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Background of the study

In this study the researchers aims to see the preparedness and how the grade

12 students adequately trained to pursue their college degree. Senior High School

curriculum helps to improve and to have background knowledge in their incoming

tertiary (college) education. This curriculum helps to develop the students’ skills and

prepared their self. According to Education Secretary Leonor M. Briones the CGP

will help them to decide what SHS track will they going to choose. Each Student must

have a one track that they will master and this track will be based on how they will

advance their study after completing grade 12. According to her this curriculum will

have four major tracks: Academic, Technical-Vocational Livelihood, Sports and Arts

and Design. The Academic Track the students who will pursue the college education.

It has four strands: ABM (Accountancy Business Management), STEM (Science,

Technology Engineering and Mathematics), GAS (General Academic Strand) and

HUMSS (Humanities and Social Science). The rest of the tracks (Technical

Vocational Livelihood, Sports, and Arts and Design) are tracks that the students equip

to be skilled to connect to the field they want.

Therefore, this study would like to focus to the preparation and adequate

training of Senior High School students, and how they will inspire to pursue college


In the University of Mindanao Tagum City, the students should choose their

own college degree. There are those students who able to choose by their personal

choices and there are those who is forced or influenced by their parents and friends. A

curriculum focused on citizenship education is the primary thrust of the University of

Mindanao’s Senior High School program that is set for the implementation in 2016.

The program will not only focus on preparing the student for a career after they

progress from Grade 11 and 12, but to also develop their consciousness as a Filipino

citizen by integrating good citizenship models into the curriculum (Ramirez &


This study has been studied before but this one is only intended for the SHS

students of BATAC JUNIOR COLLEGE, but as we have broadened our research we

have found some similar study that might also relates to ours. The Department of

Education (Dep Ed), Commission on Higher Education (CHED), and Technical

Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) is responsible for the Kto12

Basic Education Curriculum in order to enhance our education and knowledge about

our careers. Students are obliged to choose their own. Some decisions are influenced

by the students’ parents, friends and by their personal choice. Some are forced and

some are not. Lucky are those who able to choose their own career by themselves.

Every student carries a unique history of their lives and this determines on how they

view the world.

Objectives of the Study

This study focuses in how the Senior High School students will inspire to

pursue college by the preparation and adequate training that they are having right


This study aimed to answer the following.

1. What are the influences that affect the decision of student in choosing their college

2. How did you cope up with in choosing your college degree and those influences?

3. what insights did the students learn from solving the problems in choosing their
college degree?

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The general purpose of this study is to know how the students improved by the

decongestion curriculum. The locale of the study is the BATAC JUNIOR COLLEGE

– ILOCOS NORTE BATAC CITY. The numbers of respondents are forty (40) per

strand (GAS, HUMMS and ABM). The time that will be spent on the study will be

two (2) weeks (as of July 2019).

Significance of the Study

The benefit of this study is to inform the students how effective the K- 12

Curriculum. The study will be helpful as a tool for the research of the academic

community. This will produce facts and this would be a reliable source. We are

conducting this study for understanding the students career choices and the influences

that affects their first-choice in choosing what strand they want to pursue. We will

collect all the information that we can gather why they end up choosing their strand.

This study is significant for us because we also experience this kind of problem before

and we want to know the factors and experiences of other students. This method of

study will probably help and guide us to get information’s in the future to help us in

making our business.

The benefits of this study are to be aware of the possibilities of the influence of

the student’s choice, and to help the Department of Education (Dep Ed), Commission

on Higher Education (CHED), Technical Education and Skills Development

Authority(TESDA) to organize and plan to what they are going to do to help the

students to make the right choice. Also, for all the school that engages Senior High

School program to give the future Senior High School students some advice to guide

them in choosing their strand and improve the University’s reputation. This study is

also a good benefit for the school heads and teachers to give them further information

and to let them understand if there are those students who will change their strands in

the next school year.



Local Studies

The choice of career is a delicate issue for students which requires caution and

serious considerations factors affecting their choices. The kind of career the youths

pursue can affect their lives in many ways. Hence, the following studies revealed

some of their factors affecting students’ decision in career selection.

Shumba and Naong (2012) found out that the family is a significant factor in

determining children’s career choice, the ability of the learner self to identify his

preferred career choice, and teachers influence career choice of their learners. These

findings are consistent with the findings of other studies that have examined the

influences of each parent on the career choices of their sons or daughters and have

found that mothers tend to have more influence on the career decision and aspirations

of their children than fathers.

Similarly, Williams and Waldauer (2001) revealed that parental education,

family income, and family head’s occupational status were found to be positively

associated with offspring’s educational achievement. Rababah (2016) family

members and peers have an influence in the students’ choice of the major including

personal interests,
gender, career opportunity and availability of jobs are some of the factors that affect

the students’ decision making in this matter.

Khoo, Ban, Neng, Hooi and Joan (2015) showed that college students and non-

college students who were involved in this study agreed that parents are the most

influential or important person when choosing their choice of college or university

and course of study because parents perceive as their main source of finance and

normally seek advice from them due to the perception that parents have the relevant

information or experience with regards to higher education, and hence, parents are

viewed as a credible source of advice.

In addition, Kaneez and Medha (2018) supported that parental influence have

significant effect on the career choice of their children. Al-Rfou (2013) explored that

the parents have a significant influence on the major selection, siblings and friends

also consider important source to select the major, while teachers and media are the

least amongst the selected factors. Umar (2014) showed that although parents have

influence on the choice of career of their children so also other factors such as peer

group, employer and relatives.

Identically, Dagang and de Mesa (2017) identified the results which point to the

strong influence of parents on their children choice of tertiary school. It is deeply

rooted in the consciousness of the Filipino people the respect for elders, hence the

strong influence of parents on children decision. In a Filipino family children are

financially dependent on their parents, hence their submission to their parents

decision, thus explaining the moderate influence of others such as the peers, friends

and relatives. Another factors were affordability of tuition, followed by scholarship.

Ibrahim (2017) revealed that family members have the highest contributions in

influencing students to the profession of medical laboratory science due to the fact

that family is usually who provided financial supports to them. Eremie and Okwulehie

(2018) indicated that factors such as environmental, opportunity and personality can

influence the choice of career among secondary school students. In terms of

environmental factors, it revealed that family, socioeconomic status and peer groups

have significant influence of the students’ choice of career while in opportunity

factors such as education and mentorship also had influence to the choice of career as

well as the personality factors such as the students’ interest, values and skills in

Foreign Studies

This research provided rich insight to the preparation and adequate training of

Senior High School to pursue College degree. Key conclusions were made. This is

intended for Senior High School Students to prepare for entering college. The Senior

High School curriculum has now connection to college curriculum. The senior SHS

curriculum is an entry point to college/university life or business and industry.

Now that the Philippines have implemented the SHS curriculum, this now could

help the students’ learning. They can now maximize and push their limits of their

tracks by their chosen career. In the different tracks by the different curriculum of

every country given by the literature, both academic and Tech-VOC track are big deal

through the statements.

It gives learning’s, idea and to SHS to pursue the following conclusion this

study tells that senior high school (SHS) aims to give training or advance learning as

that this training will help more to educate students or senior high school. This study

shows that it will help them more in practical learning about entrepreneur courses.

Entrepreneur courses help for SHS students to give more potential for students to

share their talents.

This study gave some example to how the students pursue their dream and this

study an idea that your talents it will help to your study and for your study in college

of what course that you want that’s your talents help you. The K to 12 basic education

curriculums prepares students for work as early as Grade 7. It is the nature of the child

to absorb technical skills training as early as the intermediate elementary school,

leading to more commercially oriented activities in high school. Means in junior high
you have a skill that can help you for SHS. Our current education system hinders us

from becoming even more competitive. Starting in the 2012-2013 school year, the

education system of the Philippines was enhanced from the ten years of basic

education to a 12-year program through an initiative called the K-12 Education. The

implementation of the K-12 plan in the Philippine Basic Education Curriculum is the

key to our nation’s development.

Though the government faces many problems as it implements the program over

the course of several years, it is a necessary improvement since increasing the quality

of our education is critical to our nation's success. Filipino people must be

competitive with their educational attainment to become and have a higher

achievement. To enhance the basic education system, Senior High School (SHS) is

the solution.


Research Design

The study used ethnography and narrative research since it considers replies of

the informants that rely on recorded spoken words or typewritten social media

message. The study focused on the experiences of the informants through their years

of Senior High School Education. Also, an ethnography research is considered

“immersion of researchers to their informants” because it was not only relying on the

response from interviews it also uses observations of the researchers to their

informants’ environment (Measuring U, 2018). Likewise, narrative research is also

considered “one’s stories illustrate others’ stories” because it weaves together

experiences or stories to form a cohesive narrative (Measuring U, 2018).

Research Instruments

The study used organized interviews that consists several guide questions. The

interview methods used are through technology by using audio recording and

Facebook messenger. The interview allows the researchers to furthermore explore the

topic and to precisely extract the data gathered from the respondents. This method lets

the researchers to provide facts that’ll explain how the Senior High School Program

helped Grade 12 students’ preparation to pursue their desired course in college that is

based on systematized interview questionnaire.

Sampling Technique

Sampling is a small group of people taken from larger group used to represent

the larger group and the people who take part are referred to as a “participant”.

Simple Random Sampling

The researchers have a total of ten (10) informants. The informants are

selected not for their logical thinking but on the basis that they are able to respond to

the researcher’s questions and their availability to communicate with the researchers.

The use of the individuals is justified where there are same environment and no

knowledge boundaries between them. In this study, all the informants are a part of the


and they are all Grade 12 students that’ll pursue college.

Locale of the Study

Figure 1. Batac JuniorCollege (Source: Facebook Page)

Ethical Consideration

Ethical consideration can be specified as one of the most important part of the

research. The researchers understood the principles related to the conduct of the study.

The researchers assure the informants are not to be subjected to harm in any ways

whatsoever. The respect of the informants’ dignity as part of the study was prioritized.

Full consent was obtained from the informants prior to the conduct of the interview.

The protections of the privacy of the informants were ensured, therefore, an adequate

level of confidentiality of the informants’ data was taken into account. The anonymity

of the individuals was ensured and will only be divulged upon the informants’ written

approval. Anytime of misleading information, as well as representation of the primary

data findings in a biased way was avoided.





Name (Optional): ________________________ Year Level: ________

Age: ________ Sex: __Female ___Male

Religion: ____________

Please spare a few minutes of your variable time to answer this simple

Directions: Please answer the following honesty. The information that will be
gathered by the researcher will be serve as confidential.

1.What course do you want to take in college?

2.What achievements did you achieved in your previous years in Senior high that

qualifies you in your desired course in college?

3.How does your senior high track (ABM, GAS, AND HUMMS) help you to choose

your desired course?

4.Do you believe your preparation is sufficient in the course you will choose in


5.What are the influences that affect your decision in choosing college degree?

6.How did you cope up with in choosing your college degree and those influences?

7.What is your insight to solve the problem in choosing your college degree?

Decision-Making and Strongl Agree Neutra Disagre Strongly

y agree l e disagree
1. I consider my desire of doing

2. I look my ability such as

knowledge and skills

3. I choose a course based on

what I feel about it

4. I decide based on my
preferences for instance, family

5. I prefer things to do what I

like the most

6. I expect my potential in
looking for a job

7. I am focused based on my

8. It is my passion that helps me

to pursue the course or career to

9. I rely on my abilities

10. I depend based on


Peer Influence Strongl Agree Neutra Disagre Strongly

y l e disagree
1. My peer inspire me to choose
what I like to take

2. My peers encourage me to do
things to achieve my goals

3. My peers’ advice to learn

more about what I like to
choose to do

4. My peers’ informal talk leads

me of what I should plan to

5. I prefer to my peer group in

selecting a course

Future job Opportunities Strongly Agre Neutra Disagree Strongly

agree e l Disagree
1. I find the course I choose
convenient in looking a job in
the future.
2. I can expect for good salary
3. I prefer for the stability status
for the job
4. I favor the Entrepreneurship
of the job
5. I expect the availability the
job that suit me.

Batac Junior College
City of Batac
2906, Ilocos Norte, Philppines


OIC Principal
Batac Junior College
City of Batac



We, the Grade 12 student of Batac Junior College taking up Accountancy, Business and Management Strand is
presently conducting a study entitled “TRAINING ADEQUACY AND ACADEMIC PREPARATION OF

In this regard, I request the approval of your good office to conduct the data gathering to the Grade students and
teachers in compliance with my subject, Practical research 2.

Thank you very much for your favorable approval and endorsement of this project.




Noted by:


Practical Research Adviser

Approve by:


OIC Principal/School Register


Batac Junior College

City of Batac
2906, Ilocos Norte, Philppines

Dear Respondents:

We, the Grade 12 student of Batac Junior College taking up Accountancy, Business and Management Strand is
presently conducting a study entitled “TRAINING ADEQUACY AND ACADEMIC PREPARATION OF

In regard, we are asking for your precious time, and effort to answer all the question in the questionnaire that are
important and helpful for the completion of the study.

Rest assured that all data gathered from you will be kept in the highest level of confidentially. Your positive
response in this request will be valuable contribution for the success of the study and will highly appreciated.
Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Respectfully Yours,



Noted by:


Practical Research Adviser

Approve by:


OIC Principal/School Register

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