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Mock Interview Reflection

1. What steps did you take to prepare for the mock interview?
I prepared myself mentally, went over what good traits and bad traits I had with myself.

2. How did you feel while you were being interviewed?

Nervous, but I did my best not to show it.

3. Reflect on your actual responses. Did you feel your responses were adequate or could
you have done better? Explain.
I think I responded professionally to the best of my ability, though of course there is room for
improvement. It was my first try, after all.

4. What questions do you feel you answered well? Explain.

When asked if I work well under pressure, I believe I was honest in saying that I do feel stressed
when such things happen, but I remain calm and collected and do my best to resolve the issue.

5. What questions do you feel you could have answered better? How would you have
answered them differently? It wasn’t so much that I felt like I could have answered differently, I
just feel as if I should have more experience.

6. What areas did your teacher mark as strengths?

My mother, who I had interview me instead, believed that my strengths included my warm
personality and how calm I seemed while answering questions.

7. What areas did your teacher mark as needing improvement? In what ways do you plan
to improve your performance in these areas?
My mother marked my constant apologizing as needing improvement. I do agree with this, so I
will do my best to be less apologetic when I didn’t do anything wrong.

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