DEI Framework and Plan (UNEDITED & IN PROGRESS)

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FUSD Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Praxis Collaborative Framework

Mission Statement: In order to eradicate institutional bias of any kind, including implicit or unintentional
biases and prejudices that affect student achievement and their overall well-being, and to eliminate
disparities in educational outcomes for students from historically underserved and underrepresented
populations, DEI shall recommend actions to proactively identify class and cultural biases as well as
institutional barriers that negatively influence student learning, perpetuate achievement gaps, and
impede equal access and inclusion to opportunities for all students.

The four areas (domains) of focus for diversity,

equity, and inclusion in Fresno Unified are Cultural
Proficiency, Culturally Responsive Practices
Multicultural Experiences, and Social Action. The
Cultural Proficiency lens sets an asset-based inside-
out approach from which to build tiered supports
and provide everything from professional learning
to curricular needs. Multicultural Experiences and
Culturally Responsive Practices are built from a
strong Culturally Proficiency core, and therefore
provides a foundation for Social Action district-wide
and beyond.

Each area of the DEI Shield has an overarching objective:

Objective: To collaboratively provide FUSD personnel with the professional

learning to build an equity lens necessary for acknowledging and achieving
equitable and inclusive outcomes.

Objective: To collaboratively provide FUSD schools and departments with

practices, strategies, pedagogies, and analytics to build on cultural proficiency
learning toward pro-actively acknowledging and achieving equitable and inclusive

Objective: To collaboratively provide FUSD schools and departments with the

widest array of cultural opportunities and insights to build on Cultural Proficiency
learning toward pro-actively acknowledging and achieving equitable and inclusive

Objective: To collaboratively provide FUSD schools and departments with the

avenues and tools to combine their cultural proficiency learning, multicultural
experiences, and culturally responsive practices to systematically decrease
disproportionality and increase equitable and inclusive outcomes.

Title: Cultural Proficiency Trainer of Trainer Training Prepared by: DEIPC 7

Objective: To collaboratively provide FUSD personnel with the professional learning to build an
equity lens necessary for acknowledging and achieving equitable and inclusive outcomes.

Strategic Intensive
Foundational (Various)
Trainer of
Trainer (8 hour)
Intensive Tier 3
Foundational (80 hour) Tier 3
(32 hour)
Tier 2 Tier 3
Compulsory (8 hour)
(1 hour) Tier 1
Tier 1

An Inside Out Approach

“Cultural Proficiency is a model for shifting the culture of the school or district; it is a model for individual
transformation and organizational change. Cultural Proficiency is a mindset, a worldview, a way a person or an
organization makes assumptions for effectively describing, responding to, and planning for issues that arise in diverse
environments. For some people, Cultural Proficiency is a paradigm shift from viewing cultural difference as problematic
to learning how to interact effectively with other cultures. For schools and school districts, it serves as a tipping point
from viewing cultural difference as deficit-based to learning how to value cultural differences as assets on which
educational experiences are built.”—from Cultural Proficiency, A Manual for School Leaders
Objective: To collaboratively provide CP Strategic
FUSD schools and departments with Foundational
practices, strategies, pedagogies, and and Intensive
analytics to build on cultural proficiency Learning,
learning toward pro-actively Response
acknowledging and achieving equitable Team
and inclusive outcomes.
Tier 2
Vetted DEI Tier 1
Resources, DEI Department DEI
Quarterly Plans, SPSA,
IPG, Equity /
Walks, Aligned
data analysis, DEI
Newsletter, &
Social Justice
Objective: To collaboratively provide FUSD schools and departments with the widest array of
cultural opportunities and insights to build on Cultural Proficiency learning toward pro-actively
acknowledging and achieving equitable and inclusive outcomes.

Course Offerings (AA studies, Women Studies, Hmong

Tier 3
Heritage, Chicano Studies), Conferences, Clubs

Tier 2
Schoolwide and Districtwide Multicultural Events /
Assemblies / Activities, DEI Quarterly Events

Tier 1
TBD—Ethnic Studies, Curriculum Evaluation(s), IPG,
and Social Justice Standards (Identity & Diversity)

Title: Cultural Proficiency Trainer of Trainer Training Prepared by: DEIPC

Objective: To collaboratively provide FUSD schools and departments with the avenues
and tools to combine their cultural proficiency learning, multicultural experiences, and
culturally responsive practices to systematically decrease disproportionality and increase
equitable and inclusive outcomes.

• Social
Standard • Response
s (Action Race and Team
& Justice)
Tier • IPG
Tier Social
Tier • Race and
1 • Equity / 2 Student 3 Justice
Inclusion Group History
Walks Course
• TBD—

Title: Cultural Proficiency Trainer of Trainer Training Prepared by: DEIPC

FUSD Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Department Plans

Mission Statement: In order to eradicate institutional bias of any kind, including implicit or
unintentional biases and prejudices that affect student achievement and their overall well-being, and to
eliminate disparities in educational outcomes for students from historically underserved and
underrepresented populations, DEI shall recommend actions to proactively identify class and cultural
biases as well as institutional barriers that negatively influence student learning, perpetuate
achievement gaps, and impede equal access and inclusion to opportunities for all students.


• A4
• College and Career Readiness (CCR)
• Communications
• Department of Prevention and
Intervention (DPI)
• Early Learning
• English Learner Services (EL)
• Goal 2
• Human Resources
• Leadership Development
• Parent University (PU)
• Special Education Department (SPED)
• Teacher Development

African American
Academic Acceleration
Indicator: Action: Accountability Measure:
Our department will identify a representative that will Each member of our department will complete Our department will have 100%
train our group as well as assist with the completion of the 8 hours of training. attendance by Spring, 2021 as
our DEI Plan. identified by sign-ins to PL and
In order to achieve the outcomes in the updated iAcheive attendance
Present to FUSD Board the A4 Task Force indicator, A4 will continue to collaborate with
Recommendations for approval and adoption. key District departments and leaders to ensure In order to measure our success, A4
Embedded are recommendations to addresses the the unanimous board adoption (March 6, 2019) will holdIn
Status: no Progress
less than 2 systemic
attitudes, beliefs, and mindsets of FUSD employees. of the Task Force Recommendations are leadership engagements/meetings with
Additionally, requiring training for all employees on Due Date: phased
strategically 5/31/21in with measurable DateofReviewed:
each the following bodies during the
implicit bias, cultural competence, and using an objectives and actions. 2020-21 academic year. The
asset-based approach to work with African American collaborative meeting structure and
(AA) students and AA families as a priority to improve
Action: Accountability Measure:
systemic capacity progress
the academic
Develop outcomes
a structure andfor African American
implementation students.
planning In order to achieve the outcomes in the engagements
In will incorporate
order to measure an A4
our success, A4
Aligning with
process that FUSD BP
reflected the 0415,
sharedmeasure 1,4,6,8,9
responsibility and indicator, A4 will advance the shared Leadership
will Team, Core
ensure progress Leadership
of the
accountability for implementation of the A4 Task collaborative Accountability Matrix capturing Team, Executive
Accountability Cabinet
Matrix and Taskout
is reported
Force Recommendations. the Recommendations throughout academic Force
at leastand will
once be measured
during academic viayear
Aligning with FUSD BP 0415, measure 1,2,7 year 2020-21. attendanceproviding
2020-21, documentation.
transparency to the District Board,
Status: and
Leaders Community Stakeholders.
In Progress
Due Date: Date Reviewed:

Indicator: Action: Accountability Measure:

Provide District stakeholders with African American In order to achieve the outcomes in the In order to measure our success, A4
(AA) Cultural Professional Learning opportunities that indicator, A4 will host Professional Learning will offer at least one A4 Profession
upholds the necessary Cultural Proficiency paradigm opportunities centered on enhancing African Learning opportunity with documented
shift to receive AA students from an asset-based American (AA) Cultural Proficiency practices attendance by the End of academic
perspective and strengthening AA student outcomes. and experiences. year 2020-21.
Aligning with FUSD BP 0415, measure 9
Status: To Do
Due Date: Date Reviewed:

Indicator: Action: Accountability Measure:

Launch the A4 Student Voice Initiative, delivering a In order to achieve the outcomes in the In order to measure our success, A4
voice to African American (AA) students across the indicator, A4 will launch its A4 Student Voice guarantees the students in A4 Student
District that are overlooked and under-represented, Initiative comprised of three components: Voice Initiative will engage in four
who may not be typically given a chance to voice their Design Thinking, an Instagram Team and a Design Thinking Labs, hire AA
concerns, and help establish a campus culture that Student Caucus. students to originate Instagram Lived
would be beneficial and welcoming to AA students. Experiences, engage in four
Moreover, provide a safe space for AA students to Status:
Superintendent Student Voice
In Progress
come together, become thought partners, and develop meetings by the end of academic year
student-led solutions designed to improve academic Due Date: Date Reviewed:
outcomes and experiences.
Aligning with FUSD BP 0415, measure 1,3,4

College and Career

Readiness (CCR)
Cultural Proficiency:
Indicator: CCR commits to continuing cultural proficiency education to ensure continuous work
in identifying issues of disproportionality.
• All CCR staff members will complete 8 hours of Cultural Proficiency training
• 1 staff member will participate in the 80-hour trainer of trainers sessions
• 2 staff members will participate in the 32-hour intensive training sessions
• All FUSD Counselors and CCR staff will participate in Fresno Unified’s LGBTQ and Cultural
Responsiveness workshop
Accountability Measures:
• By May 2021, CCR will have 100% attendance in Cultural Proficiency training as verified
by IAchieve attendance
• By June 2021, 1 CCR staff member will complete the 80-hour trainer of trainers' session
as verified by IAchieve attendance
• By May 2021, 2 CCR staff members will complete the 32-hour intensive training as verified
by IAchieve attendance
• By May 2021, all Counselors will complete Fresno Unified’s LGBTQ and Cultural
Responsiveness workshop

Cultural Responsive Practices

Indicator: In CCR, we accept the fact that we do not have all the information or knowledge of
cultural practices to embed in current processes and experiences and commit to practices
that ensure access to pathways, programs, courses, instruction, and experiences that
embrace cultural diversity.
• Include multicultural members in student, staff, and industry partner working groups to
address potential gaps
• Ensure CTE curriculum, extended learning programs and Counseling practices consider
culturally diverse connections for special populations (example: women in trades, men in
nursing, Special Education, EL students, foster and homeless, and African American
students) and diverse recruitment practices.
• Use data to target disproportionate student groups for pathways, programs and courses
including AP and dual enrollment opportunities
• Counselors and CTE will provide virtual university visits and will target specialized
populations such as students with disabilities, foster youth, and other areas of
• College readiness will support the Ethnic studies course and its impact on master
schedule development, graduation, and a-g
• Provide Spanish and Hmong language support and written materials for our programs
valuing the ideas and perspectives of stakeholders
• Ensure that Foster and Homeless youth have priority enrollment into after school
• Provide additional outreach to African American students to apply for the after-school
• Extend additional support services for students with special needs to mirror services
provided during the regular school day
• Strive for Extended Learning programs to reflect cultural diversity

Accountability Measure:
• By June 2021, 30% of CTE courses will include culturally diverse connections as
evidenced by unit design and creation
• By March 2021, CTE Advisory Boards will reflect our community’s diversity as evidenced
by the advisory board roster
• By June 2021, 100% of middle and high school students will have an opportunity to
participate in a virtual college visit with information available to them around specialized
programs such as disabled student services and a variety of cultural programs at the college
• By August 2021, all campuses that offer Ethnic Studies will have a master schedule built
to ensure access to students and will continue to support the course development
throughout 2022
• By June 2021, 100% of survey(s) to students, parents and site staff in identified
languages will be created and distributed to stakeholders
• By June 2021, after school enrollment data of students from special sub-groups (African
American, Special Needs, and English Learners) will reflect the district’s diversity
• By June 2021, after school program offerings that include different cultural activities
and/or focus will be inventoried for review and improvement

Multicultural Experiences
CCR values diversity and cultural strengths and will stay proactive in its support of cultural
proficiency by providing learning experiences that are relevant to the cultural diversity of our
community and student populations.

• Host African-American CTE student voice group to learn about recruitment barriers and
opportunities to increase enrollment
• Recruit culturally diverse industry partners
• Offer culturally diverse work-based learning experiences that reflect the diversity of our
• To recruit more diverse potential industry partners, CCR will join the Fresno Metro Black
Chamber of Commerce, Fresno Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, California Hmong Chamber
of Commerce
• Offer professional learning that includes culturally responsive teaching practices
• College readiness will provide Dream Act application information and workshop support
for Dreamers and their families to complete their applications
• Provide information on scholarships (8th-12th grades) through the lens of target student
• Include student voice and leadership in the development of program opportunities and
• Continue to encourage and support sites to actively recruit ASP program facilitators for
multicultural activities/programs, including African American, students with special needs,
and English Learners (newcomers and LTELs)

Accountability Measure:
• By June 2021, CCR will have membership to Fresno Metro Black Chamber of Commerce,
Fresno Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, California Hmong Chamber of Commerce
• By March 2, 2021, all dreamer students will have access to support for their CADA
• By June 2021, CCR will collect baseline data on the number of students accessing
scholarship options for targeted student sub-groups
• By June 2021, ASP will expand its variety of multicultural activities/programs across all
after school programs as evidenced by ASP attendance
• By June 2021, ASP student enrollment data for special sub-groups will increase by 5%
• By June 2021, ASP offerings that include different cultural activities/focus will increase
by 5%

Social Action
CCR will seek candidates that value diversity and recruit qualified, multicultural candidates as
representatives of our student population.
CCR will build its cultural competency by providing opportunities for social action for students
and stakeholders.

• Recruit multicultural candidates for CTE teaching openings, advisory committee
participants, work-based learning hosts, student voice groups, and teacher work groups
• Recruit candidates from diverse industry associations, partners, and employment
agencies and participate in local job fairs
• Utilize IMPACT tool to reflect on CCR policies and practices
• Calculate the diversity of our CTE Teacher diversity for baseline data
• Recruit students and staff to attend Black and Latino College Expo
• Provide training to students, counselors and parents around Historically Black Colleges
and Universities (HBCU’s)
• Support work and targeted recruitment for FCC Everywhere classes that will include
African-American Studies and Chicano-Latino Studies.
• Begin a middle school parent and student advisory group to identify grade level and
cultural barriers to learning and access to opportunities
• Identify professional learning seminars outside FUSD that focus on cultural diversity and
equity training

Accountability Measure:
• By March 2021, 100% of new job postings will be advertised on a minimum of 3
“outside” employment agencies/groups’ sites whom specifically target diverse potential
candidate populations
• By June 2021, attendance at training(s) will be verified in iAchieve
• By June 2021, student attendance at the Black and Latino College Expos will increase by
• By June 2021, attendance at informational sessions specific to HBCU’s will increase by
• By May 2021, CCR will gather baseline student demographic data for FCC Everywhere
and share with Fresno City College to expand targeted student recruitment

Praxis: Indicator: Action: Accountability Measure Status
Cultural Proficiency Our department will identify Each member of our department will complete Our department will have 100% In Progress
a representative that will the 8 hours of training. attendance by Spring 2021 as identified
train our group as well as by sign-ins to PL and updated iAchieve
assist with the completion attendance.
of our DEI Plan.
Culturally Responsive • Our department will • Our department will support the Our department will continue to monitor In
Practices continue to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Praxis analytics for the DEI Newsletter: Progress/
collaborate with Collaborative with creation, content and Total views ongoing
schools and managing the analytics of the DEI Average time spent
departments on Newsletter to promote, increase Average completion
messaging, engagement and expose staff to Read ratio
storytelling, best culturally responsive practices taking • Glanced
practices, strategies, place. • Quick read
pedagogies, and • Deep read
analytics to build on • Executive Officer serves as first contact,
Cultural Proficiency initiating response team deployment, Accountability measure for supporting
to achieve equitable support and communication in moments culture response team—number of
and inclusive of cultural destructiveness events responded to; outcomes

• Collaborate with
district’s cultural
response team
when culturally
destructive events
occur to support
and restore impact
Multicultural Our department will stay Ensure multicultural experiences and DEI are at Identifying Multicultural Experiences In Progress
Experiences proactive with modeling the forefront when supporting departments and continuously and infuse with
multicultural messaging and sites with building a communications plan. Communications content calendar.
storytelling by identifying Continue to have discussions around the
key cultural opportunities importance of audiences and engagement. Communicate with departments through
Example(s): DEI Advisory to gather information
and insights to build upon regarding upcoming experiences, events
Culturally Proficiency. • Supporting Goal 2, BSU, Lisa Nichols with and related curriculum.
Virtual Black History event.

• Communications Plan: A4 Task Force

Miniseries around the conception of the
Task Force.

Social Action Our department commits to To meet the outcomes of Social Action, the In order to measure our success the In Progress
social action by identifying Communications department will continue to department will work with the Student
and highlighting cultural build upon our current methods and projects. Voice Collaborative group to identify
proficiency learning, action items addressed to
multicultural experiences, Example: Superintendent and Trustees; meet with
and culturally responsive • Student Voice Collaborative (Student Student Voice Collaborative to discuss
practices to participate in Action Group) timeline of action items, expected
systematically decrease The student advisory group formed will focus on outcomes and responsibilities to identify
disproportionality and student input, communication, accountability and progress and updates regarding the
increase equitable and leadership development. Their voice will serve as “asks” from the Student Voice
inclusive outcomes. one of many tools to identify and promote Collaborative.
meaningful change in the education systems,
practice, and/or policy by empowering students
as change agents, working in partnership with
educators. The advisory will serve a safe space for
students to share thoughts, ideas, and opinions
about Fresno Unified and identify and participate
in fostering change and growth.

Department of Prevention
and Intervention
Culturally Responsive Practices
Supervisor Name Indicator Action Due Date: Accountability Measure Status
In our department, culturally In order to achieve the In order to measure our
Example responsive practice(s) is/are… outcomes in the indicator, success, our department
our department will… will…
Establish a English Learner The students will be match Maintaining a log to track
Peer Mentoring Program for with high students (peer program attendance.
ELD Beginning students at mentors) that have been Continued work around
Fresno, Hoover, McLane, redesignated and will meet identifying students to
Roosevelt, and Bullard weekly virtually (or in person). participate in program.
The Peer Mentor will assist Regularly scheduled meetings
and support student in with site administrators to
Darrin Person practicing English, homework Continued gauge program success. In Progress
help, and provide a
connection at the school site.
The mentos and mentees will
be trained and will receive
materials to assist in
engagement and conversation
Establish a Mentoring Adults mentors from EQCA Maintaining a log to track
Program in collaboration with will mentor students one-on- program attendance.
Restorative Pratices and one virtually. Mentors will Continued work around
Equality California lead students through 30 identifying students to
Mentorship Corps at Bullard, discussion-based exercises on participate in program.
Edison, Hoover, Tenaya, identity, diversity, leadership, Regularly scheduled meetings
Darrin Person Wawona, Tioga, Terronez, arts, healthy stress Continued with site administrators to In Progress
Yosemite, and Cooper. management, and gauge program success.
mindfulness. All mentors will
be trained on mentoring
approaches, LGBTQ+Cultural
Establish a Peer Mentoring The 9th and 10th grade Maintaining a log to track
Program at Edison High students will be matched with program attendance.
School targeting African 10th and 11th grade mentors Continued work around
American in the Rise Up who will work with students identifying students to
Mentoring Program-students to help them navigate participate in program.
enrolled in accelerated through the rigor of AP Regularly scheduled meetings
Darrin Person courses. courses and school culture so Continued with site administrators to In Progress
that they can become college gauge program success.
ready graduates. All mentors
will be supported by a
designated counselor and will
receive training on mentor
Establish a Peer Mentoring The 9th and 10th grade Maintaining a log to track
Program at Edison High students will be matched with program attendance.
School targeting African 10th and 11th grade mentors Continued work around
American in the Rise Up who will work with students identifying students to
Mentoring Program-students to help them navigate participate in program.
enrolled in accelerated through the rigor of AP Regularly scheduled meetings
Darrin Person courses. courses and school culture so Continued with site administrators to In Progress
that they can become college gauge program success.
ready graduates. All mentors
will be supported by a
designated counselor and will
receive training on mentor
Establish a Student mentoring The mentors will be staff Maintaining a log to track
program in partnership with members at Fresno High who program attendance.
3AC at Fresno High School will mentor students on the Continued work around
targeting African American new iCouldBe (e-mentoring) identifying students to
students Providing platform. All mentors and participate in program.
Darrin Person mentoring services to diverse mentees will be trained by Continued Regularly scheduled meetings In Progress
populations of students iCouldBe on mentoring with site administrators to
needing additional approaches and engagement gauge program success.
engagement, social/emotional strategies
and academic support
Integrating culturally include questions in the During supervision
responsive questions in the psychosocial assessment that conferences with staff, a
psychosocial assessment encourage the student to component of the agenda will
share their cultural include cultural competence
perspective (beliefs and reflections discussing the
attitudes) in an approach impact on student
consistent with clinical interactions.
Caine Christensen assessment. Questions 6/20/21 In Progress
include but not limited to
social/family history,
immigration history,
religious/spiritual beliefs,
sexual identify/orientation,
foster/homeless experience,
Our department will continue Sessions will be offered after Our department will have
provide district staff access to school hours, at least bi- provided at least six sessions
Erica Hasenbeck PL on an Introduction to monthly and advertised in 5/31/21 by May 31, 2021 as identified In Progress
Gender Diversity & LGBTQ+ District Updates. by verified by iACHIEVE.
Cultural Responsiveness.
Our department will continue Provide resources and training PL engagement will be verified
to support the teams of to teams of practitioners for through iACHIEVE. Individual
Academic Counselors, CSSWs job-specific relevence, and consultations will be tracked
Erica Hasenbeck and School Psychs with Tier II individual consultations. 5/31/20 and verified in the LGBTQ+ In Progress
& III Gender Diversity & Support Log.
LGBTQ+ culturally responsive
Our department will continue Provide linkage to resources, Will be tracked and verified in
to provide students, families student programming and/or the LGBTQ+ Support Log.
and staff with support and direct services through a
Erica Hasenbeck 5/31/20 In Progress
consultation on LGBTQ+ needs Microsoft Forms Link and
and AB 1266 services. MTSS continuum of supports.
Culturally Responsive Practices
Supervisor Name Indicator Action Due Date: Accountability Measure Status
Our department will stay In order to achieve the In order to measure our
Example proactive with multicultural outcomes in the indicator, success, our department
experiences by… our department will… will…
DPI will have a "Push Out" Watch the film Push Out and Attendance Rosters/Logs
movie watch party. do a follow up discussion to
process the film with DPI
teams. LTM will watch this
Ambra O'Connor 5/1/20 In Progress
film first in Feb, and have a
facilitated discussion prior to
rolling out to staff.
Social Action
Supervisor Name Indicator Action Due Date: Accountability Measure Status
Our department commits ti In order to achieve the outcomes in the indicator, our department
In order
to measure our
Example social action by… success, our department
High School Students High Students will continue to Will be tracked through our
particpating in the Peer meet weekly with students weekly attendace log
Mentoring Programs will virtually and/or in person
Darrin Person provide academic, social with Middle School students In Progress In Progress
emotional, and technical engaing in curriculm and scial
support to Middle School activities

We will conduct a Fall student Fall 2020 Survey will include Email Documentation/ATLAS
survey in November 2020 to questions that ask students if Entry
gather student voice and follow up is needed in the
respond to individual student areas of mental heath, social
needs. emotional support, academic
Rita Baharian/Wendy Silva counseling, or teacher Complete In Progress
support. We will coordinate
with site support, SSW and
Psychologists to contact all
students requesting support

Students from our Fresno Student leaders will be engage

Unified GSA (Genders & in the district level meetings
Sexualities Allliance) Youth with other student groups,
Voice Committee serve on the the Superintendent and
Superintendent & Board School Board. Students will
Erica Hasenbeck In Progress In Progress
Student Voice Collaborative. meet regularly on the three
identified goal projects:
LGBTQ+ inclusive curriculum
and facililties and a
media/communications plan.
Equity &

Early Learning
Indicator: Action: Accountability Measure:
• Our department will identify a representative(s) that will Each member of our department will complete the 8 hours By June 2021, our department will have
train our group as well as assist with the completion of our of training. 100% by staff in Spring, 2021 as
DEI Plan: Laura Mitchell and Erica Ayala identified by sign-ins to PL and updated
Once 8 hours of training are complete, Early Learning i-Achieve attendance
• Laura Mitchell and Erica Ayala collaborate to provide PL department will begin a series of books studies around best
for all Early Learning Certificated/Classified Staff in the practices for achieving cultural proficiency in the early Starting in August of 2021, the first
Central Office, including Early Learning Center and Scan years. book study will be launched.
• All department members will be involved in book studies in
which various books around cultural proficiency will be Status: In Process
used starting with: Teaching Preschool with an Equity Lens
Date Reviewed:
Due Date: 6/21

Action: Accountability Measure:

In order to measure our success, OUR
In our department, culturally responsive practice(s) is/are... In order to achieve the outcomes in the DEPARTMENT WILL...
• Embracing the various cultures and languages of indicator, OUR DEPARTMENT WILL...
families and staff Implement POLL strategies to support home language
• Honoring families backgrounds and needs providing a family interest survey
• Using Creative Curriculum to focus on areas were Select culturally responsive text that reflects children
culture, language and inclusion can be brought forth in our schools Status: To Do
for rich discussions

Due Date: Date Reviewed:

Indicator: Action: Accountability Measure:

Our department will stay proactive with multicultural In order to achieve the outcomes in the In order to measure our success, OUR
experiences by... indicator, OUR DEPARTMENT WILL... DEPARTMENT WILL...
• Celebrating the diverse cultures amongst Recruit and retain staff reflecting the
families and staff diversity of the community
• Recognize the differences and assets that are All PL will have integrated strategies and
unique to individuals that bring us together examples on ways to celebrate diversity Status: To Do
Due Date: Date Reviewed:

Indicator: Action: Accountability Measure:

Our department commits to social action by... In order to achieve the outcomes in the In order to measure our success, OUR
Using Creative Curriculum Studies to engage students
in Service-Learning Projects Ask each teacher to engage in at least 1
service-learning project per year
WOW experiences in which parents
Promoting family connections and participation in present
classrooms Status: To Do
Due Date: Date Reviewed:

English Learner
Services (EL)
English Learner Services Equity Plan 2020-2021
Indicator: Action: Accountability Measure:

Our department will identify a representative Each member of our department will Our department will have 100%
that will train our group as well as assist with the complete the 8 hours of training. attendance by Spring, 2021 as identified
completion of our DEI Plan. by sign-ins to PL and updated Achieve
• 100% of EL Services Staff has attendance
• DLI Academy addresses Culturally and completed Module 1 & 2 during
linguistically responsive best practices our Friday Work Meetings By June 2021 all DLI teachers will have
as part of the coursework received culturally responsible teaching
• Shared with all DLI Teachers Hispanic • DLI Team emailed links and resources monthly in support of Goal 3 as
Heritage month teaching resources ppts. to all DLI teachers in per iAchieve PL sign-in sheets
• Coaching of DLI teachers includes support of Goal 3 activities for
analysis of text to identify culturally September and October Observe EL After-School Programs to &
responsive selections provide feedback to Inter-Act Fellows.
• Sandra Toscano, Asst Supt., Maryann In EL After-School Program:
Lambaren, Doua Vu, Elizabeth • Provide culturally responsive
Fralicks, managers, will collaborate to reading lists to tutors
provide PL for all EL Services • Use culturally responsive online
certificated and classified staff app, Rosetta Stone
• Implement CLRT practices
• DLI Goal 3: Cultural Competence
shared with all DLI Teachers Día de los
Muertos teaching resources

Due Date: June 2021 Review Date: 11/2020 & 6/2021

Indicator: Action: Accountability Measure:

In our department, culturally responsive In order to achieve the outcomes in the In order to measure our success, OUR
practice(s) is/are... indicator, OUR DEPARTMENT WILL... DEPARTMENT WILL...

• Use of asset-based language DLI TSAs will support teachers when By June 2021, all lessons planned with
• When planning with teachers we build planning and modeling lessons with the DLI teachers will have included the
on student’s background knowledge following indicators: identified indicators:
• Promote collaborative conversations • Ensure 100% attendance of
• Select culturally responsive text that • Participate in (CRLT) department CRLT training on 10/29/2020
reflects students in our schools PL on Wed. 10/29/2020 with • Implement key takeaways from
• Promote high expectations during WestEd. CRLT training into all
instructional support synchronous and asynchronous
English Learner Services Equity Plan 2020-2021
• Continuing to implement Culturally • Examine all department PL for • Collect student work samples
and Linguistically Responsive opportunities to incorporate throughout the school year and
Teaching (CRLT)practices as outlined CRLT practices collect student voice surveys at
in the CA ELA/ELD Framework and as • Plan and deliver all lab school the end of each school year.
related to our ongoing Lab School and newcomer services as • 100% summer staff will attend
work. outlined in department plan and CRLT PL
• Promoting high level academic budget for the 2020-21 school • All 866 students participating in
language development that is respectful year. summer school were able to
of primary languages and dialects so • Plan and deliver mentoring plan receive high quality instruction in
that students' home languages are between ELS and the Mentoring 2020
valued and built upon through office as outlined for the 2020-21
designated and integrated ELD. school year.
• Providing linguistic and culturally • Include lessons and resources in
appropriate mentoring to middle and the DLI and HHS curriculum
high school English Learners. throughout the school year
• Supporting English learners to build • Incorporate CLRT practices in
upon linguistic assets in order to the summer school PL for
receive the CA State Seal of Biliteracy teachers
• Providing appropriate cultural and • In summer school, incorporate
linguistic resources for new arrival ELs lessons that empower students to
to smoothly transition to U.S. schools value their bilingualism and
(L1 support, transcript support, multiculturalism
glossaries, newcomer teacher training)
• Embedding into the elementary Hmong
DLI curriculum cross-cultural
• Embedding into the secondary Hmong
Heritage Speakers (HHS) I and II
curriculum cross-cultural experiences
• Promote high level academic lang dev
resp L1 and dialects

Due Date: June 2021 Review Date: 12/2020 & 6/2021

English Learner Services Equity Plan 2020-2021
Indicator: Action: Accountability Measure:

Our department will stay proactive with In order to achieve the outcomes in the In order to measure our success, OUR
multicultural experiences by... indicator, OUR DEPARTMENT WILL... DEPARTMENT WILL...

• Examine all presentations for asset- • Examine all district/department • Assure that 100% of all ELS PL
based language as it pertains to ELs level DEI training for will reflect high level language
(emerging bilinguals) opportunities to incorporate and expectations for ELs.
linguistically responsive • Have at least 90% participation
• Clearly define and apply the connections. by HS Hmong Heritage students
relationship between culturally and • Have one-two team members per conference feedback form
linguistically responsive teaching in meet weekly to plan with the • Highlight the event in the
relation to ELs and other language Conference Committee on Friday district’s Building Our Future
minority groups. afternoons (Event date: Friday, who participated and won what
December 18, 2020) categories
• Collaborate with Parent University, the • Collect student work samples
Fresno Center, and CSU Fresno to host • Meet with the Decathlon throughout the school year &
the annual Family Conference: Journey Committee to discuss and parent survey
to Success agree on competition • Collect feedback from
categories & criteria participants
• Collaborate with the Fresno Center to (typically in Spring)
host the annual Hmong Student
Academic Decathlon • Collaborate with HHS
• Coordinate with high school HHS teachers and students to
teachers and families to host annual plan and identify work
Student Showcase samples and student
projects to share with
• Collaborate with district departments to families (typically in
host a virtual Hmong New Year Spring)
Celebration and provide instructional
resources to sites • Reach out to departments
to plan event in
November; identify date
and activities (event did
not happen due to
COVID, although
materials & supports were
provided to all FUSD

Due Date: June 2021 Review Date: 12/2020 & 6/2021

English Learner Services Equity Plan 2020-2021

Indicator: Action: Accountability Measure:

Our department commits to social action by... In order to achieve the outcomes in the In order to measure our success, OUR
• Promote high expectations in service of
English Learners. • Continue to collaborate with • Complete contract with West Ed to
support collaboration between ELS
Equity and Access to formulate a and E&A regarding redesignation
• Promote high quality services for ELs common understanding of expectations.
regardless of language, culture, race, redesignation criteria #4 to reflect
immigration status, gender, socio- high expectations of ELs • Schedule, deliver, evaluate impact of
economic status, etc. ("Comparison of the performance all PL sessions delivered according
of the pupil in basic skills against to teacher/admin/student feedback.
• Embed social justice topics and social an empirically established range
of performance in basic skills • Have a student voice survey at the
action/service-learning projects in end of the school year, asking for
Hmong Heritage III curriculum based upon the performance of
English proficient pupils of the students to provide feedback for
• Develop student voice platform for same age, that demonstrates
multilingual learners within our whether the pupil is sufficiently
department • Monthly collection of student
proficient in English to
feedback on the vision for ELs in
• Collaborate with all departments to participate effectively in a
promote instructional excellence for curriculum designed for pupils of
ELs in all settings. the same age whose native
language is English.") • Schedule time within District
meeting structures such as
Director/Manager meetings to
• Provide newcomer and refugees
share EL department projects, PL
services as outlined in EL Master
and research.
Plan and budget for the 2020-21
school year.

• Collaborate with community and

parent organizations to serve all

• Follow-up on the proposal

process to confirm course

• Provide training to help

students develop their
English Learner Services Equity Plan 2020-2021
voice and learn how their
voice can be elevated to
bring about change

• Communicate/collaborate
with and train other
department’s staff on EL
instructional and cultural

Due Date: June 2021 Review Date: 12/2020 & 6/2021

Cultural Proficiency
Supervisor Name Indicator Action Due Date: Accountability Measure Status
Our department will identify a Each member of our Our department will have
representative that will train department will complete the 100% attendance by Spring,
Example our group as well as assist with 8 hours of training. 12/18/20 2021 as identified by sign-ins In Progress
the completion of our DEI to PL and updated iAchieve
Plan. attendance
Our department will Each member of our Our department will have
participate in three (3) department will complete 100% attendance by May 31,
additional Cultural three additional cultural 2021 as identified by verified
DPI Leaders Proficiency learning proficiency learning sessions 5/31/21 attendance and/or sign-ins to To Do
activities. to complement and extend PL sessions.
the learning from Module I.
Sites who implement Provide resources, data, and Discipline Guideline Schools
Discipline Guidelines (DG) will training to current discipline will be represeted/attend PL
Rita Baharian/Wendy Silva use culturally responsive guideline schools through 5/31/20 as identified by verified To Do
discipline practices. virtual and in-person PL. attendance and/or sign-ins to
PL sessions.

Goal 2
Goal 2 Equity Plan 2020-2021
Indicator: Action: Accountability Measure:

Our department will identify a representative Each member of our department will Our department will have 100%
that will train our group as well as assist with the complete the 8 hours of training. attendance by Spring, 2021 as identified
completion of our DEI Plan. by sign-ins to PL and updated Achieve
• Provided Cultural Proficiency attendance
• Lisa Nichols and Pat Riddlesprigger will PowerPoints to all Goal 2 staff
provide PL to certificated and classified members • By June 2021, all Goal 2 staff
Goal 2 staff members • Provide additional culturally members will have received
• Lisa Nichols and Pat Riddlesprigger will responsive readings that culturally proficiency professional
be providing PL to all elementary Music compliments the work and training development training as per
teachers January through May. around CP iAchieve sign-in
• Update and complete attendance in •

Due Date: June 2021 Review Date: 11/2020 & 6/2021

Indicator: Action: Accountability Measure:

In our department, culturally responsive In order to achieve the outcomes in the In order to measure our success, OUR
practice(s) is/are... indicator, OUR DEPARTMENT WILL... DEPARTMENT WILL...

• Capturing BSU Advisory Council • Bi-monthly mentoring meeting • By June 2021, we will ensure 70%
student voices presented to with BSU Advisory Council to of student participation in monthly
Superintendent and Board Trustees promote leadership skills meetings and capture all recordings
• Promoting collaborative dialogue • Weekly Goal 2 meetings to discuss of BSU Advisory Council meetings
within departments about ensuring and create opportunities for • Keep record of all meeting agendas
students engage in Arts, Activities, and continue collaboration for other • Ensure 50% attendance of
Athletics departments participation at AASLA
• Planning for AASLA Student/Parent • Support site champions when Student/Parent workshop
workshops we build on student’s planning and modeling lessons • Collect student voice discussion and
background knowledge and needs • Provide African American speakers feedback throughout the school year
• Select/provide culturally responsive for monthly virtual parent/student via Microsoft Teams recordings
text for all AASLA/BSU students in workshops for the 2020-21 school
our schools year
Goal 2 Equity Plan 2020-2021
• Developing a blueprint to promote a • Monitor and reallocation of
BSU at all sites including high, middle, department budgets to provide site
and elementary support for students
• Culturally aware and proficient lens for • Increase BSU at elementary level
selecting Music pieces in instruction •
and performances

Due Date: June 2021 Review Date: 12/2020 & 6/2021

Goal 2 Equity Plan 2020-2021
Indicator: Action: Accountability Measure:

Our department will stay proactive with In order to achieve the outcomes in the In order to measure our success, OUR
multicultural experiences by... indicator, OUR DEPARTMENT WILL... DEPARTMENT WILL...

• Collaborate with UC Merced, CSU • Meet quarterly with the • Have at least 70% of all AASLA
Fresno, and the Fresno County Office of representatives of UC Merced, students attend enrichment trips
Education to Fresno to host annual CSU Fresno, and Fresno County provide by Goal 2 department
summer weeklong enrichment trips Office of Education to discuss and • Assure that 100% participation of
• Coordinate with Edison Region to agree on AASLA enrichment students who signed up within
promote the BSU annual Black History experiences the Edison Region schools (high,
Month Program • Collaborate weekly with high, middle, and elementary students)
• Provided a Black Panther Experience- middle, and elementary teachers for the Black History Month
including a Pre/Post discussion with Dr. and students as well as community Program
Tony Browder and movie viewing for all partners to promote and plan the • Collect student voice discussion
BSU/AASLA students to addition for site Black History Month Program and feedback throughout the
leaders and champions (September- February) school year via Microsoft Teams
• Provide various multi-cultural workshops • Provide African American speakers recordings
facilitated by African American leaders for monthly virtual parent/student • Lesson observations/PLC data
that include district personnel, site workshops for the 2020-21 school collection
leaders, staff, parents, and students year • Goal 2 will maintain matrix of
• Supporting Arts teachers in providing • Provide CP training and follow-up sites destinations and dates.
multicultural experiences in Music, activities and resources in research •
theatre, dance, and visual art and selecting multicultural
• Develop a menu of virtual enrichment pieces/art/literature
trip options for each elementary site to • Providing all elementary sites with
choose from to support student distance a virtual enrichment options by
learning grade level to support student
distance learning engagement

Due Date: June 2021 Review Date: 12/2020 & 6/2021

Goal 2 Equity Plan 2020-2021

Indicator: Action: Accountability Measure:

Our department commits to social action by... In order to achieve the outcomes in the In order to measure our success, OUR
• Captured BSU Advisory Council
student voices presented to • Bi-monthly mentoring meeting • By June 2021, we will ensure 70%
Superintendent and Board Trustees with BSU Advisory Council to
of student participation in monthly
• Collaborate with CSU, Fresno and BSU promote leadership skills
meetings and capture all recordings
Advisory Council to promote and • Collaborate with community and
capture student voice in PSA and T- parent organizations to serve all of BSU Advisory Council meetings
shirt campaign African American students • By end of 1st semester, BSU
• Embed social justice topics and • Continue to provide ongoing Advisory Council will complete the
resources within BSU advisors and guidance and support to public service announcement and T-
students advisors/students to elevate their shirt design
• Promote high quality services for all voice that can bring about change • By end of 1st semester, all BSU
our students regardless of language, • Weekly Goal 2 meetings to discuss advisor/officer will have resources
culture, race, immigration status, and create opportunities for (books and materials) to support
gender, socio-economic status, etc. continue collaboration for other their club
• Encouraging and support culturally departments • Schedule time within District
diverse themes within the REAL Art • Diverse texts to support to support meeting structures such as
Collaborative classrooms Director/Manager meetings to share
• Partnering with SPED to form Unified • Meet with site AD’s to identify
Athletics (Soccer, Basketball, and Track) AASLA/BSU department projects
Unified Athletic Champions to • Gallery exhibitions/evidence in
inspire and coach our students with student art and writing
special needs alongside a general • Ensure that all 7 comprehensive
partner sites field a team each season
Due Date: June 2021 Review Date: 12/2020 & 6/2021
HR &


Indicator Action Accountability Measure

Cultural Proficiency Human Resources has identified 2 staff members to In order to achieve the outcomes in the In order to measure success, Human
train the department, assist the team with the draft indicator, the Human Resources Resources will have 100% Attendance by
of our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Plan, and lead Department will: the Spring of 2021 as identified by sign-
discussion throughout the second semester refining -complete the 1 hour Introductory Training ins to Professional Learning and updated
and adjusting the actions as needed to close gaps. through Navex and, iAchieve attendance, %age of Pre and
-complete the 8 hour Compulsory Training Post Test for the department.

Due Date: Status:

-Introductory Training, 12/17/2020
-Compulsory Training, Spring 2021 Date Reviewed: 12/17/2020

Completed In Progress Needs Attention Behind Schedule


Indicator Action Accountability Measure

In our department, culturally responsive In order to achieve the outcomes in In order to measure our success,
practices is/are…. the indicator, OUR DEPARTMENT OUR DEPARTMENT WILL….
• Actively recruiting, selecting, and retaining (RSR) WILL… • Readability of materials
workforce from diverse backgrounds which are • Develop materials which are culturally • Easy of access to RSR information
representative of our student body and sensitive and accessible • Customer Satisfaction
community • Develop partnerships with agencies • Dashboard
• Recognizing the needs of the community and organizations that help with
diverse RSR support -Did you use at least one culturally
• Provide trainings and supports proficient questions? We want all of our
• Diversity Posters – spotlighting cultures sites and departments understand that
and languages as a district how important this is.
• Our employees should reflect the
-Working with all of our sites and diversity of our students.
department that they have 1 or 2 questions
about cultural proficiency.

• Hiring individuals that represent the


Due Date: Status:

Follow up scheduled for January Date Reviewed: Follow up
2021 scheduled for January 2021
Completed In Progress Needs Attention Behind Schedule
Indicator Action Accountability Measure
For Human Resources, culturally responsive In order to achieve the outcomes in the In order to measure our success,
practices look like…. indicator, OUR DEPARTMENT WILL… OUR DEPARTMENT WILL….
• Potlucks with individuals sharing their
• Organize social experiences that allow staff to recipe and traditions around it
• Participation
experience various cultural traditions – movie; • Table Talks – understanding the
• Satisfaction
cuisine; share a holiday tradition etc. cultures of our staff and students
• Like Halloween, Cultural Dress-up Day
• Traditional Game Evening/Day • Engagement and
• HR will stay active with Multicultural
Experiences by participating in the quarterly
multicultural activities put out by the advisory • A goal of attending 2 events at participation within the district
board. various cultural celebrations utilize – target goal 60% employee
social media platform to promote attendance and 100%
• Office Celebrations attendance
• i.e Hmong New Year Recruitment
department participation
• -Attending these events and being
visible to let the community know
Host an HR cultural/diversity an equity
that we are in support of recruitment
day (Virtual) various departments would
from various cultures
• Our goal is to shoot for 90%
-HR will complete and attend meetings
participation as a department.

Due Date: Follow up scheduled for Status:

January 2021 Date Reviewed: Follow
up scheduled for January 2021
Completed In Progress Needs Attention Behind Schedule

Indicator Action Accountability Measure

Human Resources commits to social action In order to achieve the outcomes in In order to measure our success,
by…. the indicator, Human Resources Human Resources will….
• HR will commit to Social Action by identifying our will… • HR will establish the different areas in
different work areas and how we can grow as an the office.
office by incorporating new areas for team growth • Cultural Food Fair to share • Cross training to provide growth
through the department. within the department.
• HR will commit to being open to
• Job Fairs/Recruitment Fairs training in multiple areas and never •Follow-up with callers on their
• Responses to phone calls and emails shying away from new areas. satisfaction.
Maintaining face to face collaboration.
• Hiring Process review
• Plan job fairs on a regular basis • Survey people within 30 days of
throughout the school year. hire. Ask them questions on a 1-10
• Responding in a timely manner (48 hours scale – How was your onboarding
to return a call). Respond to emails process? Would you recommend
letting the individual know you have FUSD to a friend?, etc.
received it and will followup.
Due Date: Follow up scheduled for Status:
January 2021 Date Reviewed: Follow
up scheduled for January 2021

Completed In Progress Needs Attention Behind Schedule


Leadership Development
Indicator: Action: Accountability Measure:
The Leadership Development (LD) Department staff *Each member of our department will LD will have 100% attendance by
will participate in all Tier 1 Cultural Proficiency complete the 1 hour of Introductory Spring 2021 as identified by sign-ins
Trainings. Compulsory training (Navex) and the 8 hours to PL and updated iAchieve
of Foundational Compulsory training. attendance.
Leadership Cohort participants will participate in
Cultural Proficiency training through a Culturally *LD staff will coordinate with MCSS staff and Leadership Cohort XV participants
Conscious Leadership course in their Preliminary the DEI team to align course content to FUSD Status:
will participate in all 6 weeks of class
In Progress
Administrative Services Credential (PASC) Program. trainings. sessions and complete all related
Due Date: 5/28/21 Date Reviewed:
coursework assignments as measured
LD will have a representative that will serve on by attendance rosters and grade-books.
the DEI Department Steering Committee and
Indicator: Action:
ensure completion of actions on the DEI plan.
Accountability Measure:
Leadership Development will implement professional LD leaders will meet regularly to ensure LD will conduct an annual review of
learning for pipeline participants that includes resources and materials include culturally content for all pipeline program
culturally responsive practices that build upon initial responsive practices where appropriate: content, resources, and presenters to
cultural proficiency trainings at sites and departments. *CoAdministrator Sessions identify necessary improvements for
*Leadership Academy Monthly PL the following year. Culturally
*Leadership Cohort CCL Course Responsive Practices will become one
* Skillful Leader Monthly PL Status: In
indicator thatProgress
is measured.

Due Date: 5/28/21 Date Reviewed: 5/28/21

Indicator: Action: Accountability Measure:

Leadership Development will seek opportunities and *Align learning for all leaders to ensure LD will conduct an annual review of
experiences for participants in the leadership experiences are presented from an asset-based content for all pipeline program
development pipeline to learn of various cultures by frame and from a wide-array of cultures content, resources, and presenters to
*learning about best practices *Embed opportunities for preparation programs identify necessary improvements for
*communicating opportunities for current, new and - Leadership Cohort and Leadership Academy - the following year. Participation and
upcoming leaders to engage in multicultural to attend opportunities across the district that exposure to multicultural opportunities
experiences. represent multicultural opportunities for staff Status:
will become one indicator that is
In Progress
and students. measured. Involvement in offerings
Due Date: 5/28/21 Date
will beReviewed:
measured through:
*sign-in sheets
Indicator: Action: Accountability Measure:

Leadership Development will increase the diversity of *In all Instructional Practice Walks with *Content ofof
A structure SOS Weeklyand group
the leadership pipeline by recruiting and retaining leaders and pipeline groups, leverage the IPG mentor for the AA site leaders will be
highly qualified candidates. to highlight where equity and inclusion is established with input for an
called out infrastructure for better supports for
Leadership Development commits to social action by *Share learnings to support social action leaders of color in FUSD.
ensuring leaders receive ongoing learning around through guest speakers, media and reading.
equitable practices in the classroom. *partner with MCEL to mentor our African Status:
and resources used in IPWs
American site leaders to ensure support, and other presentations led by
Due Date:
retention and5/28/21
to develop an infrastructure for Date Reviewed:
Leadership Development will indicate
leaders of color in FUSD. if issues of equity and inclusion are

Parent University
Our Mission: To empower, engage and connect families to support student achievement
Started Started Started
Goal 1: Increase Parent Planning Planning Planning
Involvement Discussion Discussion Discussion

A. Increase parent involvement: Hmong Parents English Parents African American Parents
and understand one size does not
fit all Start with focus groups to Start with focus groups to Start with focus groups to
understand the changing needs of understand the changing needs of understand the changing needs of
Hmong Families English Families African American Families

B. Look at resources and Assure that materials, books, and Assure that materials, books, and Assure that materials, books, and
materials through cultural resources provided to parents are resources provided to parents are resources provided to parents are
proficiency lens presented in a manner that is presented in a manner that is presented in a manner that is
culturally competent culturally competent culturally competent

C. Design parent involvement Look at both qualitative and Look at both qualitative and Look at both qualitative and
around needs and concerns of quantitative data. Create a survey quantitative data. Create a survey quantitative data. Create a survey
parents/culture by parent university for parents by parent university for parents by parent university for parents
and administration and administration and administration

Action Date, in Progress, TBD, A. Spring 2020: Hmong Parent A. Looking at long-term virtual A. Fall 2019: Voices Leadership
and Ongoing Learning Academy (ongoing) sessions for our English families Council (ongoing)
(in progress)
B. In Progress B. In Progress
B & C. In Progress
C. In Progress C. In Progress

Parent University’s Equity Action Plan 9-18-20

Goal 2: Present Staff
Cultural Proficiency
Training Started Planning Discussion

A. Train our staff to be Introduced Cultural Proficiency Cultural Proficiency Training Cultural Proficiency Training Part III:
culturally competent to staff at December 2019 Cycle Part II: Foundational TBD
of Review Compulsory (8 hours)

B. Institutionalize cultural Staff presented on their culture Look at presenters and Extend cultural learning on other
knowledge and cultural and experiences scheduling a Museum of diverse community cultures
competence through staff Tolerance (MOT) trip in June (will reach out to district staff and
professional learning. 2020 community members)

Action Date, in Progress, A. A. October 2020-December A. TBD

TBD, and Ongoing September 2019: LGBTQIA 2020 (training scheduled)
Training (completed) B. TBD
B. MOT trip was canceled due
December 2019: Introduction of to COVID-19 (pending on
Cultural Proficiency & future date)
Reflection (completed)

B. May 2019-October 2020:

Cultural Learning Staff
Presentation (ongoing)

Parent University’s Equity Action Plan 9-18-20

Goal 3: Measure and
Analyze the Work Started Planning Discussion

A. Visit and research other TBD TBD Cohort 1 FUSD Team suggested that
parent engagement school we visit other districts and look at
districts their parent engagement

B. Look at new ways to engage Already started new strategies: Look at school sites that have What are activities that we can create
parents and focus more on Hmong Parent Learning been our successful partners and beyond sessions that focus on parent
school sites as a partner Academy, Pilot – single focus with them on new ideas engagement at the school site as a
standalone on our 5-week parent collaborative partnership. In
learning sessions discussion, on webinars for parents
who cannot attend in person parent

Action Date, in Progress, A. TBD A. TBD A. TBD

TBD, and Ongoing
B. B. B. TBD
Spring 2019: Piloted Hmong June 2020: Virtual parent
Parent Learning Standalone learning Standalone Sessions
Session (completed) (completed)

Fall 2020: Hmong Parent Spring 2020: Empower

Learning Academy (ongoing) Mondays (canceled due to

Fall 2020: Empower Mondays


Parent University’s Equity Action Plan 9-18-20


Special Education
Department (SPED)
Indicator: Action: Accountability Measure:
Our department will identify a representative In order to achieve the outcomes in the In order to measure our success, OUR
that will train our group as well as assist with indicator, OUR DEPARTMENT WILL... DEPARTMENT WILL...
the completion of our DEI Plan.
• The Special Education • Ensure Cultural Proficiency TOT
• The Special Education department will department will send 2 staff will increase from 1 to 3 by May
have 3 TOT for Cultural Proficiency members to the TOT 10 day 8, 2021 and receive completion
training training certificates

• The Special Education department • Each member of the Special • Our department will have 100%
trainers will provide PL on Cultural Education department will attendance by May, 2021 as
Proficiency to all classified, certificated complete the 8 hours of Cultural identified by sign-ins for CP- PL
and management staff (approximately Proficiency training. through IAchieve attendance
175 staff)
• SPED Cultural Proficiency team
(SPED-CPT) will provide
books, ppts, and resources to all
department staff

Due Date: June 2021 Review Date: 1/2021 & 6/2021

Indicator: Action: Accountability Measure:
In our department, culturally responsive In order to achieve the outcomes in the In order to measure our success, OUR
practice(s) is/are... indicator, OUR DEPARTMENT WILL... DEPARTMENT WILL...

• Use of student first language (students • Review all Special Education • Need measure for department
with disabilities vs sped student) department presentations to presentations
ensure student first language is
• Promote Least Restrictive Environment embedded • Ensure 100% of all Regional
(LRE) opportunities at all times for our Instructional Managers will meet
students with disabilities • Quarterly principal meetings to quarterly with 100% of all sites
review LRE and suspension they support to discuss site
• Provide disproportionality data on school site data specific LRE and suspension data
suspension of African American as measured by RIM reports
students on an IEP • Weekly suspension data sent to
case managers and site • Increase inclusion opportunities
administration for all students as measured by
Power BI LRE data by site
• Decrease suspensions of African
American students on an IEP as
measured by Power BI suspension
data by site
Indicator: Action: Accountability Measure:
Our department will stay proactive with In order to achieve the outcomes in the In order to measure our success, OUR
multicultural experiences by... indicator, OUR DEPARTMENT WILL... DEPARTMENT WILL...

• Involve Student Advisory Council • #VOICES UNITED student • Have #VOICES UNITED students
#VOICES UNITED to participate in advisory council will support participate in teaching ASL as
multicultural events in the community teaching students ASL for measured by the performance in
and district Black History Month program February by the Edison region
celebration students
• Coordinate with all school sites to
celebrate Autism Awareness Month • #VOICES UNITED student • Have #VOICES UNITED present
• Collaborate with Parent University to advisory council will present at the Jan. 19, 2021 CAC meeting
provide professional learning on related on challenges and actions
Special Education topics for our needed to our CAC parent • Collect art work from 100% of
Hmong and Hispanic families meeting Special Education Autism
programs to showcase in the April
• The Special Education Autism art event
department will host their
annual Autism Art event • Increase professional learning
showcasing art work from opportunities for our Hmong and
students in our Autism Hispanic families as measured by
programs attendance sign-in sheets through
Parent University
• Schedule PL opportunities for
our Hmong and Hispanic

Indicator: Action: Accountability Measure:

Our department commits to social action by... In order to achieve the outcomes in the In order to measure our success, OUR
• Develop a student voice collaborative that is
representative of diverse cultures • RIMS, School psychologists and • By June 2021, The Special
case managers will work with Education department will have
case managers to provide student student representation from all 7
names to have greater diversity in regions
the Special Education department
Student Advisory Council

Due Date: June 2021 Review Date: 12/2020 & 6/2021



Vision: Every classroom has a highly effective teacher

where students thrive
Purpose: A coherent continuum of teacher development
Teacher Development- Cultural Proficiency- Archived Actions

Completed In Progress Needs Attention Behind Schedule

Teacher Development- Cultural Proficiency- Archived Actions
Driver 2 Invest all stakeholders in a shared vision of instruction
Strategies Challenging and elevating our expectations for effective instruction to accelerate learning for all students
Aligning teaching and learning with our shared vision for effective instruction defined by the Instructional Practice Guide
Aligning our policies, systems, structures, processes and practice, including department goals, initiatives and budget decisions, to support progress toward our vision
Action 1 Implement professional learning on equity to recognize and interrupt inequitable patterns and practices
Department: Teacher Development Lead: Teresa Morales-Young
Support Structures/Resources
SMART Goal Action Steps Outcomes/Evidence of Progress Timeline Status Note(s)
Personnel Materials
Create and implement Support Staff Culturally Responsive Data: Overall Pipeline Diversity Fall 2017 Culturally Responsive Cultural proficiency
professional learning that • Administrator Teaching and the and ongoing Pedagogy work has shifted
focuses on strategies to • Director Brain • Teacher Academy – 1. Hold University ownership to Equity
improve instruction for • Managers 92.86% partnership and Access.
African American students • Pipeline TSAs Epoch materials • Para Academy – 70.83% meetings & walks Teacher
(Culturally Responsive • Instructional • Grow 2 Teach- 86.36% with a focus on Development
Pedagogy) Coaches Role play scenario • Transition to Teaching – cultural proficiency partners with E & A
1. Hold University • University cards 72.56% to strategically plan
partnership meetings & Faculty • Fresno Teacher and deliver
Implement professional
walks with a focus on • Transportation Busses Residency Program – 2. Provide common professional
learning for pre-service to
cultural proficiency staff 69% learning based on learning. Teacher
in-service teachers which
2. Provide common learning • Consultants Cultural Proficiency CRT and the Brain Development
focuses on cultural
based on CRT and the • Teachers Manual for School Total Pipeline Diversity -77% with university continues
proficiency to improve
Brain with university Leaders faculty at professional
student achievement;
faculty at curriculum • The percentage of curriculum learning for the
specifically focusing on
meetings Ted Talk Videos African Americans : meetings audiences in the
traditionally marginalized
3. Co-develop course syllabi o students- 8.7% teacher pipeline.
with university faculty o teachers- 4.27%
with a focus on cultural o pipeline- 8.88% 3. Co-develop course
proficiency syllabi with
4. Attend Zaretta Current pipeline program data university faculty
Hammond’s conference for African Americans: with a focus on
on CRT & the Brain • Teacher Academy- 1.79% cultural proficiency
5. Provide New Teacher • Para Academy- 4.17%
Support coaches equity • Grow to Teach- 13.64%
training, including: 4. Attend Zaretta
• Transition to Teaching-
optimal learning Hammond’s
environments, standards-

Completed In Progress Needs Attention Behind Schedule

Teacher Development- Cultural Proficiency- Archived Actions
based instruction, & • Fresno Teacher conference on CRT
analyzing work student Residency Program- & the Brain
by student to determine 5.58%
6. Provide PL Column PL Column Course -advancement 5. Provide New
courses that address courses for eligible certificated Teacher Support
disproportionality and employees on Column IV of the coaches equity
strategies to teach pay scale. Participant Data (past training, including:
African American and current). Each course is 45 optimal learning
students hours: environments,
2015-2016 standards-based
Create and implement • Courageous instruction, &
professional learning to Conversations About analyzing work
recognize and interrupt Race- 3 student by student
inequitable patterns and • Understanding Culture to determine needs
practices for marginalized and Race-1
students (Social Justice
Education) 2016-2017 6. Provide PL Column
1. Provide 4 days of Implicit • Becoming a Culturally courses that
Bias training for Responsive Teacher- 4 addresses
Instructional Coaches and • Best Practices for disproportionality
department leaders Teaching African and strategies to
through Epoch Education American Boys- 4 teach African
2. Provide a keynote American student
speaker focusing on 2017-2018
inclusivity, bias, and • Best Practices for
teacher impact Teaching African Social Justice
3. Provide implicit bias American Boys-5 Education
session at New Teacher • Relationally Responsive 1. Provide 4 days of
Conference Classroom Management- Implicit Bias training
4. Provide cultural 2 for Instructional
proficiency & implicit bias • Becoming a Culturally Coaches and
sessions at Saturday, Responsive Teacher-4 department leaders
Pipeline for aspiring & through Epoch
new teachers 2018-2019 Education

Completed In Progress Needs Attention Behind Schedule

Teacher Development- Cultural Proficiency- Archived Actions
5. Sent 6 department • Best Practices for
members to Trainer of Teaching African
Trainers Certification on American Boys-6 2. Provide a keynote
Cultural Proficiency • Becoming a Culturally speaker focusing on
Responsive Teacher- 12 inclusivity, bias, and
Create and implement • Courageous teacher impact
experiences that celebrate Conversations About
diversity and create positive Race-2
interactions across difference • Relationally Responsive 3. Provide implicit bias
that include highlighting Classroom Management- session at New
students of color 10 Teacher Conference
(Multicultural Education)
1. Provide cultural
experiences to frame Cultural Proficiency Keynote 4. Provide cultural
asset -based Session at New Teacher proficiency &
conversations, including Conference (400 participants) implicit bias
visiting African American sessions at
churches & organizations Implicit Bias Session at New Saturday, Pipeline
2. Provide a bus tour that Teacher Conference: (30 for aspiring & new
includes visiting participants) How would you teachers
community resources rate the overall effectiveness of
this session? 4.875 rating
5. Sent 7 department
members to Trainer
of Trainers
Certification on
Cultural Proficiency

1. Provide cultural
experiences to
frame asset -based
including visiting

Completed In Progress Needs Attention Behind Schedule

Teacher Development- Cultural Proficiency- Archived Actions
African American
churches &

2. Provide a bus tour

that includes
visiting community

Completed In Progress Needs Attention Behind Schedule

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