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Virgin Islands, British: Language Situation 437

‘Language,’ Viëtor covered the problem of sounds and his connections with other members of the reform
writing, the tasks of philology, aspects of grammar movement – Sweet, Passy, and Jespersen – Viëtor
teaching, and the influence of classical models on the helped to determine the shape of FLT in Europe.
description of modern languages. He remarked caus-
tically that if – on the classical model – the article See also: Case; Foreign Language Teaching Policy; Je-
were to be given four cases, then nouns ought to have spersen, Otto (1860–1943); Passy, Paul Edouard (1859–
six: 1940); Sweet, Henry (1845–1912).
1. nominative: Berlin
2. accusative: Berlin
3. genitive: ab (or von) Berlin
4. dative: zu (or nach) Berlin Howatt A P R (1984). A history of English language teach-
5. locative: in Berlin ing. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
6. instrumental: mit (or durch) Berlin. Hüllen W (ed.) (1979). Didaktik des Englischunterrichts.
Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
The second section (‘Teaching’) dealt with first Viëtor W (1876). Die Handschriften der Geste des Lohér-
language pedagogy and the teaching of modern for- ains. Halle: Lippert’sche Buchhandlung.
eign languages and classics. Viëtor argued against [Viëtor W] (1882). Der Sprachunterricht muss umkehren!
the learning of rules and lists for grammar and lexi- Ein Beitrag zur Überbürdungsfrage von Quousque Tan-
con. He also pointed out that the role of the text in dem (3rd edn., 1905). Leipzig: Reisland.
FLT had become perverted to the point of being sim- Viëtor W (1884). Elemente der Phonetik und Orthoepie des
ply a means of confirming the syntactic rules just Deutschen, Englischen und Französischen mit Rücksicht
taught. auf die Bedürfnisse der Lehrpraxis. Heilbronn: Henninger.
Viëtor W (1885). German pronunciation. Practice and
The functions of the text were taken up again in his
theory. Leipzig: Reisland.
discussion of the main principles of FLT (Viëtor, Viëtor W (1888). Einführung in das Studium der englischen
1902), which cover the language ecology (which lan- Philologie (4th edn., 1910). Marburg: Elwert.
guages ought to be taught, and in which order?), Viëtor W (1902). Die Methodik des neusprachlichen Unter-
the role of phonetic instruction, morphological de- richts. Leipzig: Teubner.
scription (to be based on spoken rather than Viëtor W (1984). ‘Der Sprachunterricht muss umkehren.’
written forms), the importance of syntactic principles In Schröder K (ed.) Ein Pamphlet aus dem 19. Jahrhun-
(insight) as opposed to rules, and the nature of the dert neu gelesen. Munich: Hueber.
texts to be used. Walmsley J B (1984). ‘Quousque tandem: Wilhem Viëtor’s.
Viëtor initiated a lengthy process of reform in lan- Language instruction must do an about-face.’ Modern
guage teaching in Germany (Hüllen, 1979: 1). Through Language Journal 68, 37–44.

Virgin Islands, British: Language Situation

Editorial Team came under Dutch ownership for a short while, with a
ß 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. base on Tortola. The next colonizers were the English,
who ousted the Dutch in 1672 and introduced sugar
cane plantations and slavery. Thanks to this and to
The British Virgin Islands are an overseas territory of hardworking Quakers who settled here, the islands
the United Kingdom with internal self-government, prospered in the late 18th and early 19th centuries,
consisting of more than 60 Caribbean islands that with an economy based on sugar, cotton, and spices.
are part of the West Indies. Only 16 of the islands This period was followed by an economic decline,
are inhabited. partly a result of the abolition of slavery in the early
The first settlers of the British Virgin Islands were 19th century. As a result of economic recession, the
Arawak Indians, from South America; these were population decreased as well after many planters left
followed by Caribs in the 15th century. Christopher the islands. In the second half of the 19th century, the
Columbus stopped here on his second trip to the New islands were incorporated into the British colony of
World and named the islands Las Vı́rgenes. The first the Leeward Islands. The word ‘British’ was added to
establishments were Spanish copper mines in the 17th the name at the end of World War I, after the United
century. In the second half of that century, the islands States purchased the ‘Danish West Indies’ from
438 Virgin Islands, British: Language Situation

Denmark in 1917 and renamed them the ‘U.S. Virgin Other languages spoken are Virgin Islands Creole
Islands.’ The 1967 constitution gave the islands English, Papiamentu, and Spanish. The literacy rate
internal self-government. is 97.8%, according to a 1991 estimate.
The population is 22 187 (July 2004 estimate);
83% are related to the slaves brought from Africa. See also: Pidgins and Creoles: Overview.
The rest of the population are of European, Indian,
and Asian origin. The official language is English.

Virgin Islands, U.S.: Language Situation

Editorial Team St John in the early 18th century. They later purchased
ß 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. St Croix from the French. By the mid-19th century,
slavery was abolished, and the island’s economy suf-
fered a serious recession. Danish control of the major
The U.S. Virgin Islands are an unincorporated terri- islands continued (except for two brief periods of
tory of the United States in the Caribbean, West British occupation) until after the first World War,
Indies. They comprise the three largest U.S. islands when the United States bought the territory in 1917
(St John, St Croix, and St Thomas) and 50 small for the highest sum of money they had ever paid for
islands next to them. The islands were first spotted land.
by Europeans in the second voyage of Christopher The population of the islands is 108 775 (July 2004
Columbus. The Carib Indians, who were local inhab- estimate). The majority of the population is West
itants there, resisted the presence of Europeans and as Indian (81%), while the rest of the population is
a result were massively killed in the 17th century. mainly from the U.S. mainland (13%) or from Puerto
Ownership of the islands during that time shifted Rico (4%). The official language is English. Virgin
between Spain, England, France, Holland, and Island Creole English, Papiamentu, and Spanish are
Denmark. The islands’ economy was mainly based also used. Dutch Creole (Negerhollands), which
on sugar and cotton plantations, maintained by flourished at the end of the 18th century is by now
slave labor. During the 17th century, the islands extinct.
were divided between the English and the Danish.
The Danes established a permanent colony (Danish See also: Pidgins and Creoles: Overview.
West Indies) on St Thomas in the 17th century and on

Virtual Objects
P A M Seuren, Max Planck Institute for are the same: Whatever is, exists; there is no being
Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, The Netherlands outside existence. For an entity e to be said to ‘exist,’
ß 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. a few criteria must be satisfied, the most important of
which are the following:
The question of virtual objects is basically of an on- 1. e is subject to the physical laws of causality.
tological nature, but it has direct consequences for the 2. e is fully defined, in the sense that it has all the proper-
theory of truth and, hence, for the semantics of natu- ties an entity of that nature is supposed to have – even
ral language. Around 1900, a discussion arose about if not all the values of those properties are known.
the nature of ‘reality’ or, in other words, about the 3. e has a well-defined identity, in that at any time t it
question of ‘what there is.’ Two schools of thought is identical with itself and distinct from all other
developed, extensionalism and intensionalism. The entities.
extensionalists hold that reality and actual existence 4. e cannot both have and lack a given property.

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