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Big Bang Project

Andrea Villanueva
Per . 6
What is the Steady State Theory?

The steady State Theory was a view that the universe was always expanding but maintaining a constant average
density . The difference between the big bang & the steady state theory is that the big bang does not explain the ball of
matter and steady state does not explain how the universe was formed . It was proposed 1948 . The major advocates
of the theory were Herman Bondi , Thomas Gold , & Fred Hoyle .
Origin of Our Universe

What evidence supports the Big Bang theory over the steady state theory ? What supports the
big bang over the steady state theory is the big bang did a bigger improvement over the steady
state theory which the the steady state still made a difference but the big bang is still expanding
to this day making the universe bigger .
Evidence: Cosmic Background Radiation

Who discovered Cosmic Background Radiation and when? How was it discovered? What
technology was used? What conclusions did scientists come to after studying Cosmic
Background Radiation? How does CBR support the Big Bang Theory?

The person who discovered the cosmic background radiation is Robert W . Wilson in 1965 .

The tech that was used was a machine

Evidence: The Abundance of Elements

What are the most common elements in the universe? How many protons do these elements
have? How does the abundance of these elements support the Big Bang Theory?

The most common elements in the universe is hydrogen it is the most abundant in the universe.

The elements have about 36 protons

The predicted abundance deuterium,helium, and lithium depends on the density of ordinary
matter of the early universe.
Scientist Fakebook Account

Research the biography of one of the scientists who helped develop knowledge about the
universe: Edwin Hubble, Isaac Newton, Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson, Stephen
Hawking, etc. Create a profile for the
scientist. Include information such as when they were born, date of death, information
about their family life, where did they do the majority of their research (university or
institution they worked for), what did they contribute to our current understanding of
the universe, what other things are they famous for (research, discoveries, etc), what
other scientists did they collaborate with (friend list), and any other relevant information
you can find.

Research the different ways that technology has improved our knowledge of the nature and
origin of the universe. Choose one piece of technology on which to focus, such as the Hubble
telescope or WMAP, then research how this technology was invented and developed, as well as
how it has been used for scientific advancement concerning our knowledge of the nature and
origin of the universe.

Technology has improved our knowledge of nature by showing us more than what's on this
earth for example the telescope had opened our eyes to the universe.Telescopes have even
revealed geography and weather on the planets in our solar system along with some new
planets and asteroids.
Space Science Field

Research different fields involved in space science, such as astronomy, astrophysics, and
cosmology. Choose one of these professions on which to focus, the research both what is
involved in having that profession, and the education requirements involved in pursuing one of
these professions.

To be in astronomy or become an astronomer you will need to have an advanced graduates

degree, most astronomers also have a Doctor of Philosophy ,degree in astronomy, or a physics or
a similar field you need to require a Ph.D. The skills in order to become an astronomer is to have
the ability to solve complex problems and conduct research and accurately analyze data.
Works Cited (MLA Format)
The Big Bang Theory is better

What evidence supports the Big Bang theory over the steady state theory? Give some background
about the Big Bang Theory. What scientists first proposed it? When did it start to gain acceptance over
the Steady State Theory?

The evidence that supports the Big Bang Theory over the Steady State theory is that the world has
changed over time and has finite age.

Some background info about the Big Bang Theory is it’s leading information about how it all began.In the
simplest form, it says that the universe as we know started with small singularity then it had inflated
over 13.8 billion years to the cosmos that we are known to know today.

Georges Lemaitre proposed it.

It started to gain acceptance when Hermann Bondi, Thomas Gold, and Sir Fred Hoyle.

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