PLM Political Correspondence 12-22-10 Bo

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December 23, 2010

President Barak Obama

Senator Levin
Senator Stabenow
Congressman Upton
State Senator Brown
State Representative Lori
Washington, DC and Lansing, MI

Dear President Obama, Senator Stabenow, Senator Stabenow, Congressman Upton, Senator Brown,
Representative Lori:

Could you please introduce legislation to accomplish the following?

1. In the interest of national and world economic security, nationalize or internationalize all the major
credit card companies (MasterCard, Visa, American Express, and Discover). Why should these
companies be allowed to skim billions off transactions around the world? These companies and the
banks issuing them, restrain trade, charge usurious rates and indiscriminately charge fees with little
oversight. These cards are now a medium of exchange, like the dollar or the yen. Eliminate the IRS and
an archaic tax system; pay off national and international debt with the fair percentages charged on
transactions to support governments, schools and infrastructure. Put our best and brightest, employed
or unemployed, finance and investment people on the job. Employ millions.

2. Rebuild and improve our nation's infrastructure. Rebuild our nation's transportation infrastructure
and electrical grid by rebuilding our road and transportation systems with solar panel roads and rail,
eliminate dirty fuel dependence and go green. How about starting up North to eliminate the need for
salt and snow plows? Employ millions.

3. Eliminate the death penalty and the imprisonment of non-violent criminals. Please show the world
the United States of America is serious about eliminating violence as a solution for any problem. Create
real rehabilitation and monitoring programs with halfway houses, infrastructure rebuilding and farm
labor. Employ millions.

Please orient our politics toward helping the poor, the lower middle class, the disenfranchised, and the
unwashed masses as our highest priority. Don't they represent the majority?

Very Respectfully,

Name withheld to protect the innocent

PS: Have you ever felt the emotion of seeing your child born before your eyes and finally known what
true love is? Have you ever felt your life partner’s touch in the middle of the night and felt an emotion
you know is good, right and real? Have you ever felt goose bumps and had a good sensation pass over
your body and mind in a church, or a synagogue, or a mosque, or on a mountain top and felt, this is
what life is all about? Have you ever written a missive and felt you had captured truth? Have you ever
dug your hands into warm soil and watched plants you’ve nurtured bear fruit? Have you ever been
sailing by yourself on a bright sunny day with the spray in your face, a good steady wind and the only
noise is the rush of the waves, the snap of the sail and a quiet voice in your head whispering, wow?
Have you ever felt the thrill of making a tool with just the right heft and it cuts in just the right way?
Have you ever climbed a mountain in the dark to watch the sunrise from the peak? Have you ever been
on a mountain and watched a pair of eagles soar overhead through a rainbow prism by a bright sun?
Have you ever invited a stranger into your home for meal that was walking by your house, homeless,
tired, and filthy, on a quest to feed their family? Have you ever just talked to someone and saved their
life? Have you ever been tired and sweaty after a hard day of work and felt great? Have you ever
watched your child practice and work hard, succeed and be applauded by their peers, friends, teachers
and mentors? Have you ever known these wonders and thought, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet?

Perfection is unobtainable, but it is a worthy quest.

If the greatest thing one can do is to give their life to save others, does it follow that the worst is to
influence another to take their life to murder others.

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