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Based on the premise that light was composed of color, the Impressionists came to the
conclusion ____ not really black.

A. which was that shadows

B. was shadows which

C. were shadows

D. that shadows were

Jawab: D. Klausa the impressionists sudah ada verb came, sehingga perlu klausa baru yang
menjelaskan conclusion yaitu D. Sedangkan B dan C salah karena akan ada 2 subjek came dan
was atau were. A salah karena setelah which adalah Subjek.

2. ____ a parliamentary system, the prime minister must be appointed on the basis of the
distribution of power in the parliament.

A. The considered

B. To be considered

C. Considering

D. Considers

Jawab: B. Ini adalah pasive infinitive yang menunjukkan purpose.

3. Interest in automatic data processing has grown rapid since the first large calculators were
introduced in 1950.

Jawab: C. Seharusnya rapidly.

4. Vaslav Nijinsky achieved world recognition as both a dancer as well as a choreographer.

Jawab: D. Both pasangannya dengan and.

5. ____ of the play Mourning Becomes Electra introduces the cast of characters and hints at the

A. The act first

B. Act one

C. Act first
D. First act

Jawab: B. The + ordinal + N (The first act)

N + cardinal (Act one)

6. The plants that they belong to the family of ferns are quite varied in their size and structure.

Jawab: A. Ada redundant subjek, seharusnya they di delete.

7. As soon as ___ with an acid, salt, and sometimes water, is formed.

A. a base will react

B. a base reacts

C. a base is reacting

D. the reaction of a base

Jawab: B. As soon as adalah keterangan batas waktu, diikuti Noun dan simple present.

8. Columbus Day is celebrated on the twelve of October because on that day in 1492, Columbus
first landed in the Americas.

Jawab: C. Sama seperti soal 5. Seharusnya the twelveth.

9. One of the most influence newspaper in the US is The New York Times, which is widely
distributed throught the world.

Jawab: B. Kata newspaper memerlukan adjective influential.

10. Weathering ____ the action whereby surface rock is disintegrated or decomposed.

A. it is

B. is that

C. is

D. being

Jawab: C

11. Coastal and inland waters are inhabited not only by fish but also by such sea creature as
shrimps and clams.
Jawab: D. Seharusnya such as ….shrimps and clams.

beda topik, pemakaian such sebagai adverb. Such memodifikasi noun.

It was such a hot day that several people fainted. (singular noun). Atau It was so hot a day
that several people fainted. (kalau pakai so, so langsung ketemu ajektif).

This is such sour juice that I cannot drink.

They are such popular singers that they will likely win an award.

12. Economists have tried to discourage the use of the phrase “underdeveloped nation” and
encouraging the more accurate phrase “developing nation” in order to suggest an ongoing

Jawab: C. seharusnya to encourage

13. A gas like propane will combination with water molecules in a saline solution to form a solid
called a hydrate.

Jawab: B. seharusnya will combine (verb)

14. The people of Western Canada have been considering ____ themselves from the rest of the

A. to separate

B. separated

C. separate

D. separating

Jawab: D. butuh Ving sebagai komplemen

15. Although it cannot be proven, presumble the expansion of the universe will slow down as it
approaches a critical radius.

Jawab: A, seharusnya presumably (adverb) = agaknya

16. A City University professor reported that he discovers a vaccine that has been 80 percent
effective in reducing the instance of tooth decay among small children.

Jawab: A. Point of view nya ga masuk, reported adalah past sehingga pakainya discovered.
17. When they have been frightened, as, for example, by an electrical storm, dairy cows may
refuse giving milk.

Jawab: D. refuse butuh to infinitive

18. Although Margaret Mead had several assistants during her long investigations of Samoa, the
bulk of the research was done by ____ alone.

A. herself

B. she

C. her

D. hers

Jawab: ada kata by, berarti objek pronoun, her. Herself salah karena sudah ada kata alone.

19. Miami, Florida, is among the few cities in the US that has been awarded official status as
bilingual municipalities.

Jawab: C. Seharusnya have karena merefer ke the few cities.

20. Fertilizers are used primarily to enrich soil and increasing yield.

Jawab: D, paralel dengan to enrich adalah to increase.

21. ____ war correspondent, Hemingway used his experience for some of his most powerful

A. But a

B. It is a

C. While

D. A

Jawab: D. Apositif di awal kalimat

22. If the ozone gases of the atmosphere did not filter out the Ultraviolet rays of the sun, life as
we know it would not have evolved on earth.

Jawab: A. Karena klausa kedua pakai would have, maka klausa pertama pakai had not filtered
23. Thirty-eight national sites are known as parks, another eighty-two as monuments, and ____.

A. the another one hundred seventy-eight as historical sites.

B. the other one hundred seventy-eight as historical sites.

C. seventy-eight plus one hundred more as historical sites.

D. as historical sites one hundred seventy-eight

Jawab: B. Paralel

24. When he was a little boy, Mark Twain would walk along the piers, watch the river boats,
swimming and fish in the Missisipi, much like his famous character, Tom Sawyer.

Jawab: C. Swimming tidak paralel, seharusnya swim.

25. Almost all books have a few errors in them in spite of the care taken to check its proof
pages before the final printing.

Jawab: D. Seharusnya their. Agreement antara pronoun.

16. Light can travels from the Sun to the Earth in eight minutes and twenty seconds.
Pembahasan Jawaban: travels --> travel
Modal + Verb 1 murni tanpa embel-embel: Modal (can) + verb 1 (travel)

17. Every human typically have twenty-three pairs of chromosomes in most cells.
Pembahasan Jawaban: have --> has
Subject Verb Agreement: every termasuk dalam kategori singular. Jadi butuh verb yang singular

18. Most sedimentary rocks start forming when grains of clay, silt, or sandy settle in river valleys
or on the bottoms of lakes and oceans.

Pembahasan Jawaban: sandy (adjective) --> sand (noun)

Parallel Structure: noun, noun, noun --> clay (noun ), salt (noun), sand (noun)

19. The total thickness of the ventricular walls of the heart are about three times that of the atria.
Pembahasan Jawaban: are --> is
Subject Verb Agreement: Singular Subject (thickness) + Singular Verb (is)
20. The type of jazz known as "swing" was introduced by Duke Ellington when he wrote and
records "It Don't Mean a Thing If It Ain't Got That Swing."
Pembahasan Jawaban: records (verb 1 + s) --> recorded (Verb 2)
Parallel Structure (tense): wrote (verb 2) + recorded (verb 2)
- Verb 2 = past tense (lampau)
- Verb 1 = prsent tense (sekarang)

21. The bones of mammals, not alike those of other vertebrates, show a high degree of
Pembahasan Jawaban: not like --> unlike
alike digunakan pada akhir kalimat / klausa

22. The neocortex has evolved more recently then other layers of the brain.
Pembahasan Jawaban: then --> than
Comparative Degree: more + than bukan more + then 

23. The United States receives a large amount of revenue from taxation of a tobacco products.
Pembahasan Jawaban: of a --> of
perhatikan kata products, terdapat s yang menandakan plural (lebih dari 1 produk).

24. Much fats are composed of one molecule of glycerin combined with three molecules of fatty
Pembahasan Jawaban: Much --> many
Much + uncountable noun (tanpa tambahan -s)
many + countable noun (plural)

25. The capital of the Confederacy was originally in Mobile, but they were moved to Richmond.
Pembahasan Jawaban: they --> it was
Pronoun reference: they (plural) seharusnya it (singular) kembali ke subject kalimat yang
singular (the capital)

26. A pearl develops when a tiny grain of sand or stone or some another irritant accidentally
enters into the shell of a pearl oyster.
Pembahasan Jawaban: another --> other
some + other

27. The English horn is an alto oboe with a pitch one-fifth lower than the soprano oboe.
the --> that of
Comparison degree: yang dibandingkan ialah "a pitch one-fifth" bukan alto & oboe.

28. In the Milky Way galaxy, the most recent observed supernova appeared in 1604.
Pembahasan Jawaban: recent --> recently
Adverb + adjective + noun: recently (adverb) + observed (adjective) + supernova (noun)

29. Never in the history of humanity has there been more people living on this relatively small
Pembahasan Jawaban: has (singular) --> have (plural)
Kalimat di ats merupakan kalimat inversion (pembalikan: V + S); ditandai adanya negartive
expression (never) di awal kalimat. Subejct kalimat ialah people (plural).

30. Because of the mobility of Americans today, it is difficult for they to put down real roots.
Pembahasan Jawaban: they --> them
they digunakan sebagai subject sementara them sebagai object. dalam kalimat di atas them
digunakn sebagai objetc dari preposition (for).

31. For five years after the Civil War, Robert E. Lee served to president of Washington College,
which was later called Washington and Lee.
Pembahasan Jawaban: to --> as
Pasangan phrase: served + as

32. The number of wild horses on Assateague is increasing lately, resulting in overgrazed marsh
and dune grasses.
Pembahasan Jawaban: is --> have been
Subject Verb Agreement: The number (plural) + have been (plural)

33. Hypnoses was successfully used during World War II to treat battle fatigue.
Pembahasan Jawaban: hypnoses (plural) --> hypnosis (singular)
Subject Verb Agreement: Verb kalimat di atas berbentuk singular (was) jadi kita butuh subject
yang singular (hypnosis)

34. The lobster, like many crustaceans, can cast off a damaging appendage and regenerate a new
appendage to nearly normal size.
Pembahasan Jawaban: damaging (yang merusak) --> damaged (yang rusak)

35. Humans develop normally twenty primary, or deciduous, teeth and thirty-two permanent
Pembahasan Jawaban: develop normally --> normally develop
Verb + object: tidak boleh ada perantara antara verb dan object

36. The curricula of American public schools are set in individual states; they do not determine
by the federal government.
Pembahasan Jawaban: do no determine (tidak memutuskan) --> are not determined (tidak
they kembali mengarah ke curricula (kurikulum)

37. The fact that the sophisticated technology has become part of revolution in travel delivery
systems has not made travel schedules less hectic.
Pembahasan Jawaban: revolution --> a  revolution
uncountable noun tidak boleh berdiri sendiri tanpa adanya penjelas (termasuk article a, an, the)
apakah noun itu tunggal atau jamak.
38. Balanchine's plotless ballets, such Jewels and The Four Temperaments, present dance purely
as a celebration of the movement of the human body.
Pembahasan Jawaban: such --> such as (contohnya)

39. In a solar battery, a photosensitive semiconducting substance such as silicon crystal is the
source of electrician.
Pembahasan Jawaban: electrician --> electricity
Dair konteks kalimat yang di maksud adalah listriknya bukan orangnya (electrician).

40. In early days, hydrochloric acid was done by heating a mixture of sodium chloride with iron
Pembahasan Jawaban: done (dikerjakan) --> made (dibuat / dihasilkan)

16.Bacterial cultures are used commercially in the preparation of food products such

that yogurt, sour cream, and vinegar.
Pembahasan Jawaban: such that --> such as
Pasangan phrase

17.Anyone with absolute ,or perfect,pitch are able to identify by ear any note

at some standard pitch or to sing a specified note at will.
Pembahasan Jawaban: are --> is 
anyone (singular) + is (singular)

18. Sea horses usually live along the shore among seaweed and other plants to which
they cling to by their tails.
Pembahasan Jawaban: cling to --> cling (double to)
Adjective clause. 
dua bentuk: (1) to which they cling by their tails (2) which they cling to by their tails.
Bentuk pertama umum digunakan untuk situasi formal. 

19. Babies have soft spots between the bones of their skulls, which allowing for further

Pembahasan Jawaban: allowing (adjective / present participle) --> allow (verb)
Adjective clause: Connector/Subject + Verb  which (connector/subject)

20. T.S.Elot, who a poet, playwright, literary critic, and editor, was a leader of

the Modernist movement in poetry.
Pembahasan Jawaban: who --> dihilangkan saja
Appositive: noun (phrase) yang menjelaskan noun lainnya (yang umumnya posisi subject
dalam soal TOEFL)

21. The Pacific Ocean comprises almost the entire boundary western of North and South

Pembahasan Jawaban: boundary western --> western boundary 
Noun phrase: Adjective +noun 

22.Established in 1948, the State University of New York is the singly largest
university system in the United States.
Pembahasan Jawaban: singly largest --> single largest
Pasangan phrase

23. Photography disseminates information about humanity and nature, records

the visible world, and extension human knowledge into areas the eye cannot penetrate.
Pembahasan Jawaban: extension --> extends
Parallel Structure: disseminates (verb), records (verb), extends (verb)

24. Because of their rapidly changing economically fortunes, many frontier towns of the

American West underwent spectacular fluctuations in population in the nineteenth century.
Pembahasan Jawaban: economically (adverb) --> economical (adjective)
| rapidly (adverb) changing (adjective) economically (adverb) fortunes (noun)
Noun Phrase: adverb + adjective + noun 

25. Virtually no disease exists today for which there is no drug that can be given, neither to

cure the disease or to alleviate its symptoms.
Pembahasan Jawaban: neither --> either
Paired Conjunction: either .. or ... , neither ... nor, both ... and

26.Calcium is essential for blood clotting, for the action of certain enzymes, and for the

normal contraction and relax of muscles.
Pembahasan Jawaban: relax (verb) --> relaxation (noun)
1. for the relaxation of muscles (preposition + noun)
2. the noun + of + noun

27.The large collection of the Williams College Museum of Art includes ancient and medieval

art ,but much exhibits are modern or contemporary.
Pembahasan Jawaban: much --> many
Much + singular nouns (uncountable); many + plural nouns (countable)

28.The technique of spectroscopy allows analyst of incoming light after it has

been separated into its component wavelengths by passage through a prism.
Pembahasan Jawaban: analyst (person) --> analysis (thing)
Noun: sesuaikan posisi kata.

29. Today, fifty years after its construction, the Alaska Highway conveys 40,000 vehicles in

normal year.
Pembahasan Jawaban: in normal --> in a normal
Noun: year merupakan countable noun. Jadi mesti ada artikel untuk mengetahui secara
pasti berapa tahun (year) yang dimaksud. Artikel yang bisa digunakan dapat berupa: a, an,
the. Disesuaikan makna kalimat.

30. Since prehistoric times, artists have been arranged colors on surfaces in ways that

express their ideas about people, the world, and religion.
Pembahasan Jawaban: have been arranged (telah diatur) -> have arranged (telah
Passive Voice:

31. Few substances look less alike than coal and diamonds, yet both are fashioned from
same elemental carbon.
Pembahasan Jawaban: from same  from the same
Same umumnya bersama dengan the - the same
32. Meteorologists can program their computes to scan for a specific set of weather
criteria, such as falling barometric pressure, increase cloud cover, and rising humidity.
Pembahasan Jawaban: increase (to infinitive)  increasing (gerund)
Parallel Structure: falling (gerund), increasing, rising (gerund)

33. Obsidian is formed when siliceous lava cools too rapidly to crystallized into rock-forming
Pembahasan Jawaban: crystallized  crystallize atau be crystallized 
Makna yang diminta kalimat adalah makna pasif. Jika Noun + to + infinitive maka to
infinitive bermakna pasif. Contoh lain: this is the best book to read (inilah buku yang paling
bagus untuk dibaca)

34. European settlers in North America moved from the Atlantic coast across 3,000 miles

forests, grasslands, deserts, and mountains until they reached the Pacific Ocean.
Pembahasan Jawaban: 3,000 miles forests  3,000 mile forests
Ingat noun yang berfungsi / berposisi adjective tidak menggunakan tambahn -S

35. Philosophy tries to discover the nature of true and knowledge and to find what is of
basic value and importance in life.
Pembahasan Jawaban: true (adjective) – truth (noun)
Preposition + noun (of + truth)

36. In this world of high technology, it is easy to forget that the most important tools ever
developed for learning is still the book.
Pembahasan Jawaban: tools (plural)  tool (singular) disesuaikan dengan kata kerja is
Subject Verb Agreement: singular subject + singular verb; plural subject + plural verb

37. The element potassium makes up less than one half percentage of the human body.

Pembahasan Jawaban: percentage --> percent

38. Twenty thousand years ago a sheet of ice a thousand meters thick covered the coastal
region which the cities of Vancouver and Juneau now are located.
Which  in which
Pembahasan Jawaban: adjective clause: located in
Ada dua bentuk: (1) in which the cities of Vancouver and Juneau now are located (Formal);
(2) which the cities of Vancouver and Juneau now are located in (Informal)

39. The Crow, Blackfoot, and Sioux tribes traditionally adorned they dwellings and costumes

with colorful and highly valued beaded decorations.
Pembahasan Jawaban: they  their
Penggunaan Pronoun: they + verb; their + noun

40. In the late 1800’s, United States painter Thomas Eakins develop a broad, powerful

Realist style that became almost expressionistic in his later years.
Pembahasan Jawaban: develop (present tense)  developed (past tense)
Tense: in the late 1800’s menandakan waktu yang lampau (past)
Example I

The president ____ the election by a landslide.

(A) won
(B) he won
(C) yesterday
(D) fortunately

The sentence should read, “The president won the election by a landslide.” Therefore, you
should choose (A).

Example II

When ____ the conference?

(A) the doctor attended
(B) did the doctor attend
(C) the doctor will attend
(D) the doctor’s attendance

The sentence should read, “When did the doctor attend the conference?” Therefore, you should
choose (B).

1. Now begin work on the questions.The North Pole ____ a latitude of 90 degrees north.
 (A) it has
 (B) is having
 (C) which is having
(D) has

2. The city of Beverly Hills is surrounded on ____ the city of Los Angeles.
(A) its sides
(B) the sides are
(C) it is the side of
(D) all sides by

3. ____ greyhound, can achieve speeds up to thirty-six miles per hour.

(A) The
(B) The fastest
(C) The fastest dog
(D) The fastest dog, the

4. Marmots spend their time foraging among meadow plants and flowers or ____ on rocky cliffs.

(A) gets sun

(B) sunning
(C) the sun
(D) sunny
5. The greenhouse effect occurs ____ heat radiated from the Sun.
(A) when does the Earth’s atmosphere trap
(B) does the Earth’s atmosphere trap
(C) when the Earth’s atmosphere traps
(D) the Earth’s atmosphere traps

6. The Rose Bowl, ____ place on New Year’s Day, is the oldest postseason collegiate football
game in the United States.
(A) takes
(B) it takes
(C) which takes
(D) took

7. Experiments ____ represent a giant step into the medicine of the future.
(A) using gene therapy
(B) use gene therapy
(C) they use
(D) gene therapy uses

8. ____ off the Hawaiian coastline are living, others are dead.
(A) While some types of coral reefs
(B) Some types of coral reefs
(C) There are many types of coral reefs
(D) Coral reefs.

9. Nimbostratus clouds are thick, dark gray clouds ____ forebode rain.
(A) what
(B) which
(C) what they
(D) which they

10. Some economists now suggest that home equity loans are merely a new trap to push
consumers beyond ____
(A) they can afford
(B) they can afford it
(C) what is affordable
(D) able to afford

11. People who reverse the letters of words ____ to read suffer from dyslexia.
(A) when trying
(B) if they tried
(C) when tried
(D) if he tries

12. Featured at the Henry Ford Museum ____ of antique cars dating from 1865.
(A) is an exhibit
(B) an exhibit
(C) an exhibit is
(D) which is an exhibit

13. Rubber ____ from vulcanized silicones with a high molecular weight is difficult to
distinguish from natural rubber.
(A) is produced
(B) producing
(C) that produces
(D) produced

14. ____ appears considerably larger at the horizon than it does overheard is merely an optical
(A) The Moon
(B) That the Moon
(C) When the Moon
(D) The Moon which

15. According to the World Health Organization, ____ any of the six most dangerous diseases to
break out, it could be cause for quarantine.
(A) were
(B) they were
(C) there were
(D) were they

Written Expression

Directions: In questions 16-40, each sentence has four bolded words. The four bolded parts of
the sentence are marked (A), (B), (C), and (D). Identify the one underlined word or phrase that
must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct. Then, on your answer sheet, find the
number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have

Look at the following examples.

Example I

The four string on a violin are tuned in fifths.

A = The
B = string
C =  are
D = tuned

The sentence should read, “The four strings on a violin are tuned in fifths.” Therefore, you
should choose (B).
Example II

The research  for the book Roots taking Alex Haley twelve years.
A = research  
B = for the
C = taking
D = twelve years.                                                                        

The sentence should read, “The research for the book Roots took Alex Haley twelve years.”
Therefore, you should choose (C).

Now begin work on the questions.

16. On the floor of the Pacific Ocean is hundreds of flat-topped mountains more than a mile
beneath sea level.
A = the floor of
B = is
C = flat-topped
D = more than    

17. Because of the flourish with which John Hancock signed the Declaration of Independence,
his name become synonymous with signature.
A = which
B = his
C = become
D = anonymous

18. Segregation in public schools was declare unconstitutional by the Supreme Court
A = public
B = was declare
C = unconstitutional
D = unconstitutional

19. Sirius, the Dog Star, is the most brightest star in the sky with an absolute magnitude about
twenty-three times  that of the Sun.
A = the most brightest
B = absolute
C = twenty-three times  
D = that

20. Killer whales tend to wander in family clusters that hunt, play, and resting together.
A = tend
B = to wander
C = resting
D = together
21. Some of the most useful resistor material are carbon, metals, and metallic alloys.
A = Some
B = most useful resistor  
C = material
D = metallic

22. The community of Bethesda, Maryland, was previous known as Darcy’s Store.
A = The community
B = The community
C = known
D = as

23. Alloys of gold and copper have been widely using in various types of coins.
A = have
B = widely
C = using
D = various types

24. J. H. Pratt used group therapy early in this century when he brought tuberculosis patients
together to discuss its disease.
A = group
B = early
C = when he
D = its

25. The United States has import all carpet wools in recent years because domestic wools are
too fine and soft for carpets.          
A = import
B = all
C = because
D = too fine

26. Irving Berlin wrote “Oh How I Hate to Get Up in the Morning” while serving in a U.S.
Army during World War I.
A = wrote
B = while serving
D = during

27.  Banks are rushing to merge because consolidations enable them to slash theirs costs and
A = are rushing
B = enable them
C = theirs
D = expand
28. That water has a very high specific heat means that without a large temperature change
water can add or lose a large number of heat.
A = That
B = mean
C = add or
D = number

29. Benny Goodman was equally talented as both a jazz performer as well as a classical
A = equally
B = performer C = as well as
D = classical musician.

30. The state seal still used in Massachusetts designed by Paul Revere, who also designed the
first Continental currency.
A = still used
B = designed by
C = who also
D = first

31. Quarter horses were developed in eighteenth-century Virginia to race on courses short of
about a quarter of a mile in length.    
A = to race
B = courses short
C = of a mile
D = in length 

32. No longer satisfied with the emphasis of the Denishawn School, Martha Graham has
moved to the staff of the Eastman School in 1925.
A = No longer
B = satisfied
C = the emphasis
D = has moved

33. William Hart was an act best known for his roles as western heroes in silent films.
A = act
B = best known
C = his
D = as

34. Prior to an extermination program earlier this century, alive wolves roamed across nearly
all of North America.
A = Prior
B = earlier
C = alive
D = across nearly
35. During the 1960s the Berkeley campus of the University of California came to national
attention as a result its radical political activity.
A = During
B = came to
C = result
D = political

36. Artist Gutzon Borglum designed the Mount Rushmore Memorial and worked on project
from 1925 until his death in 1941.
A = Artist
B = project
C = until
D = his

37. It is proving less costly and more profitably for drugmakers to market directly to patients.
A = costly
B = profitably
C = to market
D = to market

38. Sapphires weighing as much as two pounds have on occasion mined.

A = weighing
B = as
C = two pounds
D = mined.

39. Like snakes, lizards can be found on all others continents except Antarctica.
A = Like
B = be found
C = others
D = except

40. Banks, savings and loans, and finance companies have recently been doing homeequity
loans with greater frequency than ever before.
A = have recently
B = doing
C = greater frequency
D = ever before

This is the end of the Structure and Written Expression Test.

Kunci Jawaban Evaluasi TOEFL Structure

1. D
2. D
3. D
4. B
5. C

6. C
7. A
8. A
9. B

11. A
12. A
13. D
14. B
15. A

16. B are
17. C became
18. B was declared
19. A the brightest star
20. C rest

21. C materials
22. B previously
23. C used
24. D their
25. A imported

26. C the
27. C their
28. D amount
29. C and
30. B was designed by

31. B short courses

32. D moved
33. A actor
34. C live
35. C result of

36. B the project

37. B profitable
38. D been mined
39. C other
40. B making

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