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Kimberly Partida

Task 2

The Bill of Rights

For the United States, the Bill of Rights serves the basic purpose of protecting individual rights
and liberties. Yet it also performs a fundamental role in establishing an environment that
supports and sustains civil society. While the Founders may not have used the term “civil
society” in their writings and discussions, the rights they protected in these first 10 amendments
to the Constitution encourage citizens to engage with each other informally and formally in civic
institutions to continually improve the nation’s democracy.

Part A
Review the amendments in the Bill of rights. Choose three rights to focus on—the rights you
believe are the most important ones in the document. Take notes in the table provided below
about each right. Include the amendment number and the name of the right, identify a current
real-world scenario that illustrates contact around that right, and describe the reasons explaining
the different sides of the contact.


Amendment: Freedom of Assembly

Right 1: to advocate for change and for people to raise awareness about the
issues that matter to them

Current issue: On of the issues would be BML ( Black Lives Matter) people wanted it to
change due to the fact that they thought it wasn’t fair how they were being treated by
people such as police officers, and racist people Etc...

Right: Hosting party’s late at night

Explanation: freedom of assembly protects those whom the government believes

may “cause trouble” when they get together.

Right: Rights to do petitions

Explanation: Petitions filed by political candidates to get on a ballot, petitions to

recall elected officials, and petitions for ballot initiatives

Right: Face masks being used today

Explanation: Due to covid today some people refuse to wear their masks although they
don’t see that covid cases rise if they don’t.

Reasons for conflict: Situation going on somewhere out of state.

Amendment: Freedom of religion

Reasons for conflict: Some people discriminate against others because of their religion
or what they believe in or not.

Amendment: Freedom of speech

Reasons for conflict: People nowadays use a lot of bad profanity and can cause many
things although people don’t see it.

Right 2: To use certain offensive words and phrases to convey political messages

Current issue: Yes although you sometimes don’t know what you’re saying or you don’t
actually mean to say it to someone for them to take it personally things can get out of

Right 3: People are sensitive about certain things which we sometimes don’t know
ourselves so it’s better to use our vocabulary accurately and properly.

Current issue: People fight with words strong words and whatnot, people think that by
swearing is going to solve their problems with others.

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Part B
Now, choose one of the three scenarios from Part A of this task. Write a speech as if you were a
member of the House of Representatives or some other government social speaking to a town
hall meeting in your district. In your speech, highlight this contact and issue for your
constituents. Also, list potential solutions to the issue and discuss the consequences if no
solution is found. Finally, explain your own opinion, in your role as a US representative, on how
to resolve the situation. Be sure to support your viewpoint with evidence.

Review these brief speeches from Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) and former Rep. Jim Ramstad (R-
MN) as examples of this type of argument for a policy prescription. Once you have written your
speech, ask your teacher if he or she would like you to record the speech and submit a video of
it for peer or teacher evaluation via School Tube.
Answer: City Hall to announce a new bill, which further strengthens the second
amendment: we will strengthen the militia action here in the state of Michigan,
where we have seen delinquency, robberies, the violence growing and becoming
an unprecedented public safety problem, a calamity for the entire state. In
addition, it maintains the right to carry a firearm, as long as the case is for the
defense of property, property, and self-defense. Every citizen who needs, in
situations of robbery, to defend himself using a weapon, will not answer injustice
for this when it is proved that the use of the weapon was in self-defense. In order
not to reach that extreme, it has also been proposed in the House of
Representatives, a bill that reinforces militia action on all streets and corners of
Detroit. These militias will be at the disposal of the population and the citizens,
fighting crime and delinquency. We can find no other way to control this
situation. We approve this law, for the sake of all in the community, before we
witness more deaths and innocent bloodshed.

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