G1 Lesson 1

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Lesson 1: The Numbers 1 to 50

I. Objectives
At the end of the week, the grade 1 pupils are expected to do the
a. Identify numbers from 0 to 50
b. Count and read numbers 0 to 50
c. Write numbers from 0 to 50
d. Order numbers from 0 to 50 from least to greatest and greatest to
e. Compare numbers from 0 to 50

II. Introduction of the Lesson

Have you been to a children’s playground? It is such a fun place!
You can enjoy different games and rides there.
You can describe the different things you see by knowing how many
there are. You tell how many by counting.

Day 1: Lesson 1a – Numbers 1 to 10

I. Discussion
This is how you count the number of objects in a group.

There is 1 yellow star. There are 2 clouds. There are 3 circles.

There are 4 diamonds. There are 5 hearts.

There are 6 arrows on the platform. There are 7 triangles in the


There are 8 smiley faces. There are 9 boxes in the platform.


There are 10 flowers.

Name: _____________________________ Date: _________

I. Count the animals and write the correct number in the circle.

1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.

7. 8.

9. 10.

Day 1: Lesson 1b – Reading and Writing Numbers 1 to 10

I. Discussion
You use numbers to tell how many. Look at the chart below. It shows the
different things and its corresponding number.

The numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 are called counting numbers.
If there is no object to count, then the number is called zero. It is written as 0.

Name: _____________________________ Date: _________

I. Read the number word and write the corresponding number symbol in the
head of the truck.

1. seven 2. two 3. four

4. eight 5. one 6. five

7. nine 8. zero 9. six

10. ten

II. Count the number of shapes. Fill in the spaces with the number and its
number word.

11. number: _____ word: __________

12. number: _____ word: __________

13. number: _____ word: __________

14. number: _____ word: __________

15. number: _____

word: __________

Day 2: Lesson 1c – One More and One Less

I. Discussion
A number are arranged in a certain order. As the number goes up, the
next number is more than the last number.


1 more than 2 is 3. (1 + 2 = 3)

1 more than 4 is 5. (1 + 4 = 5)

1 more than 6 is 7. (1 + 6 = 7)

1 less than 3 is 2. (3 - 1 = 2)

1 less than 8 is 7. (8 - 1 = 7)

Name: _____________________________ Date: _________

I. Look at each group. Write one more or one less in the blank.


____________________ than 9 is 8.


____________________ than 5 is 6.


____________________ than 3 is 4.


____________________ than 6 is 5.


____________________ than 4 is 5.

Day 2: Lesson 1d – Numbers 11 to 50

I. Discussion
There are other numbers after 10 that you need to know. Here is the list
of numbers up to 50. Practice reading each number. Study how to write each

11 eleven 21 twenty-one
12 twelve 22 twenty-two
13 thirteen 23 twenty-three
14 fourteen 24 twenty-four
15 fifteen 25 twenty-five
16 sixteen 26 twenty-six
17 seventeen 27 twenty-seven
18 eighteen 28 twenty-eight
19 nineteen 29 twenty-nine
20 twenty 30 thirty

31 thirty-one 41 forty-one
32 thirty-two 42 forty-two
33 thirty-three 43 forty-three
34 thirty-four 44 forty-four
35 thirty-five 45 forty-five
36 thirty-six 46 forty-six
37 thirty-seven 47 forty-seven
38 thirty-eight 48 forty-eight
39 thirty-nine 49 forty-nine
40 forty 50 fifty

To write numbers after 10, you use more than one digit. For example, the
number twenty-seven is a combination of the digits 2 and 7. Study the other
examples below.

Number in Words Digits Number in Symbols

fourteen 1 4 14
twenty-three 2 3 23
thirty-five 3 5 35
forty-one 4 1 41

Name: _____________________________ Date: _________

I. Write each number in digits and in symbols.

Number in Words Digits Number in Symbols


II. Write each number in symbols on the line.

6. nineteen = __________

7. forty-two = __________

8. thirty-one = __________

9. forty-nine = __________

10. twenty-seven = __________

11. twenty-one = __________

12. thirty-eight = __________

13. forty-six = __________

14. thirty-five = __________

15. twenty-four = __________

Day 3: Lesson 1e – Writing Numbers in Words

I. Discussion
To write the number words, combine two number words that you have
learned. Here is how you form number words for number words for numbers
after 20.

1. Use the number words for groups of 10. These are twenty, thirty, forty,
and fifty.

2. Then use the number words one to nine for the number 1 to 9.


1. 35
To form the number word for 35, you have the digits 3 and 5.
3 stands for thirty and 5 stands for five.
Thus, you write the number word as thirty-five.

2. 41
To form the number word for 41, you have the digits 4 and 1.
4 stands for forty and 1 stands for one.
So, you get forty-one.

Always connect the two number words with a hyphen (-).

TRY IT!!!!!!
How about the number 27?
2 stands for _______________. 7 stands for _______________.
The number word for 27 is _____________________________.

Name: _____________________________ Date: _________

I. Write the number words for each number. Write your answer on the line.

1. 29: 2 stands for _______________.

9 stands for _______________.
The number word for 29 is ______________________________.

2. 33: 3 stands for _______________.

3 stands for _______________.
The number word for 33 is ______________________________.

3. 48: 4 stands for _______________.

8 stands for _______________.
The number word for 48 is ______________________________.

4. 32: 3 stands for _______________.

2 stands for _______________.
The number word for 32 is ______________________________.

5. 43: 4 stands for _______________.

3 stands for _______________.
The number word for 43 is ______________________________.

II. Write in the box the number word for each numeral.


Day 4: Lesson 1f – Comparing Numbers 1 to 50

I. Discussion
It is easier to count objects more than10 if you make groups of 10.
= 10 =1

a. How do you compare 43 and 35?

43 35

43 has 4 groups of 10. 35 has 3 groups of 10.

There are more groups of 10 in 43. You can say that 43 is more than 35
or 43 > 35.
The symbol > means more than.

b. How do you compare 25 and 46?

25 46

25 has 2 groups of 10. 46 has 4 groups of 10.

There are more groups of 10 in 46. You can say that 25 is less than 46 or
25 < 46.
The symbol < means less than.
c. If the number are the same, you say they are equal.
Compare 14 and 14.

14 14
You can say that 14 is equal to 14 or 14 = 14.
The symbol = means equal to.

Name: _____________________________ Date: _________

I. Write on the line the number shown by the big rectangles and small
rectangles. Then compare them. Write >, < or = in the circle.


2. __________ __________


4. __________ __________

II. Compare each pair of numbers. Write >, < or = in the circle.

5. 42 23

6. 33 33

7. 31 42

8. 18 25

9. 28 28

10. 43 24

Day 5: Lesson 1g – Ordering Numbers 1 to 50

I. Discussion
Observe how the numbers on the box A and box B are arranged. Which
group of boxes has numbers arranged from smallest to greatest?


22 23 24 25 26 27


46 45 44 43 42 41

The numbers of the boxes on A are arranged from smallest to largest or

increasing order. This means that the numbers go higher.

The numbers of the boxes on B are arranged from largest to smallest or

decreasing order. This means that the numbers go lower.

Examples of increasing order:

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

3 6 7 10 16 20 34 40 43

0 10 20 30 40 50

Examples of decreasing order:

44 33 22 11 9 5 0

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5

50 40 30 20 10 0

Name: _____________________________ Date: _________

I. Arrange each set of numbers in increasing order. Write the numbers on the

1. 16 19 20 17 18

_______ _______ _______ _______ _______

2. 25 27 24 26 28

_______ _______ _______ _______ _______

3. 34 33 37 35 36

_______ _______ _______ _______ _______

4. 40 39 38 41 42

_______ _______ _______ _______ _______

II. Arrange each set of numbers in decreasing order. Write the numbers on the

5. 18 19 17 15 16

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____

6. 31 33 34 32 30

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____

7. 50 49 46 48 47

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____

8. 29 28 31 27 30

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____

9. Write on the lines the numbers from 16 to 25 in increasing order.

_____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____

10. Write on the lines the numbers from 44 to 36 in decreasing order.

_____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____


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