Available List Search Wildcards

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Available list search wildcards


The platform supports several wildcard characters to expand and refine search results.

Wildcard Description

*search-term Search for values that contain search-term.


%search-term Search for values that end with search-term.

search-term% Search for values that start with search-term.

=search-term Search for values that equal search-term.

!*searchterm Search for values that do not contain search-term.

!%searchterm Search for values that do not end with search-term.

!=searchterm Search for values that do not equal searchterm.

Available list search wildcards

Searching without wildcard characters

If you enter text in the search box without using a wildcard, the search is performed for
values greater than or equal to the value you enter. For text data-type-fields, this means
that the search first sorts the records on the selected field, then finds the first record that
starts with the text and all following records. For numeric data-type-fields, this means that
the search finds all records where the number field ends with the entered number.
Note: The system treats some string fields that contain record numbers as numeric fields.
Any field named number or u_number is treated as a numeric field.

Setting default search behavior

Administrators can add a property to perform a default contains search instead of a greater
than search. To make this change, Add the property glide.ui.goto_use_contains and set the
property Value to true.


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