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PSA (Advocacy) Project Guidelines

Topics: underage drinking (alcohol), stimulants, depressants, hallucinogens, marijuana.


Choose one of the following for your PSA: hand-crafted poster, digital poster, video, rap/song, or
detailed essay (10+ sentences)

1. Phrase or Slogan (Clear Message)

2. Category of Drug (Topic) if you chose a specific drug, please identify the one you are
advocating against

3. At least 3 short term effects on body. At least 3 long term effects on body

4. Dangers, Consequences, Statistics (impact on friends/family, loss of money, legal issues,


5. Include the specific resources (websites) used for the PSA (must use at least 2 resources)

PSA Rubric Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Criteria 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point

Clear The intended The intended The message It is difficult to find

Message message is very message is easily comes through, the meaning or
clear and understood. but it is not message in the
impactful. understood right PSA

Evidence Reasons or Reasons or There are some Little to no

(research) evidence are evidence are reasons or evidence to
detailed and very convincing. evidence support the
convincing. provided, but they message is
are not all provided.

Guidelines All 5 guidelines 4 out of 5 3 out of 5 Less than 3

are met guidelines are met guidelines are guidelines are met

A (10 - 12) B (7 - 9) C (4- 6) F (1 - 3)

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