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Masking regions sketched over the upper corners of

a view

Unit plan view with upper corners masked

Training File
Continue to use the training file you used in the previous lesson, Imperial\i_Freighthouse_Flats-VG_in

1 In the Project Browser, under Floor Plans, right-click Level 1 ➤ Duplicate View ➤ Duplicate.
2 Select Copy of Level 1, right-click, and click Rename.
3 In the Rename View dialog, enter Unit 18 Plan – Level 1, and click OK.
4 On the View Control Bar, click Show Crop Region.
5 On the View menu, click Zoom ➤ Zoom to Fit.
6 Modify the crop region to get close to the desired view at the bottom left, as shown.

190 | Chapter 4 Adding Views and Sheets to a Project

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