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Journey to

English Language Development
6th-8th Grade
Ms. Dinh
❏ Students will understand immigration vocabulary.
❏ Students will be able to describe the challenges that immigrants encounter in the past and present
❏ Students will identify the "push and pull" influence.
❏ Student will analyze the effects of immigration.

CA Content Standards:
❏ Analysis and Evaluation of Oral and Media Communications
❏ 1.8 Evaluate the credibility of a speaker (e.g., hidden agendas, slanted or biased material).
❏ 1.9 Interpret and evaluate the various ways in which visual image makers (e.g., graphic
artists, illustrators, news photographers) communicate information and affect impressions
and opinions.
❏ Structural Features of Informational Materials
❏ 2.1 Compare and contrast the features and elements of consumer materials to gain meaning
from documents (e.g., warranties, contracts, product information, instruction manuals).
❏ 2.2 Analyze text that uses proposition and support patterns.
Consider the
❖ Why do you think
people leave their
country/come to the
United States? Is there a
difference in why they
leave and come?
❖ In small groups, discuss the
possible reasons. Think about
the people in your life whether
it is your family, friend, teacher,
coach, etc.
“Why Do People Migrate?” Video
Understand the differences

❖ Immigration: The act of moving to a foreign country permanently

❖ Migration: The act of moving from one place to another

❖ Emigration: The act of moving from one's native country to permanently live in another country

❖ Push Factor: The reason that drives a person away from their home country

❖ Pull Factor: The reason that attracts a person to move to a new country
Immigration Boom

❖ Second immigration

boom began

❖ People came to America

from all over the world

❖ Lasted from 1870 to

U.S. Immigration Timeline

Supreme Court announced that it is the
Chinese Exclusion Act
federal government’s responsibility to
create and enforce immigration laws

01 02 03

Second immigration
boom began
U.S. Immigration Timeline

1892 Immigration Act of 1924 limited the
Ellis Island, the first U.S. number of immigrants entering
immigration station, opens through the nationality quota

04 05 06
Immigration Act of 1917 authorizes a
literacy requirement for immigrants
entering the country
U.S. Immigration Timeline

1924 1948
Border Patrol is established to Nation’s first refugee and
manage illegal immigrants entering resettlement law was passed
due to the limit

07 09 09
Bracero Program was formed to allow Mexican
agricultural workers to enter the U.S. temporarily
because of the WWII labor shortage
U.S. Immigration Timeline

1952 2001
McCarran-Walter Act was passed U.S. Senators Dick Durbin and
to end the exclusion of Asian Orrin Hatch propose the DREAM
immigrants entering the U.S. Act

10 11 12
Immigration and Nationality Act ends the
national origin quotas that favored some
racial and ethnic groups over others
U.S. Immigration Timeline

President Obama signs Deferred
Action for Childhood Arrivals
(DACA). Present Day!

13 14
President Trump issues two executive orders
called “Protecting the Nation from Foreign
Terrorist Entry into the United States”
Now You Try
Using what you’ve learned, look at the
1870s to the 1930s on the chart.
❖ What do you notice?
❖ What are your questions about
The laws were changed to limit
immigration entering the U.S.
❖ What decade do you think the
U.S. passed these laws?
“Growth, Cities, and Immigration: Crash Course US History #25” Video!
Push Factors
❖ Population growth
❖ Inadequate educational
❖ Unemployment
❖ Poverty
❖ Politics/government
❖ Human rights
❖ Natural disasters
Pull Factors
❖ Stable population
❖ Welfare state benefits
❖ Adequate educational
❖ Labor demand
❖ Better quality of life
❖ Politics/government
❖ Social Security
Two Centuries of U.S.
❖ This link shows the movement of
immigrants coming from multiple countries
Think About It
❖ Discuss with your partner about a
country you would like to move to
❖ Is it because you want to leave the
current country you’re in OR
because there is something
attracting you to the other
❖ How do you think immigration
today is different from when the
immigration boom began?
❖ Keep in mind the push and pull

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