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Advice. Ideas.


Anita’s Garden
Volume 3, Issue 39 16 April 2021

Useful Links Editorial


Blog Welcome to the thirty-ninth issue of terracotta troughs which I like to fill
my newsletter for Volume 3. with annuals all year round. In sum-
Newsletter back issues mer, I filled them with marigolds which
I hope you are all well. A very warm I raised from seed. While they were
Facebook welcome to newcomers to my mailing very beautiful, I found that the flowers
list. I hope you enjoy reading my did not last long and the plants were
weekly gardening newsletters. Writ- dying by February. One of my troughs
Twitter ing my newsletter is the highlight of contained some bronze leaf white flow-
my week. I put a lot of effort into ering begonias which I purchased in
Linkedin thinking about new and interesting punnets from Kings Plant Barn. By
things to write about so it doesn’t be- contrast with the marigolds, they have
come monotonous. This week, I’d like been flowering non-stop, with no signs
to write a bit about challenging your- of slowing down. The idea of growing
self in the garden. Whether you’re a an annual in these containers which
Contact me beginner, intermediate or advanced lasts all year long sounds too good to be
gardener, setting yourself a challenge true, but this variety of begonia is very
 Feedback in the garden makes life more inter- hardy. They are also drought tolerant
esting and keeps you stimulated. If which is a good thing given that we are
 Newsletter input you are just starting out, a challenge still on watering restrictions. I have
(tips, recipes, gar- might be setting up a garden bed or a already placed an order for three differ-
den photos etc) few containers, purchasing some ent types (bronze leaf with pink flowers,
plants from the garden centre and bronze leaf with white flowers and
 To be added to my
then planting and looking after them. green leaf with white flowers) and will
mailing list
This is a huge achievement! If you start them in May. They require heat already have some experience in for germination so I will have to take
planting seedlings purchased from the out my heat pads (usually I don’t get
garden centre, you will probably be an them out until August when I start
intermediate gardener. The next step propagating seeds for summer). The
Inside this issue: for you may be to start propagating seed is in pellet form, which gives me
some simple seedlings from seed. hope as they will be larger and easier to
Good ones to start with and which can work with. I will spend winter raising
be sowed right now are peas (snow and looking after my seedlings and
P ot te r ing aro u nd 2 peas, climbing peas, dwarf peas and hope to be able to plant them out in
Anita’s Garden sweet peas) and broad beans. If you spring. I will let you know how my
have been gardening for many years challenge goes. What will your chal-
like myself and have devoted your lenge be for this year?
Top 5 gardening tasks 2 whole life to nurturing your garden,
for the week you will have to work very hard to Useful links
come up with new and exciting chal-  Italian Seeds Pronto
lenges. I enjoy browsing through seed
News 2
catalogues in search of new and inter-  Awapuni
esting veggies and flowers to propa-
gate from seed. This year, I decided  Bulbs Direct
The flower garden in 3 that my personal challenge will be to
raise bedding begonias (the waxy leaf Kind regards,
kind that are used for borders and in Anita Kundu
containers, not the tuberous kind)
from seed. I have a lot of plastic
PAGE 2 A NI T A ’ S G A R D E N V O LU M E 3 , I S S U E 3 9

Pottering around Anita’s Garden

We have been enjoying mandarins Mum helped me pot some pansies I

from our dwarf citrus trees. A few grew from seed into plastic hang-
As mentioned last week, one of my years ago, I planted several differ- ing planters which are suspended
dahlias, Rebecca’s World, is al- ent varieties of Flying Dragon from our washing line. This varie-
ways quite late to flower. Another dwarf mandarin trees in 35 litre ty is called Matrix Morpheus and I
one that has only just started black plastic buckets. I filled them obtained the seeds from the Eg-
flowering is Crazy Love (pictured with container mix. We have been mont Seeds Commercial Cata-
above). When I chose dahlias for very impressed with the amount of logue. I usually sow pansies in
our garden, I didn’t realise that fruit that such a small tree produc- January, transplant them into
they flowered at different times. es. One advantage is that dwarf trays in February and then plant
trees don’t require pruning. them out in March or April.

Top 5 gardening tasks for the week

4. Sow peas
1. Sow parsley While you may remember all of the
different varieties as you walk Climbing peas, sweet peas and
Parsley seeds can be sown direct to around your garden, in time to snow peas can all be sown direct
where you want to grow them. come when your tubers are now. I always raise some in pun-
2. Plant pansies and viola dormant and lifted, you won’t be nets too, incase the ones I sowed
able to tell them apart. I am trial- direct don’t germinate.
They look great both in the ground ing using flagging tape (available
and in containers or hanging bas- from Bunnings) and permanent 5. Order strawberries
kets marker to note the name of each
variety. I will let you know wheth- Some places are accepting orders
3. Label your dahlias er this is an effective labelling for strawberry runners for sending
method later in the year. out in May.

Italian Seeds Pronto have by far Bulbs Direct have a lovely selec- Awapuni have a great special on
the best selection of chicory and tion of dutch iris this season. They this week. Spend $45 and receive
radicchio of all the NZ seed suppli- are very hardy and easy to grow, a FREE pair of bypass secateurs.
ers I am aware of. We enjoy add- making them perfect for beginner They will automatically be added
ing them to our winter salads so gardeners. My personal favourite to your cart when you hit the mini-
we have a mixture of different are traditional blue and purple mum spend. This offer is valid
leaves. Both are low in fat and dutch iris, but they come in other until 9 am Monday 19 April 2021
highly nutritious. Radicchio has colours including white, yellow and or while stocks last.
the additional advantage of adding multicolour. They are tall and
some colour to green salads. Visit make a great cut flower which Awapuni are running a Facebook
the website to purchase them. lasts a long time in a vase. competition. Click here to enter.
V O LU M E 3 , I S S U E 3 9 PAGE 3
A NI T A ’ S G A R D E N

The flower garden in autumn

Autumn is a busy time for flower spring annuals and April is the they’re still flowering!
gardeners. The garden is still full perfect month to sow seeds. Al-
Bedding annuals to plant now
of colour and there is so much that ways sow poppy seeds direct to
can be sown and planted now. where you want them to grow, as It’s too late to sow all your favour-
Here are some tips to help you. their roots resent being trans- ite winter bedding annuals from
planted. This year, I am sowing seed, but you can pop in some
In bloom right now an Iceland poppy for the first time. plants. Pansies, violas and polyan-
I don’t know about you, but our It is called Windsong. Some of you thus can all be planted now.
garden is still a mass of dazzling may wish to sow soldier poppies on Awapuni stock all of these in great
different colours. Our dinner plate ANZAC day in remembrance of value bundles wrapped in newspa-
dahlias are still putting on a splen- those who lost their lives in the per that are conveniently delivered
did show, especially Café au Lait, war. direct to your door. Keep an eye
Labyrinth and Penhill Watermel- on their website as new varieties
Seeds to sow indoors
on. Some of our decorative and become available.
cactus dahlias have only just start- I usually put my heat pads away
Be creative. Bedding annuals can,
ed flowering, including Rebecca’s in December after sowing heat-
as the same suggests, be grown in
World, Crazy Love and My Love. loving plants such as snake beans
garden beds as a low-growing bor-
Our zinnias are still blooming like and okra and only bring them out
der infront of medium to high
crazy and I don’t have the heart to again in August, when I start sow-
plants. But they also look great in
pull them out to make room for our ing the first of our heat-loving veg-
containers and hanging baskets.
spring bulbs. If you missed the gies, such as chillies, capsicums
boat and didn’t plant dahlias and and eggplants. I’ll be bringing Spring bulbs
zinnias last spring, don’t fret. them out soon as this year I really
There is always next year. Bulbs want to try propagating bedding Autumn is the perfect time to
Direct have an excellent selection begonias from seed for the first plant all your favourite spring
of dahlia tubers which normally go time. May is the perfect time to do bulbs for a magnificent display of
on sale in July. Dahlias have seen it. Egmont Seeds stocks a fantas- flowers during the coldest months
a real comeback in recent years. It tic selection of bedding begonia of the year. You can’t beat anemo-
pays to be quick with your order as seeds in their Commercial Cata- nes and ranunculus for value for
popular varieties sell out fast. Zin- logue (you’ll need to ask for per- money and a long-lasting display
nias can be grown from seed or you mission to view it of colour. Noth-
can purchase plants from Awapuni online or request a ing quite says
“Autumn is a busy time for
when they become available hard copy, as it isn’t spring like daffo-
flower gardeners. The
around Labour Weekend. I nor- viewable on their dils. They are so
garden is still full of
mally do a bit of both so I am guar- website). According bright and cheer-
colour and there is so
anteed to have this bold, beautiful to the owner John ful. I really look
much that can be sown
annual in our autumn garden. McCullough, they forward to seeing
and planted now”
When I first started gardening, I aren’t difficult to them in the gar-
used to be able to sow zinnia seeds raise from seed but den every spring.
direct to where I wanted them to they do take some time. He recom- I also recommend dutch iris. They
grow and they would germinate mends sowing them in a punnet or flower a bit later in the season and
and grow perfectly. Over the past tray and covering lightly with ver- make a magnificent cut flower. If
two years, I haven't had luck with miculite. John also advises to wa- you live in a warmer climate, leave
this method. I have had to propa- ter and cover with a plastic bag to planting tulips until May and give
gate them on my heat pad in maintain humidity. Don’t forget to them a cold spell in the fridge first.
spring and then painstakingly keep an eye on them and move
transplant them into punnets, them off your heat pad and into I highly recommend ordering
keeping them in our greenhouse your greenhouse when the seed- spring bulbs through the mail or-
until it is warm enough to plant lings are large enough. From der company Bulbs Direct. They
them outdoors. If you are growing there, you can transplant them have a fantastic selection, the
zinnias from seed, I advise you to into six-cell punnets when they bulbs are of a very high quality
do a bit of both to ensure that you have grown a bit more. While this and they offer friendly and effi-
have flowers. may sound like a lot of work now, cient customer service.
it will pay off come spring when
Seeds to sow outdoors Have a good weekend
your garden is a mass of colour.
Poppies are one of my favourite These beauties don’t stop flower- Happy gardening!
ing. I planted mine back then and

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