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Write down what you understand about Multigrade teaching, try to write your own definition
and what you know about teaching and learning in multi grade classroom.

For me in my own definition multi grades teaching means " teaching whole level concruent"
meaning to say one teacher must be teach two or more class at the end of the year.
Based, from what I know multi grade teaching are things must be taken into account and
must be learned. teaching in a whole class at the same level in the same classroom is a big
responsibility you've taken all subjects that must be taught. The learners in each grade are usually
of the same age but may differ in abilities like for example the student one is good in terms of
arts, he like drawing and the student two is good in terms of performances like dance, sing so,
how the teacher must be handle it? Multi grade teaching is a kind of scenario's where in the
teacher must teaching the student even it has a different in grade level, age and ability, the
teacher must be considerating.
As a student soon to be a teacher I learned that when we enter in a multigrade classroom
there's so many reconsider in teaching like I said earlier the students has a difference in age and
ability something we encountered a IP or indigenous people student wherein they have a
different cultures and religion that should be respect, different learning levels fast learners or
slow learners it should be understanding between the learners and educator.
In multi grade classroom I learned that we should provide them a fresh environment
teaching classrooms so that learners can move and interact freely without disturbing one another
the classroom should be protected from wind and rain when the weather is suitable, learners can
also be taught outside the classroom, provide the classroom enough electric fan, and in terms of
teaching we should provide them a supporting learning materials or resources, the library or
reading courses as well for their study to be smooth.

ll. Compare your definition with what you have just read about Multigrade
How was your definition similar or different?
What might be different in multi classroom?
Definitely they have similar but different in terms of flowing ideas, information based
from my own definition and to what I read they both same in terms of multi grade teaching are
two or more grade levels where in only one teacher in a whole class in the same year.
The different of Multi classroom in multigrade classes are the differences in terms of age,
grade level, ability, skills and interest among students is significant; so that the teachers must be
ensure that the learning environment are appropriately to all the learners the student place
learning should be suitable to them to study.

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