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Hi, Good Morning Everyone.

My part is to discuss about the Christian marriage as “covenant


Context: Couples who are married or about to get married look at the sacrament of marriage as a
means to legitimize their relationship. The Marriage Contract is just a piece of paper which will
prove to others that they are legally living together and can, therefore, have sex anytime. To
many it is just the physical unity of a man and a woman and they do not see the relationship
between human married love and God’s love for His people.

Explanation: One of the many reasons why there are married couples end up getting divorce its
because their view about marriage is just a physical unity or a contract that will prove to others
na their relationship is legal without knowingly na the true essence of marriage is a relationship
between human married love and God’e love for his people. That is why it is calld na Christian
marriage as covenant love because it is sacred. It is intended to be an unbreakable bond.
Marriage is more than just a contract or a piece of paper because it is made through God. It is a
lifelong promise to remain faithful saimong partner and to build a strong relationship focused on

As what Matthew said in chapter 1 verse 18-25, marriage is a calling from God, and not a human
institution. It is a covenant gift of God wherein the family is formed in life-giving and sacrificial
love. Marriages which have God at the centre stay strong despite many trials.

Marriage reflects Christ's love for his Church by the way that Christ gives you a partner to go
through life with. Marriage is a permanent, life-long commitment.

The third preface of the mass wedding implies God’s love should prevail in marriage. The man
and woman must keep in mind that God has given each individual spouse spiritual gifts and a
specific calling. This should be a spring-board to support each other to pursue their call and use
their God-given talents to glorify Him.

Which means marriage is viewed to paramihin or to reproduce human race by sharing in God’s
own creativity.

Mutual love like there should be reciprocity and it is not just about the feelings of each other but
rather also putting equal efforts into relationships. Support in the sense that both of you is
helping each other to grow and enables you to achieve more than you ever could on your own.
And unity of the couple meaning there should be pagkakaisa or commitment between the couple.

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