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The Prezi Bubble menu is the heart of the application. It’s called a Bubble menu because each menu choice
is a circle that looks something like a bubble. The main menu consists of one major center bubble with
four smaller bubbles around it. All the action takes place here. Using these command bubbles, you can
create anything you can imagine. Here is a list of main bubbles and their functions.

The menu consists of the following bubbles:

Write bubble
By default when editing the
presentation Prezi is in write mode.

Insert bubble
The submenu includes File, YouTube,
Drawings, Images and Shapes bubbles.

Frame bubble
The submenu offers you Bracket,
Circle, Rectangle, and Hidden Frame

Path bubble
Here you find the 1-2-3 Add, Capture
View, and Delete All bubbles.

Colors and Fonts bubble

Here you select the style for your
Prezi. It includes several choices of
Show button colors and fonts. Or use the Theme
This is the mode from which you Wizard.
present. When the Prezi is in Show
mode, the Bubble menu recedes, and
the canvas lines are removed. From
here you can set timing intervals and
Auto-play, manually zoom in and zoom
out and expand to use the full screen.
(Located at the bottom right)

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8.1.Inserting Text Using the Write Bubble

The Write bubble is the central control from which you add and style text; put in Web links; and
move, resize, rotate, and zoom objects. When Prezi is in edit mode the write bubble is active by
default. It is very easy to add text to your presentation from the text editor. Double-click anywhere
on the canvas, and the text box appears as shown in the illustration below. Type in some text and
try the following:

i. To create bullets, click the bullet icon, type in your text and click OK. The text appears as
wide as the space in the box, so use resize tool located at the bottom-right corner of the
text-box to make it smaller or bigger.

ii. To align text, type in some text and then click on one of the alignment commands to make
it left, center, right, or justify aligned and click OK.

iii. To vary the fonts, type in some text and then click Title 1, Title 2, or Body. The theme you
have chosen determines the available fonts and colors. To change from one style to
another, simply click one of the choices and type in some text. You can only have one font
in a text box at a time, so create the text you want in one font and then insert a new text-
box with a different font.

iv. To resize the text; once you have it on the canvas, click on it once and the Transformation
Zebra appears over it. From the Zebra, you can click and drag the inner shaded ring to resize
it. To move the text around; use the center button, and to rotate it, use the outer ring. A
more complete description of how to use the Transformation Zebra is available in section
6.0 - “The Transformation Zebra”.

v. To introduce text with a different font and color than those available in the Colors & Fonts
Bubble menu or the Theme Wizard, you can make use of a graphics design program to
create it (e.g. Photoshop). Then save it as a PDF, JPG, or any other media format, and choose
Insert Bubble ➪Images menu to add the text to the canvas. After you have placed it on the
canvas, you can use the Transformation Zebra to move, resize, and rotate the text as you
would any other object. However, you won’t be able to edit the text.

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