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Submitted by:

Guevarra, Francine Gabrielle D.

Submitted to:

Sir Leo B. Guarin


Presentation, Interpretation, and Analysis of Data

The results of the interview to the respondents of the study are presented in this

chapter. In this chapter, the researcher aims to explore the effects and influences of

social media to the interpersonal characteristics of a person. The researcher intends to

collect and gather information throughout this study.

The research questions that parted to the completion of this study are stated


1. How does the use of social media have an impact to the communication and

language use among students?

2. What are the positive impacts of social media on a person, specifically, their

levels of interpersonal communication?

3. What are the negative impacts of social media on a person, specifically, their

levels of interpersonal communication?

Key Informants Interview Findings

“How does the use of social media have an impact to the communication and

language use among students?” As I stated this question to my participants, here are

some of their answers: one of them answered that the impact of social media to their

communication with others caused them to connect with each other’s ideas about a

certain topic, the other one answered that social media helped a lot to develop some of

their English skills through social media.

“What are the positive impacts of social media on a person, specifically, their

levels of interpersonal communication?” When asked by this question, most of the

participants answered about how useful social media is to them and states that social

media gives them such information needed in their studies. Another group of

participants answered that the positive impact is that they could develop communication

with others in a very easy and useful way.

“What are the negative impacts of social media on a person, specifically, their

levels of interpersonal communication?” Last question, and the participants answered a

lot about the negative impacts of social media to their interpersonal communication

aspects like how it consumes such time that makes a little time for a person to do other

things that are more important. A participant responded that based on his experience,

the most negative thing he experienced due to use of social media is being

embarrassed in public.

Key Informants Interview Analysis

The answers collected from the participants shows how positive and negative

impacts work on interpersonal relations with the use of social media. Based on the

interview, the participants were most likely to experience a lot negative rather than

positive impacts in using social media that affects their interpersonal communication. In

this case, most people experience cyber-bullying.

The participants’ answers to the question explains such things social media can

create in a period of time in a person’s interpersonal communication status. The

researcher explains the study to the participant thoroughly in order to analyze each and

every point of the research. Therefore, the participants were

Document Analysis

 Social media's effect on the ability to interact and communicate is visible

throughout all areas of the society (Subramanian, 2017). In the same study, Bala

(2014), as cited by Subramanian (2017), emphasized that while social media is

strengthening social network, interpersonal relations are weakening. Furthermore, the

students ascertained that the way they behave online affected their daily

communication. This study is conceived on the notion that the current students of

hospitality who belong to the Generation Z, known as digital natives, are viewed to be

heavy users of technology, social media to be specific. Social media's effect on the

ability to interact and communicate is visible throughout all areas of the

society (Subramanian, 2017). With this, he finds himself in conflicting situations when

he interacts face-to-face and still behaves the way he does in Reddit. His behavior is

similar to the respondents in the study of Subramanian (2017) claiming that the way

they behave online affected their daily communication. As Vevere (2015) put it, users

view social media as their natural environment. A review of Literature has shown that

social media has shown significant growth as the preferred medium of communication.

Face book and What’s App have captured the fancy of youngsters and together they

have conquered 80-90% of the social media usage. The benefits offered by this media,

is instant contact anywhere in the world and easy accessibility as communications

become faster and faster the world seems to shrink. This medium offers the advantage

of contacting several people at the same time through groups and if needed messages
can be dispersed to a large number of people, as is done by Advertisement and

Promotion of various products and services.

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