Rica Script COH Children S Feeding

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We are a family of 5 siblings and my mother is pregnant with her sixth child.

1:10 Life has been very difficult for us.

Our house is cramped and covered with just a plastic roof….

7:50 from the interview Part 2 We get soaked whenever it rains…

1:27 and it is next to a smelly drainage.

1:38 My father used to have a steady job. But now all he gets are small, odd jobs.

Some days he tries to sell packets of spices.

All we had to eat was rice with salt and water.

Sometimes we could add soy sauce.

We live a difficult life.
My husband worked long hours but could not earn enough.
We could only afford to buy half or just a quarter of the amount of rice that we need.
Sometimes my husband and I would not eat just so our children could.

1:51 (tears)…it was very difficult.

I feel sad and cry when I thought of my siblings. They had nothing to eat and we often went to
bed with empty stomachs.

1:22 It is difficult because we could not sleep.

15:48 from interview Part 2 I would lay awake at night thinking of things to do to make money.
1:25 The night is long when you cannot sleep.

2:42 (TEARS) They can’t withstand hunger. They would ask for more food, but we don’t have
any food left to give.

It seemed nothing would ever change.

But then it did.

2:53 Rica was selected to be part of the Children’s Feeding Program with Convoy of Hope.

8:50 From the interview Part 2 Convoy of Hope helps us in so many ways.
1:17 from interview Part 3 They give us food packs and groceries.
17:02 from the interview Part 2 From Monday to Friday, they serve rice porridge and egg.
Sometimes fruit like bananas. Or fried fish fritters. We’ll even have chocolate rice porridge.
17:32 from the interview Part 2 I’m happy for my siblings because we all have nutritious
18:07 from the interview Part 2 They give enough for all of us to eat.

4:06 The feeding program helps us so much without expecting anything in return. Convoy of
Hope has helped the kids with their studies, provided blankets, thrown Christmas parties and
made sure we have what we need.
3:30 Sometimes I volunteer so I can give back to the organization that has changed our lives.

3:46 I want to be a teacher

Because I want to help the children in the streets who are just like me.
Just keep going; keep fighting
As long as we are living, we can keep going.

Convoy of Hope has changed my life. My family is much happier. And so am I. And now I am
able to sleep.

4:11 May they help more children and people like us who struggle to put food on the table.
Thank you so much.

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