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Giving Opinion


RAFLI : “assalamu’alaikum wr.wb, Farhan how are you?”

FARHAN : “waalaikum salam wr.wb , Rafli im good, how about you?”

RAFLI : “I am Fine Thanks, Farkhan I would like to ask you something. Do you like smoking ?”

FARHAN :” oh no i don't like smoking,do you like smoking? , in my opinion smoking is not good
because it can makes cancer and many disease .”

RAFLI :”I agree with you, smoke from cigarette it can make hole in your lung.”

FARHAN :” Yes, but why so many people like to smoke it?.”

RAFLI : When I ask my friends who like smoking, they said smoked is a stress relief.”

FARHAN : Oh I see, people who like smoking think smoking can reduce the stress. But I think you
can relieve your stress with doing something that makes you happy.

RAFLI :” Yes they can do activities that make them happy.”

FARHAN :” the activities that can relieve your stress are so much, like caring a pets such as cats.”
RAFLI :” Yeah, caring a cat can relieve a stress, because the adorable behaviour of cats can
make us happy.”

FARHAN : “Rafli Do you think smoking is useless and waste the money ? Because people that
smoking always burning their money to make happiness.”

RAFLI : ” Yes I agree with you, They can use their money to something that useful, Like food,
clothes, Intuition fee or helping each other”

FARHAN :” Yeah, I agree with you. Rafli I have an appointment with Hanafi to makes some video,
so I will left now. Hopefully we'll meet next time.”

RAFLI :” Oh do you want to left now ? , see you later, Farkhan.”

FARHAN :” yeah I will left now, see you later.”

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

Waalaikum salam wr.wb

Farkhan Alamsyah (44190547) = Farkhan

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