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Table of Content

MODULE 9 Opportunities, and Challenges, Power of Media Information LESSON 5 Advantage, Limitation and Values of Motion Information
and Media……………………………………………………………………………….21-22
LESSON 1 Opportunity.....................................................1-3
ACTIVITY AND ASSESSMENT……………………………………………………23
LESSON 2 Challenge……………………………………………………..3
MODULE 13 Manipulatives/Interactive Media
LESSON 3 Power…………………………………………………………..3-4
LESSON 1 Interactive and Interactivity…………….……………………...24
LESSON 2 Different Platforms of Interactive Media………………….24
MODULE 10 Text Media Information
LESSON 3 Different Ways of Interacting with the Internet…..……24-25
LESSON 1 People in Media……………………………………………7
LESSON 4 Types of Interacting and their purpose……………………..25
LESSON 2 Text Information and Media…………………………7-9
ACTIVITY AND ASSESSMENT……………………………………….……………26-27
LESSON 3 Design Principles and Elements…………………….9
MODULE 14 Multimedia/Interactive Media
LESSON 4 Visual Information Media…………………………….9-10
LESSON 1 Types of Multimedia Information and Their Formats..28-29
LESSON 5 Visual Design Principle……………………………..…10-11
LESSON 2 Forms of Multimedia Information and Sources………..30-31
ACTIVITIES AND ASSESSMENT…………………………………..…12-13
LESSON 3 Advantage and Disadvantage of Multimedia
MODULE 11 Audio Information and Media
LESSON 1 Types and Categories of Audio Information……14
LESSON 4 Five Elements oof Multimedia………………..……………….32
LESSON 2 Elements and Principles of Sound Design……….15
ACTIVITY AND ASSESSMEN……………………………………………………...33
4TH QUARTER PROJECT………………..……………………………………………………….34-35
MODULE 12 Motion Media and Information

LESSON 1 Characteristics of Motion Information Media and


LESSON 2 Video Formats/Video Codec…………………………..18-19

LESSON 3 Kinds of Resolution ………………………………………..19-20

LESSON 4 Formats of Motion Information and Media.…..20-21


• Mobile Communication
Module Opportunities, and Challenges, Power of • Internet
9 Media Information • Advertising and
• Public Relations

At the end of the lesson, the learners are able to: Economic Impact

• Identify opportunities and challenges in media and information in the economic, Economic actors need accurate and timely information to allocate resources
educational, social, and political dimensions. efficiently, investors and other groups increasing value and demand a
• Realize opportunities and challenges in media and information.
governance-monitoring role from the media. A free and independent press
• Cite recent examples of the power of media and information to affect change.
can provide information and monitoring to the economic policy development
process leading to more effective economic policies. It can also reduce
political risk and increase good governance- conditions that are important for
The Media and Information can function to strengthen and enrich the
robust economic development.
connections between citizens and intermediary organization including
political parties, social movement, as well as the economy. Media improves the efficiency of the economy by providing actors more and
better information with which make decisions and improving stability.
The spread of new freedoms and extent of frontiers of freedom that the
public authorities have often attempted to control; religious, freedoms, - Media enhances political coordination in the development of sound
gender, ethnicity and sexual freedoms based on social and cultural identities. economic policy

Opportunity - Media sector development can reduce political risk, increasing stability for
higher risk countries.
It is a set of situations that makes possible to do something.

✓ Economy
✓ Education In Sites Using Video
✓ Political
✓ Social As we know from the recent ubiquity of online digital video, video has
become a compelling tool for educational representation. students use it in
Economy their projects: teachers and pre-service teachers use it to study pedagogy;
and researchers use it for capturing and examining how learning happens, as
• New Industry they unfold.
• Film Production
The Perspectivity Framework
• Entertainment Programs
• Print Perspectivity frames how learners, teachers and researchers make meaning
• Broadcast of events from both individual and multiple points of viewing.


The Highly Visual Evolution News Around the Clock

Learners have been able to integrate a variety of digital media forms into One of the ways that social media has transformed politics is the sheer speed
documents. Multimedia, hypermedia, new media are the terms we have used at which news, poll results and rumors are shared. Whereas in the pre-
to describe this use of visual media in learning. Of course, this is not the internet days, people had to wait for the next newspaper or TV news show to
beginning of our use of a variety of media to learn. People have always use get the latest information, online news is a 24/7 phenomenon.
diverse visual media to communicate with each other and learn.
Social media has taken this a step further. While you can access news on
Social many websites at any hour, most people spend more time on sites such as
Facebook and Twitter than they do on serious news or political websites. This
In today's world, media becomes as essential as our daily needs. Media of means that you get all of the latest trending news stories and opinions shared
today is playing an outstanding role in creating and shaping of public opinion by your friends whenever you log on.
and strengthening of society. Media is the sword arm of democracy. Media
acts as watchdog to protect public interest against malpractice and create The impact of Polls
public awareness.
Political polls are an important part of every campaign. They are often
❖ Tourism
confusing, because you can often find multiple polls with contradictory
❖ Communication
results posted on the very same day.
❖ Freedom of Expression
As with other types of political news, the internet has greatly increased the
Political number of poll result as we see each day. Social media has accelerated this
The political landscape has changed quite a bit in the last couple of decades. even more. Not only do social media sites report the results of polls, but you
The internet has played a large role in this transformation. Social media, in can also actually participate in Facebook polls.
particular, is now a serious factor in political campaigns and in the way, Polls results have a big influence on elections. This is true even if they are
people think about issues. flawed. A poll can be a self-fulfilling prophecy. For example, if people think
Candidates and their supporters constantly post their views on Facebook and one candidate is far ahead in the race, they might conclude there is no point
Twitter. Each party has its own pages, from which it broadcasts propaganda in voting for the underdog. When people are posting the latest poll results on
and requests for donations. Let’s look at some of the leading ways that social social media throughout the day, there is a great deal of pressure on
media influences politics today. candidates to pull ahead of their opponents.

▪ News Around the Clock Direct Interaction with Politicians

▪ Demographics and Targeting
▪ The Impact of Polls One of the positive effects that social media has on politics is the opportunity
▪ Direct Interaction with Politicians for voters to interact more easily with candidates and elected officials.
Traditionally, if you wanted to meet a politician or candidate, you’d have to


attend a live event. Not everyone is able to do this. With modern technology, THE USE OF A COMPUTER AS AN INSTRUMENT TO FURTHER ILLEGAL ENDS
it is now possible to attend virtual events where you can participate in live
streaming events and interact with politicians and candidates. Cybercrime
Demographics and Targeting criminal activity or a crime that involves the Internet, a computer system or
Targeting is used throughout the advertising industry to make sure that ads a computer technology.
and messages reach the right audience. Politicians do this as well. In the age Copyright Infringement
of social media, politicians and people running for office can target their
campaigns. If a candidate wants to address the concerns of women, college It is the use of works protected by copyright law without permission,
students, retired people, Latinos, or any other group of voters, they can now infringing certain exclusive rights granted to the copyright holder, such as the
tailor their messages. Just as advertisers on Facebook can use analytics and right to reproduce, distribute, display, or perform the protected work, or to
targeted advertising, so can candidates and politicians. Thus, if you notice make derivative works.
that political messages seem to be talking to you personally, this is no
Identity Theft
It is the deliberate use of someone else's identity, usually as a method to gain
Challenge a financial advantage or obtain credit and other benefits in the other person's
It is something new and difficult which requires great effort and name, and perhaps to the other person's disadvantage or loss.
➢ Illegal Content
➢ Cybercrime 'Media power' means here the concentration of symbolic power in
➢ Copyright Infringement
➢ Identity Theft
media institutions, particularly those of television, radio and the press
(the common-sense definition of 'the media'), although the long-term
Illegal Content
impact of new media on media power is considered.
It is any type of content that could be damaging to young people, including:
Business Strategy
• real or simulated violence
• sexually explicit content It is a trend that is already spreading to businesses beyond the newsroom,
• illegal images of child sexual abuse whether it be because of digital marketing or new customer service
• content promoting hate based on race, religion, or sexual preference. communication channels.
• content instructing or promoting crime or violence.
• content promoting violent extremism.
• content that advocates unsafe behavior like extreme dieting or drug


Banks of the Future

Social media is transforming banking relationships in very significant ways,

from improving customer service to allowing users to send money to others
via online platforms. New financial technology companies are using social
media to help people simply open a bank account. Social media can even
impact your ability to get a loan.

Banks of the Future Health Care & Public Health

Social media has been responsible for relevant changes in both personal and
community health, especially by making it easier for large numbers of people
to rapidly share information.

o Health
o Care & Public
o Health


A mind map is a graphical technique for visualizing connections between

several ideas or pieces of information. Each idea or fact is written down and
then linked by lines or curves to its major or minor idea or fact, thus creating
a web of relationships.

Reference links:


IDENTIFICATION: Identify the following and write your answer in the
provided space.
Research about the news (2018 up to present) article on the internet about
1. ______________ Refers to a Criminal activity or a crime that involves
an event that shows the power of media and information to affect change or
the Internet, a computer system, or a computer technology.
an event where media and information was instrumental in making change.
2. _______________ It is a graphical technique for visualizing
connections between several ideas or pieces of information. • Copy and paste the article on a short bond paper.
3. _______________ It is the crime of obtaining the personal or • Cite the source of the news.
financial information of another person to use their identity to • Write a summary and reaction about the article.
commit fraud, such as making unauthorized transactions or
purchases. Guide Questions
4. _______________ Relating to the government or the public affairs of
1. What media is important or instrumental during event?
a country. 2. Why do you think the identified media was instrumental or very
5. ________________ It is a trend that is already spreading to important in this event?
businesses beyond the newsroom, whether it be because of digital 3. Was the outcome a positive or a negative change? Explain your
marketing or new customer service communication channels. answer.
6. ________________ it is a graphical technique for visualizing
connections between several ideas or pieces of information.
7. ________________ It is the possession of control, authority, or
influence over others.
8. ________________ refers to the legal right of the owner of
intellectual property.
9. ________________ relating to society or its organization.
10. ________________ a situation or occasion that makes it possible to
do something that you want to do.


Poster making
TOPIC: “The Power of Media and Information, and the Responsibility of the Users.”


✓ Carolina
✓ Coloring materials
✓ E-Poster

Criteria 4 3 2 1

Appropriateness The use of graphic arts to The use of graphic arts to present the message is The use of graphic arts to
present the message is present the message is satisfactorily suitable the use of present the message is
suitable and on purpose. satisfactorily suitable graphic arts to present the poorly executed.
message is acceptably suitable

Originality The use of graphic arts is new The use of graphic arts is new, The use of graphics arts is not There is no hint of originality
and novel but with little creativity very new. in the submitted work.

Meaningfulness The student was able to The student was able to create a The student was able to create The student was not able to
create a cohesive and cohesive but not comprehensive a cohesive sketch, with not so create a cohesive or
comprehensive sketch, with sketch, with supporting details much supporting details to its meaningful sketch.
supporting details to its to its meaning. meaning.

The project was submitted The project was submitted but The project was submitted but The project was submitted
Completeness with all the requirements had a few lacking components. seems to be slightly largely unfinished.
satisfied. uncompleted.


c. American and Japanese Era - During this era, major newspaper (i.e.
Manila Times and Manila Bulletin), radio broadcasting and movies
became available. Media was used for propaganda by government
Module Text Media and Information and and other groups. Careers: book writers, newspaper writer, editor,

10 Visual Information and Media

publisher, copyreader, artist, cartoonist, reporter, producer,
d. Post-war Era – the golden age of Philippine Journalism. Advertising,
Communication Education, and press freedom flourished in this era.
At the end of the lesson, the learners must be able to: Careers: book writers, newspaper writer, editor, publisher,
copyreader, artist, cartoonist, reporter, producer, media technicians,
• Identify the basic elements in creating a text-based presentation
• Evaluate the text-based presentation through the design principles and elements.
• Identify the different types of visual content. e. Martial Law Era – Highlights of this era include the government
• Describe the purposes of visual media and information. takeover of media and the press and the image engineering of the
• Analyze the design principles and elements used in a given visual media. Marcoses in the name of nationalism.
f. Post-EDSA Era – People Power brought greater freedom for
Philippine media. During this era, the new Constitution recognized
People in Media the vital role of communication and information in nation building.
Press freedom influenced the growth in media careers.
1. Explain briefly how Philippine media has grown throughout history and g. Modern Era – Careers: web designer, online instructors, digital
how new professions for people in media have evolved. producers, bloggers, animators, programmer, archivist, metadata
2. Discuss how traditional media has affected Filipinos in the past, throughout analyst, data miner, user experience designer, call center agents,
the different eras. virtual assistants.

a. Pre-Spanish Era – knowledge was passed on through folk media and Text information and media
indigenous forms of media. Careers: Town crier, messenger,
community scribe.
b. Spanish Era – while education was limited to the elite, publication of Text – a simple and flexible format of presenting information or conveying
books (i.e., Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo) and newspapers ideas whether hand-written, printed or displayed on-screen.
(La Solidaridad) advanced the Propaganda movement which led to
the people’s revolution against Spanish rule. Filipinos at that time did a. Text is very powerful as well in disseminating information, providing
not have a common language. Only the elite spoke and understood direction and giving suggestions.
Spanish. Thus, communication was limited. Pen names were used to b. Text is available in different sources whether it is formal (news
avoid political oppression. Careers: book writers, newspaper writer, articles, published books, newspapers, magazines, advertisements,
editor, publisher, copyreader, artist.


research works, etc.) or informal (blogs, personal e-mails, SMS or installed in the computer, they usually come in file formats such as
text messages, online messengers, social media platforms, etc). True Type Font (.ttf), Open Type Font (.otf), etc.
• Formal text –based materials are created and distributed by c. In the absence of images or drawings, text is the easiest way of
established institutions (such as publishing companies, news communicating to your audience. The use of various font types can
agencies, etc.) and go through a rigorous process of editing or express different emotions or meaning.
evaluation and are usually governed by censorship of the state.
• Informal text – based materials, on the other hand, come from Types of Typefaces:
personal opinions or views on different issues, processes, etc.
c. Text can be as short such as a single sentence or phrase, or they can
be as lengthy as news articles or investigative reporting. No matter
how brief or lengthy, however, a text is always carefully written with
the intent of sending a very specific message to the target audience. Serif - connotes formality and readability in large amount of texts. This font
d. In our exposure to text media and information, we can either be a is usually used for the body text of books, newspapers, magazines and
consumer or a producer of content. As a consumer, these are the research publication. Also, serif fonts give a classic or elegant look when used
questions that you need to ask with regards to the content of text for title or heading.
media and information:
a. Who or what institution is sending this message? Examples: Times New Roman, Garamond, Baskerville
b. What techniques are used to attract and hold attention?
c. What is the language used by the writer?
d. What views are represented? Are they balanced?
e. How might the message be interpreted in different
Sans Serif
ways? Sans serif - brings a clean or minimalist look to the text. This font is used for
f. What is omitted, slurred or added in the message? clear and direct meaning of text such as road signage, building directory or
e. As a producer of text media and information, we need to review the nutrition facts in food packages. Also, sans serif fonts give a modern look and
media and information design framework: target audience, author or is used primarily in webpage design.
sender, key content, purpose, form/style and format.
Examples: Arial, Helvetica, Tahoma, Verdana, Calibri

Slab Serif
Text Media and Information

a. Typeface (also called font, font type, or type) refers to the

representation or style of a text in the digital format. Slab serif- carries a solid or heavy look to text. This font can be used for
b. A typeface is usually comprised of alphabets, numbers, punctuation large advertising sign on billboards.
marks, symbols and other special characters. When fonts are


Examples: Rockwell, Playbill, Blackoak characteristics of the fonts. When it comes to large body text, the font should
be clear enough to read.

Script 3. Proximity - refers to how near or how far are the text elements from each
other. When two things are closely related, we bring them close together.
Otherwise, we put text elements far from each other. For example, the main
Script- draws much attention to itself because of its brush-like strokes. This title and subtitle are usually placed close to each other.
must be used sparingly and not to be used in large body text. This font is 4. Alignment - refers to how the text is positioned in the page. This can be
usually used in wedding invitation cards or other formal events. left, right, center or justified.

Examples: Edwardian, Vladimir, Kunstler 5. Organization - refers to a conscious effort to organize the different text
elements in a page. Organization ensures that while some text elements are
separated from each other (based on the principle of proximity), they are still

Decorative somehow connected with the rest of the elements in the page. When there
are many elements needed to fit in a page, start by creating a framework or
a compartment for the elements. Divide the space by creating lines across the
Display or decorative- caters to a wide variety of emotions (such as page, making it look like a cabinet with various space sizes. Once you are done
celebration, fear, horror, etc.) or themes (such as cowboys, circus, holidays, compartmentalizing, you can place the different text elements on the boxes.
summer, kiddie, etc.) 6. Repetition- concerns consistency of elements and the unity of the entire
design. Repetition encourages the use of repeating some typefaces within the
Examples: Chiller, Jokerman, Curlz MT page. When several typefaces are used on a page, it might distract the
audience and fail to communicate what you want them to get from the
Design principles and elements – the principles in designing text content. To strike a balance, do not also use just a single typeface for a visual
elements are Emphasis, Appropriateness, Proximity, Alignment, design product.
Organization, Repetition and Contrast.
7. Contrast- creates visual interest to text elements. Contrast is achieved
1. Emphasis - refers to the importance or value given to a part of the text- when two elements are different from each other. When you place a white
based content. When trying to make a point or highlighting a message, you text on a very light-yellow background, contrast is not achieved and the text
can make the text bold, italicized, have a heavier weight, darkened, or will be difficult to read, but when you put a white text on a dark brown
lightened (depending on your background color) or enlarged. background, contrast is created. Contrast can be achieved in various ways, by
joining the following elements: large font with a small font, serif and sans
2. Appropriateness - refers to how fitting or suitable the text is used for a serif, thin elements with thin elements, cool color and warm color.
specific audience, purpose, or event. In the creation of text-based content,
make sure that the selection criteria (tone, style, purpose, clarity) is followed.
As for the choice of typefaces to be used, refer to the discussion of the


Visual Information and Media c. Value – the degree of light and dark in a design. It is the contrast
between black and white and all the tones in between. Value can be
Visual media and information – materials, programs, applications and the used with color as well as black and white. Contrast is the extreme
like that teachers and students use to formulate new information to aid changes between values.
learning through the use, analysis, evaluation and production of visual d. Texture – the way a surface feels or is perceived to feel. Texture can
images. be added to attract or repel interest to a visual element. Visual
texture is the illusion of the surfaces peaks and valleys, resulting in a
Types of visual media – photography, video, screenshots, infographics, data feeling of smoothness or roughness in objects.
visualization (charts and graphs), comic strips/cartoons, memes, visual e. Color – determined by its hue (name of color), intensity (purity of
notetaking, etc. the hue), and value (lightness or darkness of hue). Color and color
Formally and informally produced visual media – visual media produced by combination can play a large role in the design. Color may be used
formal organizations such as schools, government, and established for emphasis or may elicit emotions from viewers. Color maybe
media/publishing outfits are considered formally produced. Other visual warm, cool, or neutral. It plays a major role in our visual perception,
media are considered informally produced. as it influences our reactions about the world around us. It is
therefore important to create color palettes that evoke the
Purpose of visual information – the primary purpose of visual information is appropriate audience reactions. Color has three properties.
to gain attention, create meaning, and facilitate retention. (Show at least one f. Form – a figure having volume and thickness. An illusion of a 3-
example for each purpose and ask learners their reactions or responses to dimensional object can be implied with the use of light and shading.
each one). Form can be viewed from many angles.
Visual design elements - the building blocks or basic units in the construction Visual Design Principles are:
of a visual image. (Show visual media and information that incorporates most
of the design elements. Point out why these elements are important). The 1. Consistency of margins, typeface, typestyle, and colors is necessary,
Design Elements are: especially in slide presentations or documents that are more than
one page.
a. Line – describes a shape or outline. It can create texture and can be 2. Center of interest – an area that first attracts attention in a
thick or thin. Lines may be actual, implied, vertical, horizontal, composition. This area is more important when compared to the
diagonal, or contour lines. other objects or elements in a composition. This can be by contrast
b. Shape – usually a geometric area that stands out from the space of values, more colors, and placement in the format.
next to or around it, or because of differences in value, color, or 3. Balance – a feeling of visual equality in shape, form, value, color, etc.
texture. Shape may also be organic. Balance can be symmetrical and evenly balanced, or asymmetrical
4. and unevenly balanced. Objects, values, colors, textures, shapes, you would stay with those types of lines and not put in just one
forms, etc. can be used in creating balance in a composition. geometric shape. (Notice how similar Harmony is to Unity - some
5. Harmony – brings together a composition with similar units. If for sources list both terms).
example your composition was using wavy lines and organic shapes,


6. Contrast – offers some change in value creating a visual discord in a

composition. Contrast shows the difference between shapes and can
be used as a background to bring objects out and forward in a design.
It can also be used to create an area of emphasis.
7. Directional Movement – a visual flow through the composition. It can
be the suggestion of motion in a design as you move from object to
object by way of placement and position.
8. Directional Movement – a visual flow through the composition. It can
be the suggestion of motion in a design as you move from object to
object by way of placement and position.
9. Rhythm – a movement in which some elements recur regularly. Like
a dance, it will have a flow of objects that will seem to be like the
beat of music.
10. Perspective – created through the arrangement of objects in two-
dimensional space to look like they appear in real life. Perspective a
learned meaning of the relationship between different objects seen
in space.

Reference links


ACTIVITY 1 Brochure making

Direction: Using the Microsoft word create a brochure with a specific topic of SCHOOL ADMISSION: This brochure will advertise to the readers a SHS/COLLEGE in
your place.
Below Standard Approaching Standard Meets Standard Exceeds Standard
CRITERIA Missing or incomplete
All of the elements are
present, but there are so
All elements are present and
there are no glaring errors.
Error-free, complete, and is
exceptionally creative and
2 pts many errors that they take 8 pts innovative.
away from the effectiveness. 10 pts
5 pts

Consistent Design Inconsistent fonts, color, sizes,

and style.
Fonts are nearly all of consistent
size, color, and style;
Fonts are all of consistent size,
color, and style;
All requirements are presented
in a clever and professional
Design seems too "busy" and Colors are somewhat consistent Colors are consistent and easy to manner and ready to publish
makes brochure difficult to read; and easy to read; read;
Images are randomly placed or Images are mostly balanced in Images are balanced in size and
all in the same place; size and layout; layout;
Margins are not consistent; Margins are almost consistent; Margins are consistent;
There is a lot of white space. Minimal white space No white space appears anywhere
Brochure is not created in in brochure

There is no logical order or flow Titles, subheadings, and text all Titles, subheadings, and text all Organization shows thoughtful
Organization to information; follow a somewhat logical outline follow logical outline order; or clever placement of
Titles, subheadings, or text are order; Placement of titles, subheadings, subheadings and text.
missing; Placement of titles, subheadings, and text is easy to follow; Headings for each section are
Incomplete information and text make reading difficult; Information is complete appropriate.
Information is nearly complete

Dull design; Design is adequate, but Design makes reader want to learn Clever and professional design
Visual Appeal Fonts, style, and design are very unexciting; more; that compels reader to open
distracting; Fonts, style, and design are Fonts, style, and design are brochure. Graphics and design
Graphics confuse the reader or somewhat distracting; appropriate and complement the add information through
are distorted. Graphics are ill-placed or do not topic; captions or clear data to the
enhance reader's understanding Graphics draw reader's attention reader's understanding.
of topic

Conventions There are so many errors that

the reader stops reading
There are several errors;
Errors are distracting and prevent
There are very few errors;
Small errors do not prevent reader
There are no conventions
reader from enjoying and reading from enjoying and reading brochure



Component Guide Questions Answers

Target Audience Who are the possible readers of IDENTIFICATION: Identify the following and write your answer in the
this brochure? provided space.
Sender/Author Who is the author of this
brochure? 1. __________________ refers on how text is positioned in the page.
Key content What is the tone of the text in the This can be left, right, center or justified.
brochure? What are the sample 2. __________________ It can be achieved in various ways, by joining
phrases or taglines that you will? the following elements: large font with a small font, serif and sans
What are the facts/figures that you serif, thin elements with thin elements, cool color, and warm color.
will include in the brochure? 3. __________________ It is bringing a clean or minimalist look to the
Purpose What is the intention of the text.
4. __________________ refers on based materials, on the other hand,
Form/Style What are the font types/colors/
come from personal opinions or views on different issues, processes.
highlights that you will use in the
5. __________________ refers to the feeling of visual equality in shape,
brochure? What are the words or
phrases that you need to form, value, color, etc.
emphasize in the brochure? 6. __________________ refers to the importance or value given to a
Medium / Format What is the blank of the brochure? part of the text-based content.
- paper type, texture, glossy, matte 7. __________________ created through the arrangement of objects in
• folding (three-fold, two-fold) • two-dimensional space to look like they appear in real life.
full color, black and white Aside 8. __________________ It can be viewed from many angles.
from the brochure, what other 9. __________________ This font is usually used for the body text of
textbased formats that you can use books, newspapers, magazines, and research publication.
to deliver your message? 10. __________________ It is very powerful as well in disseminating
information, providing direction, and giving suggestions.


d. Sound clips/effects - any sound, other than music or speech,

Audio Information and Media artificially reproduced to create an effect in a dramatic
presentation, as the sound of a storm or a creaking door.
e. Audio Podcast - a digital audio or video file or recording,
usually part of a themed series, that can be downloaded from
a website to a media player or computer.
At the end of the lesson, the learners must be able to:
2. Different ways of storing audio media:
• Identify the different types and categories of audio content.
• Describe the purposes of audio media and information. a. Tape - magnetic tape on which sound can be recorded.
b. CD - a plastic-fabricated, circular medium for recording, storing, and
playing back audio, video, and computer data.
c. USB drive - an external flash drive, small enough to carry on a key
Audio Information and Media ring, that can be used with any computer that has a USB port.
❖ Media communication that uses audio or recordings to deliver and d. Memory Card - (aka flash memory card or storage card) is a small
transfer information through the means of sound. storage medium used to store data such as text, pictures, audio, and
❖ May refer to audio formats. video, for use on small, portable, or remote computing devices.
❖ May refer to analog tape cassettes and digital cd's, computer files e. Computer hard drive - secondary storage devices for storing audio
containing audio, in any number of digital formats. files.
f. Internet/Cloud - websites or file repositories for retrieving audio
files, and more precisely the files are stored in some datacenter full
of servers that is connected to the Internet.
Types and Categories of Audio Information
3. Different audio file formats:
1. Types of audio information media
a. MP3 (MPEG Audio Layer 3) - a common format for consumer audio,
a. Radio broadcast - live or recorded audio sent through radio
as well as a standard of digital audio compression for the transfer and
waves to reach a wide audience.
playback of music on most digital audio players.
b. Music - vocal and/or instrumental sounds combined in such
b. M4A/AAC (MPEG-4 Audio/Advanced Audio Coding) - an audio
a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and
coding standard for lossy digital audio compression. Designed to be
expression of emotion. It is composed and performed for
the successor of the MP3 format, AAC generally achieves better
many purposes, ranging from aesthetic pleasure, religious or
sound quality than MP3 at similar bit rates.
ceremonial purposes, or as an entertainment product.
c. Sound recording - recording of an interview, meeting, or any c. WAV - is a Microsoft audio file format standard for storing an audio
bitstream on PCs. It has become a standard file format for game
sound from the environment.
sounds, among others.


d. WMA (Windows Media Audio) - is an audio data compression

technology developed by Microsoft and used with Windows Media

Elements and principles of sound design.

A. Elements of Sound Design – the objects or things that we have to

work with:
• Dialogue- speech, conversation, voice-over.

-Waterfalls- as first element fades out, the second element begins at full
volume. Better for voice transitions, than for effects.

• Sound Effects - any sound other than music or dialogue.

• Music - vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a
way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of
• Silence - absence of audio or sound.

B. Principles of Sound Design – the techniques for combining the

different elements or objects.
• Mixing - the combination, balance and control of multiple sound
• Pace - Time control. Editing. Order of events: linear, non-linear, or
• Transitions - How you get from one segment or element to another.
Types of transitions: - Segue - one element stops, the next begins
("cut" in film). - Cross-fade - one element fades out, the next fades in,
and they overlap on the way. Reference links:
- V-Fade - First element fades to inaudible before the second element begins.
- Fade to Black - V-Fade with some silence between elements.
• Stereo Imaging - Using left and right channel for depth.


ACTIVITY 1 ACTIVITY 2 Hearing vs Listening

Essay. In 3-5 sentences, Answer the questions below. Your output will be Direction: Differentiate between hearing and listening.
graded based on this rubric:

5 – Excellent 4 – Good 3 – Adequate 2 – Marginal 1 – No credit / unacceptable Hearing Listening

Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
Quality of writing (Informative, well organized
Grammar usage and Mechanics (spelling,
punctuations, grammatical errors)
Following the instructions.

1. What is the purpose of audio media in your studies?

2. What is the importance of storing audio?
3. How does the audio help people’s lives?


IDENTIFICATION: Identify the following and write your answer in the
provided space.

1) _______________ It is a Microsoft audio file format standard for

storing an audio bitstream on PCs.
2) _______________ refers to time control, Editing. Order of events,
linear, non-linear, or multi-linear.
3) _______________ it is a recording of an interview, meeting, or any
sound from the environment.
4) _______________ a digital audio or video file or recording, usually
part of a themed series, that can be downloaded from a website to a
media player or computer.
5) _______________ It is an audio data compression technology
developed by Microsoft and used with Windows Media Player.
6) _______________ refers to the absence of audio or sound.
7) ______________ refers to a secondary storage device for storing
audio files.
8) ______________ it is magnetic object on which sound can be
9) ______________ it is a common format for consumer audio, as well
as a standard of digital audio compression for the transfer and
playback of music on most digital audio players.
10) ______________it is a plastic-fabricated, circular medium for
recording, storing, and playing back audio, video, and computer data.


stimulation contributes in large measure to the compelling

Module Motion Media and Information influence of motion media.
12 ✓ It is a formal, authoritative channel of the communication
accordingly, it’s a power in informing and entertaining lies in the
communicator’s ability to control visual and aural stimuli.
✓ It is instrumental in behavior and attitude modification-that is
At the end of the lesson, the learners are able to:
attitude formation, change, conservation, and canalization
• Classify motion media according to their format, purpose, (directing a performed attitude to a new direction)
method, types, sources, audience. ✓ It confers status upon issues, persons, organizations social
• Identify their possible source, advantages and limitations. movements.


Motion Media and Information
Motion media use large resources. Codecs compresses and decompresses
❖ A form of media that has the appearance of moving text and graphics video files.
on a display. Its purpose is to communicate information in multiple
➢ 3GP
❖ Motion media in essence is visual media that gives the appearance of
➢ MP4
❖ Motion media can be a collection of graphics, footage, videos. It is 3GP
combined with audio, text, and/or interactive content to create
multimedia. The 3GP (Third Generation Partnership) video container format was
developed with intention to save on desk space, bandwidth, and data usage,
CHARACTERISTICS OF MOTION MEDIA AND INFORMATION which is why they’re often seen created from, and transferred between,
✓ It communicates message to large, heterogeneous, and anonymous mobile devices.
audiences. The main advantage of 3GP formats is that is small in size this is beneficial
✓ It communicates the same message to mass impersonal and especially for users who frequently save and watch video files on their
transitory. smartphones. And due to its small footprint, uploading or downloading a
✓ It is multi-sensory such that the audience’s sight and hearing are video in 3GP format will only take second to minutes depending on the file
stimulated in concert. Such a combination of sensory stimuli forms a size.
complex synergism that can significantly enhance communication.
This powerful double-barreled combination of dual-senses


MPG resolution, a pixel will be larger than the physical size of the screen's dot (that
is, a pixel will use more than one dot).
MPG is a file extension for an MPEG animation in the MPEG-1 or MPEG-2
codec. MPEG-1 designed for coding progressive video at bit rates of about 1.5 Video resolution
million bits per second. It was designed specifically for video-CD-I media.
Resolution is the number of pixels (individual points of color) contained on a
MPEG-1 audio layer-3 (MP3) has also evolved from early MPEG work.
display monitor, expressed in terms of the number of pixels on the horizontal
MPEG-2 was designed for coding interlaced images at bits rates above 4 axis and the number on the vertical axis. The sharpness of the image on a
million bits per second. MPEG-2 is used for digital TV broadcast and DVD. An display depends on the resolution and the size of the monitor. The same pixel
MPEG-2 player can handle MPEG-1 as well. resolution will be sharper on a smaller monitor and gradually lose sharpness
on larger monitors because the same number of pixels are being spread out
MP4 over a larger number of inches. it simply as the “clearness of the video”
MP4 is a file format created by the moving picture experts’ group (MPEG) as Kinds of Resolution
a multimedia container format designed to store audiovisual data. The MP4
is largely replacing earlier multimedia file formats and creating some changes • 360p (480x360) - videos at 360p are well-suited to smartphones and
in the way that vendors sell audiovisual files to the public. other mobile devices since they use up less data but may appear a bit
blurry on larger screens.
MP4 file format, also commonly known as MPEG-4 part 14 or MPEG-4 AVC • 480p (640p x 480) - DVDs clock in at 480p, so if you are looking to
(Advanced video coding), is a multimedia file format used to digitally store burn a DVD, this resolution will give your disc the highest quality
audio and video files. MP4 files format is also used for video streaming over allowed by any DVD burner or disc. A 480p video will also play well
the internet. MP4 file format is basically a container which holds audio and on most laptop and desktop monitors, and smaller TVs.
video files that are digitally encoded. MP4 file format has only one official file • 720p (1280x720) - true high-definition starts at 720p, and this is the
extension, I.E, MP4. There are two unofficial file extension, as well image resolution at which many HD television channels broadcast. An
namely.M4A, which is audio only. M4P which stands for the protected MP4 HD 720p animation video is crisp, sharp, and looks great on most
file format. displays.
• 1080p (1920x1080) - for an even higher resolution, you can
download your videos at 1080p, another favorite for HD television
The pixel (a word invented from "picture element") is the basic unit of stations. We recommend this resolution for sharing on social media
programmable color on a computer display or in a computer image. Think of or for showing videos on larger screens and TVs, since it’ll give your
it as a logical - rather than a physical - unit. The physical size of a pixel depends audience the highest possible quality display, with crystal clear
on how you have set the resolution for the display screen. If you have set the playback.
display to its maximum resolution, the physical size of a pixel will equal the • 4k (3840x2160) - 4k video resolution is high-definition (HD) video that
physical size of the dot pitch (let us just call it the dot size) of the display. If, has four times the resolution of 1080p HD video. There are two
however, you have set the resolution to something less than the maximum standard resolutions for 4k video. The digital cinema initiatives


standard for 4k resolution in the film and video production industry SHORT FILM - A trailer of a short film, ninety seconds of a surveillance expert
is 4096x2160 pixels. The 4k resolution standard for television and taking on an assignment that might be his downfall. A short film is any film
monitors is 3840x2160 pixels. not long enough to be considered a feature film. No consensus exists as to
where that boundary is drawn: the academy of motion picture arts and
4k resolution trivia:
sciences defines a short film as “an original motion picture that has a running
• 4k video is not always correspond to the device (tv, smartphone etc.) time of 40 minutes or less, including all credits”. The term featurette originally
• sharp company was the world’s first company ever release a 4k tv applied to a film longer than a short subject, but shorter than a standard
display/resolution. feature film.
• Sony Xperia z5 premium by Sony company is claiming the title of the Motion picture in television - television is a telecommunication medium for
world's first 4k resolution smartphone. transmitting and receiving moving images that can be monochrome (black
FORMAT OF MOTION INFORMATION and white) or colored, with or without accompanying sounds.
AND MEDIA a. Commercial advertisement on tv - a span of television
FILM - Also called a movie picture, is a series of still or moving images. programming produced and paid for by an organization. It
Consists of moving pictures that have been recorded so that they can be conveys a message, aimed to market a product or service.
shown at the cinema or on television. A film tells a story or shows a real b. Philippine melodrama - Philippine television drama, also
situation. known as teleserye, Filipino telenovelas or p- drama, is a
form of melodramatic serialized fiction in television in the
ANIMATION - A scene from the animated film. Is the process of designing, Philippines.
drawing, making layouts and preparation of photographic sequences which c. Reality show - a reality show is a type of television program
are integrated in the multimedia and gaming products. Animation involves that aims to show how ordinary people behave in everyday
the exploitation and management of still images to generate the illusion of life, or in situations, often created by the program makers,
movement. A person who creates animations is called animator. He / she use which are intended to represent everyday life.
various computer technologies to capture the still images and then to d. Game show - a television program in which people compete
animate these in desired sequence. to win prizes. E. Talk show - a television or radio show in
DOCUMENTARY FILM - A documentary film is a nonfictional motion picture which various topics are discussed informally and listeners,
intended to document some aspect of reality, primarily for the purposes of viewers, or the studio audience are invited to participate in
instruction, education, or maintaining a historical record. such films were the discussion.
originally shot on film stock—the only medium available—but now include e. Television news - a television broadcast of news.
video and digital productions that can be either direct-to-video, made into a Interactive video - usually refers to a technique used to blend interaction and
tv show, or released for screening in cinemas. "documentary" has been linear film or video. Interactive video (also known as "iv") is a type of digital
described as a "filmmaking practice, a cinematic tradition, and mode of video that supports user interaction. These videos play like regular video files,
audience reception" that is continually evolving and is without clear but include clickable areas, or "hotspots," that perform an action when you


click on them. For example, when you click on a hotspot, the video may • Affective learning: films for shaping personal and social attitudes;
display information about the object you clicked on, jump to a different part documentaries and propaganda films to affect attitudes.
of the video, or open another video file. • Problem solving: open-ended dramatizations can leave viewers to
solve problems themselves.
• Cultural understanding: appreciation for other cultures by seeing
Video is an electronic medium for the recording, copying, and broadcasting video depictions of them.
of moving visual images. • Establishing commonality: people with different backgrounds can
discuss topics after watching a video.
Video footage

In filmmaking and video production, footage is the raw, unedited material as Limitation
it had been originally filmed by movie camera or recorded by a video camera • fixed pace: cannot be interrupted.
which usually must be edited to create a motion picture, video clip, television
• Still phenomena: motion media is sometimes unsuitable to other
show or similar completed work.
topics such as those involving a map, a wiring diagram, etc.
Sources of Motion Information and Media • Misinterpretation: in documentaries and dramatizations especially,
intended messages are quite deep and complex. Because of that,
✓ personal young viewers who lack maturity tend to misinterpret the message.
✓ social media
• cost: equipment and materials for motion media are expensive. (e.g.,
✓ media companies
DVD player, television, computer, etc.)
Advantage, Limitations and Values
of Motion Information and Media Values

Advantage • it increases pupil interest.

• it increases factual learning.
• Motion: better mastery of procedures, as opposed to stagnant • it can retain learning.
images. • it can increases reading interest.
• Processes: operations where sequential movement is needed can be
Selection Criteria of Motion
Information and Media
• Safe observation: observing phenomena that might be dangerous to
view directly. • first is the level of learners in order to make adjustments of motion-
• Skill learning: videos can be viewed over and over, so repeated media to be used.
observation of skills is possible. • second is the language.
• Dramatization: recreations of history and personalities; observing • third the available motion media in the net.
and analyzing human relations problems • fourth the facilities of the school including the internet connection
and the pc available.


• fifth the expertise of the educator to use motion media.


a fast movement gives vigor and vitality, intensifying emotions. A slow

movement connotes lethargy, solemnity, or sadness.


indicates a movement from one direction to another. It can also refer to the
growing or shrinking of an object.


can be objective or subjective. Objective timing can be measured in minutes,

seconds, days, etc. Subjective timing is psychological or felt. Timing can be
used to clarify or intensify the message or the event. Using a pause can help
time the events.


used to switch between scenes.

Sound and color

adds meaning to the motion.


in animation, blurring can provide the illusion of fast movement. In videos, it

is often used to censor information for security or decency.

Reference links:


DIRECTION: Identify the following and write your answer in the
provided space.

1) ________________ a fast movement gives vigor and vitality,

intensifying emotions. A slow movement connotes lethargy,
solemnity, or sadness.
2) ________________ refers to a recreation of history and
personalities; observing and analyzing human relations problems
3) ________________ refers to a technique used to blend interaction
and linear film or video.
4) ________________ it is the process of designing, drawing, making
layouts and preparation of photographic sequences which are
integrated in the multimedia and gaming products.
5) ________________ a nonfictional motion picture intended to
document some aspect of reality, primarily for the purposes of
instruction, education, or maintaining a historical record.
6) ________________ a type of television program that aims to show
how ordinary people behave in everyday life, or in situations, often
created by the program makers, which are intended to represent
everyday life.
7) _________________ it is an electronic medium for the recording,
copying, and broadcasting of moving visual images.
8) _________________ it used to switch between scenes.
9) _________________ refers to a video container format was
developed with intention to save on desk space, bandwidth, and data
10) _________________ it is a file extension for an MPEG animation in
the MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 codec.



✓ Mobile apps - a software application developed specifically for use on

Module Manipulatives / Interactive Media small, wireless computing devices such as smartphones and tablets,
13 rather than desktop or laptop computers.
✓ 3D TV - a television display technology that enables a three-dimensional
effect, so that viewers perceive that an image has depth as well as height
At the end of the lesson, the learners are able to: and width, like objects in the real world.
✓ Video games (multi-player) - a game played by electronically
• Discuss the types of interactivity and their purpose. manipulating images produced by a computer program on a television
• Explain what manipulatives/interactive media are. screen or other display screen.
• Compare the different platforms and uses of manipulatives/interactive
✓ Role-playing games (RPG) - a game in which players assume the roles of
media software.
characters in a fictional setting. Players take responsibility for acting out
these roles within a narrative, either through literal acting or through a
process of structured decision-making or character development.
Manipulatives / Interactive Media ✓ Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG) - any
story-driven online video game in which a player, taking on the persona
INTERACTIVE MEDIA of a character in a virtual or fantasy world, interacts with many other
• Method of communication in which the program's outputs depend
✓ Interactive websites - (pools, surveys, exams, exercises)
on the user's inputs, and the user's inputs in turn affect the program's
✓ Virtual reality and immersive environments - the computer-generated
simulation of a three-dimensional image or environment that can be
• Engage the user and interact with him or her in a way that non-
interacted with in a seemingly real or physical way by a person using
interactive media do not.
special electronic equipment, such as a helmet with a screen inside or
• Websites and video games are two common types of interactive gloves fitted with sensors.
✓ Social media - websites or online services where users (actual people)
INTERACTIVITY are the creators and consumers of the content, and where social
interactions (commenting, liking, posting, talking) are the main features
o The communication process that takes place between humans and of content.
computer software.
o The most constant form of interactivity is typically found in games,
which need a continuous form of interactivity with the gamer.
Different ways of interacting with the Internet:
o Database applications and other financial, engineering and trading
applications are also typically very interactive. A. Online shopping - compare prices; compare features of similar items;
add to cart; choose payment type; track delivery; get advice from


experts; search products; check local availability; get product banking, and so forth. ITV enables the viewer to issue commands and
recommendations. give feedback information through an electronic device called a setup
B. Online gaming - choose a game; play with computer; play with box. The viewer can select which program or movie to watch, at what
others; choose a level, in-game customization, etc. time, and can place orders in response to commercials. New setup
C. Online classes - interact with content; interact with instructors; boxes also allow access to email and e-commerce applications via
interact with classmates. internet.
D. Chat - group chat; search groups; search friends; translate language. B. Allow viewers to participate in games shows - viewers compete with
E. News and information - exchange information; give reaction; news on-screen contestants.
on demand; monitor views. C. Select alternate endings to their favorite program.
F. Videos - choose your own adventure; get multimedia content; D. Encourage children to interact with educational programs.
experience game elements.

Types of interactivity and their purposes:

a. Click on images
b. Hotspot - a special region to act as a trigger to another web page. The
hotspot could be a circle, triangle, rectangle, or polygon.
c. Rollover - an image or portion of an image that changes in
appearance when the mouse cursor moves over it.
d. Tabs - clicking on them displays a relevant content with an
appropriate graphic.
e. Timeline - a menu slide that branches to different events.
f. Numbers/processes - the number of clicks and the time spent in an
interactive function provide data points.
g. Slideshow - non-linear interactive slideshow where the pathway
through the show is determined by the user's interaction with it.
h. Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
i. Flip cards - a card that when clicked flips to display a description and
other information. Reference links:
Emerging interactive media:
A. Interactive television - also known as ITV or iTV. A form of media
convergence, adding data services to traditional television literacy-tg.pdf
technology. Throughout its history, these have included on-demand
delivery of content, as well as new uses such as online shopping,


DIRECTION: Complete the table below. Give example of interactive media
flatform and identify the non-interactive and interactive action.
DIRECTION: Perform each activity and follow the instructions given. Write it
Interactive Example Non-Interactive Interactive Action on a short bond paper.
Media Platform Action
Ex. Mobile apps Candy crush Looking at the Asking others to 1. Social Media:
highest score send you life a. Name at least 5 actions that give social media its interactivity.
Mobile Apps b. Interact with your friends/classmate’s social media account by doing the
3D TV 5 actions you have listed.
Video games c. Write a brief evaluation or assessment of the social media you used,
Web design focusing on the following:
and • Social media as a means of communicating to people
production • Interactivity of social media
Virtual reality • Social media as a way of posting of news
and immersive • Other features you would like incorporated, or how it could be
environment improved
Social media 2. Online Diagnostic Exam:
online game a. Search for an online psychological test on the Internet.
b. Take the test and submit your results either through email/printout or
screen shot.
c. Write a brief evaluation or assessment on the diagnostic exam taken,
focusing on the following:
• The practicality of an online diagnostic exam
• Interactivity of an online exam
• Other features you would like incorporated, or how it could be

3. Online Game:

a. Search for an online game, read the description and detailed



b. List all the interactive actions that are available for game.
c. Write a brief evaluation or assessment on the online game played,
focusing on the following:
• The enjoyment or entertainment from a game online
• Interactivity of an online game
• Other features you would like incorporated, or how it could be

4. Online Shopping:

a. Go to an online shopping site.

b. Choose items to purchase and add to cart.
c. Determine the total price of all items to be purchased.
d. Screenshot (Print Screen) the list of items and their price.
e. Submit a copy of the screenshot through email/google classroom.
f. Write a brief evaluation or assessment on the online shopping
experience, focusing on the following:
• As a means of communicating to people
• Interactivity of online shopping
• Other features you would like incorporated, or how it could be


GRAPHICS - is a company's road map, indicating both what the company

Module Multimedia / Interactive Media wants to become and guiding transformational initiatives by setting a
14 defined direction for the company's growth. Vision statements undergo
minimal revisions during the life of a business, unlike operational goals
which may be updated from year-to-year.
At the end of the lesson, the learners are able to:
• Explain multimedia and its formats. JPEG/JPG (Joint Photographers’ Most popular lossy image format.
• Identify the design principles and elements in diff. forms of information and media. Experts Group) Allows users to specify what level of
• Identify the advantages and limitations of multimedia. comprehension they desire.
PNG (Portable Network Graphics) Best of lossless image formats. Widely
supported across web. Allows you to
include an alpha channel within file.
BMP (BitMap) Would avoid if possible. They offer
Multimedia is the field concerned with the computer-controlled integration little to no comprehension which result
in unnecessarily large file.
of text, graphics, drawings, still and moving images (Video), animation, audio,
TIFF/TIF (Tagged Image File Format) Offers both compressed and
and any other media where every type of information can be represented, uncompressed versions. Compressed
stored, transmitted and processed digitally. are similar to PNG and uncompressed
is similar to BMP.
Multimedia is a media that uses multiple form of information content and PDF (Portable Document Format) Most widely used document format.
information processing. Great vector image format. Created b
TYPES OF MULTIMEDIA INFORMATION AND THEIR FORMATS EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) Most common vector image format.
Standard format for print industry.
TEXT - files contain textual data and may be saved in plain text or rich text
GIF (Graphic Interchange Format) Lossless formats that support both
formats. While most text files are documents created and saved by users, animated and static images. Great for
they can also be used by software developers to store program data. webpage banner ads.
Examples of text files include word processing documents, log files, and
saved email messages.
AUDIO - Audio files and streams play a major role in some multimedia
systems. Audio files appear as part of application content and to aid
interaction. When they appear within Web applications and sites, audio files
sometimes need to be deployed using plug-in media players. Audio songs also
come under the heading multimedia. Multimedia presentations often have
some audio tracks which makes it easier for people to understand.



Director .dir & .dcr
Animator .fli
Studio Max .max
Super Card and Director .pics
Windows Audio Video Interleaved .avi
Macintosh .qt & . mov
Motion Video .mpeg
CompuServe .gif
Flash .swf
Shockwave .dcr

VIDEO - The embedding of video in multimedia applications is a powerful way

to convey information which can incorporate a personal element which other FORMS OF MULTIMEDIA
media lack. Video also enhances, dramatizes, and gives impact to your INFORMATON SOURCES
multimedia application. The advantage of integrating video into a multimedia
presentation is the capacity to effectively convey a great deal of information
in the least amount of time. It is written or printed which tend to give of share ideas and

Examples: School Library

• Classroom Collection
• Public/State Library
• Online Resources


Visual resources are one of a kind, while others are reproduced (like
prints or illustrations in books and magazines)
ANIMATION - Animation adds visual impact to the multimedia project and
Examples: Photographs, Film, Video, Paintings, Drawings, Cartoons, Prints,
are used in cartoons, scientific visualization. Animated components are
Design, and Three-Dimensional art such as sculpture as fine arts or
common within both Web and desktop multimedia applications. Animations
documentary record.
can also include interactive effects, allowing users to engage with the
animation action using their mouse and keyboard.



• Library catalog
This is a narration track that aids blind and/ or visually impaired
consumers of visuals media. • Reports
• Commentaries
• Podcast ▪ Multimedia enhances the effect of text presentations
• Tapes ▪ Improves the quality of presentation and retains the
• Radio Broadcast attention of audience.
MOTION INFORMATION ▪ It can be used for educational as well as entertainment
This is the used of moving text, images, or graphics on display to
▪ It is quick and easier to operate for the instructor.
give information. It is a combination of sigh-and-sound media.
Examples: ▪ Multimedia presentations can be modified very easily
• Film ▪ Multimedia is entertaining as well as educational.
• Motion picture ▪ Through participation in multimedia activities, students can
• Interactive video learn real-world skills related to technology.
• Drama ▪ They will know the value of teamwork and the importance of
• Animation effective collaboration techniques.
• Short films ▪ It helps the learners to express and represents their prior
MULTIMEDIA INFORMATION knowledge and provides them with many learning
This refers to materials, programs, application and the like that ▪ It provides a non-threatening environment for a learner to
people use in order to come up with a new information and to aid learning
study at their own pace.
through the use of analysis, evaluation, and production of alphanumeric
characters and symbols.
• Fake News ▪ Non-interactive- if one way, no feedback.
• Advertisements
▪ Complex to create
• Local News
▪ Time consuming
• Social Media
▪ Use of multimedia is expensive video files can be large and a
long download time
A combination of different media format such as text, graphics, ▪ Sometimes, diverts people attention to the pictures sounds
drawings, audio, photos and videos with the help of computers. or relevant material presented in multimedia.



▪ As technology rapidly evolves, compatibility between content that stays within one container on a page –a very powerful
different devices can also be a problem when trying to move form of communication.
or play multimedia content. Even a simple malfunction, d. Audio It is a multimedia application that uses dialogue, recorded
server error or changes between formats, as anyone who narration, music and sound effects.
frantically struggled to connect a computer to an e. Video on websites, and especially on social media platforms, already
incompatible projector before a presentation knows all too has a great presence and will only continue to gain popularity as
well, can delay a presentation or permanently damage the more and more visitors demand it. Short videos can be a smart
information contained in the format. marketing advantage and an excellent way to differentiate yourself
from your competitors.

1. Alignment
2. Baseline
3. Proximity
4. White space
5. Contrast
6. typography
7. color
8. balance


a. Text is used as headlines, subtitles, and slogans. It’s purpose is to

Reference links:
express specific information or reinforce information in other
media. It involves the use of text types, sizes, colors and background
b. Graphics Still/static pictures typically accompany text to illustrate 89333301
the point or ideas the text makes. Photos in a multimedia
application go beyond using them just as decoration. In a literacy-tg.pdf
multimedia context graphics may consist of slide shows or galleries
that a website or social media visitor can view.
c. Animation It can illustrate how things work or present information
in entertaining ways. Animation can also include interactive effects
allowing visitors to engage with the animation action using their
mouse and keyboard. Animation is a dynamic and media- rich


Directions: TRUE OR FALSE Write T if the statement is correct and write the
name of your crush/bf/gf/special someone if the statement wrong.

1. Audio it can illustrate how things work or present information in

entertaining ways.
2. Audio It is a multimedia application that uses dialogue, recorded
narration, music and sound effects.
3. Podcast is the example of audio media
4. Photographs is one of the examples of visual multimedia
5. Text information it is written or printed which tend to give of share
ideas and information.
6. Short film is one of the examples of motion picture
7. Text is used as headlines, subtitles, and slogans.
8. .dir & .dcr is the file format of shockwave
9. Mpeg allows users to specify what level of comprehension they
10. Swf is the file format of the flash



DIRECTION: Given the following task, create a promotional advertisement for each form of media. The content should be about promoting ASIAN INSTITUTE OF
COMPUTER STUDIES refer to the guidelines below for your project references:

Video Commercial
✓ A commercial that is no longer than 40 seconds.
✓ The Logo of the School is well seen and prominent
✓ The commercial should be Specific, Persuasive and Informative
✓ Make sure that all information is correct based from the original AICS information
✓ Language to be used either English or Filipino.
✓ Students must wear complete uniform (P.E or Regular Uniform) during the shoot.
(students who will portray different role must wear their appropriate costume)

Radio Advertisement
▪ A Radio Ad that is no longer than 30 seconds.
▪ Should be persuasive and informative radio advertisement.
▪ Should have the clear selling points of AICS. (You may refer to the FB Page for the complete information)
▪ The Voice Talent should have well-modulated voice to give the message clear.
▪ Students are encouraged to use upbeat music accompaniment.

Poster (Tarpaulin)
➢ Printed Output: Tarpaulin Size: 2”x 3”
➢ To be done in any Photo Imaging Application.
➢ Correctness of information (Based on the AICS Selling Points)
➢ The Model Student must wear the Official School or PE Uniform
➢ Use the Official AICS Font and Color Scheme

#FFFF #FFC0 #0070C #0033

FF 00 0 CC


The letters A-I-C-S is twice the size from the other letters from the word
(which means if your Font size is 16 the Initial letters are 18)
Font Style: Times New Roman

• Create a Joyful, Catchy, and Upbeat Jingle About AICS
• The Jingle must be no longer than 1minute
• The theme of the jingle must be also persuasive and informative.
• Students can have music accompaniment.
• Include the lyrics in the video.
• Jingle can be in English or Filipino.


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