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22 N? 4.“Come per me sereno.,, Recit, and Cavatina. Amina. Ca- re com - Oh my com pa-fne, b 40-7, fe - neria - mi- ci, chealla = panions,” be nearme, friends of my _¢l on this mi-& tan-fa par-te pren - de-te, oh co-me dol-¢i scen-don d’A-Mil-naal morning let your fondness sur-round me; Qh how I treasure evry _re-membert Andante, > Te = cet 2 |que-stq ll co- mun voto.Almi- da. [say bliss at thee! we pray, A -| mina. Chorus. Vi-vi fe I~ Ler © [que-stail| co mun votoo Alm -na, ‘May bliss at 1 tendthee! For|that to fheavnwe pray, A -| mi -na. Alexis with Basses, Wi-vi fe -li - ce! © que-stgjl «o- mun voto,o Adm May bliss attend thee! For that to heavn we pray, A - mi Andante. +1ci.0.9 f es Recit. Amina, Ate, di- let-ts, te-ne- ra ma-dre, chea si tie. fo And thou, my mother,” tendYest_ of guardians, tho who hast watch —_ —_ gior-no me or-fa-nel-la ser - ba-sti, a te fa- vel-li que-sto, dal oer me, guarding my fe-therless childhood, No wordscan tell thee how my’ full cor— pli che dal ci-glias-apresso, dol-co plan-to di gio- heart feels thy unchanging goodness; Let my eyes o - ver - flowing ta * re OX Pian - to li gio- ia, © que-stam- ples - so, i fond - ly 1 love thee, mydear-est moth - ey. Andante con anima. (con tenero accento) cae a Tahitdre. qual gio- iat ‘Animother, what rapture! Amina, Cantabile sostenuto. Co - Oer me Spr Wind auatate P eer imac = que i of joy neer to fades og: gi Visions ri, co-, + me fio. ri, iu bel - lo, laid,flowrs__ of your love loom_round me Mai, n Never dawn such a day of mai di pit lie AO aspelto Wo, non bril-lo; - mor, a - mor light,glows delight; For love this. a ura, radiance, All nature doth all onearth w - nite, doth me per me to-day fio- are Co-meil ter-ren Flowrs on mypath a, 1 tempo — belloga-me - Nl, aren pitt F happy— morn-ingy og na-tu-ra non rejoicing glow la eo-lo- ro, a - eol canto or del f a -morla 00 -1o- nite in I doth ail onearth w - Sem-preg fe-li - cea - layst__thou be blest, X Sem -preo fe-li - ced Allegro brillante, Mayst thou be plest, A trem, = in - flo-riil Neer may a a, Oh, si, ‘0b, si, Ob, a, sem - pre pr te this is thepray’r = pre per te isthe pray’r = pre per te isthe pray in - fio-rUlcie - igi [ai che Neer may grief be - [fall thee, in = fio-rijicie - lai [ai che Neer may a grief be - |fall thee, che thee, sem -pre fe-li-veo A -|mi - na, ayst thou be blest, A - |mi - na, sem pre fe-li-eeo yst thou beblest, sem - pre fe-li-ceo A mayst thou beblest, A - b aT (Amina embraces Therese, and, taking her hand. holds it Moderato. upon her heart) Amina, So-vrail a ai — Feel this Baan sen In——manmi po-sa, pal-pl - tar, balzar, balzarlo sen ti: e-gliil heart with_joy cer - flowing, How it__bounds in wild, ex-ult-ant mea-sure, So much PP as forza cor chel—suoi con - ten-ti mon ha for-zaa so - rap-ture__so_much pleasure, Mor -tal_ words can - not. ste- ner, de clare, LP roti > s abet for - : ~ za a_soste-ner,__a_so. ste. Ahsomuch rap - - = ture nomortal words can de- Theresa, with tst Sopranos. —_ " Di tua sor-teny -|Vven-iu - fo ~ 8a |te-eqe-sul-tajl feor ma - ter = no, a Yes, thy hap -py fate de = lights us, [Love to us hath /firm-ly bound thee, . a — 2 = a —s z o Di tua sor-teav -|Veo-tu - ro - sa [te -cog-sul-tajl bor ma - ter - no, ‘Ye eve tous bath firmly bound thee, Ain thy hap-py fate de - lights us, with Basses, ner, ah____no, ah to, ah__no, ah. clure,ah no, ah no, anno, ah am. faa tempo ‘ovrajl sen fa-—manmi po-sa, pal - pr - Feel this heart with_joy oer - flowing, How_it__ @ tempo tar, balzar, balzarlo sen™= ti: e- boundginwild, exult-ant measure, So mi ie cor che} suo-i con - ten-t mon ha uch rapturé,so__much pleasure, Mor_— tal ae Pia vivo. Ca - ~ ria - ia. mi- ci, oh ry playmate’, fal -£ = [ter = fo, ton te us hath firm-ly =Gi1 dor tha -| ter - no, on po us hath firm-ly [bound thee, Yet what -| = ta madre! - ed mother! Tod i-gual pia = woe with thee we phare, To au-gual pia -|cer, woe with thee we share, =f tea bliss an a Fever bu joound thee, Yet what -| ev - er joys sur er - hoi - der ound thee, Bliss and fa-vor su v - ef joys sur per - no ser = round thee, Bliss and nol po-tea_angcual piarer, woe whee Welter-er phate, no] tol ‘a augual piaer, woe wilh|thee welllev-er hare, Sor Ant Peel this ho! An! To! “| Ahl fA 10 = SA, - Bi ~ tar, balzar, balzarlo sen fi: e-glie flowing, How At soundsinwtld, exullant men -sure, Soon = + © = cor chel—suoi con - ten-t non ha for-zaa so - ner, rap -ture,—so_much pleasure, Mor-tal_ words can not de - clare, a_ 50-sle- no_ mortal sor- teay = |ien - a te - ege . - sul - il bap = by (fate de - tights” us, [Love a sor-teav -|ten-tu - ro - aa | te - ope - oul - taj fp =“ [tite "ae ge 88, [ee SE 7 UE > fal _— a30-stener, ah___no, ah ah___10,ah____ 9, ean declare,ah__no,ah___ to sho ap ab Oy Cor fa - tr - to, [il firmly bound thee, ind th Ur ma = ter - firm-ly “bound thee, 31 tempo Sovrail sen [a——“manmi Feel this heart with joy o'er a tempo| e-gligilcor che! suol cote po-sa, pal-pl- tar, balzar, balzarlo sen= flowing,How it__boundsin wild, exult-ant measure, So much rap-ture, so__much m con fora” -<—~ nef af a. 3 5 —» Pili vivo. ten- i non__ha for - zaaso - ste = ner. Pleasure, Mor - tal words cannot de - clare. por-t€av-ven={u - bap-py fate de - lsor-teav-ven-tu - [happy fate de _- Sb, sen-t0, el mio co- CANDO erase no, _ they can-not, a9, To = juli j [ter = bo, -Fultae -cultd i Kor: no, lighisus, Lovet us hath firm Ty’ ooundihee, Yet Whaifeve $e joys Soe - petal ime fo - ‘sul -ta jl [ter - fo, ne ~ i % a lighisws,Lovew [us halk frm’ fooundthce, et Shatfer nee jur'sar- teen 22, fa wace 3 ovens, =— —=—_*, zar,bal-zar lo__ sen- to, bal - zar,bal - zarlo____ sen- to,. wild, ex -ult-ant— measure’ of ___ rapture__and of pl non fo per - no yet what, -_fround thee, - bo round thee, Wind siitein - zar, bal eer de r, pia = Tr, pia re, well hare, we'll - leer, pia - are, well

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