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Grade/Quarter: 12/ 4th Quarter

Subject Code: PEH4
Subject Title: Physical Education and Health 4
No. of Hours: 20hrs

Topic: Recreational Activities

At the end of this chapter, the students can:

1. Demonstrate an increased level of competence in a variety of challenge

activities and or recreational activities.
2. Identify critical elements to improve performance in selected skills.
3. Analyze selected skills and correct errors to improved skills technique.
4. Apply fundamental and sequential skills in game situations with increased
5. Use the concepts of health and skill related fitness to connect the benefits of
each offers to the development of total fitness.
6. Investigate the safe and unsafe practice of using fitness equipment’s.

Physical Education and Health offers experiential learning for learners to

adopt an active life for fitness and long-life health. The knowledge, skills and
understanding which include physical and health literacy competencies support them
in accessing, synthesizing and evaluating information; making informed decisions;
enhancing and advocating their own as well as others’ fitness and health.

This course on recreational activities is associated with outdoor, national and semi-
natural setting; it enables learners to move safely and competently in these settings
while making positive relationship with natural environments and promoting their
sustainable use. It consists of an array of offerings; which learners can choose

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Lesson 1
Unarmed Self – Defense


(Self-defense in some varieties of English) is a countermeasure that involves

defending the health and well-being of oneself from harm. The use of the right of
self-defense as a legal justification for the use of force in times of danger is available
in many jurisdictions.

Physical self-defense is the use of physical force to counter an immediate threat of

violence. Such force can be either armed or unarmed. In either case, the chances of
success depend on various parameters, related to the severity of the threat on one
hand, but also on the mental and physical preparedness of the defender

Many styles of martial arts are practiced for self-defense or include self-defense
techniques. Some styles train primarily for self-defense, while other martial
or combat sports can be effectively applied for self-defense. Some martial arts train
how to escape from a knife or gun situation, or how to break away from a punch,
while others train how to attack. To provide more practical self-defense, many
modern martial arts schools now use a combination of martial arts styles and
techniques and will often customize self-defense training to suit individual


Further information: Non-lethal weapon and Melee weapon

A wide variety of weapons can be used for self-defense. The most suitable depends
on the threat presented, the victim or victims, and the experience of the defender.
Legal restrictions also greatly influence self-defense options.
In many cases there are also legal restrictions. While in some
jurisdictions firearms may be carried openly or concealed expressly for this
purpose, many jurisdictions have tight restrictions on who can own firearms, and
what types they can own. Knives, especially those categorized as switchblades, may
also be controlled, as may batons, pepper spray and personal stun

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guns and Teasers – although some may be legal to carry with a license or for certain
Non-injurious water-based self-defense indelible dye-marker sprays, or ID-
marker or DNA-marker sprays linking a suspect to a crime scene, would in most
places be legal to own and carry.
Everyday objects, such as flashlights, baseball bats, newspapers, key rings with
keys, kitchen utensils and other tools, and hair spray aerosol cans in combination
with a lighter, can also be used as improvised weapons for self-defense.

Unarmed Self –Defense

Most popular martial arts are

predominantly unarmed forms of self- defense. These martial art systems generally
originated from Asian groups regions, although there are some that come from the
West. Karate, popular for its calculated, angular movements using punches, block,
and kicks, originates from Japan. Aikido and Judo, specializing in the art of throwing,
off – balancing, sweeping, and locking are also from Japan. Also, another martial art
from Japan specializing in groundwork and grappling is Jujitsu (spelling variations
exist, as this is sometimes spelled as Jiu-jitsu).
From China came the martial art of wushu, tai chi, and variants of kung fu. Ancient
forms of kickboxing come from Thailand (muay thai) and Cambodia (bokator),
while another style of kickboxing comes from France (savate). Different Silat
version exist in Indonesia and Malaysia. Western boxing, originating from Greece,
passed down to Rome and resurfaced in Europe, and eventually found its way to the
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United State. In the Philippines, empty hand martial arts come in the forms of
sikaran (kickboxing), dumog (traditional Philippine grappling) and kuntao
(traditional martial art form of punching and kicking). Arnis is the Philippine martial
art of stick- fighting; however, empty hand techniques are also employed.

Jujitsu form Japan

Wushu form China

Muay Thai from Thailand

Bokator from Cambodia

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Sikaran from Philippines

Savate from France

Kuntao from Philippine

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Lesson 2
Armed Self – Defense: Arnis


Arnis is the Philippine indigenous martial art of stick – fighting. Also known
by other names such as eskrima and kali, arnis in other
countries is known as Filipino Martial Arts or FMA.
This martial art is complete system of defense because
of stick techniques have empty hand translations
(some stick striking patterns can be translated into
empty hand strikes, blocks, parries, and locking
techniques). The moves can be adopted for bladed
weapons as well. Even though stick techniques are not
the same when applied as bladed weapon techniques,
the angles of attack are very similar; if not, almost the
same. Arnis is a very adaptable martial art, and a lot
of other implements can be used as alternative weapons such as umbrella, ball pens,
bottles, or other implements lying around. Arnis is the national martial art and sport
of the Philippines, as stated in Republic Act 9850

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The 12 Striking Techniques

1. Leftside of the head attack.

A diagonal downward forehand swing to the left temple. From the position,
the warrior will hold the stick with one hand at 1 o’clock moving his stick in
slashing motion while his free hand on his chest.
2. Right side of the head attack.
A diagonal downward backhand swing striking to the right temple.
Assuming a fighting stance like the left temple strike, the warrior this time held his
stick at 11o'clock with his free hand kept on his chest.
3. Left side of the body or torso, to the left arm or elbow.
The 3rd striking technique allows the practitioner to extend his weapon
hand making it easier for him to strike any part of the opponent between its
shoulder and hips. The stick will be draw in a diagonal forehand slashing swing
making it easier to deliver a damage.
4. Right side of the body or torso, to the left arm or elbow.
Same as the 3rd strike but this time the practitioner will extend the weapon
hand to strike any part of the body between the shoulder and the hips in a backhand
slashing swing located on the right side
5. Thrust to the stomach.
In this strike, the practitioner will thrust the weapon hand to the stomach and
is followed by an upward motion that will cut through his opponent's body.
6. Left chest stab.
In this strike, the weapon hand is then extended to the front with the palm
facing outward and the elbow kept up where this strike can cause damage to the rib
7. Right chest stab.
In this stance, the practitioner will practice the scooping action. The weapon
hand is then extended forward with the palm facing outward. To deliver the strike
properly, the elbow should be kept up puncturing the opponent’s right lung.
8. Left lower leg.
In this technique, the practitioner will deliver a powerful strike to the
opponent’s lower leg, mainly the knee, the angle or the ankle which throws off the
opponent’s balance and immobilize him. By doing this, the warrior is supposed to
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lower his body (extending the weapon arm). Holding his palm upward and hit any
part of the opponent’s lower leg.
9. Right lower leg.
Again, like the 8th strike, the main target here is the right lower legs which
immobilize the opponent. By doing this, the palm should face downward.
10. Left eye poke.
The target here is the left eye socket. In order to execute it properly, the
practitioner should assume fighting stance then extend the weapon hand forward
with the palm facing outward with its elbow kept down.
11. Right eye poke.
Same as the 10th strike techniques. To execute it properly the practitioner
will have to hold his elbow down poking the right eye of the opponent.
12. Strike to the crown/top of head.
The last strike will be a straight downward overhead swing directed
towards the crown of the head which could throw off the opponent’s mobility and
Remember that this is good for defending yourself towards bad people and you can
use any available materials within reach your hand
ARNIS TUTORIAL (12 striking technique)

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Lesson 3
Community Recreational: Light and Low Impact Physical Activites

Community Recreational: Light and Low Impact Physical Activities

Community recreation is his collective terms for activities that eliminates

boredom, encourage physical activities to avoid a sedentary lifestyle, stimulate
mental activities, and involved a lot of people. These activities can be enjoyed by
anyone, and it’s usually employed to target specific groups of people who have
limited physical activity options – the elderly and the physically challenged.
Activities under this category include tai chi, yoga, fitness walking, strolling and
bird watching.

There are many effective exercises that can improve heart health without too much
bearing on the body. Here are 6 low impact forms to try:

1. Pilates
Just like Yoga, Pilates includes breathing, stretching exercises and postures. In
addition to improving your heart health, it can also assist in strengthening your
core muscles, aligning your spine and preventing back pain.

2. Power Yoga
Power yoga has many benefits in addition to
boosting cardiovascular health. Based on the style
of yoga you decide, you may see improvements in
flexibility, balance and strength

3. Swimming
Swimming is great because it gives you a full-body workout without placing any
stress on your joints. Swimming is the perfect choice for individuals who can’t carry
out weight-bearing exercises and enjoy exercising at their own pace.

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4. Cross-country Skiing
Cross-country skiing is another great whole-body exercise that avoids putting
stress on the joints. Cross-country skiing works the lower and upper body at the
same time, making it one of the most effective and efficient cardio exercises.
5. Elliptical Training
the elliptical trainer machine is another valuable exercise method because it works
the muscles in your lower and upper body simultaneously. The elliptical trainer
also places much less stress on your legs and knees compared to other types of
cardiovascular machines, like the treadmill.
6. Dancing
you don’t need to be a trained dancer to benefit from dancing. Dancing not only
strengthens the heart, but it also helps you burn calories and enhance muscle tone.
Zumba, salsa, ballroom dancing and square dancing are some of the most popular
forms of dancing today.

Elliptical Training


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Lesson 4
Community Recreation: Others Recreational Activities

Community Recreation
In the previous lesson, light and low impact physical activities that serve as
community recreation were mentioned. In this lesson, other forms of community
recreation are suggested. Part of the purposes of teaching physical education,
particularly recreation, is to provide productive, entertaining, positive, fun and
stress- relieving use of idle time. For people who have free evenings, weekends, long
vacations, or are on retirement, community recreation can keep the mind and the
body active.
Community Recreation refers to recreation at the local level
like community recreation facilities and community activity programs, and
includes activities like sport, aquatics, personal development programs,
rehabilitation programs and government initiatives.

Recreational Activities
Board Games and Other Tabletop Games
These activities keep the mind busy, and active, while being fun as well.
Examples are chess, scrabble, checkers, backgammon, bridge and mahjong. Local
games include sungka and dama.
Arts and Crafts
Another way to keep the mind active and creative is to engage in arts and
crafts. Painting, pottery, carving, and other similar hobbies can engage people in
light to moderate physical activity. Everything from planning a project, preparation
of the materials, doing the project itself, and the post – project clean –up, serve as
fun and productive use of leisure time.

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Gardening is another activity that can keep a person lightly active. Carrying
materials from point to point, kneeling or squatting down to till the soil, weed or
plant, walking around watering the plants – these activities, when light and stress –
free, can help keep a person active.

Board games and other tabletop games, arts and crafts, and gardening are just
a few examples of light to medium recreational activities that keep the mind and the
body active. It also gives a person a sense of satisfaction when he/ she finished a
work or task. Having these in mind, one can be creative by planning a whole array
of activities as functional recreation.

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Lesson 5
Culminating Activity: Sports fest

Sports fest
A festival of sport; a meeting at which athletics or other competitive sports
take place.

The four main activities of the Sportsfest were badminton, basketball, volleyball
and parlor games. The event aimed not only to demonstrate the physical abilities of
each individual but also to imbue participants with the value of team spirit.

9 Reasons Why Sports Fests or Intramurals Should Be Held at School

1. Allow students to develop psychomotor skills and fine-tune motor skills with
coordination, movement, strength, dexterity, grace, and speed, and find healthy
outlets for energy.
2. Promote camaraderie and rapport among students, instructors, parents, and
administration. In other words, sports build strong bonds within the community.
3. Instill discipline among students.
4. Provide a healthy pastime to help students refrain from various vices such as drugs,
smoking, drinking, and spending excessive time on electronic devices.
5. Teach the value of teamwork. In real work environments, team skills are some of the
most valuable attributes an employee can have. The ability to work well with others
can lead to job security and promotions.
6. Teach the value of sportsmanship. The ability to accept defeat gracefully is a sign of
maturity and a requisite skill for success. The ability to bounce back strong from a
fall wills able student to experience personal triumph and immense joy. Losses teach
students to rebound stronger next time, practice craft, and learn from mistakes, while
wins teach students to never rest on their laurels but to keep practicing, and always
maintain a fighting form. Playing sports teach students to refrain from boastful
arrogance and instead to learn to be realistic and humble.

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7. Showcase talents so that others will be inspired.

8. Encourage healthy competition among participants.
9. Teach students to shine under pressure and to cope with nerves or performance

Intramurals Are the Perfect Opportunity to Highlight Camaraderie,

Sportsmanship, and Talent

School is a place where students are nurtured toward becoming responsible and
productive members of society. School provides a means of molding students into
capable employees or professionals in their chosen fields. Mathematics and science
help students to enhance their reasoning, English helps hone and polish verbal and
written communications, social studies promote socialization and awareness, and
physical education encourages students to have holistic and active lifestyles and
practice the arts of winning, losing, and teamwork.

In other words, participating in physical education provides invaluable life skills.

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Activity 1:
1. What is the purpose of Sports Fest?
2. What is a Sports Fest?
3. What recreation means?
4. What do you know about martial arts history?
5. Do you think it's important to preserve traditions in martial arts?
6. Do you know how to use any traditional weapons?
7. Which martial art is best in your opinion? Why?
8. How many kinds of kung fu have you heard of? For example, do you know the
difference between traditional kung fu and modern wushu?

Write your general definition of outdoor recreation in a sentence or two making
sure to identify at least three key components that make something ‘outdoor

Activity 2:
Choose a recreational activity. Warm up and stretch prior to the activity, then
perform a cool down stretch after. The activity proper must be at least 30 minutes.

Activity 3:
a. Make a video presentation of using Arnis. (5mins)

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Name: ________________________________
Date: _________________________________


Make a video presentation of your own DIY arts and craft project.

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