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Editorial Cartoon Rubric

Criteria for Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Evaluation Value___ Value ___ Value ___ Value ___
Does not Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates
demonstrate limited understanding complete
Evidence of understanding understanding of the understanding
Understanding of the problem of the problem. and insight
problem. into the
Cartoon does Cartoon Cartoon Cartoon
Addresses not address addresses the addresses the strongly
Issues the issues. issues in a issues. addresses the
limited way. issues.
No graphics Graphics Graphics are Graphics and
are provided. detract rather appropriate for illustrations
Graphics than enhance the message of enhance the
the message. the cartoon. message of the
Cartoon shows Limited Cartoon Cartoon
no evidence of creativity is demonstrates demonstrates
Creativity creativity. evident in the creativity. a high level of
cartoon. creativity and
Cartoon is Somewhat Cartoon Cartoon
lacking in lacking in demonstrates demonstrates
Neatness neatness. neatness. moderate level a high level of
of quality and neatness and
neatness. quality.


Teacher Comments Student Self‐Assessment

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