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County Times



Life Lost
Police Shooting Under Investigation
2 The County Times Thursday, April 15, 2021


FEATURE 13 Commissioner election bill fails.





A Leonardtown teen is dead after
an alleged altercation with a Mary- COMMUNITY 11
land State Trooper. PAX Advisory Board to virtual meeting.



County Times
P.O. Box 250 • Hollywood, Maryland 20636

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Thursday, April 15, 2021 The County Times Local News 3

State Police: Leonardtown Questions Raised Over

Teen Dead After Confronting Police Shooting of
State Trooper
Leonardtown Teen

Peyton Ham

By Guy Leonard ted and pronounced dead.

Staff Writer A statement from the family said
Sources close to the family of a Ham was an honor student at Leonard-
16-year-old Leonardtown male shot town High School and a member of the
and killed in an alleged altercation with Global International Studies program.
a Maryland State trooper are question- “Peyton is an avid history enthusi-
ing why Peyton Ham was slain. ast, studying many genres to include
According to family sources speak- European history, ancient monarchies,
ing on condition of anonymity Ham World Wars 1 and 2 and the rise and fall
By Guy Leonard after being shot and attempt to get was shot on family property where a of the former U.S.S.R,” the statement
Staff Writer back up. relative of his lived and that he was en- reads. “Peyton could best be described
A state trooper shot dead a 16-year- “The trooper ordered him to drop gaged in target practice with his airsoft as an ‘Alex P. Keaton’ type of person-
old male April 13 after responding the knife before he fired again,” Jones pistol near the home, which was a regu- ality, his love of conservative politics
to a call in the 23000 block of Hol- said. lar occurrence. always taking center stage to his lively
lywood Road, reporting a suspect The trooper called for law enforce- There were no other people near debates at the family dinner table.”
who appeared to be armed with a ment back up to tend to the sus- Ham as he was target shooting, the He also enjoyed cooking, baseball
gun, Maryland State Police Superin- pect while waiting for emergency source said, and there was no crime be- and was an enthusiastic member of his
tendent Woodrow W. Jones III said medical personnel to arrive, said ing committed. school’s mock trial team, the statement
the same day at a press conference at Jones. A search of on-line court records re- read.
the Leonardtown Barrack. By the time Ham was transported veal that Ham had no record with po- He dreamed of attending college and
The deceased has been identified as to Med Star St. Mary’s Hospital, he lice in St. Mary’s. getting a pre-law degree and eventually
Pehton Ham, who lived in the neigh- was pronounced deceased, Jones said. Ham normally engaged in target becoming either a delegate or senator
borhood but confronted and was shot The gun Ham had was in fact practice with the replica handgun in to represent his state, according to the
by the trooper, at the home of a family an airsoft replica that closely resem- the rear of the property, but his target statement.
member. bled a real handgun, the state super- had been moved to the side of the house “Our family is absolutely heart bro-
Jones said the trooper is nearly a intendent said, though the knife was while a pool was being installed at the ken and shattered over this sudden, un-
three-year veteran of the agency. found to be real. back of the property, the source said. expected loss of life of a talented young
The shooting occurred at about The trooper was not injured and has State police have said that the in- man, filled with promise,” the family
1:30p.m. in close proximity to the been placed on administrative leave vestigation into Ham’s death and the stated.
Leonardtown Barrack. pending the outcome of a state po- trooper’s actions that day is ongoing Greg Shipley, spokesperson for
Jones said the investigation is on- lice investigation into the events sur- and that they are not sure how many Maryland State Police, said he could
going but that the trooper arrived on rounding Ham’s death. rounds the officer discharged from his not comment on any of the claims made
the scene after two anonymous calls There are dual criminal and admin- service weapon. by the family source.
reporting “a guy who was acting sus- istrative inquiries, Jones said, and The family source said that Ham “That’s all part of the ongoing inves-
picious who [may have had] a gun.” both are standard procedure when a was shot as many as five times and that tigation,” Shipley said, adding that “it
The trooper confronted the suspect, trooper is involved in a shooting. there were many other rounds fired was much too early in the investiga-
later identified as Ham, who pos- Jones said the shooting was a trag- which struck nearby buildings. tion” to comment on whether the troop-
sessed what appeared to be a gun and edy with many questions left to be The source continued to say that er acted properly.
a knife, Jones said. answered. Ham’s family was kept waiting in their Shipley said he did not know whether
A witness reported seeing the sus- “Any loss of life is a tragedy, this car as they arrived on the property the trooper, whose name has still not
pect in a “shooting stance” pointing especially is a tragedy,” Jones said, where their son had been shot, in the been released, used any de-escalation
the gun at the trooper, Jones said. noting the deceased’s family’s loss. “I 23000 block of Hollywood Road, for techniques when he engaged with Ham.
“The trooper fired at the male and can’t even comprehend how sad this about three hours without being told “They are trained in de-escalation
wounded him,” Jones told reporters. has got to be.” what had transpired. techniques…based on the circumstanc-
A second witness, Jones said, re- They family was initially not allowed es of the situation,” said Shipley
ported seeing Ham pull out a knife into MedStar St. Mary’s Hospital, the
source claimed, after Ham was admit-
4 Local News The County Times Thursday, April 15, 2021
Thursday, April 15, 2021 The County Times Local News 5

County In New COVID-19 Surge

By Guy Leonard Mary’s County residents who have
Staff Writer died from the virus, according to the
The county continues to battle a latest health department figures.
small surge in COVID-19 cases, but Brewster also talked about the sus-
the county’s health officer, Dr. Mee- pension of use of the relatively new,
na Brewster, said the number of new one-dosage Johnson and Johnson
cases in residents over the age of 65 vaccine. Blood clots have occurred
is remaining low. in a tiny minority of people who
More than 80 percent of that age have recieved the Johnson and John-
group locally have already been son vaccine.
vaccinated and about one-third of The U.S. Food and Drug Admin-
the entire county population has re- istration made their decision early
ceived at least one dose. Tuesday morning.
About 26,000 residents have re- “As… millions of people get these
ceived the full course of their vaccines they are closely monitored
vaccine. to see if there is cause to pause the
She called this a good sign in the rollout, whether or not there are
battle against the virus, especially any adverse effects,” Brewster said.
since the county has hit a significant “There were six people out of 7 mil-
goal in vaccinating the public. lion who have received the Johnson
There has been a total of 6,651 and Johnson vaccine… developed a
cases of COVID-19 recorded in the blood clotting issues.”
county and the latest surge is be- The recipients were women aged
ing fueled more by cases among the 18 to their late 40s, Brewster said,
younger population rather than se- and developed the problem within
nior citizens. two weeks of being inoculated.
100,000, she said. identified here in St. Mary’s; these
“Over the past handful of weeks, The natural occurrence rate for
“This is consistent with a new variants have proven to be more in-
we have seen a trend upward in the this kind of clotting problem is five
surge,” said Brewster. “This may be fectious than the initial version of
new case rate as well as the new case per 1 million, Brewster said.
fueled in part by variant viruses of COVID-19 and have proven to have
numbers,” Brewster told the Com- No such problems have been seen
concern.” more deleterious effects, particu-
missioners of St. Mary’s County sit- locally with either the Moderna or
One of the most common vari- larly in younger residents, Brewster
ting as the Board of Health at their Pfizer vaccine.
ants of the virus, known as the U.K. said.
April 13 meeting.
(United Kingdom) variant, has been There has been a total of 123 St.
The latest new case rate was 19 per

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6 The County Times Thursday, April 15, 2021

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r o m 9 am u n t il 20
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Thursday, April 15, 2021 The County Times Local News 7

Bill To Change ST. MARY’S COUNTY


Failed This Session The Commissioners of St. Mary’s County

proposes to increase real property taxes.
1. For the tax year beginning July 1, 2021,
the estimated real property assessable base
will increase by 2.3%, from $12,836,332,294 to
2. If St. Mary’s County maintains the current
tax rate of $.8478 per $100 of assessment, real
property tax revenues will increase by 2.3%
resulting in $2,470,454 of new real property tax
3. In order to fully offset the effect of
increasing assessments, the real property tax
rate should be reduced to $.829, the constant
yield tax rate.
Delegate Brian Crosby 4. The County is considering not reducing
By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer
ferred to the Senate.
There was no companion bill
its real property tax rate enough to fully offset
A bill that would have changed filed to HB 655 there. increasing assessments. The County proposes
the system of at-large voting for Crosby criticized the decision to
county commissioners in several not allow a f loor vote. to adopt a real property tax rate of $.8478 per
counties, including Calvert and
St. Mary’s counties, did not make
“To tell everyone, who signed up
to testify, to write letters of sup- $100 of assessment. This tax rate is 2.3% higher
it out of the Health, Education and
Environmental Affairs committee
port, that you don’t want to make
time for it, that’s unacceptable,”
than the constant yield tax rate and will generate
of the Senate and, therefore, did
not make it to the f loor of the leg-
said Crosby. “We had the votes; in $2,470,454 in additional property tax revenues.
a democracy the majority does not
islature for a vote.
The bill’s sponsor, Del. Brian
get to silence the minority.”
The bill proved controversial;
A public hearing on the proposed real
Crosby (D-Dist. 29B) of St. Mary’s Crosby and supporters of the bill property tax rate increase will be held at 6:30
County, told The County Times he argued that at-large voting sys-
had yet to determine whether he tems had their roots in the Jim p.m. on April 27, 2021 at the CSMC Meeting
would reintroduce the bill in the
next Maryland General Assembly.
Crow area and were used to re-
press the votes of minorities, es- Room, Chesapeake Building, 41770 Baldridge
If the bill had passed, it would
have required incumbent county
pecially black voters.
The current system, Crosby ar-
Street, Leonardtown, MD 20650. The hearing
commissioners or candidates for
office who are currently elected at
gued was unfair and acted to di- is open to the public, and public testimony is
lute the voting power of communi-
large in counties around Maryland ties with specific interests that had encouraged.
but reside in districts to only re- long been either ignored or not ad-
ceive votes from that district. equately addressed. Persons with questions or wanting additional
In St. Mary’s all five county Those who opposed the bill,
commissioners represent one of which included all members of the information regarding this hearing may call
four districts in which they reside
but are elected by popular vote
St. Mary’s commissioner board,
four out of five commissioners in (301) 475-4200 extension *1203, refer to the
through all the county.
The commissioner president is
Calvert, and several other commis-
sioners on the Eastern Shore who
Public Hearing Notice at,
elected at-large. would have been affected, said the and/or visit St. Mary’s County Finance Office,
Crosby said he was disappointed bill would have unnecessarily di-
that the bill did not make it to the vided counties like St. Mary’s by Chesapeake Building, 41770 Baldridge Street,
f loor of the legislature.
“The bottom line is the Senate
forcing voters to select candidates
who were beholden only to one Leonardtown, Maryland 20650
President [Bill Ferguson] didn’t district’s interests.
want to move it,” said Crosby. “He By keeping the at-large system, Written comments may be submitted on or
did not want a debate on the f loor.”
The bill enjoyed a rapid rise in
they argued, county commission-
ers were made to consider the in-
before May 4, 2021 to: Commissioners of St.
the legislature, passing quickly
through committees in the House
terests of the entire county, rather
than the interests of one portion of
Mary’s County, P.O. Box 653, Leonardtown,
of Delegates and getting a major- it. MD 20650, or to
ity vote there before being trans-
8 Local News The County Times Thursday, April 15, 2021

County Proposes Renaming Road After Somerville

By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer
Sheriff Joseph Lee Somerville,
Sr. the county’s and the state’s first
black sheriff, passed away this
month but local elected officials
are considering steps to publicly
memorialize his legacy of service
and being loved by the community.
Commissioner John O’Connor,
speaking at the April 13 Commis-
sioners of St. Mary’s County meet-
ing, said residents were welcome to
come forward and propose a coun-
ty road to be renamed in Somer-
ville’s honor.
O’Connor proposed renaming the sheriff’s office in 1977 when he
FDR Boulevard, which is current- was appointed by then Gov. Mar-
ly undergoing the slow, laborious vin Mandel to serve out the term
process of being connected piece of then Sheriff George Sanger, who
by piece, for the renaming. died in office.
“I do agree with some of the He then ran for the office and
sentiments of the community,” handily won the local election to
O’Connor said. “I’m hoping that serve another four years.
what we can do is recognize his Throughout the county, Somer-
service and legacy in another form. ville, the patriarch of a large, ex-
“This community loves its law tended family in St. Mary’s, was
enforcement.” known as a gentleman and well-
O’Connor said FDR Boulevard liked by almost everyone who
epitomized things that are “not get- knew him. After serving as sher-
ting completed and taking forever.” iff he went on to work as a bailiff
“So hopefully we can give it a in the St. Marys’ County Circuit
face lift with a new name.” Court.
Somerville was a lieutenant in Funeral procession for former Sheriff Somerville

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Thursday, April 15, 2021 The County Times Local News 9

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10 Local News The County Times Thursday, April 15, 2021

BIKE Public, Private Effort


Friday, May 21

Bringing 9,000 Vaccines


to St. Mary’s
DAY Pre-Register by
May 14 for FREE T-SHIRT*
Free refreshments
& giveaways while
supplies last.
By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer
A special vaccine clinic for St. Mary’s
County public school students over the
ment in Hollywood.
Crosby explained that the vaccines
were part of a public-private partnership
with Safeway grocery stores to donate
age of 16 will take place starting Apr. the doses to St. Mary’s County.
16 and running through the weekend, “These 9,000 vaccines will save St.
20th A n n County Health Officer Dr. Meena Brew- Mary’s County lives,” Crosby said.
iver s a r y ster announced Monday in a joint press COVID-19 cases have been increas-
conference with Del. Brian Crosby ing in St. Mary’s in recent weeks; the
and School Superintendent Dr. J. Scott increased supply from the donated vac-
Smith. cines was welcome.
Still working from home? No problem! Bike to your local “pit stop” for your free T-shirt and back home again. Smith said there are thousands of “This is going to help us drop the
students in the public schools who are surge of infections we’re seeing locally,”
“Every one of them will be able to get
Brewster said.
Starting Apr. 21, the vaccines will be
Bike Doctor Waldorf a vaccine in a compressed time frame,” offered to St. Mary’s College of Mary-
Smith said. “With this partnership, over land students but also to non-public
3200 Leonardtown Rd, Waldorf, MD 20601 3,500 St. Mary’s County Public School school appointments.
It's fast, free, and easy to register for BTWD at high school students will be able to be Students in public and private schools
vaccinated. This moves us ever closer to who want a vaccine must first have an getting back to normal - something our appointment and parental consent.
or by calling (800) 745-RIDE students desperately need.”
Brewster said by the middle of next
Appointments for a donated vaccine
dosage are also required for a simulta-
week a portion of those vaccines will be neous vaccine clinic to be held at Great
made available to students enrolled at Mills High School Apr. 17 and 18; this


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Thursday, April 15, 2021 The County Times In Our Community 11
The greatest investment we can ever
NAS PAX Holds Virtual make isn’t in financial markets or
Restoration Advisory Board accounts but in another human being.
Wayne Combs is fighting for his life.
Command Seeks Questions from Public Regarding
Pax River’s PFAS Site Inspection

Residents and other interested parties tions prior to the meeting via email at
in the vicinity of NAS Patuxent River . Emailed questions Prayers Requested Donations Gratefully Accepted
and Webster Outlying Field are invited will be accepted until Friday, April 16,
to attend a virtual Restoration Adviso- and meeting participants will also have See Wayne’s story @
ry Board meeting for an update on the
Navy’s Site Inspection of per- and poly-
the opportunity to submit questions via
Microsoft Teams during the meeting.
fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) April 28, The public can join the live virtual

2021 from 6-7 p.m. on Microsoft Teams. meeting by clicking the hyperlink Mi-
The Navy has developed a protective crosoft Teams: Virtual RAB Meet-
policy to assess certain PFAS on and in ing-PFAS Update or copy and past-
the vicinity of installations which have ing the following url into their brows-
known or potential releases of these er:
compounds into the environment; these meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NWZjM-
are compounds frequently found in fire- TBmOGQtNmQwNC00NzEzLWJm

fighting foam (aqueous film forming NmItYmMwZDc1Mjc2OGZk%40thr
foam (AFFF)) and various industrial ead.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%
and consumer products. 3a%2237247798-f42c-42fd-8a37-d49c7
The meeting format will include a
brief on the Site Inspection results and
a2dea0c3-d10a-4c4f-93cd-980183f9d58 MEET
a question and answer session with rep-
resentatives from the Navy, the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, and
%3atrue%7d&btype=a&role=a .
For additional information regard-
There is no such thing
the Maryland Department of Environ- ing the meeting, including the Site In- As an ordinary cat!
ment. The Navy is seeking questions specting brief, visit the public web site
from the public about PFAS and the Pax at and www. Hello folks, my name is Thumbelina. I’m a TOTALLY LOVABLE ONE
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Thursday, April 15, 2021 The County Times Feature 13

Police Reform Wins, Divides Delegation

Votes For:
By Guy Leonard mandates, noting not all agencies
Staff Writer around the state operated as ethi-
Maryland, the first state to en- cally as others. “Not every place
act a law enforcement officer’s has a Sheriff [Tim] Cameron.”
bill of rights (LEOBOR), has now Despite Crosby’s votes against
abolished it as part of a package SB 178, the bill passed and became
of police reforms hailed by some law as part of the veto override.
as a necessary step to curb police All police killings will be inves-
use of force and acts of brutality tigated by a newly-formed unit in
and decried by others as tying the the Maryland Attorney General’s
hands of law enforcement and put- office but local state’s attorney’s
ting them at greater risk of injury offices will have the decision on
on the job by hesitating to act in clearing officers or charging them
situations that require split-sec- criminally.
ond decisions. The new law also calls for police
Those who supported the repeal disciplinary records to be open to
of LEOBOR argued that the bill public scrutiny, something never force, which must show that the
gave police more rights than the before allowed. force used was proportional and
average citizen, especially when it But now, even complaints that necessary to accomplish a legiti-
came to being investigated in the were found to be unsubstantiated mate task.
use of force; those against repeal against an officer, can be made Officers who have used force Delegate Brian Crosby
said LEOBOR protected the rights public. improperly would be filed in a
of police officers against overly
aggressive investigation into their
actions that could violate their due
Records on active investigations
can still be withheld and certain
details redacted such as witness
statewide database maintained by
the Maryland Police Training and
Standards Commission.
Votes Against:
process rights. identities and personal details. Sheriff Timothy K. Cameron,
Supporters of the new legisla- The original legislation did who broadly opposed much of
tion say that though LEOBOR is away with the practice of so- what has been called police re-
no more, a different system has called “no knock” warrants but in form, said his agency and the
been put in its place that is more the amended package such war- county would have to start pre-
fair and independent. rant services are permitted as long paring to meet the mandates of
Del. Brian Crosby (D-Dist. as they are approved by a judge, the new law before it took affect
29B) voted for the bill that elim- police supervisor and state’s at- in July of 2022.
inated LEOBOR, HB 670, but torney and supported by evidence “These are all unfunded man-
voted against the bill in the Sen- that less intrusive methods would dates,” Cameron said of the re-
ate that restricted such things as not be effective. quirements of the package, spe-
“no knock” warrants and did not The new law also restricts when cifically the civilian discipline
allow police officers disciplinary a no-knock warrant can be served, boards charged with dealing with
records to be expunged, even if which is between the hours of 8am allegations of police misconduct.
investigations against them found and 7pm except in what the law He also believed such boards
no wrongdoing. calls “exigent circumstances.” would have the opposite effect
“I voted two-thirds with the Such “no-knock warrants” on police discipline than was
governor,” Crosby said. “If there’s could only be allowed by a judge intended. Delegate Matt Morgan
an unsubstantiated claim an of- if it can be adequately shown that “I think it’s going to be more
ficer should not have to live with the items to be seized could be difficult to discipline or terminate
that on their record.” destroyed or hidden without that an officer because civilian over-
The newly passed package of special authority or if the life and sight panels are notoriously more
laws, which was initially vetoed safety of the executing officers lenient than police boards,” Cam-
by Gov. Larry Hogan but suffered would be jeopardized if they an- eron said. “But we have to start
an override by the legislature, has nounced themselves and their working towards this now.”
many more stipulations to it. intentions. LEOBOR was a “tried and test-
It has new limits on when police Crosby said he believed “no- ed” method of disciplining offi-
can use force against the public, knock” warrants could be a legiti- cers, he said, and had never been
allows civilians to be involved in mate tool for law enforcement. an impediment to chiding or ter-
the disciplinary process of police The package of prohibits po- minating an officer who violated
officers and mandates an indepen- lice from receiving certain sur- regulations.
dent state commission to review plus military equipment for use Cameron also took issue with
and investigate fatalities caused in their enforcement actions, such the mandate that force only be
by police. as grenade launchers and firearms used by officers if it was “neces- Senator Jack Bailey
Locally, this means the creation silencers. sary and proportionate,” a require-
of new civilian police account- Part of the legislative package ment he said f lew in the face of
ability boards in each county, ac- requires that officers undergo the Supreme Court’s ruling which
cording to the package, which will mental health screenings every required the use of force to meet
review accusations of wrongdoing two years as well as continued a standard that was “reasonable”
against police. physical agility tests to maintain under the circumstances.
Police chiefs and sheriffs will fitness for duty; the use of mari- The new requirement was vague,
still issue punishments but will juana prior to employment as a po- Cameron said, and did not take
have to do so according to a new lice officer is now no longer a dis- into account the reality of violent
matrix for varying violations. qualifying factor for certification. encounters police could face.
Officers can appeal these deci- The certification of an officer “This system is not better, it’s
sions to a trial board comprised of can be revoked or suspended if different,” Cameron said. “I don’t
a citizen, a police officer and an they have been found to violate see this as reform at all.”
active or retired judge. the new, more stringent guidelines
“This is a process, an unbiased for policing, including the use of
process,” Crosby said of the new Delegate Jerry Clark
14 Cops & Courts The County Times Thursday, April 15, 2021

Holy Angels
Catholic Church ST. MARY'S SHERIFF'S
THERE WILL BE A Seafood Leonardtown Man Arrested St. Mary’s County that leads to an

for Sex Offense arrest or indictment.
In March of 2021, the St. Mary’s Identity Needed for Theft
A SELECTION OF County Sheriff’s Office initi- Suspect
DELICIOUS ated an investigation into allega-

HOME-BAKED SUNDAY tions of sexual abuse involving

a minor that occurred in the late
Mary’s County

CAKES FOR SALE APRIL 18, 2021 1990s. The suspect was identified
as Allen Briscoe Weiland, age
Sheriff’s Of-
fice is seeking
11:00 AM — SOLD OUT 59 of Leonar- the identity
dtown. During of the person
the course of shown in a
Dinner Includes: the investiga- theft investiga-
tion. On Sun- Theft Suspect
Fried Oysters, Steamed Shrimp, Fried tion evidence
day, April 11,

was obtained
Chicken, Parsley Potatoes, Green supporting the 2021 at 5:05
allegations. pm, the suspect used the self-
Beans, Cole Slaw and Dinner roll. The investi- Allen Briscoe Weiland checkout register at the Califor-
gation was pre- nia Walmart and did not scan all
sented to the the items that she put into plastic
HOLY ANGELS CATHOLIC CHURCH Grand Jury for St. Mary’s County bags. The suspect then headed out
21340 COLTON POINT ROAD and an indictment issued for Wei- of the store and passed all points

AVENUE, MD 20609 land’s arrest. On April 9, 2021, of sale when she was stopped by
FOR MORE INFORMATION Weiland was arrested and charged loss prevention staff. The suspect
PLEASE CALL THE RECTORY AT with the following: f led the store and left the area in
301-769-3332 OR
EMAIL HOLY01ANGELS@AOL.COM COST: $28.00 Sex Offense Second Degree
(two counts)
an older model blue SUV.
Anyone with information about
Sex Offense Third Degree (two the identity of the suspect or this
counts) incident is asked to call Deputy
Anyone with information re- Michael Walker at 301-475-4200,
garding Allen Weiland, or this ext. 78092 or email michael.
case is asked to contact Detective Case #
Trevor Teague at (301) 475-4200 19530-21
extension 78128 or by email at Citizens may remain anonymous and contact Crime Solvers at 301-
Citizens may remain anonymous 475-3333, or text a tip to “TIP239”
and contact Crime Solvers at (301) plus their message to “CRIMES”
475-3333, or text a tip to “TIP239” (274637). Through the Crime
plus their message to “CRIMES” Solvers Program tipsters are eli-
(274637). Through the Crime gible for an award of up to $1,000
Solvers Program tipsters are eli- for information about a crime in
gible for an award of up to $1,000 St. Mary’s County that leads to an
for information about a crime in arrest or indictment.

Editor’s Note:
The above arrests are not an indication of
guilt or innocence as the cases have not been
Thursday, April 15, 2021 The County Times 15


Pull Out
16 The County Times Thursday, April 15, 2021
Home Improvements In A Weekend
Thursday, April 15, 2021 17 The County Times

Home improvement projects appeal. • Install a fresh light fixture.

ramp up when the weather warms • Dress up the entryway. Improve drab spaces with a little
up, as homeowners channel the illumination. Better Homes &
rejuvenating feelings of spring An entryway is a guest’s first im-
pression of a home. Many entry- Gardens suggests replacing an
and tackle their home to-do existing fixture with something
lists. Large-scale renovations can ways can use a minor overhaul,
both inside and outside. Paint new and vibrant. If hanging a new
greatly affect a home, but smaller fixture is not within one’s skill
projects can yield impressive the front door a different color
so it pops from the curb. Install a set, free-standing table or floor
results and be completed over the lamps also can cast a new glow on
course of a single weekend. new mailbox or decorative house
numbers. A new welcome mat can a space.
If time is of the essence, these
weekend or one-day projects may change the look as well. Inside, • Add molding.
satisfy homeowners’ desires to fix consider laying a new floor. Re- Molding can add instant aes-
up their homes. silient vinyl tiles come in many thetic appeal to a room. Molding
different patterns and can mimic is appropriate near the floor, at
• Create an accent wall. the look of wood, travertine or the top of walls where they meet
Painting a focal wall in a home marble. Installing a floor can take the ceiling, or even mid-wall as a
can create a serious impact. The a day or two. chair rail. Some homeowners like
bonus is it will not take as long • Install a new faucet. to create framed molding on walls
or require as many materials as in formal living spaces.
painting an entire room. Accent Instantly improve a kitchen or a
walls frequently feature a bold bathroom with new fixtures. New • Update kitchen or bathroom
color, so decide on placement and faucets can provide aesthetic ap- hardware.
tackle this project in less than a peal and low-flow faucets can help Replacing hardware is a fast and
day. conserve water. easy project, but one that can have
• Install stair runners. • Create a gallery on the stair- immediate impact. Swap out tired
case. or outdated hardware for newer
Dress up hardwood stairs with brushed metals and more impact-
decorative carpet runners. Run- Gather and arrange framed
photos, artwork or wall accents ful shapes and designs.
ners come in elongated pieces of Home renovations do not need
carpeting or individual pieces so that they ascend the wall of a
staircase. This creates a designer to take weeks or months. Many
that can be placed on each step. projects can be completed over
If carpeting doesn’t fit with the touch and can dress up an often
barren area of wall space. the course of a weekend.
home’s design, painting individual
stair treads also can create visual
18 The County Times Thursday, April 15, 2021

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Variables to Consider
The County Times
Thursday, April 15, 2021

When Choosing a SPRING


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The term “home theater” once made
homeowners who love movies and sports
ers may not recognize distortions when
watching something, but homeowners
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cate a large area in their home to watch- LOCAL FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED
listening to music.
ing the big game or their favorite films.
Such rooms are now widely referred to as • Windows:
“media rooms.” Though the terminology
Media rooms are multi-purpose rooms,
may have changed, media rooms are not
so homeowners don’t need to remove
all that different from home theaters.
rooms with windows from consid-
Before choosing an area of their home as
eration. But the experts at the DIY
their designated media room, homeown-
Network note that windows are hard sur-
ers must consider a host of variables to
faces that can reflect sound and distort
ensure they get as much out of the room
audio, and the light that gets in through
as possible. windows can produce reflections on
• Location and shape: the viewing surface. Each of those fac-
tors can adversely affect your listening
Of course the location of the room is of and viewing experience. A room with
the utmost importance. Media rooms windows can still make for a good media
tend to be more social settings than tra-
ditional home theaters, which were often
room, but you may want to invest in
some blackout curtains to mitigate some
Repair, Refinishing, Antique
designed to be isolated from the rest of of the disadvantages of having windows
the home so noise and natural light did
not adversely affect the film-watching
in the room. Restoration & Reupholstery
experience. Homeowners may not want • Wall colors:
their media rooms to be in high traffic
areas of their homes, but they needn’t The colors of the walls in the room is
be completely secluded, either. The another variable homeowners will have
renovation experts at the DIY Network to consider. Homeowners won’t want to
note that the shape of a room should be host guests for the big game in rooms
considered before designating it as the with darkened walls, as that can create
media room. In general, square rooms a dreary atmosphere and potentially
are not ideal, as such rooms can produce make people tired. But especially bright
harmonic distortions. A rectangular colors will reflect light and adversely
room likely won’t produce such distor- affect the viewing experience. Neutral
tions, especially when homeowners place colors should not affect the colors on
their screens and primary speakers on the screen, making them the ideal color
short walls. It’s important that home- choice for media room walls.
owners do not downplay the importance Media rooms are high on many home-
of sound, as media rooms, unlike tradi- owners’ renovation lists. Considering
tional home theaters, may be used for a host of variables prior to designating
listening to music just as much as they an area for a media room can ensure 301-884-3011 •
are for watching films or sports. View- the finished product is as enjoyable as
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20 The County Times Thursday, April 15, 2021

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Items to ImproveTheOutdoor
County Times
Thursday, April 15, 2021
Living Spaces

The popularity of outdoor living spaces has

been growing for years. A 2014 study from
the home remodeling and design platform
Houzz found that 56 percent of homeown-
ers were making updates to improve their
yards for entertaining. Similarly, nearly 60
percent of architectural practices surveyed
by the American Institute of Architects
in 2016 said outdoor living spaces were
popular features in the homes they built.
Outdoor living spaces may also be sound
investments for homeowners looking to
improve the resale value of their proper-
ties. According to Remodeling magazine’s
2017 “Cost vs. Value” report, outdoor
living spaces returned between 55 and 71
percent of homeowners’ initial investments
at resale.
When planning an outdoor living space,
homeowners with ample backyards have
much to work with. However, to make
the most of the space while simultane-
ously hoping to get as strong a return on
their investments as possible, homeown-
ers should look to create spaces that offer
broad appeal and are not too personalized. entertaining space. Features that can keep homeowners and the backyard, but homeowners with big-
The following are some popular outdoor their guests warm after the sun sets include ger front yards than backyards may want
living space features homeowners may outdoor fireplaces and firepits. A 2016 sur- to expand or open their porch spaces to
want to consider. Indoor entertaining areas often include vey conducted by the American Society of create more space outside. Porch swings
bars, so it makes sense that homeowners Landscape Architects found that fireplaces and rocking chairs provide a great place to
Outdoor kitchens want to include a place to prepare and and firepits were the most popular outdoor relax, and porch spaces are covered, mean-
Outdoor kitchens allow homeowners to serve beverages to their guests. Homeown- design element in 2016. Such features can ing homeowners can continue to enjoy
prepare more than just traditional back- ers with room in their budgets may want provide a focal point in the backyard while time outside even when it begins to rain.
yard barbecue fare. A standalone charcoal to install wet bars where they can rinse also extending the outdoor living season Outdoor living spaces are growing in
grill in the backyard might get the job mixers, glasses and other items needed to into autumn and even early winter. popularity. Homeowners who want to
done, but a built-in gas grill complete with prepare drinks for their guests. capitalize on this trend can do so in vari-
Porch space
burners and surrounding granite counter- Warming features ous ways.
top makes for a more functional outdoor Outdoor living spaces are often found in

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Value to Your Home with These
The County Times Thursday, April 15, 2021

Homeowners choose renovation projects impact, is paint. Neutral, modern col-
for a variety of reasons. Although many ors can easily liven up any space. If you
improvements are made to increase func- paint with low-VOC paint, you also
tionality and comfort of a home, several can advertise an eco-friendly home,
others are seen as worthwhile invest- which is very desireable these days.
ments. These investments can add up to a • Put in another bathroom.
higher resale value when the time comes Multiple bathrooms are an attrac-
to sell a home. tive selling point, particularly in
Certain projects have a history of provid- older homes that may not have
ing a greater return on homeowners’ been equipped with more than one
investments than others. The following bathroom. Finding extra space for a
renovation tips can add beauty to your bathroom can be tricky, but consider
home and generate great returns when closets, areas under stairs or even
you put the home up for sale. taking some space away from another
• Invest in your kitchen. room. Popular home-improvement
television channel HGTV advises that
Kitchen remodels are a safe bet when it half-bathrooms require at least 18 • Add illumination to rooms. or experience to tackle such a project.
comes to putting money into improving square feet of space, while full baths need A dark home is a dreary home. Adding • Improve curb appeal.
a home. Residents tend to spend a great 30 to 35 square feet for a stand-up shower light can mean including more overhead
deal of time in the kitchen, but a dated, or bathtub. Adding attractive landscaping and
and accent lighting. Under-cabinet task freshening up the entryway to a home
poorly functioning kitchen can detract lighting is a nice touch. Inclusion of
from the value of a home, even if the rest • Renovate the HVAC system. can add considerable value to your home,
skylights and sun tubes can bring natural as buyers judge homes by their exteri-
of the home is in good shape. It’s possible Aesthetic improvements aren’t the only light into rooms that may not have south-
to recoup between 60 and 120 percent ones that add value to a home. Many ors. Completely renovated interiors may
or west-facing windows. never be seen if buyers pass up your home
of your kitchen remodel investment, home buyers are eager to purchase a home
especially if the kitchen matches up well that has a new heating and cooling sys- • Put a deck addition outdoors. because of a less attractive exterior. Classy,
with the rest of your home. Homeowners tem, as buyers understand that furnaces Outdoor living spaces have become more subtle changes, like well-placed shrubbery
should know that a deluxe renovation may and air conditioning units are substan- desireable, especially as the “staycation” and a green lawn, can work wonders. An
not be necessary, as relatively moderate tial investments that can last for years. has grown in popularity. Decks and patios inviting front door and well-lit entryway
improvements can create a whole new Other improvements, such as adding attic can make backyards more appealing. The also add curb appeal to a home.
look for a kitchen. insulation or replacing older windows and scope of your investment will depend on Before making improvements, homeown-
doors with more energy efficient options, the size of the deck and design. Doing the ers should determine if a given project
• Look to paint. will provide a solid return on their invest-
also are smart bets. work yourself can cut the cost of decks in
One of the least expensive improvement half, but only if you have the specific tools ment.
materials, but one that has a significant

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Did You Know?
The County Times Thursday, April 15, 2021

When planning spring landscapes, home- example, aerating soil helps to improve
owners should always group plants with water flow to plants’ roots and reduces
similar water needs together. Accord- water runoff, helping to ensure that plants
ing to the U.S. Department of Energy, get all of the water they need while reduc-
grouping plants with similar water needs ing the likelihood that homeowners will
together helps to conserve water, which have to use excessive amounts of water
can be an especially useful strategy if or to keep plants healthy. In addition, using
when drought restrictions go into effect low-water-using types of grass can help
in summer. Homeowners also can em- homeowners who live in areas prone to
brace additional strategies to landscape drought conserve water while still main-
with water conservation in mind. For taining lush, green lawns.

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Thursday, April 15, 2021 The County Times 25

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26 The County Times Thursday, April 15, 2021
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The County Times PAX River

Thursday, April 15, 2021 27

Patuxent River
Naval Air Station N
Change of Command at VX 1
By Lt. Brad Nelson of command ceremony and ex- more mission oriented and effi- Director back to Pax River. We’re
VX-1 Pioneers Public Affairs Officer pressed his gratitude for Winkel’s cient than compared to one year excited to have you join the Pio-
 Capt. William Selk relieved accomplishments. ago, stronger,” remarked Winkel, neer family and I look forward to
Capt. Hugh Winkel as Command- Winkel led a team of more than in reference to the challenges of working with you again.”
er, Air Test and Evaluation Squad- 450 officers, Sailors, civilians running VX-1 safely during the The principal mission of VX-1
ron (VX) 1 during an airborne and contractors during his tour at COVID-19 outbreak. “Pioneers, is to test and evaluate airborne
change of command ceremony VX-1 from August 2019 to March you made us stronger.” anti-submarine warfare (ASW)
held at NAS Patuxent River March 2021. During his time as Skipper Selk, taking over for Winkel, and maritime anti-surface warfare
18. The ceremony took place with of VX-1, the squadron achieved previously served at VX-1 as the (SUW) weapon systems, airborne
a limited number of guests in at- many milestones in the Opera- Chief Operational Test Direc- strategic weapon systems, as well
tendance to ensure COVID-19 tional Test and Development of tor. He will be replaced by Capt. as support systems, equipment
mitigation precautions, but the numerous manned and unmanned Geoff McAlwee. and materials in an operational
entire squadron as well as family fixed and rotary wing aircraft. “Skipper Winkel, I take over the environment. The squadron also
and friends were able to watch a After attending foreign language squadron today well prepared be- develops, reviews, and dissemi-
recording of the ceremony on so- school, Winkel will be heading cause of your leadership and trust. nates new ASW-SUW tactics and
cial media. to Thailand to serve as a naval The Command climate and culture procedures for f leet use, serving
Commander, Operational Test attaché. are the best they have ever been as the model manager for all such
and Evaluation Force, Rear Adm. “Given all the adversity this and I am honored to follow in your tactical publications.
Stephen Tedford, addressed past year, it would be understand- footsteps” said Selk during his re-
participants, guests and those able to accept a lower standard, marks. “I’d also like to welcome
watching virtually at the change but you did not do that; VX-1 was our new Chief Operational Test

Incoming Commander, Naval Air Test and Evaluation Squadron (VX) 1 , Capt. William Selk, addresses those in attendance and those watching via social media during a VX-1 change of command ceremony held at
NAS Patuxent River March 18.
28 Contributing Writers The County Times Thursday, April 15, 2021

Answers and Questions RAINY DAYS ARE FOR…

By Ronald N. Guy Jr. if his suggestion – to try differ- I hope everyone has been enjoy-
Contributing Writer ent things, challenge your comfort ing the mild spring weather. Rain
Former “Tonight Show” host Jay zone, develop an array of skills… is expected this afternoon that will
Leno used to do a segment called expand your range – will gain be- make all the new grass happy that
“Jaywalking” where he would stroll lievers. Specialists, superheroes in my husband has planted. A few of
the streets and quiz folks on topics their narrow realm, catch the eye. you may remember that he tries to
such as history, geography and poli- The most attractive, the fastest, the grow grass every year in a large
tics. It was hilarious and alarming smoothest, the most intelligent, the area near our front door but hasn’t
for the same reason – the unsus- strongest or the most technically had much success over the years.
pecting souls would often struggle proficient – the exceptional - often We used to think it didn’t grow
to answer basic questions such as garner admiration, regardless of the because we had two huge old oaks
“Who was the first president?”, specialist’s lack of depth or glaring on either end of the house that kept
“What countries boarder the United weaknesses. out all sunlight. Both trees were
States?” or “How many stars are on The All-Pro, Super Bowl win- taken down in the last few years,
the American flag?” ning quarterbacks are up. The ear- though it hasn’t seemed to help
Instead of lobbing softballs for lier reference was to Aaron Rodgers his poor grass. He babies the grass
seemingly easy trivia homeruns, and Tom Brady. It’s probably unfair with water, fertilizer, everything. I
Leno came off like a ruthless high to bring Brady to this stage, but know my husband has bought ev-
school calculus teacher humored Rodgers started it, so here it goes. ery type of grass seed on the mar-
and horrified by a new crop of Rodgers, a complex dude with a se- ket from shade and hard to grow
bemused students. “Jaywalking” rious interest in trivia (and, by defi- area types. Sometimes the grass
came to mind many times in the nition, a broad interest in all things), will stay until about Halloween, night and eat them up, leaving just
wake of the 2016 presidential elec- is in the midst of a temporary gig and then suddenly turn bare in that the stems, so it was suggested that
tion and subsequent swell of anti- hosting “Jeopardy!” He might area again. But my husband keeps I try the Insecticidal soap spray.
immigrant vitriol. The suggestion even have designs on filling Alex trying. My husband said it might be rab-
is that if passing a basic civics test Trebek’s giant shoes permanently. I am anxious to get outside to- bits eating the flowers, well it must
was required before Americans Brady, meanwhile, seems all about day so I can plant petunias in my be an entire warren full of rabbits
could qualify to criticize immi- football and intends to play – to the planter on the front porch railing to eat that many flowers. The next
grants or the nation’s increasing chagrin of his opponents - forever. and scatter them in containers morning, I would expect to see
diversity, much of the xenophobia If both went “Jaywalking,” Rodgers around the yard. Rain may delay the bunnies rolling around on the
would have been silenced before it would ace the quiz; Brady would these plans for another day. The grass with fat bellies if that were
started. too if the topics were narrowed to stop sign at our corner needs some the case. Maybe I need to get a trail
Ah, but that is another piece the NFL defensive schemes and petunias at the base since the daf- cam and find out who the culprits
for another time. For the here and how to maintain physical health and fodils are about done. An old blue are. Two years ago, I bought a case
now, two NFL quarterbacks, David pliability into your forties. and white enamel pail I found will of Irish Spring soap, cut each bar
Epstein and jacks of many trades That’s the unfair part. There’s look beautiful with the pink flow- up in small pieces to lay amidst the
brought Leno to mind. The writer undoubtedly more depth to Brady ers. Hopefully, the daylilies sur- plants. That did seem to help, and
goes first, of course. than football. Well, maybe. Point is rounding three sides of the stop it made the outside smell very…
Epstein opened his 2019 book that Rodgers’s curiosity and range sign won’t crowd out the pretty clean, I guess. I will probably get
“Range” by contrasting Tiger makes Epstein’s point – an appre- pink petunias. Lilies of the valley more of that too. Who knows, I
Woods and Roger Federer. The for- ciation of generalists is too often are starting to pop up too; I can’t may see a ton of belly-up bunnies
mer was trained, from the moment overlooked in the valuation of per- wait to smell their sweet fragrance blowing bubbles. Any other tips
he could hold a club, to be what he sonal and professional skills; how- while I am out in my workshop. would be appreciated.
ultimately became - an elite golf- ever, Brady’s success is proof that They do tend to take over gardens, Today will probably be the best
er. Conversely, the latter, despite singular focus is a means to genera- even spilling into the pebbled day for planting also because to-
growing up in a tennis household, tional, if narrow and exceedingly driveway. My heavy blue latex morrow (Thursday) we get our
played many sports and wasn’t en- rare, achievement. Rodgers is simi- gloves will be on, so as not to get first vaccination shots at the Hol-
couraged to play tennis specifically. lar to Federer; Brady reminds of any dirt in cuts – I learned my lywood Fire House. The way my
Federer did, though, and it turned Woods. The world needs both kinds lesson really well about bacterial luck goes my arm could swell up
out okay: his 20 Grand Slam singles – a warm thought for those with an infections. and be immobile for a few days.
championships are tied with Rafael identified specialty and others who Next on the list is spraying in- I’m glad we are finally able to get
Nadal for the most in the history of nimbly and adeptly adapt to life’s secticidal soap on my red maple the first shot done and keep mov-
men’s tennis. curves. trees which developed lots of white ing forward. Well, I think it’s time
Epstein’s book discusses our fas- To tie all of this together, I hope dots on the leaves last year and on for a cup of tea and to look lov-
cination with specificity, questions the “Jeopardy!” folks at some point my fast growing 60 foot line of ingly on our beautiful white dog-
to what extent exclusive training have Rodgers read the answer, daylilies curving around the copse woods out of the bay window. Yes,
works (diminishing returns) and “This quarterback has won the of trees in the middle of the front I missed my window of opportuni-
postulates that it isn’t specialists, most Super Bowls in NFL history.” yard. The line has filled in nicely ty for planting the petunias, I hear
but those with range - broad acu- The contestants, if they possess over the years. All the daylilies the rain softly hitting the ground
men across numerous skillsets - adequate trivia range, will answer, were transplanted from around the outside the office window. Darn,
who will excel in a fluid world of “Who is Tom Brady?” To which, backside of our pool, and never guess I timed that exactly right.
accelerating technological advanc- the witty Rodgers would no doubt seem to diminish there. I never To each new day’s adventure,
es and expanding job descriptions. quip, “Correct…but let’s see Mr. had trouble with creatures eating Shelby
I think Epstein’s theory - that Football host this show.” the daylily flowers until a couple Please send your comments or
jacks-of-many will be better posi- Send comments to Ronald- years ago when it seemed as soon ideas to: shelbys.wanderings@ya-
tioned than masters-of-one – is right as the flowers would bloom some- or find me on Facebook
for most professions, but I question thing would come along in the
Thursday, April 15, 2021 The County Times Letters to the Editor 29

Where Were the Thanks to Everyone

The following letter was sent deserved public, in person rep-
to the St. Mary’s County Com- resentation by all of our county
missioners and as a Letter to the commissioners to show fair rep-
Editor: resentation for all. Perhaps there
Dear Commissioners, was a breakdown in communica-
As a native of the county, re- tion or coordination. But courtesy
tired educator, past president and respect would have meant
of the NAACP and the Unified concerted effort to ensure that
Committee for Afro-American one commissioner represent the To the Editor: Fire Department as well as other
Contributions(UCAC) and  a Board of County Commissioners My two boys are home safe. I St Mary’s Second District and
community volunteer serving on for such a prominent citizen who can’t thank everyone enough for Seventh District Fire Depart-
boards and commissions,  I know was African American. coming along side my family in ments, Naval District Washington
this county - from its history to It was very disheartening for our time of need. I say everyone Fire Department (St. Inigoes), St
its current circumstances.  And me personally, and for many oth- because that was my perspective. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Depart-
Commissioner representation at ers in the African American com- I have never been involved in an ment, Calvert County Sheriff’s
local events, funerals, anniver- munity and others present, that event where so many people and Department Search and Rescue,
saries etc.  are very important to there was not a single commis- agencies came together in such a Charles County Dive Rescue,
many citizens and helps provide sioner there. Sheriff Somerville’s short time to accomplish a com- Smith’s Point Rescue and the
accountability  to people in the family, the citizens of the com- mon good. Virginia Marine Police, the Nor-
district they represent  in St. missioner district where he lived, As much as I would like to thumberland and Westmoreland
Mary’s County. and our county’s citizens  ex- thank everyone by name that County Sheriff’s Department in
I know that you value “lo- pected no less than   “local cour- isn’t even possible because of the Virginia, US Navy SAR team, US
cal courtesy” and want to be tesy” from our county leaders in magnitude of the event and num- Coast Guard, US Navy Test Pilot
respected.  Sheriff Joseph Lee  showing respect for St. Mary’s ber of people involved. From all School, Southern Maryland Pad-
Somerville, the first African County’s first and only “African the prayers of individuals some dlers kayak club and the Civil Air
American deputy hired by the American” elected sheriff - a I know, most I don’t, thank you. Patrol. All working together to
Sheriff’s department, first elected community supporter who loved God’s Word says, “the prayers of a find our boys. All the while both
Sheriff of the county, and 6th and served St. Mary’s County. righteous person are powerful and of them were completely unaware
in the country  passed away on As a member of the 1978 His- effective.” of what they had put into motion,
April 1st, and a memorial service toric Committee to Elect Joseph Thanks to our neighbors and but are now recognizing the grav-
was held on April 10th. For that Lee Somerville Sheriff and a friends and volunteer search ity of the situation.
ceremony, Governor Hogan sent caring and concerned life-long teams who walked the shore- But, if all we take away from
a representative with a resolu- citizen of this county,  I was very lines, the woods, the parks and the this is that we spent a lot of mon-
tion, Congressman Steny Hoyer disheartened at the absence of roads. Thanks to those who pre- ey, effort, and time on the she-
attended, and so did Sheriff Tim county commissioners or their pared and brought us and the vol- nanigans of two mischievous kids,
Cameron, whose department was official representative at his me- unteers food, water, ice, alcohol we are missing the bigger picture.
outstanding with their presenta- morial service, funeral service or wipes and other supplies donated Our nation is becoming a divided
tions and many tributes to Sheriff burial. from Ridge Dollar General, Pane- nation, a nation of hatred, a na-
Somerville. Other county lead- I am hopeful that someone ra Bread, Papa Johns, Boomer- tion getting further and further
ers, such as Judge Karen Abrams, is planning to personally contact angs, Mission BBQ, Buffalo Wild away from God, and it is filtering
were also present to honor Sheriff Mrs. Delores Somerville, his Wings, and Ridge VFD Auxiliary. down to even our community. For
Somerville’s life and legacy, but wife of 59 years, to bring some Thanks to those who took their at least two days last week in this
not our county commission- comfort to her as she mourns the own commercial boats, personal very little part of our world the
ers. A resolution was sent and loss of her husband, a St. Mary’s boats, kayaks, and vehicles out to actions of two boys brought this
read by the service’s   mistress County treasure and historic search for our boys. community together in unity and
of ceremonies - and NOT ONE figure who  deserves a place of Thank you to the drone teams love. This is only my perspec-
commissioner attended to pay prominence in our county seat. and the K-9 teams for their ef- tive, but this I know, my two sons
his respects or to represent the It’s never too late to do the forts, and the news agencies on are back, and my faith in God has
Board. (Although, to his credit, right thing. social media who got the word out been strengthened through your
Commissioner Todd Morgan, Sincerely, so quickly. actions.
and perhaps others, attended the Dr. Janice T. Walthour Thank you to our church fam- Thank you, and may God bless
Friday night open viewing - and Voter Registration Chairperson ily who ministered to us continu- you all.
Sheriff Somerville did not live in for the 1978 Historic Committee ally throughout. This community Stephen Clark
Morgan’s assigned district.) to Elect Joseph Lee Somerville and beyond came to our aid. As- Ridge, MD
Sheriff Somerville made local, Sheriff sets from the Maryland Depart-
state, and national history, and Lexington Park, Maryland ment of Natural Resources, Ridge
Un i q u e
30 The County Times Thursday, April 15, 2021

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Thursday, April 15, 2021 The County Times 31


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32 Legals The County Times Thursday, April 15, 2021

Legal Notices
CASE NO: C18CV21-000090
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Commissioners of St. Mary’s County will
hold a Public Hearing on April 27, 2021, at 6:30 p.m. in the Chesapeake Building, Alan Wetter
41770 Baldridge Street, Leonardtown, Maryland, 20650 and can be viewed at http:// to consider adoption of: Plaintiff
#1 Constant Yield Tax Rate (“Real Property Tax Increase”) vs.
#2 St. Mary’s County Fees & Charges
a) Aging & Human Services – Northern & Garvey Senior Center Activity The Estate Of Annie L. Moss
-Fees/Room Rental. 7511 Mandan Rd
b.) Emergency Services Billing – Transport & Medicare Transport Fees. Apt 112
c) Recreation & Parks Activity Fund Fees. Greenbelt, Md 20770
#3 FY2022 Recommended Budget
Public meetings are now open to the public as long as social distancing guidelines can
be maintained and the Commissioners’ Meeting Room capacity limits do not exceed ST. MARY’S COUNTY, MARYLAND
32 people. Everyone in attendance must adhere to the social distancing guidelines
and wear a mask at all times unless they have a disability or if they are speaking or and
consuming food/drink. If social distancing guidelines or occupancy room capacity
limits cannot be followed, the hearing may be rescheduled. The public is strongly all known owners of the property described below, their heirs, devisees and personal
encouraged to view the hearing remotely on SMCG Channel 95 and YouTube or representatives and their or any of their heirs, devisees, executors, administrators,
listen to the Public Hearing by calling 301-579-7236; Access code: 963443#. gratnees, assigns, or successors in right title and interest and any and all persons having
or claiming to have an interest in the property described as:
In lieu of appearance, comments may be submitted via:
a) Phone: 301-475-4200 Ext 1234 to speak via telephone during the public hearing Wilson Dr.
b) Email: 0-0000
c) US Mail: P.O. Box 653, Leonardtown, MD 20650
d) Submit a 3-minute video clip to no later than 5pm and also known as Account Number 07-021135
on May 4, 2021.
All submissions will be considered by the Commissioners at the Public Hearing and/
or the seven (7) days following the Public Hearing. Public Hearing Guidelines are ORDER OF PUBLICATION
subject to change. The object of this proceeding is to secure the redemption in the following property,
sold by the Collector of taxes for St. Mary’s County to the Plaintiff:
Appropriate accommodations for individuals with special needs will be provided
upon request.  In order to meet these requirements, we respectfully ask for one Wilson Dr.
week’s prior notice.  Please contact the County Commissioners Office at 301-475- 0-0000
4200, Ext. 1340.  Proceedings are televised live and/or recorded for later broadcast also known as Account Number 07-021135
on television.  All content of these proceedings is subject to disclosure under the
Maryland Public Information Act.  Photographic and electronic audio and visual The Complaint states, among other things, that the amounts necessary for redemption
broadcasting and recording devices are used during the Commissioners’ meetings. have not been paid. It is therefore on this 19 day of March 2021, by the Circuit Court for
These are public meetings and attendance at these meetings automatically grants St. St. Mary’s County, Maryland:
Mary’s County Government permission to broadcast your audio and visual image.
ORDERED, that notice be given by insertion of a copy of this ORDER in some
COMMISSIONERS OF ST. MARY’S COUNTY newspaper having general corcu;ation in St. Mary’s county once a week for 3 sucessive
By: L. Jeannett Cudmore, Chief Financial Officer weeks, warning all persons interested in the property to appear in this Court by
the 19th day of May, 2021 and redeem the property and answer the Complaint, or
thereafter a Final Judgement woll be entered foreclosing all right of redemption in the
property, and vesting in the Plaintiff a title, free and clear of all encumbrances.
Clerk of Court for
In the Circuit Court for St. Mary’s County, Maryland St. Mary’s County, Maryland
Case No.: C-18-FM-21-198
Notice (Adult)
The above Petitioner has filed a Petition for Change of Name in which he/ FAIR SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO. 207
she seeks to change his/her name from TANAY JENELLE ROBINSON to TANAY
JENELLE KARGBO. The petitioner is seeking a name change because: I have been Notice is hereby given that the Commissioners of Leonardtown have
married to my spouse for 15 yrs and would like to change my last name. passed, and the Mayor has approved, Ordinance No. 207 – Sale of Surplus Real
Property and Acquisition of Real Property for a Public Purpose. A fair summary of
Any person may file an objection to the Petition on or before the the ordinance will follow:
05/13/2021. The objection must be supported by an affidavit (written statement Ordinance No. 207 - An ordinance for the purpose of: 1) approving the
confirmed by oath or affirmation) and served on the petitioner (Maryland Rule conveyance of certain property owned by the Commissioners of Leonardtown in
1-321). If no timely objection is filed, the court may issue a default judgement or the aggregate of 39.1000 acres of land, more or less, to Tudor Hall Funding, LLC
grant the name change. and 2) approving the acquisition of certain real property consisting in the aggregate
of 39.100 acres of land, more or less, from Tudor Hall Funding, LLC and Parcel K –
Debra J. Burch, Tudor Hall Farm, LLC for the public purpose and use of outdoor public recreation
Clerk of Court for area and open space, and 3) authorizing the Mayor and the Town Administrator
St. Mary’s County Maryland to execute all documents and take any and all action necessary and incidental to
effectuate the foregoing conveyance and acquisition.
Ordinance No. 207 - will become effective May 3, 2021. Full text of

If you would like to place a

this ordinance may be obtained at the Town Office at 22670 Washington Street,
Leonardtown, MD between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through


Friday or on-line on the Town’s website at

By Authority:
Laschelle McKay, Town Administrator
Thursday, April 15, 2021 The County Times Legals 33


CASE NO: C18CV21-000045

Alan Wetter and Keith Schmidt,

c/o Lucas I. Dansie, Esq.
406 5th St. NW Contributing Writer:
Washington, DC 20001
Lynda J. Striegel
According to a survey by Cred- ments, call the credit card com-
vs., 13% of Americans pany and ask them to lower your
say they’ll never pay off their rate. Most companies will ac-
Lee Hazel
3319 Truelove St., Sanford NC 27330
loans and another 8% say they commodate their long-term cus-
won’t pay off what they owe until tomers who pay on time. If you
and they’re at least 71 years old. You have been offered a lower rate by
don’t have to be one of these peo- a competitor, tell the bank. Most
ST. MARY’S COUNTY, MARYLAND ple. If you are stuck in debt, take likely they will meet that lower
action to help yourself. Credit rate to avoid losing you as a cus-
and card debt is the enemy of finan- tomer. Remember, you are valu-
cial security. Here are 5 tips to able to the banks.
all known owners of the property described below, their heirs, devisees and personal help you pay off those high inter- 4. TAKE ACTION, BUT BE
representatives and their or any of their heirs, devisees, executors, administrators, est credit card balances: CAREFUL.
gratnees, assigns, or successors in right title and interest and any and all persons having
or claiming to have an interest in the property described as:
1. STOP Paying Only the Transferring your credit card
Minimum on Your Credit Card balance to another card with a
Lot 14, Block 57 of Longview Beach Club, according to a plat thereof recorded in Plat Debt. 0% introductory interest rate is a
Book C.B.G. No. 2 at Folio 24 among the Land Records of St. Mary’s County The minimum payment on good idea IF you can pay off the
Maryland. credit card debt is 2% of the bal- entire credit card during the time
ance. Suppose you have a bal- the introductory interest rate is
and also known as Account Number 07-018029 ance of $5,000 on your credit 0%. Most of the cards will give
card with a 15% interest rate. If you up to 18 months of 0% inter-
Defendants you pay the minimum, it will take est before the card reverts to the
you more than 27 years to pay off 15-25% interest rate category. If
The object of this proceeding is to secure the redemption in the following property,
the balance. It gets worse. Your you can’t pay the card balance
sold by the Collector of taxes for St. Mary’s County to the Plaintiff: total payments will amount to off in 18 months, you may wind
$12,518 or about 2.5 times your up paying more in interest on the
Lot 14, Block 57 of Longview Beach Club, according to a plat thereof recorded in original $5,000 balance. Paying balance than you had with your
Plat Book C.B.G. No. 2 at Folio 24 among the Land Records of St. Mary’s the minimum is keeping you in first card. Check the interest
County Maryland. servitude to the bank or credit rates on the cards. If you find a
card company. What can you do? card with an interest rate after 18
and also known as Account Number 07-018029 By boosting your payment to 3% months of 0% that is significant-
of the balance you can pay off ly lower than your current rate,
The Complaint states, among other things, that the amounts necessary for redemption the credit card balance in about even if you cannot pay off all of
have not been paid. It is therefore on this 30th day of March 2021, by the Circuit Court
for St. Mary’s County, Maryland: half the time. Boost the payment the debt in 18 months, you will
to 5% of the balance and you can be better off. Try your online re-
ORDERED, that notice be given by insertion of a copy of this ORDER in some pay it all off in about 8 years. If sources for education. Nextad-
newspaper having general corcu;ation in St. Mary’s county once a week for 3 sucessive you do not have the cash f low to is helpful. Enter the
weeks, warning all persons interested in the property to appear in this Court by make one larger credit card pay- balance you want to transfer, the
the 30th day of May, 2021 and redeem the property and answer the Complaint, or ment every month, try making amount you want to spend each
thereafter a Final Judgement woll be entered foreclosing all right of redemption in the two minimum payments every month and the website will give
property, and vesting in the Plaintiff a title, free and clear of all encumbrances. month. you a list of credit cards that may
2. FOCUS ON PAYING OFF help you. There are plenty of
Debra J. Burch ONE CARD FIRST. other online resources for you to
Clerk of Court for
St. Mary’s County, Maryland
If you have multiple credit choose from.
cards and want to show prog- 5. NEVER BORROW FROM
ress, pick the one with the low- YOUR HOME OR YOUR
est balance and pay that one off 401(K) TO PAY OFF CREDIT
as soon as you can. Then, tackle CARD DEBT.
rt County

the next in line. In any event, Your home and your retirement
your credit score will decline funds are critical to your finan-
lvearrt y'simes
The Calve

12, 2020


Sto. untym
12, 2020

based on whether you have used cial well-being. Why jeopar-


Ti C
UST 6,

more than 20% of your available dize either of them by borrowing





OM Insi de!
credit. Paying down your credit
cards to show loans of less than
against them?
No matter how you tackle the
20% of the available balance on problem of credit card debt, the
the card will immediately boost important point is to take action
& Heathe

your credit score. So, even if you to pay down that debt. Get a plan
cannot pay off the entire card, and stick to it.

L ocaEl D
paying down the balance will A reminder: Join me for a free
give you progress and a better estate planning seminar on the

credit score. third Wednesday of every month

Private g for Fall
3.SPEAK UP. at 11 am at our office at 8906 Bay
Arrest pted Murder
19 Plas
ma in Attem
If you have a good credit score Avenue, North Beach. Call 301-

(usually 730 and above) and are 855-2246 to reserve your spot.
current in making your pay-


34 Obituaries The County Times Thursday, April 15, 2021

In Remembrance
The County Times runs complimentary obituaries as submitted by funeral homes
and readers. We run them in the order we receive them. Any submissions that come to after noon on Mondays may run in the following week’s edition.

Lt. Col. Carl H. Dubac, Manager of Navy and Marine Corps Curt Dubac of Catlett, VA; grandchil- A lifelong fan of Elvis Presley with
aircraft systems and weapons require- dren: Michael Helbringer, Kyle Dubac, his rendition of How Great Thou Art,
USMC Retired ments, retiring as a Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Hause, Jennifer (Hause) Mo- these words couldn’t
in 1976. tenko, Carl C. Dubac, Kevin Dubac, have come at a better time for Rose:
Lt. Col. Carl In 1977 Carl co-founded DCS Cor- Jesse Dubac; seven great-grandchil- When Christ shall come with shout
H. Dubac, poration,, an dren; his sister Betty Bradley in Vas- of acclamation
USMC Retired, employee-owned private company, sar, MI; and so many nieces, nephews, And take me home, what joy shall
of Compton, which offers advanced technology and family, and friends. Preceding him fill my heart.
MD passed away management solutions to government in death are his granddaughter, Kelli Superheroes need rest too, and up
peacefully on agencies in the national security sec- (Dubac) Robertson. there in Heaven, the Good Lord ac-
Saturday, April tor. Beginning with five employees, Funeral services with full mili- cepted Rose back home for her to rest
10, 2021, at the the company has grown to about 1,800 tary honors will be held at Arlington peacefully with her parents, sister,
age of 88. employees at many different locations National Cemetery at a date to be husband and Elvis.
Carl was a United States Marine across the country. Carl was in a man- announced. Through the memories she made
Corps aviator and served with great agement role until 2010 and remained Memorials may be made in Carl’s and the people she positively impacted
honor and distinction for over 20 involved until his retirement in 2018. name to St. Mary’s County Historical in the southern Maryland commu-
years. He was a Vietnam War Veteran Carl’s Professional and Honorary Society, 41680 Tudor Place, Leonar- nity, Rose will live on for generations
where he flew A-4E and A-6A Intruder affiliations include: Sigma Xi, IEEE, dtown, MD 20650 or Hospice of St. through the stories that are told of her
aircraft in combat. He flew 274 combat Intruder Association, Tailhook Asso- Mary’s, PO Box 625, Leonardtown, compassion, kindness and pure soul.
missions (222 in the A-6A) during the ciation, Society of Experimental Test MD 20650. In Lieu of flowers, the family asks
Vietnam War. Carl’s combat awards Pilots (Associate Fellow), and The Condolences to the family can be to please send donations to St. Mary’s
include the Air Medal with 2 stars plus Early and Pioneer Naval Aviators As- made at Hospice House or St. George Catholic
numeral 18, and the Navy Commenda- sociation (Golden Eagles). All arrangements have been made Church.
tion Medal with “V”. Carl will be cremated and his ashes at Mattingly Gardiner Funeral Home Condolences to the family can be
During his first tours, he flew F-1E/ interred at Arlington National Cem- , P.A., Leonardtown, MD. made at
AF-1E Fury and F-8D Crusader fight- etery next to his first wife and the All arrangements have been made
er aircraft. In 1961, he entered Navy mother of his children, Janet (Kinney) Rose Marie Bean at Mattingly Gardiner Funeral Home
Test Pilot School, and after comple- Dubac. , P.A., Leonardtown, MD.
tion, conducted flight tests on Navy Surviving are his wife, Franziska Rose Marie
and Marine Corps operational/devel- Dubac of Compton, MD; his four chil- Bean, 80, of Agnes Marie Wathen
opmental aircraft for three years. He dren: Karen Hause of Sun City Center, Callaway, Md.,
concluded his military career as a Test FL, Carl M. Dubac of Compton, MD, passed away on Agnes Marie
and Evaluation Engineer and Program Kathryn Helbringer of Compton, MD, April 7, 2021 af- Wathen, 92, of
ter a short, albeit Leona rdtow n,
courageous bat- MD formerly
tle with cancer. from Bushwood,
Rose was born MD passed away
on November 12, 1940 to Mary Ruth on April 6, 2021
Woodburn (deceased) and Kenneth in Leonardtown,
Aloysius Woodburn (deceased) in MD. She was
Pearson, Md. and graduated from St. the daughter of the late Ethel Marie
Michael’s High School with her sister, Ridgell Hammett and Ignatius Abell
Brenda L. Nash (deceased) in 1959. Hammett. Agnes was the loving wife
Shortly after graduating high school, of the late John Hayden Wathen whom
Rose married Edward A. “Ned” Bean she married on December 26, 1946 in
at Holy Face Church on April 22, 1961. Sacred Heart Catholic Church Bush-
This union was blessed with 3 chil- wood, MD and who preceded her in
dren; Robert L. Bean Sr. (wife Susan death on July 1, 1997. Agnes is sur-
E.Bean) of Callaway; Susan E. Hall vived by her children Marie Urban-
(Ernest F. Hall, deceased) of Lusby; ski (Mark) of Great Mills, MD, Mary
and Deborah L. Bean of Great Mills. Norris (Allan) of Clements, MD, Eliz-
Ned preceded her in death on Febru- abeth “Liz” Wathen of Morganza, MD
ary 18, 1992. (Daughter in law), 7 grandchildren,
Rose was a beloved member of and 14 great grandchildren. Along
the Great Mills Trading Post family, with her siblings Evelyn Wathen of
where she greeted customers for over Bushwood, MD, Jerome Hammett
30 years as their “Office Manager”. If of Compton, MD, Carney Hammett
you stop by Trading Post today, chanc- (Barbara) of Charlotte Hall, MD, Ce-
es are she’ll be remembered as much cilia Atkins of California, MD, John
more than that title. Hammett (Kitty) of Avenue, MD, Lou
With a strong devotion to God and an Guy of Avenue, MD and David (Patty)
active member of the St. George Cath- Hammett of TN, along with her many
olic Church, Rose was known to many nieces, nephews and friends she met
as a friend, mother and grandmother. through living at Cedar Lane Apart-
With 7 grandchildren and 13 great- ments in Leonardtown, MD.
grandchildren, she would argue that She was preceded in death by her
“grandmother” was the title that suited children: John Francis Wathen and
her best. If you weren’t part of Rose’s Clara "Anne" Wathen, siblings: Dan-
family, after a 30 second conversation iel "Dan" Hammett and Doris Nor-
with her; chances are you were now ris, sister in laws Joyce Hammett, and
part of her family. Gertrude Hammett; brother in laws
Her outgoing personality was conta- Woodrow Wathen, Ken Atkins, Joe
gious, and her smile provided enough Matts Guy and Robert “Bob” Norris.
light to see anyone She was a lifelong St. Mary’s Coun-
through the darkest of times. ty, MD resident and homemaker.
Thursday, April 15, 2021 The County Times Obituaries 35

It was a joy for Agnes to spend time High School. Elmer served in the ary 3, 1987 in White Plains, MD and Condolences to the family may be
with family, grandchildren and great- United States Army for 2 years from who preceded her in death on August made at
grandchildren. In her early years, she 1967 to 1969. He was a computer tech- 18, 2014. All arrangements have been made
enjoyed baking for her family and nician for the State of Maryland and Ida is survived by her children Di- at Brinsfield Funeral Home & Crema-
making her delicious apple dump- AT & T, for 46 years; retiring in 2015. ane Farrell of Bushwood, MD, James tory, P.A., Charlotte Hall, MD.
lings. Agnes made many afghans for Elmer loved his dogs, Nattie and L. Gray, Jr. of Bluefield, WV, Kenneth
her family members, dish cloths and Sadie. W. Gray, Sr. of Tazewell, VA, and step- James Walter Wheeler
scarfs. She loved playing bingo on her A Celebration of Life will be held at son Charles C. Beach, Jr., 14 grand-
tablet, doing word search, watching a late date. children, 26 great-grandchildren, and James Walter
her favorite soap opera (DOOL), news Condolences to the family can be 2 great-grandchildren. Siblings; Rob- Wheeler, 61 of
networks and frequently would watch made at ert Benson Demarr of Waldorf, MD, Lexington Park,
movies on the Hallmark channel. All arrangements have been made and Mary Ellen Tolbert of Hollywood, MD surrounded
The family will receive friends on at Mattingly Gardiner Funeral Home, MD. She was preceded in death by by his loving
Friday, April 16, 2021 from 9:00 AM P.A., Leonardtown, MD. her daughters, Jessica Wilkinson and family went to be
to 10:00 AM in the Mattingley-Gar- Catherine Gray, her siblings, Bernard with his heavenly
diner Funeral Home Leonardtown, Bernard Sylvester Morgan L. Demarr, Jr., Norma H. Demarr, Father on April
MD. A Mass of Christian Burial will Fredrick Demarr, and Elsie Dye. 11, 2021.
be celebrated at 10:30 AM in Sacred Bernard Syl- Ida attended school in Hughesville, Walter was born on February 2,
Heart Catholic Church Bushood, vester Morgan MD and was a homemaker. 1960 in Leonardtown, MD to Martha
MD with Father Stephen Wyble of- (76), nickname Condolences to the family can be Elaine (Wood) and Bernard Wheeler
ficiating. Interment will follow in the “Trigger”, de- made at of Callaway, MD.
church cemetery. Pallbearers will be parted this life All arrangements have been made Walter married Kathy Trossbach
Jeff Wathen, Mark Urbanski, J.T. Mis- Friday, April 2, at Mattingly Gardiner Funeral Home Wheeler on October 25, 1986 in Ridge,
ter, Tammy Zabko, Joanne Douglas 2021. , P.A., Leonardtown, MD. MD. He and Kathy were blessed with
and Wayne Guy. Honorary pallbearers Son of William four children. Walter was a Boat Rig-
will be her granddaughters, Kristie Henry Morgan ger for Cedar Cove Marina until he be-
Guy, Nikki Wesmer and Megan Hall. and Pearl Louise Hayden Morgan, he Richard H. Boone, Jr. came disabled from a broken neck on
Contributions may be made to Hos- leaves behind his wife of 55 years and December 19,1991.  Even after 8 neck
pice of St. Mary’s P.O. Box 625 Leon- the Richard H. surgeries, he was an amazing father
ardtown, MD 20650 and/ or Leonar- “Love of his life”, Krystyna (Chris- Boone, Jr. went and grandfather who cherished his
dtown Volunteer Rescue Squad, P.O. tine) Szlendak Morgan. home to the Lord time as a stay at home dad. Walter’s
Box 299, Leonardtown, MD 20650, Bernie (Trigger) loved playing the on April 8, 2021 family was everything to him.  He was
Seventh District Volunteer Rescue bass guitar with local bands at nu- at the age of 56. known as “Poppy” by his grandchil-
Squad P.O. Box 7 Avenue, MD 20609. merous Tri-County venues, includ- Richard was dren whom he would do anything for
Condolences to the family can be ing Moose Lodge, K of C Hall, Car- born to Richard just to make them smile. He enjoyed
made at ricos, and most often, Pennies Bar & Boone, Sr. and being outdoors, fishing, traveling, (it
All arrangements have been made Restaurant. He was an avid collector the late Theresa didn’t matter where) and cheering on
at Mattingly Gardiner Funeral Home of Antiques and Classic automobiles Helene Boone on October 20, 1964 in his favorite NASCAR racer #18 Kyle
, P.A., Leonardtown, MD. which he thoroughly enjoyed buying La Plata, Maryland. Richard gradu- Bush.  Walter loved the Lord and was
and selling. His favorite car was a ated from Thomas Stone High School a member of Patuxent Baptist Church,
Elmer C. Brown, Jr. 1953 Chevy Bel Air 2 dr. hardtop that in 1982. He was married to Theresa where he got saved, and baptized in
his wife, Christine, gifted him. Mary Boone on August 22, 2009. January of 2017.  Walter was one of
Elmer C. Bernie was also an entrepreneur In addition to his mother, Richard the most loving, unselfish men you
Brown, Jr, “Bust- whose businesses included County was preceded in death by his brother, would ever meet and he will be deeply
er”, 75 of Holly- Cleaners and Laundry, Navy Ex- William Patrick Boone, his grandpar- missed by everyone that knew him.
wood, MD for- change Laundry and Bernie’s Pawn ents, James and Mary Jameson, and In addition to his mother he is sur-
merly from Clin- Shop. Bernie retired after a long ca- William and Rebecca Boone, as well vived by his cherished family,  his
ton, MD passed reer at St. Mary’s College of Maryland as his Aunt and Uncle, Patricia and wife, Kathy; his children, Jami Lach-
away on April 5, and St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s De- Aubrey Jameson. kovic (Jonathan) of Lexington Park,
2021 at his home. tention Center. Richard is survived by his wife, MD, James Wheeler II “Jay” (Staci),
He was born on As Bernie would always say: “God Theresa M. Boone, his children, Jamie of Lexington Park, MD, Christopher
November 13, didn’t wind up my clock”. Elizabeth Hogston (Kevin) and Wil- Wheeler (Nicole) of California, MD,
1945 in Washington, DC and was the Services will be private, and the liam Christopher Boone, his grand- Jessica Wheeler (Jordan) of Lexington
loving son of the late Mary Evelyn family requests contributions in lieu son, Gavin Alexander Hogston, his Park, MD.
McLeran Brown and Elmer C. Brown, of flowers, etc. be donated to: Patuxent step-children, Sarah Christina Clark His siblings, Joe Wheeler (Jan) of St.
Sr. Elmer was the loving husband of Baptist Church Building Fund, P.O. (Cory) and Kyle Meredith Arneson, Inigoes, MD, Robert Wheeler (Mari-
Barbara J. Brown, whom he married Box 687, Hollywood, MD 20636. as well as his sister, Bonnie Johnston on) of Indian Head, and Patty Thomas
in Maui, HI on November 24, 2004. Condolences to the family can be (Bruce). (Larry) of Lexington Park, MD.
Elmer is survived by his children made at Richard spent his career working for His grandchildren, whom he cher-
Eric Brown (Diane) of Cary, NC, All arrangements have been made Pepco as an underground cable splicer. ished, Brianna, Natalie, Emily, Isa-
Bryan Brown (Emily) of Riverview, at Mattingly Gardiner Funeral Home, He was very passionate about the work bella, Brandie, Tamya, Jaylen, Mack-
FL, David Brown (Amy) of Pasadena, P.A., Leonardtown, MD. he did. Richard liked to spend his free enzee, James III, Hayden, Charlie,
MD, Stepson William Sulima (Cristi- time hunting and fishing, traveling Anthony, Zion, Jordan Jr., and Rylee.
na) of Bowie, MD, Mark Trohanowsky Ida Ann Demarr Beach with his wife and children, and read- Along with 17 nieces and nephews.
(Kristal) of Pasadena, MD, 6 grand- ing fantasy novels. Richard had also He was preceded in death by his
children and 2 step grandchildren. In Ida Ann Demarr Beach, 76, of Bush- begun writing his own fantasy tale. father and his brother, Mike Wheeler
addition, he is survived by four nieces wood, MD formerly of Charles Coun- The family will receive friends and his nephew Charlie Wheeler.
and three nephews. Along with his ty, MD and Tazewell, VA passed away for Richard’s Life Celebration on The family will receive friends on
siblings Gail Scott of California, MD, on April 1, 2021 in Washington, DC. Wednesday, April 14, 2021 from 5:00 Thursday, April 15, 2021 from 11:00
Diane Lehman of California, MD, She was born on November 1, 1944 in p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Brinsfield Fu- a.m. to 12:00 p.m. with a Funeral Ser-
and Robert Brown (Nina) of Holly- Aquasco, MD and was the daughter of neral Home, 30195 Three Notch Road, vice celebrated by Pastor Rick Con-
wood, MD. He was preceded in death the late Annie E. Green Demarr and Charlotte Hall, MD 20622. A memo- ner at 12:00 p.m., at Patuxent Bap-
by his sister Kathy Maruaso and two Bernard L. Demarr, Sr. Ida was the rial service will be held at 7:00 p.m. tist Church, 22614 Chancellors Run
nephews. loving wife of the late Charles Clayton and officiated by Rev. Joe Orlando. In- Road, Great Mills, MD 20634. Inter-
He graduated from Surrattsville Beach, Sr. whom she married on Janu- terment will be held privately. ment will follow at Evergreen Memo-
36 Obituaries The County Times Thursday, April 15, 2021

In Remembrance
The County Times runs complimentary obituaries as submitted by funeral homes
and readers. We run them in the order we receive them. Any submissions that come to after noon on Mondays may run in the following week’s edition.

rial Gardens, 22020 Chancellors Run Family will receive friends on her family. Whether you knew her William Edward “Eddie”
Road, Great Mills. Wednesday, April 14, 2021 from 5:00 as Brenda, Mom, sister, grandma or
Pallbearers will be Tim Tullos, Mat- to 8:00 p.m., with a prayer service great-grandma you knew she loved Burch
thew Green, Randy Steenrod, Tom held at 7:00 p.m., at Brinsfield Funeral you deeply. Brenda has left her pain
Jackson, Mike Kalinowski and Rich Home, P.A., 22955 Hollywood Road, behind and has entered her golden William Ed-
Young. Leonardtown, MD 20650. palace with grace and health. When ward “Eddie”
Memorial contributions may be On Friday, April 16, 2021, a Funeral you hear the whisper of the wind or Burch, 44 of Me-
made to Patuxent Baptist Church, P.O. Service will be celebrated at 6:00 p.m. the sunshine upon your skin, know it’s chanicsville, MD
Box 687, Hollywood, MD 20636. with visitation following at Howard & Brenda brushing away your sadness passed away on
Condolences to the family may be Carter Funeral Home, 1608 West Ver- and fear and replacing it with love and April 6, 2021 at
made at non Avenue, Kinston, NC 28504.  A happiness. Hospice House
Arrangements by the Brinsfield Fu- Graveside Service will be held Sat- Brenda is survived by her husband, of St. Mary’s.
neral Home, P.A. urday, April 17, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. at Douglas Tucker of Mechanicsville, Eddie was
Duff Family Cemetery, Pink Hill, NC MD; children, Billy Tucker (Laurie) born on March
Dondi Duff Callaway 28572. There will be a repass after the of King George, VA, Tanya Schools 21, 1977 in La Plata, MD to William
interment, located at Austin Ty Adams (Robert) of Newland, NC, Crystal Bernard “Bernie” Burch of Waverly,
Dondi Duff residence, 563 Central Avenue, Kin- Heier (Jr) of Hollywood, MD, Shelley TN and Linda Sue (Keyser) Burch of
Callaway, 53, of ston, NC 28504. Holder (Brandon) of Lexington Park, Mechanicsville, MD.
Callaway, MD Serving as pallbearers will be Tim- MD; grandchildren, Jesse Schools Eddie graduated from Chopticon
passed away on my Murphy, Richie Heath, Chad Con- of Newland, NC, Joshua Schools of High School in 1996. He worked as a
April 11, 2021 at way, Cliff Miller, Lee Tyndall and Is- Newland, NC, Hannah Storey of But- Plumber for several companies over
Hospice House rael Andres. ler, TN, Dawson Schools of Newland, his career, most recently he was em-
of Charles Coun- Memorial contributions may be NC, Emily Heier of Hollywood, MD, ployed at Thompson’s Plumbing and
ty with her lov- made to the Down Syndrome Net- Peyton Heier of Hollywood, MD, Broadcreek Kitchens. Family and
ing family at her work of Onslow and Carteret Coun- Joe Schools of Newland, NC, Nel- friends were most important to him
side. ties, P.O. Box 1264, Jacksonville, NC, lie Schools of Newland, NC, Brystal and he enjoyed spending time with
She was born in Kinston, NC on 28541-1264. Schools of Newland, NC; and five (5) them whenever he could. Growing up,
February 07, 1968 to Stanley Rayburn Condolences may be made to the great-grandchildren. She is also sur- he and his buddies Matt Bishop, Jeff
Duff of Pink Hill, NC and and Linda family at vived by her siblings, Loretta Alvey, Burch, Richy Richardson and Bobby
“Murphy” Howard of Mt. Olive, NC. Arrangements by the Brinsfield Fu- Ronald Buckler, Laffeyette Buckler, Gatton were inseparable. He loved the
Dondi grew up in North Carolina neral Home, P.A. David Buckler, Minor Buckler, Wayne outdoors, watching sports, and play-
and graduated in 1986 from South Buckler, Glenn Buckler, Mark Buck- ing video games (especially the old
Lenoir High School in Deep Run, Brenda Louise Tucker ler, Myron Buckler, Shelia Buckler all Nintendo classic). He enjoyed fishing
NC.  She later attended college at East of Mechanicsville, MD, Kevin Buck- on the river and aboard charter boats,
Carolina University graduating class Brenda Louise ler of Bushwood, MD. hunting (especially deer hunting with
of 2003 with her Bachelor’s Degree in Tucker, 68, of Condolences may be made to the his brother), and playing pool and
Business Education Information Tech- Mechanicsville, family at darts with his friends. He also enjoyed
nology (BSBE).  In 2009, she moved Maryland passed Arrangements by the Brinsfield Fu- watching NASCAR racing (especially
to St. Mary’s County and on Febru- away peacefully neral Home, P.A. Dale Earnhart, Jr.), the Washington
ary 13, 2010 married the love of her at her home on Redskins and the Washington Capi-
life, Greg Callaway, at Sunset Beach, Thursday, April Debbie Noble Johnson tals. When he wasn’t watching sports,
NC. Together they celebrated over 11 8, 2021, sur- he loved to watch old games shows and
wonderful years of marriage. Dondi rounded by her Debbie Noble Johnson of Mechan- westerns such as Gunsmoke, Bonanza,
worked hard and was dedicated to the family. She was born on April 7, 1953 icsville, MD. Brenda was preceded in and The Rifleman.
success of Callaway Rentals, Inc. She to the late William Jennings Buckler death by her parents, William and El- In addition to his parents, Ed-
loved spending time in Myrtle Beach and late Eleanora (Pilkerton) Buckler eanora Buckler, daughter, Kim Tucker die is survived by his daughter, Si-
visiting her family and friends, and Wood. and siblings, Sonny Buckler and Jo- erra Burch of Mechanicsville, MD;
taking walks along the beaches with She married her one true love, seph Buckler. his siblings, Jason Burch (Michelle)
her dog, Brody. She was adventurous Douglas Tucker, on August 9, 1980. Pallbearer's will be, Jr Heier, Bran- of Waverly, TN, and Becky Kelley
and her outgoing spirit personality Together they have celebrated almost don Holder, Jesse Schools, Joshua (Josh) of Leonardtown, MD; his aunts,
was infectious to all who met her.  She 41 years of blissful marriage. Their Schools, Dawson Schools and Randy Brenda Coombs (Ernest) of Loveville,
never met a stranger. She loved riding love continued to expand with each Noble. MD; Rita Lynch (Mike) of Zanoni,
her motorcycle joining her husband new addition to the family, their five The family of Brenda will receive MO;   Cathy Addison of Mechanic-
and friends for many fun adventures. (5) children whom they loved and friends for her Life Celebration on Fri- sville, MD; Debbie Piepoli (Joe) of
She was strong by nature and was a raised to be strong, kind adults.  day, April 16, 2021 from 10:00 a.m. to Helen, MD; his uncles, Billy Keyser of
breast cancer survivor. Family was al- A hard-working woman, Brenda 11:00 a.m. with a Funeral Service be- Loveville, MD; Keith Brown (Vicky)
ways her priority and she loved spend- was a hair stylist and entrepreneur. ing held at 11:00 a.m. and officiated by of Brandywine, MD; Randy Phillips
ing her time with all of them. She and Douglas owned and operated Rev. Matthew Tate (from Hollywood (Mary) of Marbury, MD, and Aloysius
In addition to her parents and be- Southern Maryland Beauty Supplies. Methodist Church) at Brinsfield Fu- “Joe” Burch (Denise) of Delaware as
loved husband, Dondi is also survived Brenda still continued to do hair from neral Home & Crematory, P.A., 30195 well as numerous nieces, nephews and
by her children: Austin Ty Adams of the salon she had at her own home for Three Notch Road, Charlotte Hall, cousins. He was preceded in death by
Kinston, NC, James Brady Byrd of many years. Brenda loved working MD 20622. Interment will take place his grandparents, Hubert and Geral-
Faison, NC, Matthew Shawn Calla- with her clients and making a bad day immediately following the service dine Addison of Loveville, MD and
way of Callaway, MD, Lauren Leigh great with a new “do” and good con- at Joy Chapel Cemetery, Joy Chapel Regina and Joe Phillips of Marbury,
Callaway of Solomons, MD, Katlyn versation. She was part counselor and Road, Hollywood, MD 20636. MD; aunt, Vicky Brown and his un-
Callaway of Baltimore, MD and Jil- magician all while you sat in her chair. Family requests in lieu of flowers, cles, Joey Phillips, Hubert Addison,
lian Callaway of Spring Hill, FL; her She loved spending time with her donations be made to the Hollywood and Ernest Coombs
sister, Kristi Duff (Andres) of Mt. Ol- family and her children were her Rescue Squad. Family will receive friends on
ive, N.C.; and many extended family greatest gifts. She could be the life of Condolences to the family can be Wednesday, April 14, 2021 from 10:00
and friends.  She is preceded in death the party or the shoulder you needed made at a.m. to 12:00 p.m. with a Memorial
by her sister, Jami Lynn Tyndall, her to lean on. Her smile was bright and All arrangements have been made Service celebrated by Reverend Joe
grandparents, Vance and Muriel Mur- laughter infectious, her very presence at Brinsfield Funeral Home & Crema- Orlando at 11:00 a.m., at Brinsfield Fu-
phy, Grover and Dessie Duff, her in- lit up the world around it.  tory, P.A. neral Home, 22955 Hollywood Road,
laws, Lorraine and William Callaway; Brenda was dearly loved by every- Leonardtown, MD 20650. Private in-
and her emotional support dog, Brody. one but she loved no one more than terment will follow at Charles Memo-
Thursday, April 15, 2021 The County Times Obituaries 37

rial Gardens. Bassford. 5, 2021. Sailor friends at a dance in Minne-

Condolences to the family may be Arrangements by the Brinsfield Fu- Born April 27, apolis. Even though he was “the short
made at neral Home, P.A. 1962 in Clinton, one”, they married on 11 September
Arrangements by the Brinsfield Fu- MD, she was 1950 and spent an amazing 66 years
neral Home, P.A. Helen Joan Davis the daughter of together with pride and joy in their
Francis Edward beautiful family. Throughout their
D’Shaun Charles McDade On April 5, White and Joy life they danced, laughed, cried and
Helen Joan Da- Elaine (Kroll) prayed together. She was a proud and
Jr vis, of Annapo- White. active Navy Wife with Charley, a vet-
lis Maryland, Debbie graduated from Surratts- eran of WWII, Korea, Vietnam and the
D ’ S h a u n passed away ville High School in 1980. She was Cold War, retiring on July 31st, 1967,
Charles McDade peacefully with employed by Prince George’s County to Whidbey Island, Washington. She
Jr. (DJ), infant her loving grand- Public Schools and retired after thirty supported him through several busi-
son of Cassandra daughter by her years. Debbie worked for the Center nesses and community endeavors, and
Renee Furey and side. She was 80 for Life Enrichment in Hollywood, they raised their large family together
Charles D’Shaun years young. MD from 2014 until the present. She in “God’s Country”. All her life she
McDade Sr. of She was preceded in death by her was a fan of Bon Jovi and enjoyed was an avid gardener and outdoorsper-
Lexington Park, older brother Walt Gomulinski, moth- camping, crafting and going to the son, and was an active volunteer at or-
MD passed away er Mary Gomulinski and father, Wal- beach. ganizations such as the Altar Society,
Friday, April 2, 2021 at MedStar St. ter Gomulinski. Debbie is survived by her mother, Navy Marine Corps Relief Society, the
Mary’s Hospital in Leonardtown, MD. Helen is survived by her daughter, Joy Elaine White; her father, Francis schools of her children and grandchil-
In addition to his parents, he is also Wendy Davis of the United Arab Emir- Edward White; her stepmother, Pa- dren, and various Catholic church par-
survived by his grandparents: Agnes ates, son, Michael of Austin Texas, tricia White; her children, Kimberly ishes where they were stationed. After
Ford of Baltimore, MD; Darlene and ex- husband James Davis, of Leonar- Thorne, Brandy Blackburn, Matthew Charley’s death in 2016 she joined her
Mark Kimmey of California, MD; his dtown, Maryland and Granddaughter Pennington and Rebecca Pulliam; her daughter’s family in Maryland, where
half-sisters Khloe, Kammy and Kairi Jasmine Shami of Fairfax, Virginia, grandchildren, Richard E. Blackburn, she loved watching the wildlife and
McDade of Carlisle, PA; his aunts and brother Dennis Gomulinski, sister-in- Brooke Blackburn and Mila Kazman; flowers changing through the seasons,
uncles: Melinda McTiernan (Ben) of law Nancy Gomulinski and niece Ruth and her sisters, Diane Cook and Jac- and practiced appreciative living,
Pensacola, FL; Jasmin Ford of Lex- Gomulinski, nephews Mark and Curt queline White. She was preceded in looking for the beauty in everything,
ington Park, MD and Terrell McDade Gomulinski  death by her son, Gene Thorne, her thanking everyone for each day, and
of Great Mills, MD. Born on August 6, 1940 in  Detroit brother, Jamie White and her partner, looking forward to the next.
Condolences to the family may be Michigan, Helen attended vocational Stephen Pennington. Mary was first and foremost a moth-
made at high school for secretaries before Memorial contributions may be er and wife. Her family came before
 Arrangements by the Brinsfield Fu- moving to upstate New York after made to the Chesapeake Bay Founda- all, and she was always interested in
neral Home, P.A. marriage. tion, 6 Herndon Avenue, Annapolis, the goings on, new arrivals and ac-
From the years 1966-1985 Helen
Steven Roderick O’Neil resided in Corning, New York, Palos
MD 21403 or the Center for Life En- complishments of the clan. She mar-
richment, P.O. Box 610, Hollywood, veled at the new activities and work
Verdes California, Potomac, Mary- MD 20636. they became involved in, and always
Steven Roder-
land, Englewood, Colorado, before Condolences to the family may be encouraged them all to try new things
ick O’Neil, 57 of
settling down in Annapolis, Maryland made at www.rauschfuneralhomes. and give it their best effort.
Lexington Park,
in 1985. com. Mary is survived by her daughters
MD passed away
Helen worked for the Maryland De- Theresa Transue and Catherine (Matt)
on April 5, 2021
at MedStar St. partment of Natural resources for 17 Mary Sylvia Aus Scassero, her son Charles Aubrey
years as a legal secretary before retir- (Julie) Aus; grandchildren Jonathan
Mary’s Hospital.
ing in 2015. She loved the nature of her Mary Syl- (Ashley Cox) Transue, Matthew Tran-
Steven was
work and especially enjoyed research via Aus passed sue, Marcus (Erin) Transue, Stephanie
born on No-
and supporting her wonderful bosses away on Janu- (Marvin) Pamintuan, Veronica (Justin
vember 7, 1963
and colleagues. ary 25th, 2021 Thelan) Transue, Steven (Tonya) Aus,
in Patuxent River, MD to Roderick
In her spare time, Helen enjoyed in Leonardtown. Phillip Scassero, and Meghan Scasse-
Burnham O’Neil and Beverly Belle
baking, watching wildlife, doting on She was born on ro; great-granddaughters Mia Transue,
Brannock O’Neil.
her loving cats, reading inspirational New Year’s Eve, Delilah Aus, and Isabelle Transue; and
Steven was in the Navy Reserve as
literature  and watching true crime December 31st, many friends and acquaintances of all
part of the Seabees and he was part
documentaries. 1923 in Little generations who will miss her dearly.
of the color guard team. When he
Helen had a keen sense of humor and Falls, Minneso- She was preceded in death by her hus-
wasn’t doing reserve work he worked
wit. She was an excellent listener and ta, to August and Veronica (Lesinski) band Charley; her parents; her sib-
as an Electrician for O’Neil Construc-
tion.  He enjoyed going on the Green advisor to all her friends and family. Ginter, the second youngest of five lings Chester, Bronislaus, Louise, and
Door canoe trips yearly. He was part of Helen’s family will receive friends siblings. Felix; son-in-law Lee Transue; and her
Parish Hall, he participated in Christ- for her Life Celebration Visitation on Mary grew up in a small town life in son, Charles Arthur Aus II.
mas in April of St. Mary’s County and Saturday, April 10, 2021 from 1:30 Little Falls, the hometown of Charles As was always her way, Mary want-
he ran with the Ridge Volunteer Res- p.m. until 2:30 p.m. at Brinsfield Fu- Lindbergh, right next to the head- ed to be useful to the very end. In that
neral Home, P.A, 22955 Hollywood waters of the Mississippi River. She vein, she donated her body to medical
cue Squad for many years. He loved
Road, Leonardtown, MD. Funeral helped her family with their gardens science and research at the Uniformed
doing anything outdoors, camping,
Service initiated by Reverend David and produce selling. She was a recep- Services University of the Health Sci-
fishing, crabbing and playing softball
Beaubien at 2:30 p.m.  tionist at the Pine Edge Inn, and was ences in Bethesda, Maryland. With
for the American Legion. He enjoyed
Condolences may be made to the gifted their secret Orange Dinner Roll appreciation, donations in lieu of flow-
spending time with his family and
family at recipe, which they served to local ac- ers may be made to the Navy-Marine
Arrangements by the Brinsfield Fu- claim for decades, and is still enjoyed Corps Relief Society. She will be me-
Steven is survived by his children
Ryan Justin O’Neil of Hollywood, neral Home & Crematory, P.A., Char- by her entire family. During WWII morialized when Charley is interred at
MD, and Sara Joy O’Neil of Lexing- lotte Hall. she worked at a German POW camp Arlington National Cemetery at a later
at Camp Ripley, Minnesota, and then date.
ton Park, MD; and his brother Edward Debora “Debbie” Thorne attended college classes at UCLA.
W. O’Neil of Ridge, MD and nieces
She was always looking for the next
Annie Bassford, Ruby Bassford, Tif- Debora “Debbie” Thorne, 58, of adventure.
fany Williams and Nichelle Lucky. Solomons, MD and formerly of Capi- Then, and most important of all, she
He is preceded in death by his parents tal Heights, MD, passed away on April met Charley Aus and several of his
and his sisters Pam O’Neil and Brenda
38 BusinessDIRECTORY The County Times Thursday, April 15, 2021

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Thursday, April 15, 2021 The County Times Fun & Games 39

CLUES ACROSS nations director Peter

1. Ocean surface 42. Texas 14. Boat type (abbr.)
indicator (abbr.) pharmaceutical 15. Apertures
4. American time company (biology)
7. Satisfaction 43. Mathematical 18. Suffix
8. Diving duck term 19. Creative
10. Very small 44. Expression of endeavor
amount disappointment 20. Icelandic poem
12. Metrical units 45. Abba __, Israeli 22. Spanish dances
13. An ignorant or politician 23. Town in Central
foolish person 46. Hide away Italy
14. Sino-Soviet block 48. Salad restaurant 24. Cars need it
(abbr.) 49. Daughters of 27. Mimics
16. It may sting you Boreas (mythology) 28. Rocky peak
17. Turn outward 50. Men’s fashion 29. Cigarette (slang)
19. Perform on stage accessory 31. One point south
20. “CSI” actor 51. Political action of due east
George committee 32. Soap actress
21. Localities 52. Unhappy Braun
25. Make a choice 33. Large
26. Indicates domesticated wild
position CLUES DOWN ox
27. One of Thor’s 1. Make unhappy 34. Island nation
names 2. Heard the 35. Appear
29. Indian musical confession of 36. Addictive
rhythmic pattern 3. Capital of Taiwan practices
30. “The Raven” 4. Fiddler crab 37. Loss of control of
author 5. Brazilian dances one’s body
31. Take in solid 6. Fit with device to 38. Type of poster
food assist breathing 39. Greek mountain
32. Legendary QB 8. Brother or sister 40. Funny person
39. Sorrels 9. Pastries 44. One and only
41. Organization of 11. “Lone Survivor” 47. Pouch


The St. Mary’s County Times is a weekly newspaper providing news and information for
Publisher Thomas McKay
the residents of St. Mary’s County. The St. Mary’s County Times will be available on news-
Associate Publisher Eric McKay stands every Thursday. The paper is published by Southern Maryland Publishing Company,
which is responsible for the form, content, and policies of the newspaper. The St. Mary’s
General Manager
Al Dailey County Times does not espouse any political belief or endorse any product or service in its
news coverage.
Jen Stotler
Tim Flaherty To be considered for publication, articles and letters to the editor submitted must include the
writer’s full name, address and daytime phone number. Submissions must be delivered by
Dick Myers 4 p.m. on the Monday prior to our Thursday publication to ensure placement for that week.
After that deadline, the St. Mary’s County Times will make every attempt possible to publish
Staff Writer

County Times
late content, but cannot guarantee so. Letters may be condensed/edited for clarity, although
Guy Leonard
care is taken to preserve the core of the writer’s argument. Copyright in material submitted
Graphic Desinger/Layout Artist to the newspaper and accepted for publication remains with the author, but the St. Mary’s
Jim Lucke
County Times and its licensees may freely reproduce it in print, electronic or other forms. We
Contributing Writers are unable to acknowledge receipt of letters. The St. Mary’s County Times cannot guarantee P. O. Box 250 • Hollywood, MD 20636
Laura Joyce, Ron Guy, Shelby Opperman, Dave Spigler that every letter or photo(s) submitted will be published, due to time or space constraints.
40 The County Times Thursday, April 15, 2021

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