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G R A M M A R F O R TA E P ™
- Comparative adjectives are
used to compare one noun to
another noun.
- Superlative adjectives are
used to compare three or
more nouns.
1. Positive Comparison
A positive comparison is used to indicate that the person or object being compared is
at the same level.

In the examples above, there are two different examples for showing the positive comparison. The first
sentence is the person (Mr. Coki and my sister) who have the same level of comparison. The second
sentence shows the negative form of comparison or the persons that are being compared do not have
the same level.
One of the issues that
is often found in
grammar section in
TAEP, is related to
comparatives and
To aim at the 1. Indicate the use of
answer perfectly,
remember these: person or object that being
compared is at the same
2. The use of ’not’ before
the adjective is used if the
person or object is not at
the same level.
2. Distinguish ‘-er’, or ‘more’ and ‘than’ in Comparatives

The comparative and superlative must be formed correctly in the sentence. First, the comparative
is formed with either ‘-er’ or ‘more’ and ‘than’. The form of ‘-er’ is used with short adjective
(adjective with one syllable) and more is used with longer adjectives (two or more syllables).

In the sentences above, the adjective tall is in one syllable so that it applies ‘-er’. While the second
sentence, the adjective handsome is two syllables so that it uses ‘more’ before the adjective.
In the sentences above, the adjective tall is in one syllable so that it applies ‘-er’. While the second
sentence, the adjective handsome is two syllables so that it uses ‘more’ before the adjective.
Another problem with the comparative on the TAEP test is that they can be used incorrectly. For
instance, the comparative is used to compare two equal things.

Engineering Department is easier than the other campus. (incorrect)

Engineering Department is easier than Biology Department. (correct)

One of the issues that
is often found in
grammar section in
TAEP, is related to
comparatives and
1. Use more for long
adjective (two or more
To aim at the
answer syllables)
remember 2. Use -er for short
these: adjective (one syllable)
3. Use to compare two
equal things
3. Distinguish ‘-est’ or ‘most’ in Superlatives
Second, the superlative is formed with ‘the’ and either ‘-est’ or ‘most’. In the superlative, ‘-est’
is used with short adjectives (one syllable) and ‘most’ is used with longer adjectives (two or more

The first example has the adjective tall, one syllable, so that it uses ‘-est’ and the second example
has the adjective wonderful so that it uses ‘the most’ and ‘of’.
One of the issues that
is often found in
grammar section in
TAEP, is related to
comparatives and
1. Use the most for long
adjective (two or more
To aim at the
answer 2. Use the ... -est for short
perfectly, adjective (oen syllable)
these: 3. Use to show which one of
many is in some way the
most outstanding.
4. Pay Attention to Double/Parallel Comparative Structure (begins with

See the examples below:

The harder she works, the faster she can be rich.

- The sentence above contains the two parallel comparatives, the harder and the faster. In the
other side, ‘the’ and the comparison can be followed by a number of different structures such
as the use of ‘more’ and ‘-er’.

The more books you read, the higher score you get.

The sentence above shows that the more is followed by the noun books and the subject and verb
you read, while the higher is followed by the noun score and the subject and verb you get.
One of the issues that
is often found in
grammar section in
TAEP, is related to
comparatives and
1. Identify the use of -er in two
parallel comparatives and it
begins with ‘the’.
2. Parallel comparatives that
begins with ‘the’ should be
followed by adjective + ‘-er’
3. Identify the use of ‘-er’ in the
comparison that followed by a
number of different structures
To aim at the such the use of ’more’ with ‘-er’.
answer perfectly,
remember these:
5. Remember the Irregular Adjectives in Comparative and Superlative Forms
One of the issues that
is often found in
grammar section in
TAEP, is related to
comparatives and
1. Identify the correct use of
‘-er’ and ‘-est’ in the options
2. Identify the use of
adjective whether it is in
regular or irregular that
changes in comparative and
superlative form
3. Remember the list of
To aim at the irregular adjectives.
answer perfectly,
remember these:

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