ridhwan, 2012; Winarni
trees in a plantation (Candra dkk.,
dkk., 2018), by utilizing the plants as
2018; Utami & Kurniawan, 2019). The
medicines (Nugroho, 2017; Nurjanah
larvae of the bagworms eat leaves to
dkk., 2019; Purwantini, 2016).
hang and form their bags (Soesatrijo,
Bioinsecticides is the dry weight of
2018). However, biopesticides can be
chemicals (M. S. Lestari dkk., 2016;
utilized to control the parasite. This
Saenong, 2016; Santosa, 2013).
study was aimed to determine the
Bioinsecticides act as indicators of the
effects of acacia parasite filtrate and
potential of an ecosystem and forest
the most optimal concentration to
productivity (Latumahina dkk., 2015).
combat the bagworms (Metisa plana).
Bioinsecticides can be divided into
Based on the results of research
trees bioinsecticide and underground
biomass such as roots and litter by (Sopi & Tallan, 2019) some plants
have the potential to be anti-malaria,
mixed with the soil (Priono, 2013).
such as limestone, piper, parasite, and
Bagworm (Metisa plana) damage
jack fruit. Loranthus is a plant
plants by eating plant leaves for their
parasite that can harm the host plant
body development and the formation
and attack various types of trees such
of their bags (Sembiring dkk., 2013;
as mango, starfruit, acacia, and guava.
Soesatrijo, 2018a). The bagworms’
Based on research results conducted
larvae like to consume the upper
by (Uji, 2010), parasites can be easily
parts of leaves and use the lower
found in the Syzygium. Loranthus is a
parts of leaves to hang and form their
plant that has potential as a medicinal
bags (Sembiring dkk., 2013;
herb derived from semi-parasitic
Soesatrijo, 2018a). The damage on
plants (Nugraheni & Pangaribuan, 2008;
the plants can be seen clearly when
Sembiring dkk., 2013; Styarini dkk.,
the defoliation reaches 50% (Affandi
2011) Based on the results of research
dkk., 2014; Lukmana & Elafia, 2017;
by (Sopi & Tallan, 2019), the Loranthus
Soesatrijo, 2018b). Damage at this
contains alkaloids, saponins,
level will reduce yields by up to 10
flavonoids, quercetin, meso-inositol,
tons of FFB/ha (Nugraheni &
rutin, and tannin. The content of
Pangaribuan, 2008; Styarini dkk.,
secondary metabolites can be used as
2011). Many plantations have
toxic in the form of bioinsecticide.
reported a considerable loss due to
Based on research conducted by
the attacks of various types of
(Wongkar dkk., 2015), high
bagworms (Haryati & Nurawan,
concentrations of alkaloids present in
2017; Soetopo & INDRAYANI, 2015).
the parasite leaves are toxic for
Two years after the insects invade,
Artemia salina larvae. Research
palm oil productivity will generally
conducted by (Anita dkk., 2014)
decline quite sharply from 30% up to
showed that the guava parasite
40% (Susanto dkk, 2015). The attack
contains alkaloids, flavonoids, and
caused by the bagworms (Metisa
steroids that function as a bactericide.
plana) will make the leaves look like
The alkaloid found in the Loranthus
they are on fire (Efendi dkk., 2020;
has the potential to be used as
Wahyuni & Sinaga, 2017a). The larval
instar feeds on the epidermis parts

Copyright ©2020 Biosfer: Jurnal Tadris Biologi, Print ISSN: 2086-5945, Online ISSN: 2580-4960 | 58
Biosfer: Jurnal Tadris Biologi, 11 (1) (2020) 58 - 65
Makmun Murod, Cicik Ainurrohmah, Hayatin Nufus

bioinsecticide to control the water. The leaves were then drained,

bagworms. dried, and crushed into 500 grams
powder. Five hundred ml of sterile
distilled water was poured into the
powder and then the mix was placed
This research employed the into sterile gauze to be squeezed so
Completely Randomized Design with that the water from the sterile gauze
ANOVA as the data analysis method. containing the parasite leaf filtrate
The research was carried out at the can be extracted (Suhaillah and
Ecology Laboratory of Biology Fuadah. 2017). The filtrate was then
Department, Faculty of Mathematics diluted with distilled water using the
and Natural Sciences, Surabaya State formula: M1 × V1 = M2 × V2. The
University for 6 months, from May to concentrations obtained were 20%,
October 2019. The phytochemical 40%, 60%, 80%, 100%, and 0% (as
testing on alkaloids, phenolics, the control).
flavonoids, saponins, tannins were This research employed the
carried out at the Organic Laboratory Completely Randomized Design with
of Chemistry, Surabaya State one treatment factor, namely the
University. concentration of acacia parasite leaf
The materials for the research on filtrate. The filtrate consisted of six
the acacia parasite filtrate on variations, namely concentrations of
bagworms were obtained from the 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100%, and 0%
East Java Fiber Crops Research (as control). One experimental unit
Institute (Balittas). The research used five bagworms with five
materials used were 5 kg of acacia replications, so a total of 300
parasite leaves and 10 liters of bagworms were needed. The method
distilled water. The tools needed for used was the combination of the
this research were blenders, residual method on the leaves and the
Erlenmeyer flask, electric scales, insect contact/spraying method.
measuring cups, Petri dishes, and Three leaves were used as feeds in
bowls. The research performed each treatment replication. The
manipulations in the form of acacia surface of the leaves was smeared
parasite filtrate concentration, with the filtrate and the rest was
control treatments, the number of sprayed on the tested larvae. The
bagworms, the numbers of 0% larvae had been fed by the treatment
concentration spraying, and leaves for 72 hours and then they
treatments’ responses in the form of were fed fresh leaves. The experiment
bagworm mortality. was carried out in a factorial fashion
The bagworms samples were which consisted of six levels of
obtained from the Malang Sweetener parasite leaf filtrate concentrations
and Fiber Crops Research Institute (K), namely 0: 0% concentration, 1:
(Balittas). The bagworms samples 20% concentration, 2: 40%
were taken and then placed in a concentration, 3: 60% concentration,
container for acclimatization and 4: 80 % concentration, and 5: 100%
continued treatments. The sample of concentration. Also, there were
parasite leaves was taken from acacia. controls and the replications were
The acacia parasite leaf filtrate was carried out five times within 72 hours
made by using the tip of young of observation.
parasite leaves which were then
washed thoroughly using running

Copyright ©2020 Biosfer: Jurnal Tadris Biologi, Print ISSN: 2086-5945, Online ISSN: 2580-4960 | 59
Biosfer: Jurnal Tadris Biologi, 11 (1) (2020) 58 - 65
Makmun Murod, Cicik Ainurrohmah, Hayatin Nufus

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 200 mL of filtrate produced from 326

grams of parasite leaves. The filtrate
Based on the results of
was then tested on the bagworms
phytochemical tests, the acacia
(Metisa plana) with several
parasite contained alkaloids,
concentrations, namely 0%, 20%,
flavonoids, saponins, triterpenoids,
40%, 60%, 80%, and 100%.
phenolics, and tannins. There was

Table 1. The Results of Phytochemicals Test on Parasite Leaf Filtrate

Reagent Results
Alkaloids Mayer The orange precipitate (+++)
Wagner Brown precipitate
Deggendorf White precipitate
Flavonoids Mg + HClconcentrated +ethanol Red color(+++)
Saponin Distilled Water The presence of stable
Steroids Libermann-Burchard Purple to blue/green
Triterpenoid Chloroform + H24SOconcentrated Brownish red (+)
Phenolic NaCl 10% + Gelatin 1% White precipitate (++)
Tanin FeCl3 1% Purple blackish (+++)

Table 2. The Percentage of Bagworms’ Mortality on Day One

Concentration Average Individual Mortality

0% 0.0 ± 0.00a
20% 36.0 ± 16.73b
40% 60.0 ± 14.14 c
60% 88.0 ± 10.95 d
80% 84.0 ± 8.94 d
100% 88.0 ± 10.95 d
Note: The letters a, b, c, and d show the notation of differences and effectiveness
of the treatments on each concentration.

The results of the H0 was rejected and H1 was accepted.

bioinsecticide test of acacia parasite It can be concluded that there was an
leaf filtrate on the bagworms with influence of acacia parasite filtrate
concentrations of 0%, 20%, 40%, toward the mortality of bagworms.
60%, and 100% showed significant Based on the Duncan test, it was
results. This was proven by the known that the concentration of 60%
results of the ANOVA test with the and 100% showed the most effective
Fobserved value of 6,977 and the Fcritical results compared to other treatments.
value of 2.76. Then, it can be stated
that the Fobserved>Fcritical which means

Copyright ©2020 Biosfer: Jurnal Tadris Biologi, Print ISSN: 2086-5945, Online ISSN: 2580-4960 | 60
Biosfer: Jurnal Tadris Biologi, 11 (1) (2020) 58 - 65
Makmun Murod, Cicik Ainurrohmah, Hayatin Nufus

Figure 1. The Dynamics of Bagworm Mortality Rates for 3 Days

Based on the testing, the parasite insecticides ingested by insects can

leaf filtrate on affected the mortality directly cause insect mortality
of the bagworms. The dynamics of whereas at non-lethal concentrations
bagworm mortality rates during the only affect behavior and physiology
research activities were at the (F. Lestari & Darwiati, 2014) The data
concentrations of 0%, 20%, 40%, of observation on the cause of
60%, 80%, and 100%. mortality of bagworms was
Figure 1 shows the increase in the supported by the results of the
percentage of bagworm mortality phytochemical test which shows that
from the first day to the third day. the parasite leaf filtrate contained
The highest bagworm mortalities secondary metabolites in the form of
were obtained at 100%, 60%, and Alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins,
80% concentrations with the triterpenoids, phenolics, and tannins.
mortality percentage of 96%, 96%, The presence of secondary metabolite
and 92%. The lowest mortality rate compounds that were sprayed on the
was found in filtrate treatment with a leaves caused the leaves to taste
concentration of 0% which resulted bitter with a pungent odor, causing
in a 0% mortality percentage. In the the bagworms to unable to eat and
treatment with the 60% of filtrate die. Based on research by
concentration, the mortality of the (Sundaryono, 2011), the flavonoids in
bagworms was quite high because the parasite leaf affect the bodyweight
toxic content found in the filtrate was because the content of these toxic
able to affect the bagworms. The compounds can affect the metabolism
concentration was increased day by of living things. Also, tannin is a
day resulted in a higher active polyphenol active compounds that
content of the biopesticide. The can bind the proteins by creating a
secondary metabolite contents in the bitter sense which influences the level
parasite filtrate have the potential as of consumption (Ningsih, dkk. 2013).
the toxic ingredients for the bagworm Based on the results of the study
which causes death. The right conducted by (Ahmad dkk., 2019), the
concentration of plant-based plant-based insecticides’ toxin serves

Copyright ©2020 Biosfer: Jurnal Tadris Biologi, Print ISSN: 2086-5945, Online ISSN: 2580-4960 | 61
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Makmun Murod, Cicik Ainurrohmah, Hayatin Nufus

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