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Business Plan
2020 Targets and Objectives 3

Business Development 7

 Smart Islands (IoT) 8

 Fintech 9

 Jersey Fintech Map 10

 Digital Health 11

 Digital Sector Growth 12

 Key Performance Indicators 13

Strategy & Policy 14

 Activity 15

Hubs 17

 The Hub space for meetings

 and hot-desking

 The Hub Offices 19

 Digital Jersey Xchange 20

 Key Performance Indicators 21

Academy 23

 Activity 24

 Key Performance Indicators 25

Marketing 26

 Campaign Activity 27

 Events 28
2020 Targets 3
Focus on the growth of the
local fintech sector 6
Promote and celebrate the very
best of Jersey’s digital sector

and Objectives Relocation of 5 Fintech businesses into Jersey, and

help with the ongoing modernisation of the existing
Attract over 3500 people both on island and around
the world through key Digital Jersey events such as
finance industry. To be achieved through delivering TechWeek, the TechAwards and sector specific events
the Fintech Roadmap, positioning Jersey as a on fintech and Smart Islands. By achieving 80%+
supportive jurisdiction for fintech and building an attendee satisfaction levels at these events, Digital
even closer working relationship with Jersey Finance, Jersey will enable Jersey to showcase the very best of
Government and the JFSC. Jersey’s digital business sector to support local and
export growth, and also attract new businesses to the
Drive Smart City and IoT
4 innovation in Jersey
Develop and implement an island
1 Drive Digital Sector Growth Support the relocation of 5 IoT related businesses into 7 wide technology roadmap
Jersey. To be achieved by working with local firms to

Create 50 new jobs and support 100 businesses implement new technologies such as 5G, by working Develop a technology strategy for Jersey, which pulls

through tailored growth plans, targeted inward with off island companies to utilise our world-class together public and private sector organisations to

investment campaigns and a wide range networks, and further developing our supporting address key challenges facing the island. The strategy’s

of services via the Digital Jersey Hubs. foundations such as DJX and digital twin. objective will be to deliver efficiencies, support
economic growth and make Jersey a more attractive
place for digital companies
Promote Jersey as an attractive
2 Create a digitally-skilled 5 and unique destination to develop
to work.
and launch new technologies
Support 300 students on training initiatives from Establish a future vision for a
the Digital Jersey Academy. To be achieved through
Work with off island businesses to deliver 4 Sandbox 8 strong digital economy in Jersey
Jersey projects. To be achieved through the support
growing the Digital Leadership Programme,
of the business development team, targeted digital Work with leading academic and industry experts
developing and running new courses in areas of
marketing campaigns, publication of compelling case to publish a long-term vision for the organisation’s
industry demand, and hosting 3rd party courses.
studies, and off island representation at key events. direction over the next few years. This in turn will
support the Government of Jersey’s Common Strategic
Policies and Digital Policy Framework.

Supporting the Government’s Strategic Plans

Government of Jersey – Common Strategic Policy 2018 - 2022

Protect and Value

Create a Sustainable, Vibrant Economy and Skilled Local Workforce Improve Islander’s Wellbeing
our Environment

GoJ - Sustainable GoJ - Tackling the GoJ / Digital Jersey - Digital

GoJ - Digital Policy Framework
Transport Strategy Climate Emergency Health and Care Strategy

• Thriving Digital Sector • Electrification • Protecting and developing our • GoJ / DJ Electronic Patient
• Digital Skills for All • Vehicle sharing finance and digital sectors Records

• Advanced Digital Infrastructure • Congestion monitoring • Carbon neutral by 2030 • Replacement of legacy systems

• Mapping services • Improving information flows

• Air Quality • Health Sandbox

• Digital Health and Care

Digital Sector Growth Fintech Smart Island (IoT) Digital Health Academy Hubs

Business Development activity for Digital Jersey
continues to be a combination of the more
traditional function of positioning Jersey as a viable
destination for inward investment in the digital
sector, which includes encouraging organisations
and individuals to relocate, as well as supporting the
three priority sectors – Fintech, Digital Health and
Smart Island (IoT).

Business Development

Smart Islands (IoT)

The Government of Jersey has ambitions
to protect and value our environment. This
includes “creating a Smart Island strategy
The Business Development team will work to develop
that utilises the Internet of Things and
proposals for private sector investment in Smart
other digital innovations to enhance the
Island technology. In doing so, this will encourage
environment.” Digital Jersey aims to connect businesses to utilise Smart Island technology, creating
these government objectives with business high productivity jobs, as well as improving the quality
of life on island.
opportunities and technology.
The strategy will support local technology businesses
This approach also aligns with the economic in prototyping new Smart Island products and
innovations, to be achieved by populating the DJX
growth section of the Government plan,
Digital Twin with valuable data sets, which can be
which emphasises the need to “diversify our analysed to help solve local problems.
economy, including ongoing support for our
Promote Jersey as a business location for Smart Island
digital sector.”
technology, by running events on-island and having a
presence at off-island events.
To achieve this in 2020, Digital Jersey
Support Government in delivering Island-wide
will enact proposals laid out in its Smart
sustainable initiatives creating data-driven decisions
Island framework, following a Smart Island both at a community level and through government
Roundtable held last year. policy, for example, sub-standard air quality readings
at certain times in certain areas such as schools,
could drive down conventional vehicle usage whilst
influencing sustainable transport policy i.e. promoting
electric vehicle initiatives.

Business Development

Digital Jersey’s Fintech activity delivers Activity
on a range of Government priorities to
improve economic performance, support
In 2020 Digital Jersey will support jurisdiction for fintech
and strengthen our financial services through working with the JFSC, JFL and Government in
sector, and continue to diversify our having clear and consistent messaging and marketing
economy through digital. material across agencies.

Assess the viability for the financial services industry to

reduce high compliance costs and complexity, enhance
security, and to simplify Client Due Diligence. Digital
To contribute towards the delivery of this,
Jersey will work with JFSC, Government and industry
Digital Jersey will implement the Fintech to identify whether a jurisdictional wide approach to
Roadmap, which will shape Jersey’s address this is possible.

direction and priorities for fintech and Improve Jersey’s international footprint via reciprocal
regtech, to create more jobs and business business development agreements.

for the digital sector.

Regtech Analytics, Data & Information Management Digital Assets, Crypto, & Blockchain

Fintech Map
Enabling Digital Providers, Hosting, & Support Wealthtech, Fundstech, & Corporate Service Platforms

Lending & Alternative Finance Peopletech Cyber Security Banking & Payments V.01 October 2019

Business Development

Digital Health
Included within the Government’s plan is a commitment to “improve
Islanders’ wellbeing and mental and physical health by supporting
Islanders to live healthier, active, longer lives, improving the quality
of and access to mental health services, and by putting patients,
families and carers at the heart of Jersey’s health and care system.”
Specifically in relation to Digital Jersey, this includes a commitment
to “deliver the majority of recommendations in the Digital Health and
Care Strategy,” which was produced by Digital Jersey in 2017.

In conjunction with the new Digital Health Team within Government,

Digital Jersey will help to implement the Digital Health and Care
strategy by acting as a facilitator between public and private sector.

Digital Jersey will also promote Jersey as a business location for

Digital Health and as a centre of healthcare innovation, by helping to
connect local firms with off-island partners.

Investigate opportunities for private sector investment in the Digital

Health sector, by assessing the viability of a research foundation in
Jersey, as a vehicle for accessing on-island funds. The Foundation
could be a structure capable of attracting and administering funds
that remain unchannelled and may reside in various sectors of the
community (private, public, charitable sector, private wealth) but
have no official or structured investment vehicle.

Business Development

Digital Sector Growth

• Continue to work with local businesses to bring • Build a network of Digital Jersey Ambassadors, • Evaluate whether Jersey has business development
in advanced digital skills that can’t be found who promote the opportunities of running a opportunities in positioning itself in the global
on-island, by supporting and endorsing Work business in Jersey, by promoting the island at market as a Data Island or Data Trust. To be
Permission applications. international events and conferences. We will achieved by analysing the legal, regulatory and
also make it easier for Ambassadors to reach into policy implications of this initiative, and whether a
• Working with off-island businesses looking to
overseas locations, by promoting existing links commercial case can be identified for local firms.
relocate their innovative digital businesses to
with other tech hubs in cities around the world.
Jersey, by supporting their Business Licence • Work with Government to deliver outcomes from
applications. • Help small digital businesses and students gain the Telecoms Strategy, which includes supporting
access to mentors who can guide them on their private sector providers in their development of
• Create a specific plan to engage the Creative sector
start-up journey. To be achieved by continuing 5G use cases, and promoting Jersey as a Sandbox.
of Jersey’s digital economy.
the Digital Jersey mentorship scheme, to connect
members with experienced digital business

Business Development

Key Performance Indicators

20 3 I T
20 Work Permission Support and develop 40 leads to be generated
Licences for highly skilled 3 proposals for private from Sandbox Jersey
digital staff from off- sector investment in Smart campaigns and promotion.
island to work in local Island technology.

15 6 6 5
15 Business Licences 6 mentors to guide an 6 Digital Jersey 5 Sandbox Jersey projects.
within the Smart Island, support entrepreneurs Ambassadors to promote
Fintech and other digital and digital business Jersey around the world at
sector businesses. leaders. conferences and events.

Strategy & Policy
A core part of Digital Jersey’s work is to reduce
barriers to entry for digital start-ups, and increase
the international competitiveness of Jersey’s digital
sector. Digital Jersey’s policy function helps to shape
the island’s legal and regulatory environment, and
to develop initiatives supporting the development of
Jersey as a mature digital business destination.
In doing so, this will create the right conditions
for any digital business to start and grow, and to
support local businesses in exporting their goods
and services.

In 2020, the Policy Team will be working to refine

and refresh the Digital Jersey economic strategy,
working with partners in industry and Government
to align views to create a clear vision for the digital
economy moving forward. The strategy will have
a strong focus on institutions and infrastructure
in delivering the vision for a digital Jersey, building
in the capabilities to respond appropriately to
changing market conditions and technology

Strategy & Policy Review options for short term Deliver the Digital elements of

housing needs: Government’s Future Economy
Assess the feasibility of creating appropriate housing
to accommodate local and overseas students Work with the Government of Jersey to develop and
studying higher education in Jersey, and short-term implement the digital focus of the Future Economy
Work with Statistics Jersey to ensure key workers in digital professions. This purpose- initiatives which are in the process of being
more representative analysis of the built accommodation could be public or privately developed.
digital sector: funded and would address barriers to growing the
island’s digital sector and its wider knowledge-based Outcome: The delivery of initiatives connected
In 2020 Digital Jersey will continue to improve the economy. with digital skills, sector intervention/growth
accuracy of how the digital economy is monitored
and technology adoption, to be published by
by working with stakeholders to implement the
Outcome: A go/no go decision on whether to the Government of Jersey as part of its long-
recommendations from the Tech Nation Jersey
progress the project through to investment term Future Economy Programme.
and construction.

Outcome: Publications of local labour

market insights throughout the year (blogs,
infographics or reports).
Establish International partnerships
with universities:

Working with the External Relations team to

Address barriers to growth: establish an education partnership with target
universities to foster knowledge exchange, the
Work with partners to address barriers by
creation of future trading relationships and benefits
introducing creative ways for entrepreneurs and
to students studying at the Digital Jersey Academy.
investors to raise funds from the local market.

Outcome: The launch of a funding platform Outcome: Agreement with a University to

which connects investors with start-ups. student exchanges and industry placements.


Over the past five years, Digital Jersey has worked

to grow and support the island’s digital industry
and economy on-island and raise its profile
internationally. The Hubs provide a vital part in
this process, acting as a focal point for those in the
sector to start businesses, collaborate on projects,
to share expertise and hold events.

Entrepreneurs from on and off-island, who have

chosen Jersey as the place to develop their business
and begin that journey at the Hubs. Ambassadors
and visiting dignitaries, who want to understand the
scale and ambition of Jersey’s tech sector, are also
among those who have visited the Hub in 2019,
and will continue to do so in 2020.


The Hub space for

meetings and
Towards the end of 2019, the space at the Hub was
revamped, providing additional hot-desks, a greater
number of meeting rooms and a larger events space.
In 2020 a greater number of workshops, member-run
events and targeted networking meet-ups are planned
at the Hub. This is part of our commitment to focus on
generating knowledge sharing opportunities and value
for Digital Jersey members.

The additional space also allows employees from

larger businesses to use the facilities for short term
projects, which has the benefit of encouraging
users to collaborate with other people in the digital
community. The additional work and meeting areas also
gives students from the adjacent Digital Jersey Academy
the chance to meet industry professionals. This allows
Digital Jersey to maximize the space committed to
classroom-based learning, while also encouraging users
to move between all three floors of the Digital Jersey site.

18 18

The Hub Offices

The Digital Jersey Hub Offices are collaborative and energetic co-
working environments for the tech sector in Jersey. The Offices
provide dedicated desks and offices for members to come together
to learn, share skills, develop ideas and innovate. The vision for the
Offices is to become a space for the most innovative and forward-
thinking digital firms in Jersey. The Offices are on the first floor of
Forum 4, located next door to the existing Hub and one floor above
the Digital Jersey Academy. The floor provides 30 dedicated open
plan desks and 7 offices for 4-8 people. These are prioritised for the
most scalable, high-growth, product led digital sector businesses,
which have the potential to work together and support each other
on projects.

The Offices will encourage the natural progression of start-ups,

allowing them to begin their journey with a hot-desk in the ground
floor Digital Hub, benefit from networking and events, and then
grow on to the first-floor permanent desk area. The space has been
designed to encourage all three of Digital Jersey’s floors to come
together, where users flow between the Academy and Hub Offices
into the Digital Hub for formal meetings, catch-up coffees and events.
This space is also an incentive for those companies relocating to
Jersey to have a closer working relationship/support within close
proximity to the Digital Jersey team.


Digital Jersey
The vision for the Digital Jersey Xchange (DJX) is to
provide a dedicated technology space and research
centre focused on the latest innovations in IoT,
with a particular focus on Telecoms and Digital
Health. IoT businesses will not only benefit from
DJX, but also from the Island’s highly-developed
network infrastructure, rapid connectivity, and
access to award-winning Tier 1 mobile and
fixed infrastructure. In 2020 DJX will continue to
support local businesses prototyping and testing
products, and act as a key tool in our off-Island
campaign, Sandbox Jersey, which promotes our
Island as a unique place to research, develop, test,
and launch a digital product or business.


Key Performance Indicators

25 6 80% 4
Host 25 workshops, Help all industry sectors Reach and maintain 80% Run 4 workshops which
corporate, networking or embrace the benefits of utilisation rate of the 30 encourage firms to utilise the
educational events. technology through running permanent desks and available data sets on the DJX
at least six promotional 7 offices. Digital Twin.
events or workshops with
partners, such as Jersey

Whether someone is interested in technology,
looking for career guidance, or deciding their next
step in education, the Academy will provide a
dedicated space for a wide range of digital training
opportunities. The Digital Jersey Academy opened
in September 2019 and is a dedicated facility for
higher level digital skills development. The Academy
has been established to benefit students leaving
further education, those currently in the digital
economy looking to up-skill, or those looking to
change career.

The facility is located on the ground floor of Forum

4, with teaching space for around 60 students, 5
rooms equipped with smart teaching technology for
project-based work or study, an audio booth and
media production space for AV related projects, and
a breakout area. Students from the Academy will
also be encouraged to use the Digital Jersey Hub for
self-study time and when meeting industry partners
with whom they will be working with.

Activity • Private sector involvement and financial support
is a critical component of the programme (as
• The Academy facilitates communication between
business and education through the Digital Skills
achieved with Jersey Electricity in 2019), and the Partnership. This enables businesses to influence
Academy will need to ensure this is sourced and the digital literacy/skills of young people to best fill
• Ensuring the successful delivery of the two-
delivered. Students will be assessed against live the needs of the local economy.
year Level-6 Diploma in Digital Leadership.
industry projects commissioned by industry
The programme will be run by Digital Jersey’s
partners throughout their studies.
education partner Innovate Education and will
take students through a variety of advanced • The Academy will also host the Higher National
digital modules designed to provide them with Diploma in Computing run by University College
the digital leadership skills in demand locally and Jersey two days a week.
internationally. The programme will be delivered
• Key to improving competencies in the digital sector
flexibly allowing options for full-time, part-time,
will be a range of shorter courses in other areas of
apprenticeship and continuous professional
industry demand.
development style learning.

• Having an informed digital strategy is a vital part

• Ensuring sufficient sign-up of students for
of any business, particularly at board level. The
the second cohort of the Digital Leadership
Academy will facilitate Executive Training Courses
Programme starting in September 2020.
alongside promoting thought leadership events.


Key Performance Indicators

25 20% 100
Enrol 25 students on the second cohort Work with Highlands College to enrol 100 workers from private sector
of the DLP starting in September 2020. 20% more students taking the HND businesses to attend workshops and
in Computing through the Academy, promote a digital first mindset at
starting in September 2020. executive level.

80% 80% 15
Run 2 Data Protection courses, with 10 Run 2 Cyber Security courses, with 10 Run 1 coding course with 15 students
people per course and a targeted 80% people per course and a targeted 80% and an 80% pass rate.
pass rate. pass rate.

In 2020 Digital Jersey will run a full marketing
programme, both on and off island, to support
and deliver the Operational plan. To achieve
this, the marketing function will deliver a greater
number of more dynamic campaigns, events and


Campaign Activity
Working with the Business Development team,
Digital Jersey will increase the number of on and
off-island digital marketing campaigns in the
following areas:

• Drive membership and revenue: via member retention

and recruitment campaigns led by the membership plan.

• Maximise usage of facilities: Hub, DJX & Academy

campaigns aimed at meeting KPI targets.

• Encourage inward investment via ongoing Sandbox Jersey

and Relocations campaigns.

• Increase take up of support services: working permissions

& start-up campaigns aimed at meeting KPI targets.

• National campaigns throughout the year that help achieve

brand awareness: i.e. World Programmers Day, World
Techies Day and World Telecommunications Day.


Digital Jersey will run both on-island and • TechAwards – As part of TechWeek, we will once
again celebrate the very best of Jersey’s digital
off-island events, to enable the delivery
talent, creativity and entrepreneurship at the
of the business plan. Key 2020 events Jersey TechAwards. The event will have at least
include: twelve categories, celebrating a wide range of
digital and technological accomplishments from
local students and educators, to innovative
organisations, projects and digital pioneers.
• The Digital Jersey Annual Review event,
showcasing 2019 successes and 2020 aims. • The marketing team will support and promote
the Digital Jersey Hub, DJX & the Digital Jersey
• TechWeek 2020 - After a break in 2019, we will once Academy events during 2020 including assisting in
again hold Jersey TechWeek, enabling Jersey to securing sponsorship. 
play host to a full week of exciting and innovative
tech events, showcasing the best of tech whilst • Off Island events will consist of encouraging and
providing networking, learning, business and supporting Digital Jersey trade delegations and
social opportunities. We will look to repeat the roundtables (partnering with members) in key
success of the inaugural 2018 Jersey TechWeek, business plan areas, plus promoting team member
which saw experts from around the globe impress attendance and helping to secure speaker slots at
local audiences with talks at our Fintech, Digital relevant digital conferences. 
Health and IoT Days plus a hackathon. During
2020’s TechWeek we will the event by encouraging
off-island attendees (given the right funding), as
well as global speakers and media.

Thank You

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